soldier rushing forward

177. Strange Village

An hour of sleep time is insignificant for ordinary people. 【|】But it is too important for the extremely tired team members.At this time, none of them dared to lie down and snore deeply, but taking a nap, squinting their eyes, and taking a rest was an essential part.

The team gathered the dry food of all the personnel together and distributed it equally to everyone.

After Shen Weijun got a biscuit, he swallowed it into his mouth without looking at it, then turned his body and fell asleep.

Wu Jianglong told Dongyun, "Be alert and don't let him snore."

Dong Yun leaned against Shen Weijun, and soon fell asleep.

Wu Jianglong strained his eyes, and said to a soldier on duty, "You can sleep too." Then he leaned against the door with his gun in his arms.

Before he knew it, Wu Jianglong seemed to have fallen asleep, but in his sleep, he seemed to hear something and suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a sound, yes, it was outside the house.

Wu Jianglong looked out through the cracks in the planks.

I saw two pigs grunting and walking towards this place, while arching on the ground, while moving forward, they gradually approached the door.

After the two pigs arrived at the door, the pig in front tried to arch the door panel with its beak.But the door panel was pushed to death from the inside, how could it move.Although the pig didn't push the door, he didn't leave it either. It persisted and continued to push the door.

The door panel creaked under the arch of pigs.

Wu Jianglong suddenly thought of a problem. According to the usual practice, farmers have no reason to push the door from the inside. If they want to close it, they must lock it from the outside.Now, the small team is so big, isn't it obvious to tell people that there are people here!

So, Wu Jianglong hurriedly woke up the followers, "Get up, get up, there is a situation."

The soldiers were all woken up and hurriedly grabbed their guns and prepared to fight.

"It's all hidden inside, and the black general has come in." Wu Jianglong said, hiding his body in a corner that cannot be seen from the outside, and then opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the two pigs rushed to a place desperately.

Wu Jianglong followed the two pigs forward with his eyes.Only then did I discover that there was a wooden basin in front of the pig, and there was pig food left over from eating yesterday in the basin.

It seems that the place where they stay is not only the warehouse, but also has the alias of pigsty.

In this part of Vietnam, farmers generally live together with their livestock.No matter what kind of cow it is!Pig!Or goats.Don't look at the fact that there are bamboos everywhere here, and there may be very few houses to live in. In their bones, they haven't completely distinguished the most primitive way of life.As long as they can eat and live, that's enough. They don't even think about how to make them more comfortable and hygienic.Therefore, the relationship between humans and domestic animals is very harmonious.

Are people originally animals?As long as you don't elevate yourself too high, and don't talk about high-level and earth-level people all day long, it's fine. In this way, it is easy for humans and other animals to get along with each other.You see, these Vietnamese mountain people, don't they do very well?

The two pigs were not afraid when they saw ten people in the room, but just ate and gorged on their own, how brave they must be!

In fact, it is not the case. It is not that they are bold, but that people do not disturb them. Therefore, they are used to living with people.

At first, when the two pigs ran here, they really scared the soldiers of the squad.It's not that I'm afraid of pigs, but I'm afraid that they will run out in a hurry when they see someone here. After a while of screaming, isn't that equivalent to reporting to the people outside?

Looking at it now, it was purely carelessness, they didn't see the two pigs eating happily, and they didn't even bother to take a look at who was in the house.No matter how the soldiers stare, you look at yours, and I eat mine.

That's fine, the two don't interfere, and the soldiers continue to rest.

I still want to return to the original sleeping state, but obviously I can't do it.Because at this time, human voices appeared in the village, and there were many.

Wu Jianglong hurriedly grabbed the cracks of the board and looked out.He found that a lot of people came to the village at some time, not only villagers, but also many Vietnamese soldiers.

"It's broken," Wu Jianglong blurted out, "the enemy wants to search."

This time, the people in the house were in a hurry.There is no rush to go out now.As long as you go out the door, in front of the empty house, you will be found immediately.How many people can be hidden in a small village that is not that big?

"Cover yourself up." Wu Jianglong said to everyone.

Right now, the only way is to stay in the dilapidated house, if you don't go out, you won't be discovered by the enemy.Unless the enemy checks one by one.Never mind, we'll talk about it later.The soldiers quickly took cover.

Wu Jianglong's guess was right, the enemy really wanted to check the room.

When he was on the mountain, after Wu Liangfu made the judgment that the team might sneak into the village, he led people to Chakou Village first.

It wasn't that Wu Liangfu's judgment was so accurate that the team must be hidden in Chakou Village, but because Chakou Village was the closest to the location where the team was discovered.Therefore, he suspects that the Chinese team is likely to come here.

At this time, the enemy didn't search here first, but let it go and search elsewhere, wouldn't that be a big fool!Therefore, this must be the first to be checked.Only when no one is found here do they go elsewhere.

There are still many small villages like Chakou Village on the Vietnam border at the southern foot of Laoshan Mountain.Although the population of each village is small, the villagers live comfortably here.

These villages are all built on flat land, and the villagers grow crops such as rice by means of rivers.If it hadn't been for the large-scale expulsion of Chinese by the Vietnamese government seven or nine years ago, there might still be Chinese villagers here.Now there is no more, all Chinese are driven back to China.As a result, many houses in the village were abandoned.It seems that the house that Wu Jianglong and the others hid was probably where these Chinese lived in those years.

Wu Liangfu led the people down the mountain and went straight to Chakou Village.

Passing by the dilapidated house, Wu Liangfu just glanced at the open door and walked forward.

Maybe Wu Jianglong and the others were too lucky, maybe these two pigs helped a lot.If the door is closed, or is still being pinned to death, there is no guarantee Takeo Liangfu will come and take a look.If you really want to come in a few Vietnamese soldiers, let alone rummaging inside, just stop and grope around, the squad will definitely have no hiding place.Even if the two sides start a big battle again, the small team's chances of winning are very small.

It's daylight now, and enemies are everywhere.That is, can you run out of the house, can you run out of the village, can you guarantee to run out of this area controlled by the enemy?Obviously not.So your best bet is to hide until the enemy is gone.

After taking about ten steps forward, Wu Liangfu turned around and said to an agent next to him, "Go, go and have a look."

Wu Liangfu always felt that something was wrong with the open door, so he wanted to send someone over to have a look.

The two Vietnamese agents who came over were quite careful.At this time, they know that there is nothing to be careless about.Maybe a few bullets will fly from somewhere.Therefore, they carefully held their guns and bent their waists, and approached the broken house little by little.After walking to the door, I looked inside and saw two pigs eating there.Only then did a Vietnamese army agent stand up with confidence, and walked to the door to look inside.

The room was in a mess, and there were sundries piled up by farmers everywhere.In the dilapidated house, there was nothing but the sound of pigs eating.

The two Vietnamese soldiers put away their guns, turned around and walked back towards Wu Liangfu, "Captain, it's okay."

"Why is the door open?" Wu Liangfu asked worriedly.

"There are two pigs eating there."

Wu Liangfu believed it. Since there were pigs eating there, he probably wouldn't hide anyone.If there are people, can pigs be so safe?

"Okay, let's go to the front and have a look." Only then did Wu Liangfu feel relieved to lead the people forward.

At this moment, the people in the room were tense for a while, and they didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the enemies walked away.

Just now, Wu Jianglong lay down behind the wooden wall near the outside, with rotten grass scattered on his body.Only two eyes were exposed and stared at Wu Liangfu.If they were discovered by the enemy, Wu Liangfu might be the first to be hit by his gun.Among thousands of armies, killing the enemy's commander is the best way to take advantage of the chaos to win.Once exposed, if you want to rush out from here, you can only choose this bad strategy.

Now that the situation is resolved, Wu Jianglong feels the smell of pigs all over his body.

The place where he sleeps is a pig's soft bed, so he doesn't feel ashamed or smell bad.Don't look bad, maybe the two pigs will go back to the nest after they are full. Once they find that the old nest has been occupied, there may be some kind of war.Not to mention robbing, as long as he hums frantically, it is enough for the squad to suffer.

Seeing the enemy leave, Wu Jianglong dared to change places.As soon as he left, the two pigs squeezed forward one after the other, and fell down safely on Wu Jianglong's hot grass nest.At the end, Lin Zi, after opening his eyes and looking at these unknown people for a long time, he closed his eyes and started to sleep.

The soldiers were puzzled.Since this is a pig's nest, and the two pigs don't go to sleep in the dark, but toss about outside, and come back in the morning, could it be possible to follow the owner to search the mountains?

strange?It is indeed strange.But it is easy to understand, since different ethnic groups have different customs, it is impossible for other people's pigs to have a little personality.Perhaps it is better to sleep during the day and exercise at night.Isn't there an old saying that often goes like this! "A horse doesn't eat night grass and doesn't get fat." It is estimated that this pig has also gone out to hunt for food.

Now, the enemy is still in the village, Wu Jianglong and the others must not move, they can only continue to lurk.After a long time, the boiling sound in the village finally calmed down.It seems that the enemy is really gone.

Wu Jianglong began to study the map carefully by the dim light coming in from the cracks in the boards.

Through comparison, Wu Jianglong quickly found this small village on the map.At the same time, he found that there were villages around his size.Wu Jianglong searched north along the village little by little, and finally found the road they came from.

"By the way, from this time on." Wu Jianglong showed excitement.

After a short rest, everyone in the small team was full of energy.Wu Jianglong carefully asked the injured people if they were okay.They all said that there is no problem and they can keep up.

"Okay, then I will start to withdraw to the country." Wu Jianglong finally decided.

"He Xiao, go out and see if the enemy is still there." Wu Jianglong instructed He Xiao.

He Xiao and Li Tong quietly took out the broken house, darted around, and groped into the village while dodging left and right.

When the two of them looked at several houses one by one, the empty houses here were still there.It seems that those people who searched the mountain haven't come back completely, maybe they were forced by Wu Liangfu to go to other villages.

The village is very quiet, no adults talking, no children crying, not even the barking of livestock.

After He Xiao and Li Tong scouted the situation, they returned and told Wu Jianglong that the village was safe.

"Let's go." Wu Jianglong gave an order, and the soldiers of the squad rushed out of the broken house and ran to the north.

After Wu Liangfu led people to search from house to house in the village, there was still no trace of the squad.So, he summarized the situation of the search teams in various places, and after analysis, he found no trace of the squad.

"This is strange. There is no one on the mountain, and there is no one in the village. Where can the team go?" Wu Liangfu thought so, then found a big rock, spread out the map, and searched carefully on it. "The whole Laoshan has been stirred up by the squad. They will never dare to stay here again. Then, the remaining possibility is to return to the country with the collected information." Wu Liangfu thinks so.

However, he still had doubts, and still doubted that the small team was nearby and would not jump out of his encirclement so quickly.

"Notify all the troops that they cannot withdraw until the Beikou is found." Wu Liangfu said to his subordinates.

An agent agreed, turned and ran away.It seems that he is busy sending out his order.

However, the ten fingers are not generally aligned, not to mention that there are local militiamen, police stations and other troops cooperating with their search.It is natural for the secret service team to obey his command, but those troops are different.If you're full and have nothing to do, it's okay for everyone to join in the fun.But now, after wandering around the mountain all night, even the cast-iron man has to rest.What's more, I don't know where to eat breakfast, and no one cares, so I have to solve it myself.Therefore, they gradually began to relax.After receiving this order, some Vietnamese soldiers simply sat on the ground, opened rice dumplings and ate breakfast.Those who don't have it are anxious, so they think of ways to share with others.In this way, those who are quarreling and quarreling don't look like they are fighting a war.

Wu Jianglong and the others walked out of the village along the ditch again, and then walked forward according to the designated route.After they walked out of the village, they realized that something was wrong.

What time is it, why the enemy hasn't withdrawn yet, and the shadow of the enemy can be seen everywhere, are they still going to die to the end.

In order not to be discovered by the enemy, they had no choice but to crawl forward through the dense wormwood, moving forward as much as they could, as long as they were not discovered by the enemy.

In this way, the team got farther and farther away from Chakou Village, gradually avoiding the sight of the search team in this area.

Soon, the team went into the jungle again.

After Arranging for the soldier to go out to issue orders, Wu Liangfu turned his head and asked an agent beside him, "Did you find anything in that house?"


"Did you go in and search it yourself?"

"No, we saw some pigs eating, so we withdrew."

Wu Liangfu glared suddenly, "Bastard, pigs here are not afraid of people." After finishing speaking, he grabbed the gun on the ground and yelled at the others without looking back, "Take the gun and follow me."

Wu Liangfu usually does everything by himself.When searching Chakou Village, he personally checked almost all the rooms, but he didn't go to the empty house, so he asked suspiciously after thinking about this.When I heard that the Vietnamese army agent didn't go in for a detailed inspection, I suddenly realized that there might be a loophole here, otherwise, why would there be no Chinese team!

Wu Liangfu and his men turned back halfway and headed straight for this dilapidated house in Chakou Village.When he was about to approach, he ordered people to surround the place first to prevent the Chinese team from breaking through.Afterwards, he urged the two agents who went in earlier, "Go, go in and have a look."

When they went in that time, the two agents didn't think much about it, and they weren't afraid at all.It's different now, seeing Wu Liangfu posing like this, there must be someone in the room.Therefore, letting the two of them go in to check at this time is obviously going to die.But it’s okay not to go.If you don't go, Wu Liangfu's gun will definitely be aimed at them.

"Oh, what a pity, if you go or not, you will die." An agent thought to himself. "It's more honorable to go than not to go.

"Let's go! Dude." After the agent said something to another agent, he strode forward.Now that he has figured it out, he will die anyway, so fortunately he looks a little more heroic.

Seeing him go, another Vietnamese army agent followed closely behind.The two arrived at the door of the house one after the other.

Although he is not afraid of anything, he is still afraid of death.

The Vietnamese army in front arrived at the door, and looked at the door, it was no different from the first time he came in.This time he was relieved, if there were Chinese gunmen, they would not run away, so why would they stay here obediently.Since the situation has not changed, it means that there is nothing here.So, he boldly entered the broken room.

When I entered the room, I saw that there were only two pigs sleeping in the room, and everything else was silent.So, the Vietnamese soldier came out and said to Wu Liangfu, "Captain, there is nothing."

Wu Liangfu was not reconciled, and did not believe that his judgment was wrong, so he walked over with four or five people.

After Wu Liangfu entered the dilapidated house, he looked around with a pair of sly eyes.

Suddenly, he noticed something near the furniture.So he walked over.Looking closer, it was a few pieces of torn paper.

Wu Liangfu bent down to pick it up, went to the door, looked at the light, and clearly wrote the words "Made in China".

Wu Liangfu narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then said to someone, "Go, get the owner of the house."

After a while, a farmer ran over.

Wu Liangfu held up the piece of paper to the farmer and asked, "Have you seen this thing?"

The farmer looked up and shook his head vigorously, "I haven't seen it."

Only then did Wu Liangfu confirm that there were Chinese Communists hiding here.So, he turned his head, gave the agent a hard look, and then slapped him loudly, shouting, "This is left by Beikou."

The agent was not prepared at all, and Wu Liangfu made a joke.

"What are you still staring at, chase after me." Wu Liangfu yelled at the secret service team like crazy.

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