soldier rushing forward

204、The flame-breathing soldier, come on for me

Not long after the soldier entered, there was heavy machine gun fire from the depths of the cave. ┃- ┃The flying bullets stuck to the wall, like a broom sweeping the wall, shooting down all the soldiers who rushed in.

The blow came too suddenly.The soldiers all thought that after this huge explosion, the enemies inside would definitely die.Even if he is not dead, he can only lie on the ground and cannot move.Unexpectedly, the enemy would use machine guns to stop the Chinese gunners from advancing.

Under the sudden attack of the enemy, many soldiers fell in a pool of blood.Once the person in front falls, the people behind are blocked and unable to move forward.Even if he could move forward, Li Sen wouldn't let him rush.How can you use your body to fight recklessly with bullets.

"Give it to me!" Li Sen shouted to the gunmen behind him.

In this case, it is difficult to use grenades.There are so many people in the hole, although a grenade thrown in may wipe out the enemy.But in case of an explosion, the cave wall is blown away, and those who follow will also be buried in this cave.Therefore, to be on the safe side, Li Sen still didn't take that risk, and decided to use a gun to kill the enemies in front of him first.

After the gunmen came up, they lay down on the ground, opened the insurance, and burned fiercely to the dark place in the cave.

The long flame, dragging a swaying halo, emitted a blinding glare in the cave, and then fell to the innermost part.Soon, after a flash of fire flashed from the depths of the cave, there was the sound of crying for father and mother.

"You son of a bitch, call you fierce." Li Sen knew the flamethrower had succeeded as soon as he heard it, and cursed fiercely.

Since this is easy to use, let it open the way ahead!So, the gunmen swept forward with flamethrowers like firefighters putting out a fire.Whenever a corner is encountered, the warrior will first blow out the flames, and the flames will open the way.No matter how many enemies there are in front, under the huge, high-temperature flames, I believe that the enemy will be unable to stand no matter what.In this way, the flamethrower was extended all the way, and it is believed that those invisible enemies were also pushed into the depths of the cave step by step.Because it was quiet here, and it was no longer resisted by the enemy.

No one knows how deep this cave is and what dangers lie inside.Now that you have entered, you can't be afraid of death.No matter what danger is in him, just rush in.

Soon, a group of enemies who were about to block were forced into a large hole.

Before Li Sen and the others arrived, the enemies inside began to shoot desperately at the entrance of this small hole called Zidong, intending to block the entrance with intensive firepower.

Suddenly, the enemy's machine guns stopped firing.After seeing someone shaking at the entrance of the cave, the light at the entrance of the cave disappeared.

"I saw a bright light in front of me, but why did it suddenly turn dark?" Li Sen thought to himself.

As soon as the light disappeared, the enemy's gunshots also fell silent.

Li Sen suddenly felt bad.It is estimated that the enemy blocked the entrance of the cave.It seems that the enemy has piled up a lot of things outside, otherwise it wouldn't be so dark so quickly.

"Is there any other exit?" Li Sen asked the people around him loudly.

After a while, someone replied, "No, there is only this way."

"Explode." Someone yelled.

It may be difficult to blow up this hole by throwing grenades.If it is not done well, it will cause unnecessary trouble.However, at such a critical moment, regardless of anything else, the most important thing is to open the passage first.

Li Sen asked in the dark, "Is there any explosives?"

"Yes" came another answer in the darkness.

A soldier came up with some packs of dynamite.

This is a demolition engineer specially assigned to the Seventh Company.Since Qilian did not encounter solid enemy fortifications along the way, it has been useless.If it weren't for being blocked now, Li Sen would have forgotten about the engineer.With engineers, it is not difficult to deal with the enemy's underground fortifications.

In the counterattack in [-], although our army suffered a lot of losses, it also learned a lot of experience.Knowing that once the Vietnamese army is invincible, they will inevitably drill holes.The only way to get them out is to blow up the hole.Therefore, in this battle, explosives are also one of the indispensable weapons.Sappers finally have a place to use

"Pile it up to the entrance of the hole and blow him up." Li Sen said to the engineers who came up.

The engineer soldier quickly moved to the hole blocked by the enemy, installed the explosives, set the detonator, and then retreated, saying to Li Sen, "Company commander, tell everyone to back off."

"Stand back, get down," Li Sen shouted.

The soldiers behind them all hid behind the corner, lying on the ground, quietly waiting for the moment of the explosion.

This underground fortification was built by the enemy with cement.Although it can withstand a certain amount of explosive power, it is only within the limit.If you put too much explosives, it is likely to collapse.Once it collapses, not only will the way forward be blocked, even the Chinese people in front of them may be buried.

Therefore, before putting the explosives, the engineer looked at the cave wall with a flashlight, and properly put half a pack of explosives on it according to the strength the cave wall could bear.

After installing the explosives, the engineers also retreated.He looked back to see that the people behind him were well concealed, and then he pressed the detonator.

With a bang, all the things piled up at the entrance of the cave were pushed out.This is a temporary directional blasting measure taken by the engineer.If the thing blocking the entrance of the cave does not want to run, but retreats, not only will it still block the entrance of the cave, but it may also injure its own people inside.

As soon as the hole is opened, any soldier will rush forward.

"Wait a minute." Li Sen reckoned that there might be enemies guarding in front of him, and if he rushed over like this, he would definitely be attacked by the ambush.Li Sen shouted to the recoilless gunner, "Kill the bomb."

The [-] recoilless gunner crawled over and fired another explosive bomb towards the outside of the hole.

Now, with such a shell hitting the past, I believe that many enemies in front will also be killed.

Before the smoke cleared, the smoke was enough to block the enemy's sight in a sudden rush.So, Li Sen immediately made a decision, "Go."

The soldiers who rushed over also learned to be good this time, they no longer used their bodies to force the enemy's bullets.Instead, with a gun in his hand, he swiped violently, using bullets to clear a safe path.It doesn't matter whether there is anyone in front or not, let's hit a shuttle first.At this juncture, it's okay to waste bullets.Personal safety is more important than anything else.

A light machine gun opened the way, followed by a long line of soldiers.The machine guns swept all the way, and the soldiers followed closely all the way. When they got out of the hole and took a look, they didn't even see an enemy standing in a big square hole.

At this time, someone lit a pine oil torch on the wall.

Li Sen looked around and found that it was a big room, an inner room made of cement.There are many things in the room, including various daily necessities.Li Sen turned his head and looked at the ground again.I saw several dead bodies lying on the ground.I don't know whether he was killed by bullets or by explosives.These are not important, the key is that there are no enemies here.

"See if there are any alive." Li Sen ordered.

Some people stayed to check, while others followed Li Sen and rushed forward to find possible enemies.

In this concrete room, there are three openings facing different directions that can accommodate one person in and out.But where these caves are going, no one knows, what to do, we can't search one by one!

Li Sen discussed with Tong Zhiyuan and let him search the entrance of the opposite cave.Tong Zhiyuan and the third platoon leader took people to search the openings on both sides, and dug out whatever was inside.

As soon as the deployment was completed, Li Sen rushed in with some people.Some soldiers also followed behind Li Sen.As soon as they entered the cave, they began to move around in the cave as high as a person.

At this time, everyone knew in their hearts that although there was no enemy in front of them, the enemy would suddenly appear at any time and in any place.

The tunnel is very deep, and there is a downward trend as you go.Li Sen felt very strange, "They went up to the highest peak of the old mountain, why this tunnel is going down. No matter, come here, and you will be safe."

Thankfully, the enemy has done a lot of lighting setups on the tunnels.Bunches of light shot out continuously from the small holes dug on the wall not far away.Although not very bright, it is enough to illuminate the road in front of you.

These lights are not emitted by electric lamps, but by countless oil lamps like pine branches.

Li Sen took these soldiers and searched all the way down.

After running not far away, I heard "dongdong" footsteps in front of me.

Li Sen gestured to the soldiers behind him, "Hidden."

The soldiers quickly stuck to the wall, minimizing the exposed parts of their bodies.Point the muzzle forward.

A group of Vietnamese troops came over.Since they were running upwards, it seemed that they had been running for a while, and they were all out of breath.

As soon as this group of enemies approached, Li Sen ordered to open fire, "fight"

Give an order, and the soldiers stuck on the cave wall quickly dodged out and shot at this group of enemies.

In just a few seconds, this group of enemies were all wiped out under the sudden attack of the Chinese army.It is estimated that they died without knowing how they died.Because, this is their secret cave, they came out to go in and control it, how could someone set up an ambush for them here!

Now that the gunshots have sounded, it means that the attackers who entered the cave are no longer concealed.Just rush and fight.As the saying goes, one does not do two things.At this time, Li Sen's troops didn't care about it. Only by advancing quickly can they catch the enemy in the cave by surprise.Find enemies and drive them away, or eliminate them.

Soon, Li Sen and the others rushed into a larger cement hole.

The sudden appearance of the middle-aged man really startled the enemies inside.

As soon as Li Sen and the others came in, they first slammed on the resisting enemies, and the soldiers stopped shooting after the remaining enemies calmed down.Leave a few alive, and ask about the situation.

Li Sen looked around casually with the help of the indoor lights.It didn't matter, Li Sen actually felt that this place might be the enemy's command center.Because, judging from the combat maps and radio stations on the wall, as well as those secretarial staff, except for the command organization, there is absolutely no combat unit, and there will be no cave for hiding soldiers.

Since it is the enemy's command center, there must be a commanding officer.Thinking of this, Li Sen wanted to find out among the few living people.However, he turned around and saw that these people didn't look like them, because they were all wearing soldier uniforms and they were very young.

This is an enemy command post, yes.However, there are no officers here, and there are not many Vietnamese soldiers.

Because none of the soldiers who followed Li Sen could speak Vietnamese.What I have learned is only military terms such as hand in your gun and don't kill, and there is no way to communicate with these Vietnamese soldiers.After asking, it was nothing more than some unintelligible Vietnamese.Fortunately, I didn't ask.Li Sen asked people to pack up the maps and radio stations, and then assigned a few soldiers to escort the prisoners back along the original track.He led the other fighters in the next direction.

After Tong Zhiyuan led his people out for a while, he felt that the terrain was gradually rising.He analyzed that it might be connected to the top of the mountain.So he waved his hand to signal the people behind to move forward carefully and pay attention to concealment.

On the main peak, the enemy arranged a company of defensive troops.Although their defensive front is not wide, the firepower configuration is strong enough.But they were facing Chinese soldiers from two battalions.Under the attack of several times their own manpower and firearms, the Vietnamese army suffered heavy casualties.For a time, there was a serious shortage of soldiers.By now, the enemy has used the reserves.Therefore, this underground fortification has almost become an empty fortress that is not defended.

Tong Zhiyuan and the others went very smoothly along the way, and they didn't encounter any resistance from the enemy at all.When they saw the light outside, the roar of the machine gun was transmitted into the hole very clearly.

Tong Zhiyuan rushed to the front and was the first to see the light.There is a bright light to indicate that there is an exit, and where there is an exit, there must be enemies guarding it, otherwise, there would not be such a crisp shooting sound.

At the entrance of the cave, there are several upward steps, which are faintly visible in the weak light.

Tong Zhiyuan stepped up the steps slowly, stretched out his head quietly, and looked up.

Here is a concrete fortification above the ground, surrounded by several perforations.With their backs to him are two Vietnamese troops.At this time, the two enemies didn't even notice that behind them, in their own burrow, there was a middle-aged man emerging.

At this time, two enemies, one holding a machine gun and shooting outwards, and the other busy loading bullets.

You don't need to guess, you know that if the enemy is shooting so frantically, there must be a shotgun rushing up.

Seeing that there were no other enemies here, Tong Zhiyuan aimed the submachine gun extended from his head at the two enemies, and then made a quick sweep.

With the sound of bullets, two enemies were shot in the back.They didn't even have a chance to look back, so they were killed by Tong Zhiyuan.

After killing the two enemies, Tong Zhiyuan jumped up from the cave.After he jumped out of the hole and took a look, he realized that the location he was in was exactly a bunker of the enemy in the northeast direction.

Tong Zhiyuan looked out of the bunker's perforation.It was found that many enemies were passing through a square and charging towards a ditch to the north.Looking at the trench again, Hao Wei, Li Erzhu and several soldiers were shooting desperately at the enemy who was rushing up and leaning on the front.

The swarming enemies bowed their backs and assumed various combat postures.Some attack and some cover, posing a great threat to Hao Wei and the others.After Hao Wei and the others knocked down a group of enemies, the enemies behind quickly made up and continued to attack.It seems that the enemy is going to fight to the death, and the intention is to drive Hao Wei and the others off the top of the mountain.Seeing Hao Wei and the others would be overwhelmed.As long as the enemy approaches, even if they don't go down the mountain, they will be wiped out by the enemy. .

Can't wait anymore.Seeing this, Tong Zhiyuan grabbed the machine gun and shouted to a soldier, "Reload."

After clicking and reloading a few times, the machine gun in the bunker rang again.

This time, instead of sweeping towards Hao Wei and the others, the rain of machine gun bullets turned around and flew straight towards the enemy group.As soon as the bullet arrived, the charging enemy group fell down in an instant like a scythe harvesting wheat.

The enemy rushing to the back saw his companion in front being shot down by his own machine gun. He became anxious, tilted his head, and cursed in the direction of the bunker.Judging by that meaning, they must be scolding the enemy here for being blind, so why are their own people beating their own people.

Tong Zhiyuan scolded, "It's your son of a bitch who beat you." He was guessing, but he didn't know what the enemy was scolding.

The machine guns in the bunker can be aimed at the enemy vigorously.After the enemy was killed and wounded, he finally came to his senses and realized that it was not his own people who shot at them, but the Japanese who were shot.

The bunker has been taken down, that is to say, half of his housekeeping skills have been lost, so he has no right to fight against his opponent.Therefore, the enemy was not reconciled and wanted to take back the bunker.As a result, the enemy shifted the direction of attack and stormed towards the bunker.

The two bunkers in the northwest corner, southeast corner, and southwest corner also took the time to shoot bullets after realizing that something was wrong.

For a while, the pressure on Hao Wei and the others eased, but Tong Zhiyuan was attacked by the enemy's strong firepower.

But they are blocked by a solid concrete wall, no matter how fierce the enemy's firepower is, they will not be too fierce for them.What's more, the number of enemies on the top of the mountain is limited.As long as we can persevere, when the follow-up Chinese troops come up, the enemies here will definitely be completely wiped out.

While thinking, Tong Zhiyuan shot at the enemy.

Suddenly he found that facing him, the bullets in the bunker in the northwest corner of the enemy also shifted direction, shooting straight at the enemies swarming in his direction.Under attack from both sides, the enemy began to retreat.Head south towards the summit.

Tong Zhiyuan smiled, guessing, it must be Li Sen or the third platoon leader who succeeded there.

Hao Wei finally had the opportunity to clean up the enemies in the trench, so he took his men and started to dispose of the garbage in the trench without mercy.

Regardless of the fierce firepower of the enemy, there are really not many enemies on the mountain, or in the trenches.Each of them was guarding several firearms, attacking downwards in turn, forming a powerful firepower.Once the middle-aged man rushed to the opposite side, they were immediately dumbfounded.With Vietnam's meager military strength, how can it compare with the strong backing of the Chinese Communists.If you fight with a bayonet, even the impenetrable blade can smother these enemies to death.

Therefore, Hao Wei, Li Erzhu and the others jumped into the ditch.The enemy in the trench is stupid.Those heavy weapons were all mounted on the edge of the ditch, and the only ones that were held up to fight with the Chinese were submachine guns.The monkey-like Vietnamese soldiers face to face with these northern Chinese men, of course they are not opponents, no matter whether it is shooting or stabbing, no one can fight for several rounds.

After Hao Wei's fierce pursuit and beating, the northern ditch was basically captured.

With two blockhouses and a ditch, even if the enemy relied on the fortifications in the south, they would not be able to stand in a stalemate for too long.

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