soldier rushing forward

151. Make your heart ache

After the sound of gunfire, enemies from all directions began to gather here. 【 】However, those mobile troops are too far away from here, and they won't be able to catch up in a while.If it was later, they would not be able to see the squad when they came.However, these enemies still rushed here at the fastest speed.They know very well that the border between the two countries is close at hand, just across the ridge.If we were a little bit slower, when our army crossed the mountain ridge, it would be basically impossible for them to recover the kidnapped people.Therefore, the enemies here are desperately trying to save some face.

Now, China and Vietnam are hostile countries, and the two countries have been at war for many years.No matter which side arrests a person in the enemy's country, it is not regarded as hijacking, and it is not afraid of violating any international law.The one who is at a disadvantage, you can be as anxious as you like, and you can negotiate with whomever you like, whoever made you not take care of your own door!

The enemy suffered a loss and was robbed by the squadron, so they can't be in a hurry!Over the years, I just knew that I was going to attack others, but I didn't expect that China would also start to take this kind of countermeasure.Now, not only are the enemies in the two villages chasing after them, but even those who are looking for love and who specialize in special warfare, under the fierce shouting of the radio station, all who can be dispatched, all come out, like before the rainy season. , Ant-like home-like density.

It's a pity that this is a mountain jungle.No matter how fast the enemy's reaction ability is, no matter how familiar the terrain is, they can only walk on two feet.It would be different if it was an American. It is very likely that there are already helicopters buzzing in the sky at this time, and it is very possible to intercept them halfway.However, this is Vietnam, a small country that has just been established. Where can these things come from?

However, after all, the Vietnamese army has fought for so many years, so naturally it has its own way. 'I can't fight the Snake Fist, so I will fight the Mantis Fist.Therefore, when these Vietnamese soldiers found out that the situation was not good, they used the few 0 small cannons they controlled. Where to carry, or in other words, where to point, where to hit.

By this time, the enemy had fully understood the team's intentions.If you can't keep up with running, if you want to stop Wu Jianglong and the others, you can only use artillery fire, which is the only way at present.

At the beginning, the enemy had two small cannons, but they fired at Wu Jianglong and the others vigorously. "Kuang, Kuang" shells hit from time to time.Although the fighting was still very sporadic, it became a great obstacle for Wu Jianglong and the others on their way forward.

Now, Wu Jianglong and his four soldiers have no good way to deal with the enemy's shells, so they can only run to avoid them.However, the enemy's shots were very accurate, and the shells flying over kept exploding in front of his eyes.Continuing to run forward, great difficulties arose.You can only dodge while hiding, and you have to listen to the sound to judge the direction.

Wu Jianglong and the others seemed to be approaching the foot of the mountain, but they couldn't go up.Enemy artillery fire all but overwhelmed the area.

Wu Jianglong became anxious, and turned around to urge a soldier on the radio, "Call for emergency support."

At this time, it's not too stupid to fight the enemy with gunfire without our army's artillery fire!Wu Jianglong ran away with his people alone, and after killing some of the enemies, he was full of hope that he could return home safely.Unexpectedly, the enemy would use artillery.Now it was the enemy who made him anxious, and only then did we think of our own cannons.

"103, 103, request for hail, request for hail." The radio soldier shouted vigorously into the radio.He was still shouting, and our artillery fire flew over.

Is it so fast?Judging from the strength at the time, the artillery counterattack was really not so fast.

Due to the limitations of equipment, communication tools, etc.It will take more than ten minutes for our army to carry out artillery counterattack.How could it be possible that as soon as one side shouted, the other side would start fighting, and the hitting was very accurate.

So how did this cannon fire come about!Don't forget, Staff Officer Jiao and Shen Weijun are still on the ridge.Where they stand, they can see more clearly than anything else.When Wu Jianglong saw the situation here, he hurriedly got in touch with the responders, designated the enemy's position, and called for artillery fire.

The small team came out this time, not just a dozen of them.How many eyes are watching.At this time, the division commander and the political commissar stood in front of the map and watched the action of the squad.If there is any trouble here, it can be reported back in time through the observation post of the border defense.After they came out, our army stationed a lot of troops on the border line alone, and entered the first level of combat readiness.

As long as the enemies chasing Wu Jianglong and the others dare to cross the line, these Chinese soldiers will definitely deal them a head-on blow, and may even wipe them out completely.

Even so, after seeing Wu Jianglong and the others blocked, the frontmost troops asked for instructions several times to take the initiative to respond, but they were all rejected by their superiors.Now is not the time for a big war. The squad is a sneak attack. No matter how hard the fight is, it is still an encounter, not a big dispute between the two countries.If there is a large force participating, it is another matter.Therefore, at this moment, no one would dare to act without the order of **.

Then, it is still possible to use artillery fire.As a result, our artillery fire began to counterattack the enemy.

As soon as our cannon fired, the enemy's side immediately went dumb. I don't know whether the two small cannons were knocked out or hid. Anyway, there was no movement at all.

Use artillery to deal with artillery, and have an artillery battle with the enemy. These enemies are really not the opponents of Chinese artillery.In terms of caliber alone, they are far behind.It's not that the enemy doesn't have that kind of firearms, it's because they have always used flexibility as their combat principle, so they didn't deploy heavy artillery on a large scale in this area. Therefore, the enemy's artillery strength is far inferior to our army.

As soon as the enemy's artillery fire stopped, the squad finally let out a long sigh.

"Go up the mountain." Wu Jianglong shouted.

Four soldiers came out from different corners, followed Wu Jianglong and ran up the mountain ridge.

The sun dispelled all the dark clouds in the sky, and sprinkled straight rays on the ridges again.Everyone in the small team appeared on the mountain ridge in a suit of light, and soon disappeared behind the mountain.

When the enemy chasing from behind arrived, they completely lost their target.The enemy commander looked at us with a telescope for a while in frustration, and had to give an order to retreat.

They can only look at it from a distance, and no enemy dares to stand on the mountain ridge.Because our army's artillery fire is aiming at it!If you go up, you are not looking for your own death.

As soon as the enemy withdrew, the gunfire down the mountain completely stopped.

The small team achieved the expected results and won a decisive victory at a small cost.For this reason, the division also specially held a large-scale meritorious service award and commendation meeting.Of course, the content of the meeting was not only the squad's capture operations, but also pre-war mobilization, training summary and other content.However, awarding medals and flags is essential.

After the leader who presided over the meeting announced the list of awardees, the commended units and individuals came to the stage to accept the awards one after another.

When a division leader was presenting a certificate of merit, he saw that the squad leader was receiving the award from a soldier, so he asked, "Where is your captain?"

"Captain, captain, I'm sick." After hesitating for a while, the soldier was excited enough to make up a reason.

The squad lives outside.A small river flows swiftly.On both sides of the river, smooth boulders showed the wear marks of time.After a very small amount of river water floated out of the river bed, it soaked into a shoal, then froze and remained motionless, enduring the loneliness like a virgin.It can be seen that in the clear water bottom, there are many small fish about one centimeter shuttling between the rock cracks.

Wu Jianglong was seated on an abrupt boulder, with his head buried between his hands, his elbows resting on his legs, motionless.No one knows how long he's been sitting here, or what he's thinking.

After a while, Wu Jianglong raised his head and stared at the river with dull eyes. It was obvious at a glance on his gray face that he had suffered a great blow.

At this time, behind Wu Jianglong, a person walked on a small road.

Wu Jianglong didn't seem to hear anything, and continued his painful meditation undisturbed.

"Wu Jianglong, I've been looking for you for a long time, why are you here?" Staff Officer Jiao approached and asked.

Wu Jianglong turned his head when he heard Staff Officer Jiao speak.There is still a daze in the eyes.He only glanced at it, didn't say anything, turned back again, and continued to stare at the water.

Staff Officer Jiao came up to him and asked, "What's wrong with you, why didn't you even attend the meeting?"

"Boring." Wu Jianglong said these two words calmly.

"Hey, what are you talking about." Staff Officer Jiao said, "This is a commendation meeting specially arranged by the division leader. To put it bluntly, this is not for you."

"You don't get paid for nothing." Wu Jianglong said bluntly.

"Hey, what's the matter with you." Staff Officer Jiao said with a red face, "The teachers and leaders all recognize you, why are you still making a fuss and not being rewarded for nothing. You say, you have no merit, who has merit?"

"No one has merit." Wu Jianglong continued to keep his body still.

"I say you! Don't be humble." Staff Officer Jiao took a step closer and said, "Although modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind, but if you are too humble, it is hypocrisy."

"People are dead, what's the use of doing this." Wu Jianglong said another sentence without thinking.

"Hey, I'm talking about you, what do you mean by that?" Staff Officer Jiao didn't understand Wu Jianglong's words, so he continued to ask.

"Gong Chunyu sacrificed, what can he get!" Wu Jianglong said, "Compared with him, those of us who are alive are better than anything else."

This sentence froze Staff Officer Jiao again.He stopped for a long time without speaking.Until now, he has not figured out which nerve of Wu Jianglong went wrong again.

Staff Officer Jiao thought for a while, stepped forward, and touched Wu Jianglong's forehead, "I said Wu Jianglong, are you okay?"

"Yes." Wu Jianglong said happily.

"What's wrong?" Staff Officer Jiao asked.

"Regret disease."

"Regret what?"

"Not one shot killed the Vietnamese soldier."

Now Staff Officer Jiao understood that he was blaming himself for Gong Chunyu's death.Staff Officer Jiao thought for a while and said, "Xiao Gong's sacrifice, you can't blame it all. Who told our enemy to struggle before dying! This shows that the enemy's military skills are very strong, and we cannot underestimate them."

"Well," Wu Jianglong said harshly, "I'll be dazed too, if I give him a headshot on the spot, it's better than anything else, how can such a thing happen!"

"The shooting position you chose is also correct. It's just that the vitality of the enemy is too strong. In short, we underestimated the enemy." Staff Officer Jiao said.

"That's right!" Wu Jianglong said, "If I shot that turtle son to death, Xiao Gong would not die either. I am responsible for Xiao Gong's death."

"Oh, that's the reason why you didn't go to the meeting." Staff Officer Jiao finally found the reason why Wu Jianglong didn't attend the meeting.

"Do you think I can go!" Wu Jianglong looked pained, "There is Xiao Gong's blood on it, I can afford it! How dare I want this work?"

"Wu Jianglong." Staff Officer Jiao said solemnly, "Completing this mission is the result of collective action. You can't just think about yourself, but also the ten soldiers under you. You don't need honor, but they do. Honor It is not used as a decoration, nor is it used to coax you to play, it is a representative of bravery, a kind of encouragement, a symbol, and a reward for success."

Don't look at Wu Jianglong who is sometimes impulsive and choking.But when he was in front of Staff Jiao, he still restrained himself.After all, he was his leader before, and now he is two or three levels higher than him.Soldiers!When will there be a level to read.The superior leaders can't control the subordinates, no one listens to what they say, and they do their own way. Such an army is still in chaos.Therefore, when Staff Officer Jiao was sternly preaching, Wu Jianglong showed great patience.

Staff Officer Jiao continued, "If you really don't want this merit, then I'll go tell the division leader to take back all the honors of your team. Don't think that you are the only special team in the division. You are amazing, you If you have the guts, even the teacher leader can't lead you!"

Wu Jianglong was left speechless by Staff Jiao's sarcasm and criticism.He opened his mouth several times in a row, but failed to insert a gap in Staff Jiao's speech until Staff Jiao closed his mouth on his own initiative.

"Don't, don't." Wu Jianglong said in a pleading tone, "That's not what I mean, I always feel that I'm sorry for Xiao Gong, and I'm responsible for his death."

"Then what do you want to do?" Staff Officer Jiao asked.

"I ask my superiors to punish me." Wu Jianglong turned his face and demanded seriously.

"Nonsense." Staff Officer Jiao suddenly raised his voice and said, "A big battle is really coming. Your team still has heavy tasks. After this setback, you just think about this and that. Let me tell you, since you are afraid of death, Then you simply resign from the squad leader and quit, and return to your seventh company as your fourth squad leader!"

"I, I didn't mean that." Wu Jianglong muttered, "I regret that shot."

"Wu Jianglong, I'll tell you clearly now," Staff Officer Jiao said, "It's my suggestion to the Chief of Staff that I recommend you to be the captain of this branch. I hope I didn't miss it." Staff Officer Jiao said angrily, "Qiji How many people have we sacrificed in [-]? If we follow your thinking method, can those of us who survived sleep? All of us have already suffered from schizophrenia." Seeing that Wu Jianglong remained silent, Staff Officer Jiao He continued, "It is impossible to avoid death in war. After a battle, you can learn from it and learn from it, so that you don't do it again next time, with less bloodshed and fewer deaths, it is better than anything else."

After being criticized for a while, Wu Jianglong gradually got rid of self-blame, but there was still no natural expression on his face.

Staff Officer Jiao picked up a stone from the ground and threw it flat against the surface of the water, "Wu Jianglong, do you see the water?"

Wu Jianglong turned his head and looked at the water spots that Staff Jiao had stirred up in the river. He didn't understand what Staff Jiao meant for a while.

"Confucius said that the dead are like this." Staff Officer Jiao paused at this point.

Wu Jianglong couldn't understand even more, "Who is the old master Confucius, and what is the dead like this?" When he was in school, how did he learn this?From elementary school to high school graduation, I have only read a few books and learned something.To be honest, I haven't read many children's books.And they are all revolutionary heroes and the like.Those related to history were considered feudal leftovers at the time, and were not included in the study syllabus at all.Therefore, he didn't understand what Staff Officer Jiao said.

"What are you talking about, what is the old master Confucius, what is the dead like this." Although Wu Jianglong doesn't understand, he is also afraid of being tricked by others with words, so if he doesn't understand, he has to figure it out. "

Staff Officer Jiao smiled, "Old Master Confucius is Confucius."

Wu Jianglong laughed when he heard that, "Hey, it's Kong's second son! I know, I know. The one who lives in Kong's shop, is that him?"

Staff Officer Jiao smiled wryly, "Yes, that's what he said."

"What does the following sentence mean?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"That is to say, it's useless to think about the things you've experienced. Time is like water in a river, and no one can stop it. Therefore, people have to move forward and look forward." Staff Officer Jiao said Do your best to help him analyze.

The young people who grew up in that era were indeed very poor in knowledge.Regardless of how much older Staff Jiao is than Wu Jianglong, they all belong to his contemporaries. Although his knowledge is a little wider, it’s not that much wider. It’s just that he woke up earlier than Wu Jianglong and read a few more books. That's all.

Wu Jianglong stopped talking, and lowered his head, thinking about something.Seeing the meaning, it means that he is carefully chewing on the implications here.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore. I'll understand slowly." Staff Officer Jiao walked over and said, "Go back! There's still a meeting tonight!"

"What meeting?" Wu Jianglong was most afraid of meetings, especially those about politics, and it took him a long time to study, especially those documents that were written in words.

"Haha," Staff Officer Jiao said with a smile, "I know you'll be afraid when you talk about a meeting." Then he whispered, "It's a meeting about the next military action."


"That's still wrong. I heard it from the Chief of Staff." Staff Officer Jiao said.

"Okay, let's go back then." Wu Jianglong stood up from the stone and said proactively.

The work of interrogating the prisoners was very successful.After our army has initially figured out the enemy's border deployment, it is ready to take the next military action and continue to prepare for the attack on Laoshan

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