soldier rushing forward

181 A Strange Farewell

Seeing that Wu Jianglong stopped talking, Li Tong continued, "Captain, my blood is about to run dry, and I will die after walking too far. 【^】Why don't you leave me here and let me cover you, it's my honor Well, I'll be more secure underground."

Wu Jianglong turned his head, "I'll talk about it later."

Holding the submachine gun in his arms, Li Tong said to Wu Jianglong, "Captain, give me two more of your grenades. I don't want the enemy to see my body."

Dong Yun came over and saw tears streaming from Wu Jianglong's eyes, and asked, "Captain, what happened?" He thought it was Li Tong who died, and Wu Jianglong was sad.

Li Tong said, "Dong Yun, you have to protect the captain and they will return safely."

"Why are you in a daze?" Dong Yun asked, "You don't want to go back?"

Li Tong smiled wryly, and said, "Look at me, it's alright, can I go back?" Li Tong moved his hand away again, and let Dongyun see the blood on his chest.

Dong Yun was so sad that he had nothing to say.They don't have a surgeon here, and they don't have rescue equipment, so they can only watch half of them bleed dry.What else to do but spare tears?

At this time, the thick fog gradually came up, not only Wu Jianglong saw life, but Wu Liangfu also saw an opportunity to take advantage of.Therefore, he did not let his troops continue to rush upwards, he wanted to wait for the fog to rise, and then touch it quietly.With so many people, and a few middle-aged people, I can't believe that all of them have god-like abilities.Maybe we can catch two or three alive.

Wu Liangfu thought very beautifully, so he had to wait, wait until the thick fog completely diffused to the top of the mountain before attacking upwards.

The fog hit the top of the mountain, and it was impossible to see anything more than one meter away.

Taking advantage of this time, He Xiao gathered Xia Fengguo and Du Chunsheng together, and the last few of them gathered together, including Li Tong of course.

"Comrades, break out now." Wu Jianglong ordered.

He Xiao bent down to carry Li Tong on his back.

Li Tong pushed He Xiao, "I have made an agreement with the captain, you withdraw, and I will cover."

He Xiao turned to Wu Jianglong in disbelief, but in the thick fog, he couldn't see Wu Jianglong's face clearly.He asked angrily, "Captain, this is not acceptable."

Wu Jianglong didn't say anything.

Li Tong said, "This has nothing to do with the captain. It's what I asked for. I'm about to die. I'm going to die sooner or later. You guys, just let me do something for everyone!"

Wu Jianglong didn't speak, of course He Xiao couldn't let go, "No, let's go together." Saying that, he reached out to move Li Li Tong.

Li Tong grabbed a grenade, "You, if you do this again, I will use him to end it."

He Xiao looked at Li Tong, not knowing what to do.

Li Tong said, "Captain, please, let's go!"

Everyone focused their eyes on the hazy Wu Jianglong.

"Captain, if you want to complete the task, you all go." Li Tong shouted with all his strength.

"He Xiao, give Li Tong another grenade." Wu Jianglong said stiffly.

"Captain!" He Xiao still struggled.

"Obey the order and withdraw." Wu Jianglong said fiercely.

After speaking, Wu Jianglong came over and shook Li Tong's hand, tears streaming down his face.

Silent tears are the oath of farewell.Now, he can only abandon Li Tong cruelly, and let him complete the final mission in life.Apart from this method, Wu Jianglong has no other choice.

At that time, our national strength was too poor!The technology is still quite backward.If a few "Apache" helicopters are sent like the US military, the result will definitely not be the case.It's a pity that we don't have any. What we have is just a lot of flesh and blood, and there are also thousands of Chinese backbones.Human sea tactics were still the people we chose for the war at that time.

At this most critical moment, Li Tong left the chance of life to his comrades-in-arms and death to himself.He was going to use his own blood to exchange for the lives of a few more comrades in arms.

This is not a momentary impulse of emotion, nor is it just a matter of fate, how much meaning and spirit of life are contained in it.Only those who regard death as home, only those who transcend the value of life, and only those with noble sentiments can do this.

Everyone present was moved by Li Tong.

Wu Jianglong, He Xiao, Dong Yun, Du Chunsheng, Xia Fengguo, the last five members of the team walked past Li Tong one by one.Everyone touched his face and body. They seemed to want to turn Li Tong's body into an eternal sculpture in their hearts and remember it forever.

The comrades left, with tears in their eyes, walking past Li Tong silently.It was like holding a memorial service for Li Tong in advance.It's just that there are no coffins, no flowers, no farewell mourning.

There will be, there will be everything.It won't be long before the enemies from the bottom of the mountain will come up.The random sound of guns and guns, bullet marks flying all over the sky, and those burning flowers and plants are gifts from heaven to Li Tong!

The thick fog began to diffuse, not only devouring the shadows of comrades-in-arms, but also swallowing everything in the world.In front of him, only the lonely Li Tong was left.

If Li Tong has something to say, what is on his mind right now, it must be thinking about his family, relatives and friends, and saying goodbye to them.If heaven and earth knew, he would let them take a reply letter from heaven, telling their parents to take good care of their health, Li Tong can no longer be filial, and he will repay the two elders for their kindness in the next life.

There is always a time of farewell in life, and they can't be sad right now, there is still a battle waiting for them.

Wu Jianglong did not go far with these people.At this time, they couldn't go out at all. Only when the enemy was in chaos, and the mountains and mountains were in chaos, could they take the opportunity to escape.

The five of them went to hide in a pit beside the grass under the hillside at the back.

The five people leaned tightly together, none of them could make a sound, and even held their breath, waiting for the last opportunity.

On the top of the mountain, Li Tong had been lying down, and the blood on his chest continued to flow out.He felt the strength in his whole body disappearing little by little.At this time, the body can no longer feel the pain, but the mind is still clear.He estimated that Wu Jianglong and the others had almost left, so he put the submachine gun on his body with difficulty, and pulled the board with his left hand.

"Da da da." There was a gunshot, and a burst of flames rushed out of his body.As for where the bullet flew, Li Tong himself did not know, nor did the enemy.Everyone, only knows that there are guns ringing here.

Wu Liangfu was about to organize an attack, when he heard gunshots, he thought it was the enemy on the back of the mountain who had launched an attack.So, he also ordered to rush up.

At this time, the enemy behind also heard the gunshots, but did not see the bullets falling, and thought it was the troops on the opposite side attacking the top of the mountain, so they also ordered to charge up.

The enemies in front of and behind the mountain attacked the top of the mountain at the same time.

This time, in order to shock the Chinese team from the momentum, the enemy shouted while running up.

Shouts like thunder rumbled through the mist.It seems that in all directions, there are enemies everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

The hidden team members are all thinking.If the squad does not withdraw at this time, so many enemies will attack together.The guarded mountain ridge is likely to be taken down by the enemy in one go, and the outcome can be imagined.

Shouting like waves, they quickly approached Wu Jianglong and the others.In the misty fog, Wu Jianglong saw many enemies howling and flashing past him.

However, Wu Jianglong and the others hid motionlessly, waiting, waiting for the enemy to rush over.

Soon, the first wave of enemies passed, and the shouts gradually shifted to the top of the mountain.

"It's time to withdraw." Wu Jianglong said softly, then stood up.

As soon as Wu Jianglong stood up, he suddenly found an enemy standing in front of him.

This enemy thought that everything in front of him was ordinary, but why a black figure suddenly appeared, he was also startled.After thinking about it for a while, the enemy felt something was wrong, "All my men are rushing to the top of the mountain, why are there still people here!" At this time, he saw not only one person standing up from the ground, but five together.The enemy panicked, suddenly felt that this was the Chinese team.

When he understood and wanted to shout, he felt that his throat was so hazy that he couldn't control it anymore.

When Wu Jianglong found out about this enemy, he was also taken aback.I wanted to hide and leave quietly.But I can't think of it.There will certainly be other enemies by his side.As long as the enemy senses something is wrong and suddenly shouts, the enemy will quickly surround him.With such a surrounding, the team's overall plan will be disrupted because of him.

"No, this enemy has to be killed." Wu Jianglong thought about it, pulled out his dagger, and wiped the enemy's neck forcefully.In just a few inches, he was sent back to his hometown.

Thanks to Wu Jianglong's quick attack.If this enemy is allowed to shout, I really don't know what the consequences will be.

Because, he had just bled this enemy, and several enemies came up behind him.

An enemy saw them stop here and asked, "Why don't you go up?"

Dong Yun replied in Vietnamese, "Someone is injured, let's carry him down."

When Dong Yun spoke, Wu Jianglong twisted the body of the Vietnamese soldier to show the enemy deliberately.

The Vietnamese soldier who asked the question saw a Vietnamese soldier with his head down, and really thought he was injured, and then said, "Leave it and charge up."

At this time, all the Vietnamese troops rushed forward, preparing to capture the Chinese squad alive. Who would be willing to distract and waste energy for the injured.

Dong Yun continued to answer, "Yes."

After the Vietnamese soldier finished speaking, he went up on his own.

Seeing him walking away, Wu Jianglong and the others hurriedly turned around and ran down the mountain, but they didn't dare to run too fast for fear of arousing suspicion from the enemy.

At this time, enemies continued to pass by them, some asked, and some remained silent.

Thanks to the cover of these fogs.When the people on the opposite side saw them, they could only see their silhouettes, and they couldn't tell the enemy from themselves.

Along the way, whenever he was asked by the Vietnamese army, Dong Yun kept answering, either that the superior asked him to go down the mountain to fetch things, or that there was a new task.The Vietnamese soldiers were all rushing to the top of the mountain, who still had the time to interrogate them carefully.

After walking for a certain period of time, the team finally went down the mountain.

At this time, there are fewer and fewer enemies in front of them, and it is estimated that they have all reached the top of the mountain at this time.Everyone wanted to catch a shotgun, and everyone wanted to make a big contribution, so these enemies ran up desperately.Who would have thought that the living Chinese had rushed out of their encirclement!

On the top of the mountain, Wu Liangfu finally rushed up with his men.As he climbed up, he was thinking, "Why are the gunshots so strange now! They only shoot at the other side of the mountain, and don't care about them at all." Looking at the thick fog in front of him, he seemed to understand everything again.Under the cover of thick fog, the Chinese Communists couldn't see them coming up, so how could they shoot at them!In this way, while touching upwards, Wu Liangfu was lucky and hoped that he would not encounter the Chinese Communist at gunpoint all the way to the top of the mountain, so as to give the Chinese Communist a surprise attack.

At this time, the gun attack on the top of the mountain was no longer so intense, and the sound of the gun was stumbling, and it took a long time before there was a "beep".

How did the enemy know that Li Tong was using his last life to fight back bit by bit.

At this time, Li Tong began to appear in a coma.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, he was awakened by the enemy's cries.As soon as he woke up, the first thing he did was to push the blade hard.So when he buckled, only one bullet was fired, and he didn't even have the strength to hold it still.

In this way, Li Tong fired a shot, stopped for a while, and gradually attracted all the enemies who charged towards him.

Wu Liangfu went to the top of the mountain, and an enemy reported to him, "Captain, one of them is still alive."

"Okay." Wu Liangfu happily ran towards Li Tong.

Just after running a few steps, the radio soldier who followed him shouted, "Captain, the division commander wants to call you back."

Wu Liangfu quickly stopped and went to answer the phone.

The radio soldier handed the phone to Wu Liangfu.Wu Liangfu shouted into the microphone, "Master, we have taken the top of the mountain, and all the northern invaders have been wiped out."

"Why is there no one alive?" asked on the phone.

"Yes, yes, there is one alive, and I am going to interrogate it." Wu Liangfu said.

"Okay, take him to the division headquarters."

"Yes." Just as Wu Liangfu finished his answer, he heard three explosions in succession from the front.

The huge explosion almost knocked out the phone in Wu Liangfu's hand.

There was a questioning voice on the phone, "Are you still calling?"

"No, I, I'll go and have a look." Wu Liangfu didn't know what happened in front of him.

Wu Liangfu led his men to rush to the front, and when he got there, he saw corpses all over the ground, almost all of them belonged to the Vietnamese army.And the wounded fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Wu Liangfu pulled a wounded soldier over and asked, "What's going on?"

The wounded soldier said, "Bei Kou, Bei Kou fired a grenade."

It turned out that when Li Tong fired the last bullet, a large number of Vietnamese troops had already surrounded him.They formed a circle and looked at Li Tong curiously.Seeing that the Japanese had no power to fight back, and there were so many of them, there was nothing to be afraid of.Moreover, everyone was curious, wanting to see what this Chinese Communist looked like, what kind of soldier had been with them for several days.Now that there is a real person, can't you feast your eyes on it?

Before they went up the mountain, their superiors had ordered that those who could be captured alive must be captured alive.Therefore, these enemies just watched around, even if they had great hatred for Li Tong, they did not dare to strike.Therefore, as soon as they saw Li Tong, many enemies immediately surrounded him, first to see, and then to arrest Li Tong with their own hands.

The two Vietnamese troops had seen the blood on Li Tong's body, and knew that he had no resistance, and the most important thing was not to let others get him.So the agents fought with the regular army and the troops in the police station.

Although there are many regular soldiers of the Vietnam Army, they are really no match for the secret agents.After a few encounters, he resigned himself to being inferior and stepped aside to watch how the spies captured Li Tong alive.

Although the enemy was fighting fiercely, Li Tong lay motionless on the ground, watching the enemy fight all the time.In his arms, he still held the submachine gun tightly.

Some Vietnamese soldiers also wondered why this Chinese Communist was so honest and didn't run away!Or take the opportunity to fire a few shots!

How did they know that Li Tong almost lost the strength to open his eyes.If he can run, can he not run?If you have the strength, can you not shoot at the enemy!How can you let you fight so peacefully?

Right now, Li Tong is breathing weakly and trying to hold on.If it wasn't for watching the enemies kill each other, Li Tong would have closed his eyes long ago and reported to heaven.

After the agents succeeded, one agent stepped forward. He wanted to remove the submachine gun in Li Tong's arms first, and then slowly deal with Li Tong. In this way, when they captured Li Tong alive, they also removed a lot of danger.

As soon as the agent took the submachine gun, he suddenly felt something pulling him from below.He thought it was Li Tong who didn't let go.So, I strengthened my hands and said in my heart, "Screw you!"

As soon as the submachine gun was in hand, the agent felt something was wrong, why was there still a piece of rope tied underneath it!

At this moment, smoke started to rise from under Li Tong.

Only then did the agent realize the danger at hand.So he yelled badly.I want to call my companions and run away quickly.

It's a pity that everything is too late.The three grenades under Li Tong's body all rang.

"Boom boom boom" as soon as the three grenades exploded, they immediately swept away a large area of ​​the spies and Vietnamese troops who were watching the excitement.

Following several explosions, Li Tong disappeared without a trace.

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