soldier rushing forward

144, sharpening the knife

When Wu Jianglong said this, he had no idea whether he would have this opportunity in this life. 【 】Can he still have his share in future battles?For him, these are unknown, and he has never considered this issue.

After returning to Qilian, his life is still the same, and the border is still tense.

There are various indications that the self-defense counterattack in [-] had no obvious effect on the enemy. Whether on land or in the sea, the enemy's arrogance was very arrogant.In this war, although tens of thousands of Vietnamese troops died, they did not lose an inch of territory.Compared with China, their loss of troops is also similar. The two sides are considered to be a tie, so they feel that they have not suffered too much.The third in the world, the dream of being the number one military power in Asia should still be done, and it often provokes the squadron from time to time as a victor.Not only that, they continue to expand their power into China, continue to encroach on China's land and sea, and continue to harass the lives of people on the border.In view of this situation, the country's leaders at that time had to reconsider the policy towards the enemy.The big battle is not big, but local wars still have to be waged. At the very least, a Great Wall must be built on the border.The Great Wall is located on the line between Laoshan and Zheyinshan.

Due to the location of Qilian, this article only introduces Laoshan.

Laoshan is the highest point in this area within the No. 12 to No. 14 border posts on the Sino-Vietnamese border.Standing on the top of Laoshan Mountain, you can look northward at a vast area with a depth of 30 kilometers in our country.To the south, you can overlook the Laozhai Village in Vietnam, and the south of Qingshui is more than 40 kilometers away from the capital of Hejiang Province.To the east, the main passages and ports from Malipo County in my country to Ha Giang Province in Vietnam can be blocked.To the west, you can monitor many key points from the west of boundary post No. 12 to the border of Koolin Mountain. Therefore, its strategic location is very important, and it has become an important military location of China and Vietnam in history.

According to general international practice, within 15 kilometers of the border between neighboring countries, no country is allowed to station troops or conduct military exercises.In the military, this area is called the military buffer zone.

Laoshan is located in the buffer zone between China and Vietnam. Therefore, neither country can station troops or build fortifications here.

However, the North Vietnamese government, which has just taken over the Vietnamese regime, is in the midst of a downward trend militarily. How could they take international law seriously.Now that Cambodia is in hand and Laos has been conquered, the next target is likely to be Thailand.Seeing that a Southeast Asian co-prosperity sphere under the orders of Vietnam is about to be established, how can it be stopped by a war at this time.What will happen to China's self-defense counterattack? After more than a month of war, they have not regained their vitality.

However, they wanted to return to thinking that the one who was really afraid was the big brother in the north.He had already been kicked severely on the buttocks, and it hurt as soon as it hurt, so it was okay to pat.However, what if the big brother gets angry again and gives him two ears of photons!Therefore, he has to strike first and occupy a favorable terrain, so that Big Brother can't control it even if he wants to.Of course, if you want to eat China, you can't even think about it.But it is still possible to resist Chinese interference.Because, they always thought that they pushed the squadron out of the border of Vietnam.Therefore, they reckoned that there was still a possibility of defeating the squadron.Therefore, the North Vietnamese government selected Laoshan and planned to use it as a strategic location that can be attacked, retreated and defended.

In 1979, after our army completed the self-defense counterattack and all evacuated from the Vietnamese border, the Vietnamese government immediately dispatched the 313nd Regiment of the 122th Division of the Second Military Region of Vietnam to secretly occupy Laoshan.At that time, the Chinese government repeatedly warned and questioned many times, demanding that the Vietnamese government withdraw its troops and continue to maintain the pre-war conditions in the Laoshan area.However, he doesn't care about the Vietnamese army.Even after being beaten, I'm afraid you won't be able to shout!Now that Laoshan has been occupied, it is not only necessary to build a complete strategic fortification as a defensive point.I still want to beat you and harass you, and I must show the squadron the military glory that ranks third in the world and number one in Asia.

Therefore, relying on the complex terrain of Laoshan, the Vietnamese army built a large number of tunnels, trenches, bunkers, and caves for hiding soldiers, and set up multiple wires, traps, and anti-infantry trenches on the front of the position near our side.In our area 400 to 600 meters away from the position, there is a warning minefield.At a distance of 50 to 100 meters from the position, there is a mixed minefield with a wide front and high density.These minefields are matched with various obstacles to form obstacle areas.The gaps between obstacle areas are combined with fire control to form a large depth in defense settings.

At the same time, the Vietnamese army is still in the defensive position, equipped with a variety of combat firearms, forming a cross of direct fire, curved fire, long-range fire, short-range fire, side fire, and reverse fire.Intensive firepower equipment that combines the upper, middle, lower, open firepower, and dark firepower with each other.In this way, the defense system of the Vietnamese army in the entire Laoshan area has formed a defense system with reinforced concrete bunkers, tunnels, and shelters as the backbone, supplemented by minefields, iron wires, traps, and deer villages. A solid field defense position that can be held for a long time.

Laoshan is like a big bunker, majestically overlooking the Sino-Vietnamese border.The Vietnamese army was in the bunker, they could see wherever they wanted, and they could fight wherever they wanted.Artillery fire has been prepared for the main roads, military targets and possible attack routes in our country.

From March 1979 to March 3, during the five years, the Chinese frontier guards looked at the old mountain like a stick in their throats, and the soldiers hated it so much that their teeth ached. No one wanted to go and chew on it.Nibble it flat, so as not to be angry with the enemies on the mountain.But the Chinese government refused to let it go, and has been enduring it, strictly abiding by international law and refusing to take another step.

According to relevant data, during this period of time, the Vietnamese army fired more than 690 times into our territory, fired more than 000 rounds of bullets, killed and wounded more than 300 border residents, and blew up 67 houses in our territory. Due to the threat of the Vietnamese army, 4000 mu of rubber forest in Chuantou Farm, Malipo County could not be operated, 00 mu of fertile land could not be cultivated, and 24 villages were forced to move inland.

Can patience bring peace?Patience, will the enemy become docile?No, absolutely not.Wolves will never change their nature of eating sheep, and dogs will never change their habit of eating shit.Unless you teach him a lesson, or put him in prison.

After realizing this, the Chinese squadron was finally ready to attack Lao Shan.However, how to fight is really a big problem.After all, the Vietnamese army has been tossing on it for five years.What kind of tossing into.At present, no Chinese *** has ever gone up.But there is one sentence, we heard it, it was said by the commander of the 313th Division of the Vietnamese Army.He said, "The defense of the old mountain can block the attack of the entire Kunming military region. If the squadron wants to capture the old mountain, it must be covered with corpses."

"Fight, we must fight, but before fighting, we must find out the enemy's situation." The superiors have made up their minds, and the reconnaissance mission is naturally none other than the border guards.

The great battle is imminent, and there is a tendency that the mountains and rains are about to come and the wind will fill the building.

At this time, Wu Jianglong encountered a rather big problem.Counting on his fingers, he has been in the army for almost five years.Five years is not too short for a soldier.If you don't have special skills, you generally can't do it for such a long time.Well, Wu Jianglong, as a veteran who has served in the army for five years, is an out-and-out leader.Apart from fighting, there are no other skills.At that time, the army did not have the term volunteers, nor did it have the title of sergeant major.If you want to continue working, you have to have an explanation, otherwise, you have to leave the army.

what to do?Not only Wu Jianglong was worried, but Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan were also worried.At this juncture of troubled times, whoever would waste Wu Jianglong, a war genius, for nothing, whoever lets him go, is an idiot, a blind man with his eyes open and unable to see the gold under his feet.

However, the discharge quota has come down, and the number of years has also been stipulated. Wu Jianglong is completely within this condition.If he is not allowed to go, there is only one condition, that is, to be promoted.It's not up to the company commander or the instructor to mention the job.Even if the regiment wanted to mention someone, it had to be reported to the division, and finally the division had to approve it.

"Yes, let Wu Jianglong be promoted. If such a good soldier does not stay in the army, who is qualified to stay here." After discussing with Tong Zhiyuan, Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan drafted a report and handed it to the regiment.The strength of the two of them alone is not enough, and Shi Zhuguo is also indispensable.

Hearing that Wu Jianglong was on the discharge list, Shi Zhuguo became anxious when he heard it.When Tong Zhiyuan told him about Wu Jianglong's idea of ​​becoming a cadre, Shi Zhuguo happily slapped the table, "Yes, let's do it this way." He also promised that he would talk about the military affairs department and not let Wu Jianglong go.He is also on the other side of the director of the political department, and he must complete what Wu Jianglong proposed.

Promoting a soldier as a cadre is not something that can be done overnight.That is to carry out internal investigations, but also to carry out external transfers.What's more, in that era, politics was still in the shadow of class theory.Although the theory of composition has been abolished, and there is no such thing as landlord, rich peasant, middle peasant, and poor peasant, the three generations of ancestors still have to be investigated, and social relations still need to be visited.In this way, more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

The work of the army must be done, and the demobilization of veterans must also be done.Until the day when the list of veterans was announced, Wu Jianglong's article still hadn't come down.

Since the Seventh Company is responsible for border patrol duties, it is naturally impossible for the entire company to gather together for a discharge ceremony, and there is no such condition.Therefore, when soldiers leave the army, they will be interviewed individually by the instructors. If there are no special circumstances, they will quit their posts one by one.The company will improve the fire and food again, so that these veterans who are about to retire can eat good food for a few days.As soon as the car from the regiment arrives, he takes hundreds of 80 yuan in demobilization fees, packs up his bed and goes home, which is considered to be the end of his military career.

It was Tong Zhiyuan's turn to talk to Wu Jianglong, and Tong Zhiyuan was worried.Letting Wu Jianglong go is really against his will!In his heart he didn't want him to go.However, the actual conditions of "iron barracks, flowing soldiers" are all there, and there are many fighters with comparable conditions to Wu Jianglong. He has no special reason to keep Wu Jianglong and let others go.If you do that, how can you explain it to other fighters.Say to others, "Wu Jianglong has a good military quality, and the Seventh Company cannot do without him, so he just won't let him go." Can you say this!That didn't hurt the hearts of the other fighters. "We have also worked in the army for several years. We have never suffered any hardships or suffered any crimes. We have been shot, the enemy has been captured, and we have been wounded. We are also veterans who have experienced battles. Ah! For a long time, Wu Jianglong was raised by his own mother, so we are nothing?" This way, it is not messed up.That's not the level of work for political instructors either.There was no other way, so I had no choice but to put a bowl of water on the table and reluctantly give up.

The soldiers of that period, no matter how hard life was in the army, none of them were willing to leave the army when they arrived.Therefore, what the company cadres are most afraid of is the veterans.Although it is not a farewell to life and death, it is similar to relegation from afar.

"Instructor, don't make it difficult," Wu Jianglong persuaded Tong Zhiyuan, looking at Tong Zhiyuan's hesitation, "I obey the organization's decision."

"Xiao Wu, the company commander and I have fought for it. However, it seems difficult." Tong Zhiyuan wanted to tell him about the promotion, "You have the conditions to be a cadre, but this matter is very difficult." Difficult to decide, superiors have considerations from superiors.”

Tong Zhiyuan really didn't know how to go on persuading Wu Jianglong. He didn't even figure it out himself, so how could he come up with a reason to persuade others. ——If such a good soldier can't be left behind, what kind of military talents does the army need?Although during this period, the entire army began to attach importance to the training of military cadres.Soldiers must pass the threshold of the military academy to be promoted.However, cadets are no substitute for seasoned veterans.Take the present as an example, let a military student directly lead a platoon to participate in the battle, can his command ability surpass that of a veteran like Wu Jianglong!No, definitely not.For this, Tong Zhiyuan also wrote a paper.After handing it in, there was no news. He didn't understand what his superiors thought about it, and whether there would be new supporting measures to retain these native-born veterans in the army.

"Instructor, you can do your work! I won't cause trouble for the organization." Wu Jianglong stood up, turned his back to Tong Zhiyuan and began to pack his backpack.

Tong Zhiyuan also stood up and patted Wu Jianglong on the back, "Xiao Wu, the company commander and I will see you off later."

"En." Wu Jianglong burst into tears.

As soon as Tong Zhiyuan left the house, Wu Jianglong finally couldn't help sobbing.Five years of military career ended like this, he really loves this company.Even though he has experienced so many artillery fires and suffered many injuries, he has never been afraid, and he has never regretted it. Even if he died in battle, he thought it was a well-deserved death.Until now, he believed that he was born to fight, and he would die to fight.However, all the comrades around me fell down, some died, and some became disabled.He still maintains a complete body.Therefore, he believes that the mission has not been completed, and he should continue to fight for the troops.

Wu Jianglong's heart was full of excitement, the battle scenes he had experienced, and those comrades who died, all of them emerged in his brain like a movie.He thought of Liu Yue, Liu Qiang, saw the fallen squad leader, and many comrades who died.Finally, his memory analysis door stopped on Dong Yan.How could I tell Dong Yan that I was leaving!Even though Dong Yan said, she would also leave when he left.But he knew that Dong Yan, just like him, couldn't let go of this uniform and couldn't do without this army.

"Ah!" Wu Jianglong let out a long sigh helplessly.

At this time, Li Xiaofei, Huang Zhen and several soldiers from the fourth squad rushed in.They asked together, "Squad leader, are you really leaving?"

Before they came in, Wu Jianglong wiped away his tears secretly, so no one of these soldiers could see that he was crying.

Wu Jianglong looked at the soldiers in his squad, did not say anything, showed a smiling face, and patted them on the shoulder one by one, "I will leave in a while, no matter who will be your squad leader in the future, don't be a coward."

Li Xiaofei was the first to cry, "Squad leader, I really don't want you to go."

"Squad leader, tell the company commander well, I can't let you go." Huang Zhen cried.

At this time, Li Sen was standing outside the door.He was about to enter the house, when he heard crying in the house, he almost cried along with him, thinking, "Forget it, it's better not to go in, go in, what can I say to Wu Jianglong!"

Li Sen turned around quietly and left the room.

In the distance, the sound of a car engine sounded, and then two cars drove into Xiaohekou Village.

"***, the one who should come is not here, the one who shouldn't be here is here." Li Sen cursed angrily in the room, and then said to the correspondent, "Commissioner, tell everyone at home to gather on the playground." Li Sen Sen wants to hold a grand farewell ceremony for the veterans as much as possible.

On the playground, the two cars have already turned around and set up their positions. As soon as the riders get on the car, they can drive out of the small river mouth to complete their transportation mission.

The soldiers of the Seventh Company formed a sidewalk, and the soldiers standing on both sides shook hands and said goodbye to the old comrades who were about to part.Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan stood closest to the trunk of the car.When each soldier came to get on the car, both of them had to take the lead and send the soldier to the car.

Wu Jianglong came over, and Li Sen grabbed Wu Jianglong's hand and shook it vigorously. Without saying a word, he hugged Wu Jianglong again, and then said in a rough voice, "Brother, in this life, it's worth it." I'm sorry for being a brother. I hope that in the next life, our buddies can still eat in the same trough, so I can make up for you when I have time."

"Company commander, I will be content with a man like you in my life." Wu Jianglong said from the bottom of his heart.

Tong Zhiyuan came over and took the initiative to shake hands with Wu Jianglong, "Wu Jianglong, go back and work hard. Good steel can produce good materials anywhere."

"Don't worry! Instructor, I will work hard when I get back." Wu Jianglong said.

"I hope you don't lose the tradition of the army when you go to the place."


"Get in the car!" Tong Zhiyuan urged.

Wu Jianglong got into the car with tears in his eyes, turned his head and looked at his company commander, his instructor, and those comrades who saw him off.

The car started and the motor squeaked.

Wu Jianglong and his comrades in the car raised their hands, ready to say goodbye to them.

At this time, the correspondent ran over from a distance, shouting as he ran, "Company commander, call, call."

"Where did you come from?" Tong Zhiyuan asked.

"The battalion commander called, saying that there is something urgent." Upon hearing this, Li Sen estimated that it might have something to do with Wu Jianglong.Li Sen turned his head and said to Tong Zhiyuan, "Don't let the car go, wait until I come back."

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