soldier rushing forward

172. Consequences of Firefight

As soon as the squad exchanged fire with the enemy, they immediately felt tremendous pressure. 【 】The enemy's firepower is not only fierce, but also very accurate. After the bullets rolled from three directions, it almost put the whole team under the firepower, and it was difficult to raise their heads.

Two shots were fired, and another mortar shell popped out from nowhere, and landed behind the squad with a "boom", and the flying shrapnel almost covered the squad.Thanks to the inaccuracy of this round, otherwise, Wu Jianglong and the others would have been miserable, not only with bloody heads, but also missing arms and legs.

Wu Jianglong felt that such a stalemate would be very detrimental to the team, and it was very likely that they would be trapped here to death by the enemy.Breaking through the encirclement is obviously not possible in the front.With the enemy's current strength, rushing forward is tantamount to moths rushing to the flame.Going back, I don't know what will be hidden there.

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Jianglong decided to retreat to the back mountain.After all, the terrain there is open and easy to deploy.Even if there are enemies there, because they are likely to have just discovered the fighting situation here, so they will not have much preparation.If the small team attacks there, it will be very easy to break through the defense line.Furthermore, even if there are enemies in a construction site, there will not be too many, and they will be worse than the current enemies. "Yes, that's it."

Wu Jianglong began to give orders to the squad, "Withdraw."

"Where to withdraw?" He Xiao was puzzled.

"Go down the mountain, down the mountain behind you." Wu Jianglong repeated.

"Captain, you go first, our team will cover." He Xiao demanded.

"Shen Weijun, Dong Yun, take your people and leave first, and He Xiao and I will stay." Wu Jianglong shouted to Shen Weijun and the others.

"Captain, you go first, our team stays." Shen Weijun wanted to fight.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and withdraw." Wu Jianglong stared.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong was angry, whoever dared to say anything else had to do what the captain said.

"Retreat..." Shen Weijun said to the others, and then retreated to the back mountain first.

As soon as Shen Weijun and the others left, only Wu Jianglong and He Xiao were left here.

Seeing that the firepower on the mountain was weak, the enemy on the opposite side estimated that they had insufficient ammunition, or they might run away.

So, Wu Liangfu shouted to his subordinates, "Don't save ammunition, hit me hard."

The enemy was so crazy that the firepower of the four people on the top of the mountain was immediately suppressed.Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen enemies moved towards the top of the mountain.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Jianglong hurriedly shouted, "He Xiao, suppress the enemy."

Suddenly, four guns appeared again, shooting straight at the rushing enemy.

After all, it was a battle on a hillside full of thorns.There are trees blocking it, and there are also shrubs mixed in.Although it is good for hiding, the attack speed cannot be fast.In addition, it is a steep slope, no matter how brave the enemy is, he is still a human being with limited physical strength.Therefore, the enemies rushing up are limited by the terrain, so no matter how they charge up, the speed will not be fast.As long as you are not quick, for Wu Jianglong and the others, it will be much easier to block them, and it will also provide sufficient conditions for him to counterattack.

The four people on the top of the mountain slammed bullets and grenades, and beat them hard, and they really knocked down the enemy that was about to come up.

Seeing that the time had come, Wu Jianglong said to He Xiao, "Withdraw."

The four of them stood up and quickly retreated down the mountain.

In order to delay the enemy from occupying the mountain as soon as possible, Wu Jianglong adopted the old method and set up two booby traps on the top of the mountain before leaving.Although there are not many, as long as one can explode, it will definitely have a deterrent effect on other enemies.The purpose is not to destroy the number of enemies, but to make the enemy fearful and slow.As long as they can stop, the squad will have time to get rid of it as soon as possible.Even if you can buy a few minutes, run out of the open area and get into the jungle, it will definitely allow the enemy spy team to find it for a while.By that time, maybe the team has completed one or more tasks.

The fierce fighting on the top of the mountain has already alarmed the enemies in the valley.

There are not many enemies in the valley, and most of them are on guard duty to protect the construction site.At the same time, in this empty valley, many working Vietnamese people gathered.However, they don't have much combat experience, they are nothing more than people who work.

At this time, the highest person in charge of the Vietnamese Army in the valley was probably a platoon company cadre.

He first heard gunshots on the mountain. At first, he thought that someone was coming at them and wanted to attack the airport under construction.However, after observing for a while, he felt something was wrong.Although there was a battle there, the bullets were not aimed at them.Besides, they didn't exchange fire with anyone, and it wasn't the place where the shot was fired.

The head of the Vietnamese army thought about it for a while, and thought it would be better to go to the mountain to have a look. If his own people were fighting someone, there would be someone to help.As a soldier, you can't stand indifferent to the battle under your nose.So, he finally decided to take all these people with him and go up the mountain to see what happened there.

After thinking about it, the head of the Vietnamese army led a dozen people and climbed up the hillside to the top of the mountain.

As they climbed, they felt that someone was coming down from the mountain.Due to being blocked by the half-human tall wormwood, it was impossible to tell who it was.

When he was about to approach the person, the Vietnamese soldier shouted at Dongyun and the others, "Who are you?"

Dong Yun and the others were also running down the mountain when they suddenly heard shouts and knew that it was the enemy coming up from the bottom of the mountain.At this time, with the Vietnamese army in front and the pursuers behind, there is only one way forward.

"The enemy." Shen Weijun said after finding out.

"Don't worry." Dong Yun said.

Then, Dong Yun shouted to the Vietnamese army at the foot of the mountain, "Special Service Team."

"What happened?" the Vietnamese soldier asked again.

"There are Bei bandits on the top of the mountain. The captain asked me to come to you for support." Dong Yun said, approaching these enemies.

When he said this, the Vietnamese platoon leader really believed it, turned around and shouted to the team around him, "Comrades, we found the northern bandits on the mountain, go!"

After his yell, these people under his command really got excited, yelled, and ran up the mountain desperately.

Think about it, if a person puts all his strength on climbing the mountain, his ability to respond to dangerous situations is not close to zero.

Just when the Vietnamese army was about to approach Dong Yun and the others, Dong Yun shouted: "Shen Weijun, hurry up and fight."

"Hit." Shen Weijun yelled and fired first.

The muzzles of six submachine guns suddenly appeared from the grass, and it was no problem to sweep these ten people.In an instant, the dozen or so enemies were eliminated.The leader of the Vietnamese army didn't even see who was in front of him when he died. How could he fight as soon as he met him? What kind of special agent team.

Before he died, he regarded these people as his secret service team.

Seeing that the enemy is eliminated, the weapon cannot be discarded in vain, it is just used to replenish.So Dong Yun shouted again, "Shen Weijun, quickly pick up all the enemy's bullets and take away all that can be used."

With such a reminder from Dong Yun, all the soldiers present knew what to do when they got down.So, the six of them began to writhe on top of the dead bodies of the enemy, and as long as they were useful, they took them all off the dead bodies and put them on themselves.

After such a round of rummaging, every soldier on the scene got a lot of weapons and ammunition, not to mention being fully replenished, but at the very least, making up for the shortfall in front of him.

Someone asked, "Is the ammunition model correct?"

Exactly right.During this period of time, the weapons used by the Vietnamese army were similar to ours. Some were from China, some were from the Soviet Union, and some were left by the Americans.But most of the bullets are [-] mm, and there is not much difference between grenades and grenades, you can use them if you take them.Therefore, replenishing ammunition for the squad solved a lot of problems.This is also a better strategy of temporarily adopting "take from the enemy and use it for the enemy".

Dong Yun felt that it was almost done, so he shouted, "Okay, leave quickly."

The six people huffed and continued to run down the mountain.

They ran down the hill, out of the grass, and out into the open field.

Right now, there are really no enemies in the empty valley, but a lot of ordinary people have gathered.They were looking up the hill, not knowing who was at war with whom.When they suddenly saw six Chinese soldiers emerging from the grass, they were all stunned.However, some of them have experienced the self-defense counterattack in [-], and they recognized the Chinese Communists just by looking at the military uniform.Some people also saw that it was not the Vietnamese army, and raised the tools in their hands, intending to attack Dong Yun and the others.

Just after he made this move, he was stopped by a man in the crowd.I don't know what the man said, the person who was going to do it obediently put down his tools, and stared blankly at Dongyun and the others running past.

Vietnamese people who have experienced counterattacks in seven or nine years know that even though these people are enemy troops, as long as you don't attack them, they will never attack the people.However, if they are threatened, they are likely to retaliate with arms.This means that people will not offend me, and I will not offend others.

Dong Yun and the six of them were not blocked by anything, and quickly passed through the group of Vietnamese common people.

Immediately afterwards, the group of Wu Jianglong and He Xiao also ran over.

These ordinary people watched the two Chinese soldiers running over from one place, and couldn't figure out what happened. They all had doubts, "Why, the Chinese are calling again."

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Run, the Chinese are calling."

It doesn't matter what he shouted, the group of ordinary people fled in all directions with a buzzing sound.

These are working people. Once they get into a mess, it doesn't matter what goes north and south.Run wherever it is near, and go there whenever it is convenient.Ever since, after the crowd dispersed in all directions, there were people everywhere.

A few ordinary people rushed straight to Wu Jianglong and the others. Maybe they didn't see the direction clearly, or they might be rushed by the crowd. In short, they didn't find Wu Jianglong and the others until they got close.

They were stunned when they saw these Chinese Communists mixed in with the crowd.After they settled down, they were at a loss, thinking that these shooting gunmen would definitely shoot at them.

Unexpectedly, these four people just pushed forward and ignored them.

The Vietnamese in front gradually saw the clues and automatically moved out of the way.

Wu Jianglong was also polite, and led He Xiao and the others straight through the gap.

As Wu Jianglong ran forward, he was making plans in his mind, "What if these ordinary people attack them, should they shoot or not. If they don't shoot, the four of them will die if they take down the shovel and pickaxe. Don’t smash them. If you shoot, how can you hit the common people.” Therefore, while running, Wu Jianglong told He Xiao, “If the common people do anything, hold back and never shoot them.”

"Yes" He Xiao and the other three soldiers agreed.

"What if they come after them?" He Xiao asked after him.

"Be patient, just find a way to rush out, don't worry about what happens later." Wu Jianglong said while running.

In this way, they rushed to and fro in the crowd.It may also be that these ordinary people did not react for a while, or they may have been shocked by the bravery of the Chinese Communists.It wasn't until Wu Jianglong and the four of them rushed out of the crowd that these ordinary people reacted.

Seeing that there were no more victims, the moaning of the crowd stopped.Some stared back blankly, while others whispered their ideas about what to do next.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the crowd, "They are the enemy, we cannot let them escape."

"Om", the crowd started to become chaotic again.However, this time the chaotic noise was not going elsewhere, but was chasing after Wu Jianglong and the others.

Although these people are ordinary peasants, they are all people who have grown up in the jungle all their lives.They walked in and out of the forest all day long, and their physical strength was naturally no worse than that of the Chinese Communists. Therefore, they chased Wu Jianglong very fast, and they were about to catch up after running for a while.

Wu Jianglong was running forward when he suddenly felt something was wrong with the voice behind him. He turned his head and said, "Oh my god! Under the instigation of someone, these ordinary people even brought all kinds of tools and shouted and chased after him. If this Let them come up, then the trouble will be big.

"Originally, the small team has a small number of people, and they are stretched in front of the secret service team. If these people also join in, won't the shortfall of the small team be even greater?"

"No, we have to drive them back." Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong immediately stopped, turned around and shouted at these people.After shouting twice, they still didn't intend to stop.So, he raised his submachine gun and pointed it at the top of these people's heads, and "suddenly" was a shuttle.

The bullet exploded suddenly, and it really came towards the top of the head.Under the pressure of bullets, these ordinary people saw the danger.One by one hurriedly stopped.Some squatted down, some got down on the ground, and some turned around and ran back.

Wu Jianglong saw that the formation of the people was in disarray, so he turned his head and continued to chase He Xiao and the others.

The crowd didn't dare to chase anymore, they stood in place and surrounded a large group in a mess.When they were in such a mess, they immediately blocked Wu Liangfu who was rushing over.

Wu Liangfu rushed to the front with more than a dozen agents, and once he reached the crowd, he didn't know where to go.A few of them shouted and shouted, but the people around them just refused to give way.

Wu Liangfu became angry, raised his gun and fired into the sky as a warning.He also wanted to use gunshots to shock the people who were in chaos.

Unexpectedly, when he shot, the crowd not only stayed but hugged even tighter.

An old man recognized Wu Liangfu and shouted, "What are you doing, don't you dare to shoot at us." After seeing these people wearing the Vietnamese army uniforms they are used to, he was sure it was own people.Since he is one of his own people, why dare to shoot at the common people.

As soon as the old man said it was okay, he immediately aroused the anger of the others. They were angry at Wu Jianglong's shooting just now, but they didn't know what to do when they caught up with Wu Liangfu.So, they all ran towards him.

Surrounded by the crowd, Wu Liangfu watched Wu Jianglong and the others run farther and farther, and shouted eagerly, "Get out of the way, we are chasing the Beikou."

"It doesn't matter what bandit you are chasing, you can't act wildly on the common people." Often in a place full of people and noisy people, no matter who you are, it is difficult to explain the truth.

Wu Liangfu became angry, and suddenly stretched out his hands and feet, and slapped the people around him.It doesn't matter if he hit it, the agents under him also did it at the same time.For a time, more than a dozen ordinary people were knocked down.

Originally, Wu Liangfu thought that if he did something like this, the common people would be scared.There must be a way out.Unexpectedly, it's okay if you don't fight, but this fight will cause even bigger troubles.Someone in the crowd shouted, "Your own man beats his own man, what kind of soldier is he? Young and old, beat him up."

Common people who have lost their sense are most afraid of someone making a fuss.No matter what you shout, someone will always answer.What's more, they have suffered all the anger of these soldiers in their lives, so why don't they want to take this opportunity to make some money back.Ever since, many ordinary people began to attack Wu Liangfu and the others.

For a while, Wu Liangfu was hit several times.

Where did Wu Liangfu suffer from this, so he became even more angry.He raised his gun and fired two shots into the sky.After the two shots, the common people only retreated a little bit, and slowly moved forward again.This time Wu Liangfu finally moved to kill.He felt that these ordinary people had lost their minds, and they would not give up unless they were given some strength.

Wu Liangfu suddenly lowered the muzzle of the gun, and after the bullet swept across the ground, it finally landed on the person in the front.

"Da da da." As soon as the submachine gun sounded, several people fell to the ground immediately.

The people who were about to surround the front saw that Wu Liangfu had really shot at them, and then they realized that they were afraid, and they swarmed and retreated.

Seeing that there was a gap, Wu Liangfu didn't dare to neglect at all, and said to his subordinates, "Hurry up and chase me."

Before leaving, Wu Liangfu turned his head and said harshly to these people, "You wait, I will come back to settle accounts with you after I catch Beikou."

What kind of account is it? Could it be that these people are also suspected of collaborating with the enemy.That's right, Wu Liangfu really thinks so.For a long time, he has always had such doubts about the people of his country, and has always believed that some of them have a common cause. Otherwise, why would these ordinary people block him and not let him go.On the other hand, he still needs to find some reasons for himself to get rid of the incident of him shooting and killing ordinary people.Otherwise, what would he use as a shield after being investigated by the higher authorities.Therefore, if you want to free yourself, you must convict these people.

Wu Liangfu's running speed slowed down significantly.When he ran forward again, his confidence was no longer so strong.Now the biggest problem started to haunt him.Although it is absolutely impossible, it must be one's own people.Shooting at the people, is this justification justified now?If it is not done well, it will lead to even bigger incidents. If someone is really going to die, what will he do?

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