soldier rushing forward

146. If you want to fight, fight the real enemy

The squad has finished training according to the subjects, but how effective it is and how strong its combat effectiveness is, you will have to try it on the battlefield with real swords and guns to know. 【 】

On this side of the border, no matter how you try, they are imaginary enemies.In the words of Wu Jianglong, "It's boring. If you want to fight, you must fight the real enemy. You always make fun of your own people. No one dares to use real strength."

After the idea came up, it was reported from the bottom up, and the superior finally approved the border crossing.But the border crossing is not in the area of ​​Laoshan.Before the battle started, the superiors didn't want to reveal their intention to attack Laoshan to the enemy.The preparations for attacking Laoshan have not been completed yet, and it will take a year and a half.Even if you want to capture prisoners and make a few moves, you must confuse the enemy as a supplement.Let the enemy know that our army has come in, but they can only guess vaguely what they are doing.It is natural to capture prisoners, but we must not let the enemy know what our next step is. In short, we must not let the enemy judge what kind of military action our army will take.

To be honest, our army is still very cautious in this regard, and all aspects must be considered. When the order came back, nearly a month had passed.The higher-ups finally approved, in one sentence—four words, "You can capture prisoners across the border."

Capturing prisoners across borders is the most challenging military operation.It is easy to penetrate deep into the enemy's territory, and it is also easy to destroy the enemy.But the difficulty is that it is necessary to capture a living person alive, and to bring the captive back to our army in a very dense defense zone of the enemy's outposts.You want to!The enemy on the other side is so cruel, he would rather die than surrender, not to mention detaining him, crossing many mountainous areas, passing through minefields, and sneaking through countless outposts. The enemy caught it, and finally returned to our front line safely, so difficult!

In order to be foolproof, Wu Jianglong and Staff Officer Jiao studied the map indiscriminately to find the target.On the one hand, we need to look for clues on the map, and on the other hand, we have to lie down on our national border in person, and find a commanding height to observe the enemy without interruption.After looking around, they finally found it.

At this time, they found that there were two villages in the opposite border, about 1 kilometers away.These two villages are not big, about dozens of houses.Between these two villages there is a small road, about four or five miles long.Every other day, there are always two enemies who want to go from this village in the east to the village in the west along this path.Moreover, the two enemies walked very regularly, and they would definitely appear once in two days.The time to come out is generally at ** o'clock in the morning, and return after an hour.The enemies who come out sometimes have one more or one less, but generally no more than three.

From the analysis, we know that there must be enemies living in these two villages, but it is unclear how many enemies there are, and it is estimated that there will not be many.Then these two enemies always come out, what are they going to do!

It is recorded in the observation records that the Vietnamese army is stationed extremely scattered, and most of the outposts or outposts have only a few people.Sometimes I saw a large sentry box somewhere, and the armed forces were very strong, but in fact there were only two or three soldiers inside.

Now we understand that regardless of the dense defense of the enemy, they often shoot and sweep randomly.From the analysis of the small number of personnel in their outposts, it is estimated that the enemy's troops on the whole front are insufficient.For a small country, fighting on two fronts is really difficult for them.But there is another situation, that is, the Vietnamese army is very conceited and thinks they are very great. They are also very confident in their individual combat capabilities. They have always imagined the combat effectiveness of our army as it was in [-]-China** The troops are all small soldiers with no combat experience, so they are not to be feared.Just deploy a few troops and be able to guard the home and protect the courtyard.The enemies are also too rampant.

Therefore, the distribution of troops of the Vietnamese army in the border area is quite different from that of the Chinese army.

On our front line, it can be said that we have been storing more troops.We have a large number of people and sufficient troops, and we will not be stretched like Vietnam. (In the later stage of the two-mountain battle, all units of the army had to transfer personnel to come here for rounds of combat practice, which is enough to see the strength of our army. A small country is really overconfident when it is an enemy of such a big country.)

Along the border, at a certain point, we basically maintain the company's organizational units stationed.Then use the company as a unit to delineate the border defense area, and then each company will send troops to defend according to the situation.Under normal circumstances, an outpost must have at least one squad, which can play a very good role in guaranteeing management, combat against the enemy, and reconnaissance.

Then, with this squad as the center point, patrol teams were dispatched to various areas of defense, and radiated along the frontier, forming a very dense protection.Even so, it still failed to stop the continuous cross-border harassment of Vietnamese military agents.The most painful lesson was the bombing of our army's "Thunderbirds", which shocked the entire army and finally made the central leaders resentful.This is a later story, I will not mention it here, and I will talk about it later.But this is enough to show the combat capability of the Vietnamese army.

This time, we understand.Due to the obvious shortage of Vietnamese troops, they scattered a long line of defense on the border.The lack of personnel, the overly long defense line, and various reasons such as inconvenient transportation have resulted in poor logistical supplies for each sentry point.From the analysis of the rampant nature of the Vietnamese army, at present, their ammunition will not be a problem, but their food is definitely not.We can see it from the self-defense counterattack in [-].At that time, why they were not afraid and could always stay in the cave for a long time was because they had made sufficient preparations before the war.In the cave are all kinds of supplies that we have supplied for a long time in the past.Staying in the cave will not consume it for a while, so they are not afraid.But now it is different. After going through this war, we have basically wiped out those old books.Either it was transported back by us, or it was destroyed by us. Let's see if your Vietnamese army is still happy?What are you doing crazy about.

From the end of the war, the Vietnamese army's militaristic appearance was very obvious.Look at what they eat, and then look at what these soldiers wear, and you can understand it at a glance.Due to the lack of logistical supplies, these guard sentries will come out after a while to replenish food by themselves.As for what they go out to replenish, I can't see that they have any large grain depots or supply bases, so they don't ask for it from the common people.They don't do sneaky things, what they do is collection.It doesn't work if you don't give it.Sometimes it is the pigs of the common people, and sometimes the cattle of the common people are slaughtered, and no money is given.Some people have to ask, how can they do this to their people?In fact, there is nothing surprising about this, who made them be tyrannical!He doesn't have that much financial resources and stamina, and he still has to hold his back against the boss.If you can't grab it from outside, you will naturally find your own people.

Someone said again that they are bullying their own people, and we have nothing to do with it.That's right, we have nothing to do with it, even if we are watching, otherwise we are interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.Isn't there that sentence!This is called "It is difficult for an honest official to break up housework."

The common people don't tell me to go!The whole country is robbing the sue, whoever they sue, they can't sue the Vietnamese government!Besides, in a remote mountain village, these honest Vietnamese villagers can't hide, so where do they dare to sue.What's more, no one dares to take care of it after suing. This is called a wartime need.

Don't tell me, on this side of the Chinese border, there are really brave fighters who want to take care of these things.But it's okay!If you want to manage it, you have to cross the border.For this matter, of course the superior will not issue you a passport, so what should you do?Many soldiers really can't stand it anymore, and they have to watch it if they can't stand it.Gritting your teeth and not looking at it?No, we have to keep an eye on the enemy all the time.If you are not careful, the Vietnamese army will not rob in their own country, but go to China to shoot, that is not a dereliction of duty.So the soldiers stared round and followed the Vietnamese troops all the time.

In fact, the Vietnamese army had already guessed that someone was watching me on the front line of defense.But they are not afraid, they know that Chinese soldiers are still afraid to go there.Besides, we robbed ourselves and didn't rob you, so it's okay!Therefore, when the Vietnamese army took things from ordinary people, they were very bold and arrogant, and did not take Chinese soldiers seriously.

The soldiers looked at the tragic situation of this eye through the binoculars, and their lungs were about to explode.Think about it, how can this be done by people, what is the difference between this and the Japanese devils, their own people rob their own people.At this time, a soldier really took aim with his gun, trying to kill the soldier who robbed the pig.Because he saw through the binoculars a Vietnamese soldier chasing pigs in front, a Vietnamese villager in the back desperately snatching back, and another soldier was trying to stop him.I saw the soldier threatening the common people several times with a gun.That means, "If you go any further, I'll shoot you."

Wu Jianglong caught sight of the soldier raising his gun, and became anxious, jumped over, snatched the gun away, and shouted, "Shen Xiaodong, do you want to violate military discipline?"

With his shout, Shen Xiaodong recovered from his emotions.I know I almost made a mistake, and I regret it.Then he slumped to the side, thinking, "I can't control it, why don't I watch it?"

Unexpectedly, Wu Jianglong yelled again, "What are you doing? Are you on guard?"

Only then did Shen Xiaodong realize that he was negligent in doing so, so he returned to his post and continued to observe the Vietnamese side.But I kept muttering in my heart, and told myself secretly, "If someone robs someone else, what's in the way of us. Why bother! Shooting the enemy, it's not good, and it's going to cause trouble."

On the first day, two soldiers of the Vietnamese Army grabbed a pig and went back.

The next day, they came again, still taking the same route.The time has not changed, the route has not changed, and the pace of walking has not changed.The two men, each with a gun, swayed, separated by a distance of ten meters, and walked forward one after the other.

According to the analysis of the situation from observation, although the enemy posts are relatively dense, their defense line is very long, and there are few people at the posts, which provides great convenience for us to capture these two enemies in transit.

The two enemies that come out every day are probably the enemy's chief of staff or logistics soldiers or something.If this is the case, it will be much easier.Dealing with such an enemy is always better than dealing with agents.With these two enemies, there is no need to go to the village to find the target, and you can catch it with an ambush on the way.But the action must be fast, it must be caught and run.Otherwise, waiting for the enemy to react, blocking back and forth, and then trying to figure it out, it would be difficult.In this regard, Wu Jianglong is well-rounded.

After the reconnaissance was over, Wu Jianglong and the others reported the situation, and their superiors allowed it to be carried out, and they named this operation "Striking the Grass to Startle the Snake".

Why is it called such a name, it doesn't sound good.But the superior has the purpose of the superior, how could Wu Jianglong and the others know.The superiors want to attack Laoshan, but before that, they must not expose their intentions to the enemy.This area is far away from Laoshan. Let the enemy feel the threat of our army. At the same time, it will also attract their attention and make them mistakenly believe that we will take action in this area.

The operation of capturing prisoners must choose a sunny day, not on a rainy day, because the enemy will not come out in the rain.

On this day, the sky was clear, and before nine o'clock in the morning, the heavy fog covering the sky had cleared away.As soon as the fog dissipated, the scorching sun came out, illuminating the wormwood fields on both sides of the path.On the small road, the bare ground is also steaming, as if it wants to shake off the wet body left by the rainy night as soon as possible, and show its sharpness and personality different from the grass as soon as possible.

At this time, Wu Jianglong and his team set off.

This operation was led by Wu Jianglong, joined by Jiao Yongqing, the division's reconnaissance staff officer, and six soldiers from the squad, making a total of eight people.

This capture, the team made a very careful plan.Wu Jianglong led two soldiers in charge of attacking, supporting the capture of prisoners with firepower.Staff Officer Jiao, Shen Weijun and Dong Yun took on the task of capturing prisoners.Wu Jianglong is a good shooter, so it is of course the most suitable to use him for fire support.Staff Officer Jiao is familiar with the terrain in this area and is mainly responsible for leading the way.Both Shen Weijun and Dong Yun were masters in capture and fighting, so it was no problem for them to capture a Vietnamese army.Then two other fighters will be in charge of communication on the back radio, and one soldier will be in charge of follow-up alert.You can't patronize the front and not the back, so someone has to watch the back.

Before leaving, the division's publicity officer came here on purpose and took a picture of each of the eight people.Everyone speaks for itself.This cross-border capture of prisoners is a very dangerous operation. After going there, whether they can come back is a big unknown.In the past, we were just reconnaissance, and we had never done a decent capture operation. This was the first time.Although the female agents captured earlier provided some information, we still know very little about the enemy's situation before the battle.

Due to the great danger of crossing the border this time, not only did everyone take photos, but they also secretly left letters to their families.As for whether it is a suicide note or not, no one knows, and they can only find out when they come back.

Wu Jianglong feels a bit mother-in-law when the propaganda officer does these things.But he didn't dare to object. Since it was assigned by the superior, just follow the instructions.

Since Wu Jianglong was promoted, he has become more mature. At least, he can swallow his words back to his stomach when he has an idea.Now, although he didn't say anything, he was still thinking in his heart, "Will the enemy on the other side have so many troubles? Of course not. Judging from the way they come and go freely, they come and go whenever they want Just leave. Not only did they grasp the timing accurately, but they also acted very quickly. They didn't see any plans in advance, and most of them acted according to their heart. Therefore, we failed to succeed in several ambushes according to the original plan." Wu Jianglong sighed, "Hey! Our army is really a bit long-winded in this regard. We pay attention to asking for instructions for everything. We have to ask for instructions several times for a trivial matter. Can we be less bureaucratic and act swiftly and resolutely?"

The team was finally about to set off, heading straight into a valley near the Vietnamese border.

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