soldier rushing forward

206. Expulsion of Vietnam Army Agents

After most of the intruders in Malipo were wiped out, a small number of people still fled into the jungle along the Chinese border and could not come out. ╔y ╗Seeing that our army's attack on Laoshan is about to start, it is certainly not a good thing to have such a cancer in your body.If they carry out wartime sabotage or send intelligence to the Vietnamese army, it will be extremely detrimental to our army's covert warfare.

According to the account of the captured Vietnamese army agents, their deputy captain, Captain Chen Honghong, was among them.Chen Honghong, male,) years old, captain and company commander of the special agent battalion of the troops directly under the Central Committee of the Vietnam Army.Once trained in the Soviet Secret Service School, he has certain professional secret service skills.He is proficient in all kinds of mountain warfare, and jungle warfare is his specialty.This time, the upper echelons of the Vietnamese army sent him and Wu Liangfu to go deep into China, not only to supervise and monitor the mission of the special agent team, but more importantly, to obtain a considerable level of military intelligence from the Chinese army.

After the Vietnamese army agents were frequently arrested in the Malipo area, his mission also entered a state of hibernation.From the continuous fleeing, he felt that China's military-civilian alliance was too powerful. Wherever he went, there were a pair of suspicious eyes staring at them outsiders.It has almost reached the point where the villages are fortified and every family is defended together. It is very difficult for them to enter the village to find something to eat.

In the morning light, the faint light of dawn has just driven away the darkness, and the width of the mountain is gradually becoming clear.

Surrounded by mountains, the village of Liujiaying Team in Dongwan Commune has not woken up from sleep.All in one color, low thatched houses occupy a piece of flat land close to the hillside.A small river rolled down the steep slope, crossed a small road leading to the village on the hillside, and continued to flow downstream.

At this time, I saw the figures of a few people near the ridge flashing, and they quickly climbed up to the top of the slope, and then went to the village.

Meng Tiezi, a militiaman returning from patrol, just took off his shirt and was about to go to bed.Suddenly I heard the pigs crying in the pigsty outside. The sound was obviously different from usual, humming and kicking.

Meng Tiezi was startled.He knew that in their remote mountain village, there were often mountain animals haunting them.Stealing chickens and stealing food also happens frequently.But it was the first time that there was such a big commotion in the pigsty.

Meng Tiezi thought, "It's broken, it looks like a big animal has come."

So, he quickly put on his clothes, grabbed the semi-automatic rifle standing by the wall, and hurried out of the house.

As soon as he left the door, he suddenly saw someone disappearing from outside the low wall.

Meng Tiezi didn't care about this, because in his village, no villagers had stolen anything, and outsiders didn't come to their small village easily.Therefore, he didn't connect with people at all to the noise that appeared in the pigsty.

Meng Tiezi came to the door of the circle and looked into the circle with his head.

There was no difference in the pigsty, the three pigs lay obediently on the ground, no different from usual.

"It's strange, it stops and stops, where is the noise?" Meng Tiezi said to himself.

Since there is nothing wrong, go back to the house and continue to sleep.After thinking this way, Meng Tiezi turned around and prepared to go back to the room to continue sleeping.

The moment he turned around, he found that there was something unusual about the biggest white pig.Not only was his body shaking violently, but there was a heavy panting sound from his mouth.

Meng Tiezi felt something was wrong, so he jumped into the pigsty to see what happened.After he entered the pigsty, he realized that the muddy wet ground was still mixed with blood red.

"This is weird. The pig is fine, why is there blood on the ground?" Meng Tiezi approached the big white pig as he thought about it.After approaching, I found that the pig's mouth was tied with a rope.After he untied the rope from the pig's mouth, he heard the pig moaning in pain.

Meng Tiezi wanted to take a closer look and see what was wrong with the pig, so he stretched out his hand to pick it up.No matter how much he pulls, the pig just won't get up.The pig was forced to get up by Meng Tiezi and struggled to get up. It seemed that he also wanted to stand up.Unexpectedly, the pig just stood up, couldn't hit it for a few seconds, and then fell heavily again.

Only then did Meng Tiezi realize that the pig was missing a leg.

"Who is it to cut off a living pig's leg? It's too wicked." Thinking of this, Meng Tiezi stood up and cursed.

Just scolded twice and felt wrong.The villagers in Liujiayingzi are very kind.Living in a village, there is no way to do such a thing.Could it be the big cattle that came down from the mountain?That's not right either.If the mountain animals come down, they will definitely kill the pig first, and then disembowel the pig.If that's the case, none of the three pigs in the pen will live.Even if you don't take it away, the circle will have to be similar to a slaughterhouse, and it's impossible to stop like this.

When Meng Tiezi suspected this, he shut his mouth, stopped cursing, and squatted down to examine the pig's wound carefully.

It is not difficult to see from the broken leg that the wound is a stubble mark, obviously cut by someone with a knife in the bone seam.Judging from the knife method, the person who cut the pig's leg has a very clear understanding of the principle of bones.Otherwise, with a knife, it is impossible to forcefully remove the leg of a live pig, except for smashing it hard.

At this moment, Meng Tiezi felt the seriousness of the matter.So what is the person who cut the pig's leg for?If it's pig stealing, why not just take the whole pig and just ask for a leg?

From the looks of it, this person still wants to eat.It is convenient and trouble-free to get a pork leg.But who did this?From this point of view, it is definitely not the work of the villagers.Could it be that outsiders came into the village to make trouble!

Thinking of this, Meng Tiezi quickly jumped out of the pigsty and went to the village to report to the militia company commander.

After a while, many villagers gathered around the pigsty.The crowd shouted three or four.You can say anything.

The militia company commander also felt that something was wrong, so he said to the surrounding villagers, "Go back and have a look, what is missing at home?"

Not long after, several villagers ran back in a panic.Some said that a lot of ground claws were lost at home, and some said that the jars containing salt were missing.Some said that they were missing a few pieces of clothing.

After summarizing the situation, the commander of the militia company thought about the fact that his superiors had asked them to patrol the villagers to prevent the agents of the Vietnamese army. Villagers come in, isn’t that what Vietnamese agents did!”

So, while the militia company commander sent someone to report to the superior, he organized the militia at home, armed with guns, surrounded the village, and searched carefully.

After turning around a few times, the returning militiamen reported finding nothing.But this matter still spread to the People's Liberation Army.

The People's Liberation Army can certainly analyze the reasons why the villagers can't figure it out.

"Wu Jianglong, there was an incident of pig legs being cut in Liujiaying Village, take someone there to have a look." Chi Yongjie was worried that it was the work of Vietnamese army agents, so he asked Wu Jianglong to check.

After Wu Jianglong arrived by car with his men, the villagers had already killed the pig.

yes!One pig leg was gone, and the wound was still oozing blood.It is of little value to treat such pigs, and they will definitely die if they are not rescued.So it's better to kill.Otherwise, when it dries up the blood, such pork will not be eaten.In order to be able to eat fresh pork, the production team leader immediately made a decision, "Kill the pigs, share some with each family, and the production team will buy them."

The wish made by the production team leader is of course considered as a care for Meng Tiezi's family.But for the team of Wu Jianglong who rushed over, they got a good search clue.

After Wu Jianglong came, the villagers had brought the meat home with their pots and pans.

Wu Jianglong is so angry!I wanted to get angry, and severely reprimanded the production team leader.But when I think about it, I'm not a soldier, it's normal for an ordinary citizen not to have such experience.So Wu Jianglong was patient again and asked the village chief to help him find out the injured part of the pork, that is, the rear hip connected to the broken leg.

After searching from house to house, I finally found the buttock from which the hind legs had been cut off.

That's why Wu Jianglong thought of this, and moved quickly, otherwise, the villagers of this family would have split up this piece of pork, and boiled it with a big bone to drink.

After Wu Jianglong found this bone, he touched it around and felt that it was not cut by an ordinary dagger, but obviously a saber with teeth.

Even Wu Liangfu didn't have such a saber, let alone an ordinary Vietnamese agent!Therefore, he judged that, combined with the confession of several agents, this group of people was probably the Chen Hongkong he was looking for.

Although Wu Jianglong had never met Chen Hongshui, he realized from the confession of the captives that Chen Hongshui was a strong opponent with a lot of experience as an agent.If such an enemy is not found as soon as possible, I really don't know what big things they will do next.So, now that we have clues, we must not give up lightly.Even if this group of people is not Chen Honghong and the others, it is much better to find and eliminate them than to keep this single tumor.

After Wu Jianglong had this idea, he asked the soldier carrying the radio to send a report to Chief of Staff Chi Yongjie, and he wanted to lead people along this clue to find it.

Soon, Chi Yongjie replied, "The division leaders fully agree and ask them to keep in touch with the division headquarters in time. If necessary, the division will send more troops to assist."

Wu Jianglong laughed, of course it is good to have more people.But find a few monkey-like characters in Ruoda's densely forested mountainous area.The role of the large army is really not flattering.Before they got close, these people had already disappeared without a trace.

From the analysis of what happened in Liujiaying, the Vietnamese army agents may have nothing to eat, and they may have reached the point of running out of food and food. Otherwise, they would not risk exposing their targets to the village to find food.

"Since you have exposed yourself, don't blame me for looking for you." Wu Jianglong thought, "As long as you search around this mountainous area, you won't believe that you can't find this group of enemies."

Fortunately, the team led by Wu Jianglong has been carrying out special tasks.Therefore, in their tarpaulin carriages, there is enough dry food and ammunition, and the weapons are considered to be the most sophisticated weapons in the whole division.Except for the twelve people, Wu Jianglong was a short gun and a sniper rifle.The others are all iron-handled submachine guns, plus a light machine gun and 0 rocket launchers.The grenade was changed to a grenade, and the dagger was changed to a multifunctional tiger-tooth saber.

During the period of searching for and arresting the cross-border Vietnamese agents, their team was up and down at night, giving full play to the combat performance of special forces.I saw strands of the Vietnamese army being wiped out, but the last six agents were nowhere to be found.Therefore, in the next few days, Wu Jianglong even doubted whether the figures given by Wu Liangfu were accurate.Since there are these enemies, why haven't they been exposed.Did they escape back to Vietnam?

"Impossible. The spies are crossing the border for reconnaissance. They will never go back empty-handed if they have not completed their mission. Since they are still in China, they will not stop. Unless Wu Liangfu's confession is inaccurate." Wu Jiang After Long had this idea, he participated in the interrogation of Wu Liangfu twice, but both were confirmed by Wu Liangfu's confession again.Therefore, since then, Wu Jianglong has attached great importance to the gathering of all parties, always trying to find some clues from it.When he heard about such a strange incident in Liujiaying, he didn't think much about it, and came with his team.

Wu Jianglong started from the footprints left outside the pigsty and moved out of the village step by step.After crossing the small river in front of the village, the footprints became more obvious.

Wet Lulu's footprints still completely retain the traces of the hard soles of military leather shoes.

Seeing the footprints, Wu Jianglong smiled, "That's right, it's undoubtedly an agent."

None of the villagers here wear leather shoes, not to mention leather shoes, even yellow rubber shoes are rare. Most villagers wear homemade cloth shoes, and quite a few of them wear straw sandals made by themselves.It's not that there are no barefoot films, but in comparison, there are very few of them.Under such circumstances, if the person wearing the leather shoes is not an agent, who is he?

Wu Jianglong looked and looked around the footprints, but only saw three people.

"No! Six enemies, why are there only three here, where are the others?" Wu Jianglong guessed.

Under a hillside surrounded by dense forests, there is a not-so-high stone ladle.A black hole more than one meter high is exposed at the bottom of Shila.Beside the entrance of the cave is wormwood as high as half a person.The thick wormwood almost completely covers the hole.If you don't look here very carefully, the entrance of the cave will be thrown in the eyes like a horse watching flowers.

At this time, outside the entrance of the cave, there was a sound of trampling on broken grass.

Three figures in black came to the entrance of the cave.The taller person said to the other person, "Azi, you should watch here."

"Yes." The man named Azi agreed, and hid behind a rock to hide his body.

The other two carried their messy things back into the hole.

In the dark cave, Chen Hongshui lay half-lying, closing his eyes and pondering.

Hearing someone coming in, although Chen Honghong guessed that it was one of his own, he couldn't help but quickly grabbed the handle of the gun.

"Captain, let's see what delicious food we got here?" the tall agent said excitedly.

Chen Hongshui looked at him in the blink of an eye, but didn't intend to move.

The man threw a pig's leg on the ground and then took off the rest of his body.

Seeing that there was something to eat, the other two agents in the cave rushed over and grabbed a sweet potato and gnawed it raw.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are still delicious things." The tall agent picked up the pork leg from the ground and said.

"What's delicious?" An agent leaned over to look.

"It will be cooked in a while, and it will kill you."

The cave was very dark, and Chen Honghong had been thinking about things, so he didn't put his mind on it.When he heard that there was something delicious, he casually asked, "What?"

"Pork leg." The agent said triumphantly, and showed Chen Honghong the pig leg.

"It's divided among everyone." Chen Honghong still didn't get up, and then asked, "How did you do it?"

Another agent rushed to say, "Ah Bing is really ruthless, he cut it on a live pig."

Chen Honghong suddenly sat up from his side lying position, "Use the knife I gave him?"

"Yes, this knife is too powerful." The tall agent continued to show off, "I took that leg off with just a few strokes."

"Where's the pig?" Chen Hongshui asked.

"It's too big, the two of us can't move it away. If someone from their family doesn't come back, I'll take off all four legs." The tall agent continued to say, but was interrupted by Chen Hongshui, and asked, "I ask you pig Woolen cloth?"

The tall man said puzzledly, "Still in the pigsty!"

"Fool." Chen Hongshui suddenly stood up from the ground, "I was exposed by you."

"No, when we left, there was no one behind." The tall man wanted to explain.

"That will not happen, now does not mean that the People's Liberation Army will not come." Chen Hongshui grabbed the gun on the ground, "Hurry up and move it to another place."

"Then, what about these things?" the tall agent asked.

Chen Honghong thought for a while, "Divide the meat and food, eat quickly, and hide after eating."

"Hey, how do you eat this?" An agent looked at Chen Hongshui in surprise and asked.

Chen Honghong asked for the saber from the tall agent, quickly removed the pig skin, cut off a piece of meat from the leg of the pig with the blade, threw it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it in one gulp Then he said, "Just eat like this." After speaking, he threw the knife to the tall agent again, "Hurry up and let the comrades eat. Eat as much as you can, and bring the ones you can't eat."

The tall man begged for mercy, "Captain, let's light a fire and cook it before eating!"

"No, if you want to be caught by the People's Liberation Army, then you can light a fire here and eat slowly." After Chen Hongshui finished speaking, he stood up and went out of the hole with a gun.

Since the captain doesn't let the fire be lit, that's the only way to go.The tall agent then picked off the pork with a saber, and divided each person into a piece according to the number of people.

The Vietnamese army who received the meat seemed to be really hungry, and they also followed Chen Hongshui's example and threw the meat in their mouths, regardless of whether it was fishy or not, whether it was chewy or not.After chewing casually for a while, they swallowed it into the stomach.After eating the meat, he stuffed as much food as he could eat on the ground into his mouth.

Chen Honghong seemed unable to wait any longer, and said outside the cave, "Hurry up, the People's Liberation Army will be here soon."

As soon as they heard that the People's Liberation Army was coming, the agents inside hurriedly packed their things.Life is more important than hunger. If you have life, you are afraid that you will not be able to eat.After all the six agents were gathered, Chen Honghong led these people out of the short cave.

Wu Jianglong led the team and chased after him all the way.Following the grassland and the footprints left by the Vietnamese army on the wetland, I finally found the entrance of the cave.

When Wu Jianglong discovered the entrance of the cave, he didn't let the soldiers rush over. Instead, he set up the outer perimeter first, forming an encirclement circle, and then approached little by little.When approaching, he first placed the machine gun on a high point to suppress the enemy's firepower.In case the enemy jumps over the wall in a hurry, resists or flees, the machine gun is convenient to use his firepower to strike.

Seeing that these soldiers were about to approach the entrance of the cave, there was no movement at all.

Wu Jianglong picked up a stone and tried to throw it.After waiting for a long time, there was still no response.

Dong Yun couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Platoon leader, I'll go over and have a look."

"Okay, be more careful."

Dongyun moved forward little by little, crawling close to the entrance of the cave.At this time, he found that the entrance of the cave was really messy, not only that, there were also things left behind by humans.Dong Yun thought to himself, the platoon leader is right, there is no doubt that there are Vietnamese military agents here.So, he quietly retreated and said to Wu Jianglong, "Captain, there is a hole there, and the grass outside has been trampled. It seems that someone has been here."

"It seems that we have found the right place." Wu Jianglong picked up the sniper rifle and replaced it with a pistol in his hand, and said to Dong Yun, "I will take people up, and you and the machine gun will cover me."

"No, I'll go first." Dong Yun rushed to go.

"Listen to me, there is likely to be an enemy's secret whistle here, pay attention to observe." After finishing speaking, Wu Jianglong crawled forward with three people.

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