soldier rushing forward

163. He Xiao Scouting

When Wu Liangfu arrived, the squad had disappeared without a trace. 【*】At this time, the swamp returned to its former calm.Except for the duckweed still swaying in the swamp, there is nothing to be seen here, and there is no sign that anyone has been there.

Wu Liangfu was a little surprised, "It's obvious that the voice came from here, why is there no one there!" He was a little puzzled, so he turned to look at Wu Guoren, wanting to confirm his judgment, and asked, "Are you sure that the Beikou came from Linzi?" out?"

Wu Guoren nodded and said, "I saw them coming out of the forest," then shook his head, "But I don't know if they came here or not."

Wu Liangfu thought, "This guy is stupider than anything else. The Japanese dumped him in the woods. Of course he wouldn't know that the Chinese had been here. It's useless to ask. But, just now There is clearly a voice, clearly someone is shouting, how can there be no one!"

Wu Liangfu never gave up.He trusts his own judgment.Someone must have been here.But where are they!Swimming through the swamp and running away, that's impossible, absolutely impossible, no one can make it through. "Wu Liangfu firmly believed that the Chinese Communists were nearby.

I thought so, but in this low grass beach where there is no trace, why can't I even see a person, so it's hard for a middle-aged person to really have the ability to enter the ground.Then, Wu Liangfu looked into the swamp unwillingly, trying to find something there.

Take Liangfu had never set foot in this swamp, but it was said that the mud was very deep, and some people had seen animals stuck in it.Even animals can sink into it, and the possibility of Chinese people passing through here is even less.But if they didn't escape from the swamp, where did they go?Wu Liangfu thought for a while, so he gave an order to his subordinates:

"Follow the swamp for me, search."

The dozen or so Vietnamese agents began to spread out to both sides of the coast, poking around and searching non-stop.After a while, an agent came to report, "Captain, footprints are found ahead."

"Ha, let me find it anyway." Wu Liangfu excitedly ran towards the direction of the footprints.

When he arrived at the scene, Wu Liangfu found out.On a piece of decayed grass, the wet ground slightly exposed the surface layer, and on the soil, there were obvious traces of someone stepping on it.

Wu Liangfu squatted down, picked up a piece of mud from the ground, and carefully studied the marks on it.

At a glance, he was happy again.This footprint is clearly left by rubber shoes unique to China.The twists and turns on the top are too obvious.It is completely owned by the squadron.

After China and Vietnam fell out, most of the supplies of the Vietnamese army came from the Soviet Union.The Soviets did not have such galoshes.As a result, the Vietnamese army also followed the Soviet army to put on leather shoes.At this time, rubber shoe prints appeared here. If it is not a Chinese Communist, who else could it be?

Wu Liangfu's face twitched, he gritted his teeth, and said to the people around him, "Beikou is nearby, look for me."

As soon as they heard that the Chinese Communists were nearby, these Vietnamese agents panicked.Although he wasn't in a mess yet, the panic in his heart was evident on his face.

Among them, there are also Vietnamese troops who have experienced the July [-]th self-defense counterattack.They are not ignorant of the combat style of the Chinese.Don't look at them all as small soldiers, but when fighting, the desperate posture is really unbearable.When it came to the critical moment, these little soldiers were not fighting, they were obviously acting recklessly.Based on experience and tactics alone, they are no match for Vietnam veterans.But the spirit of not being afraid of death made these Vietnamese soldiers terrified when they thought of it.What does it mean to risk your life, what does it mean to use your body as a wall, these Chinese soldiers have done it all.

Therefore, when they heard that the Chinese Communists were nearby, could these Vietnamese troops not be nervous?

"Wow" With a burst of clattering, these Vietnamese agents all put their guns up, stared at all kinds of eyeballs of different sizes, and looked around.

There is no high shelter nearby, and the jungle is far away from here.Moreover, these Vietnamese agents have just come out of that place, and I believe the Chinese Communists will not hide there.Then there is only one possibility, they are hiding in the nearby wormwood.

Along the coast of the swamp, there are pools of wormwood that are as high as a person's head and are tightly connected.Where there are people and where there is no one, it is difficult to find out just by looking at it from a distance.You can only figure it out if you walk up to it and pull it away.

Come to the front, isn't that courting death?Before the person reaches out, he will be killed by the people inside.Therefore, no one dared to come closer.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the swamp.The wind blows the wormwood and shakes it back and forth, as if someone is about to come out.

A Vietnamese army agent was in a hurry, really thought he was going to be attacked by the Chinese Communists, so he shot at the pile of wormwood in front of him recklessly.

"Da da da." All the bullets poured into the wormwood field.

As soon as the gunshot rang out from him, the other Vietnam Army agents also fired after they didn't understand what was going on.For a while, there was a lot of gunfire here.

Wu Liangfu couldn't think any more at this time, since the traces of the Chinese Communists were right in front of him, the possibility that they were nearby could not be ruled out.Now that he has found it, he cannot let it go, let alone be accidentally attacked, so Xing will come to him first to treat others.So, he followed these agents and shot towards those overly high wormwood fields in the swamp that were likely to hide people.

After fighting for a while, it was found that there was no sign of anyone fighting back in the haystack, and the other party didn't even have a single gunshot.Wu Liangfu was puzzled, if there were gunmen, they couldn't all be killed in this burst of shooting, there would always be one or two missed!Even if you don't shoot, you can just scream twice in pain!However, nothing happened there, just like punching a pile of cotton, without a sound.

"Could it be that all the Beikou were killed." Wu Liangfu thought, and then denied, "Impossible, there is no such thing as cheap." Then he turned around and ordered an agent beside him, "Go, go and have a look."

The leaders have given orders, no matter how dangerous it is, they have to risk their lives.The Vietnam Army agent approached a bush carefully.After approaching, carefully inquired inside.He found that almost all the grass was discounted, but there was not a single body.

"Captain, nothing."

"Go and look for them all." Wu Liangfu gave orders to the others unwillingly.

These agents, in groups of two or three, approached the grass carefully, and when they checked it out, they found that there was really nothing here.Except for the grass branches and grass powder that have been broken one after another, there is not even a middle-aged man in sight.

Wu Liangfu was puzzled, and then guessed from another angle, "Could it be that these Chinese people passed through this swamp?"

In this way the squad crossed the swamp.Once they were over the swamp they burrowed into the bushes.Regarding the size of the bushes, whether they are primitive, whether they can come out after walking in, whether they are going in the right direction, and whether they will break into the defensive positions of the Vietnamese army.For these, they don't care about it.Anyway, I found the right direction, as long as I keep walking in the direction of Laoshan, I will definitely reach the end.It doesn't matter if it's a forest or not.At this point, he no longer cared about the immediate danger.

As soon as he entered the forest, the light suddenly dimmed.From light to darkness, there is always a process of adaptation.However, many things tend to happen along the way.If you adapt too slowly, you may encounter unknowable troubles.

After a period of training, the small team has mastered this skill pretty well, but in just a few moments, that is, with a few more blinks, they can change this discomfort.

Suddenly, He Xiao, who was walking in the front, uttered a bird cry.Hearing this bird call, the people behind immediately understood what was going on in front.So, the people behind hurriedly dived down and squatted everywhere.

Wu Jianglong leaned over quietly, leaned close to He Xiao and asked, "What's going on?"

He Xiao stretched out his hand and pointed forward, "There are wires over there."

Wu Jianglong looked in the direction of He Xiao's finger.Deep in the grass directly ahead, there is really a wire.Only when you look closely, you can find two wires half hidden and half hidden, spreading out to both sides around a few trees.

Wu Jianglong pondered, "This is a jungle, what are they doing with this?" After looking at it for a while, he didn't see any tricks, so he said to He Xiao, "Go, go and have a look."

Now that the iron wire was found, it proved that there must be something nearby, or it might be close to the defensive position of the Vietnamese army.At this time, if you think about it again like just now, it would be impossible for Da Ming to walk forward in a big way.You must know that the Vietnamese army has many secret posts, and the hidden ones are deep.Before you notice him, you are likely to be targeted by others.

Wu Jianglong and He Xiao quietly crawled towards the wire.After climbing more than ten meters, the two finally approached the wire.When they got close, the two of them didn't dare to stand up at all, for fear of exposing their targets.I could only lie on the ground, turn my head and look around, trying to see if there was a Vietnamese army guarding here.

After searching for a while, I really couldn't find a Vietnamese army here.It seems that this is not the enemy's deep defense.

Wu Jianglong took out the binoculars, stood up slowly, hid his body behind a big tree, and began to observe forward.After looking for a while, he felt that there seemed to be a road ahead.The road is not too wide, only about three or four meters.

Wu Jianglong was suspicious, "Strange, what are the enemies doing building roads in the jungle?" Then he handed the binoculars to He Xiao, "He Xiao, take a look, what's going on ahead."

He Xiao looked at it for a while and said, "There seems to be a way."

"Yes, it's a road." Wu Jianglong said with certainty, "There must be a bright hall here." Then he said, "Notify all the people behind to come up, and we will enter from here."

After the others came up, Chen Qiang wanted to support the wire to go over.

Wu Jianglong stopped suddenly, "Slow down."

Chen Qiang, who just stretched out his hand, immediately stopped halfway and turned to look at Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong pouted, "He Xiao, do you see it?"

"I see." He Xiao replied, while gently moving over, approached the wire and said to Chen Qiang and the people around him, "Stand back."

He Xiao found that there was a thin iron wire hanging on the upper wire.The wire stretched all the way to the underbrush, and disappeared after being submerged.He Xiao gently pushed aside the grass, exposing all the thin wires.

I saw that thin wire went around, turned a little bit, and went up to the second wire.Near the ground, there is a black grenade hanging on it.

It's too dangerous, as long as someone touches the iron wire, the upper and lower gaps will be widened, and the iron wire will inevitably be pulled.As long as the wire is pulled tight, the grenade will explode immediately.

The enemy's trap design is too ingenious, ingeniously, the thunder and the line are divided into two different hidden points.Even if you see the wire, if you are not careful, it is difficult to find the grenade.As long as one is careless, it will inevitably cause serious consequences.

He Xiao cleared the landmines, and the soldiers climbed through the wire one by one.

After passing this wire, there is a forest road not far ahead.

In order not to be discovered by the enemy, the soldiers gradually approached the road by taking various undetectable actions.

Both sides of the road are surrounded by grass or big trees. If you don't go deep into the road, or if the helicopter flies overhead, you may not be able to see that there is still a road here.

Wu Jianglong analyzed it and estimated that this road may be connected to important places.From the clear wear marks on the top, it can be seen that this road is still being used.Wu Jianglong is thinking about how to find the end of this road and which direction is the enemy's starting point.

At this moment, there was a burst of gunfire from the swamp behind him.

Wu Jianglong was taken aback, "How could the enemy appear there?"

Hearing the gunshots, Wu Jianglong wouldn't be surprised!It's an untouched swamp there.Now that the enemy has gone there, it can only explain one problem.This group of enemies must be following them.If the squad is being followed by the enemy, it means they have been exposed.If this is the case, it will be even more difficult for the small team to complete the reconnaissance mission.

While Wu Jianglong was thinking, there was a sound of a car motor in front of the road.

No need to ask, the enemy car is coming.

"Concealment" Wu Jianglong hurriedly let the team hide.

Two military vehicles came over.The one in front is an off-road jeep, and the one behind is a Su-style GAZ truck, and there are more than a dozen heavily armed Vietnamese regular troops sitting on it.The two cars drove forward in a hustle and bustle.Judging by that posture, it is likely to be in the direction of the gunfire.

"It doesn't matter that much. Anyway, at this point, if the enemy finds out, let's find out!" Wu Jianglong thought to himself.

After the car passed, the road became calm again.

Wu Jianglong estimated that there would be no more enemies coming, so he said to the team, "Go, go and have a look."

When the soldiers heard the order, they all got out from their hidden places, and ten of them walked on the road swaggeringly, heading in the opposite direction of the car.

Wu Jianglong had heard from Staff Officer Jiao before leaving the country to carry out his mission.The Vietnamese army is very cunning. They usually hide their troops in the woods or caves.When there is no fighting, no one can see that there is any army here.However, when the battle starts, a large number of soldiers will be swarmed out of the hole like a mouse hole with water.How many troops they can invest at one time, no one can know.

Therefore, during the Vietnam-US War, even though the US military helicopters were flying all over the sky, the probability of actually detecting the hiding place of the Vietnamese army was very small.It is no wonder that the U.S. military has suffered and lost many battles in the jungle.

This time, Wu Jianglong estimated from the travel situation of the two cars that this might be an important military base for the enemy.There must be something important in it that they want to know.

Therefore, Wu Jianglong became interested and insisted on taking the small team to find out.

The small team walked forward for a while, and felt that the terrain was gradually rising, and the road became flat and wide.

Wu Jianglong stopped and gestured to the people behind him.The squad got into the bushes on both sides again.

When everyone got together in the bushes, Wu Jianglong said, "It seems that we are not too far away from the enemy's lair. Everyone should be careful and don't be careless. The reconnaissance team and I will go up to reconnaissance, and the other two teams will stay in place." hidden."

After Wu Jianglong made arrangements, he led He Xiao's group and approached along the woods and bushes.

Because I didn't go along the road, I walked along the difficult place on the side.Therefore, they feel that the terrain is getting higher and higher this time.At this point, it can hardly be said to be walking, it should be said that climbing is more appropriate.The road ahead is full of thorns.Not to mention the shrubs, the weeds with thorns alone are difficult to deal with.As the soldiers moved forward, they had to fiddle with the grass, and at the same time, they had to prevent any stones under their feet from being knocked off.

Gradually, the four of Wu Jianglong finally found a small hill on which to stand.

The location of the small hill is relatively prominent, and many scenes in the distance can be seen from above.

Wu Jianglong climbed up carefully, and two warriors held up several large bundles of thorny bushes to block the enemy's possible sight of looking back.

Wu Jianglong lay on the top of the mountain, took out the binoculars and searched a little bit ahead.After a while, Wu Jianglong excitedly said to He Xiao, "I found it, I found it."

He Xiao looked forward eagerly, but couldn't find it after looking for a long time.

"Here you are." Wu Jianglong handed the telescope to He Xiao.

He Xiao followed the direction indicated by Wu Jianglong to observe, and then said happily, "I saw it too."

In the telescope, it shows that in a ditch in the distance, a road extends all the way to the bottom of the mountain.There is a big hole at the bottom of the mountain.There are many fortifications made of sacks piled up next to the entrance of the cave, and there is a cement bunker next to it.Several Vietnamese soldiers came and walked around the entrance of the cave.No need to ask, there must be something hidden in the Vietnamese army. It is not a military cave, but also an important military site such as an ammunition depot or other warehouses.Otherwise, why would the enemy fortify here, and still do it so covertly.

No matter what it is, as long as it is found, it must be marked on the map.Wu Jianglong took out the map from his body, determined the position with a compass, found out the location of the hole, and drew a circle on it with a blue pen.

Such an important military location, if the squad hadn't come here, the squadron would not have been able to find it anyway.Even if the entire old mountain is taken down, it will take time to discover it.

"Okay, let's go." Wu Jianglong said, since he found a point, there is no need to waste time here, the more you find, the better.

At this time, the sound of a car motor sounded on the road again.

Wu Jianglong held up the binoculars and observed the road quietly.

The highway flashed before Wu Jianglong's eyes.The two cars that drove over were the two cars that went out just now.The only difference is that the people sitting in the car have changed, there are a few more people in black clothes, and there is an ordinary Vietnamese.

Wu Jianglong felt strange when he saw this common people. Since it is an important place for soldiers, how could common people come here.So, he put the binoculars on the common man and took a closer look, not only was he surprised.

"How could it be him?"

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