soldier rushing forward

208. Someone bombed the radar

After Wu Jianglong followed the traces of the Vietnamese agents, he quickly found Chen Honghong's hiding place.After he had exhausted himself, it would be very difficult to find Chen Hongshui who was on guard.At the beginning, Wu Jianglong followed the footprints deliberately left by Chen Hongshui.At this time, he confidently believed that if he went on like this, he would be able to catch this agent.But when he turned for the third time, he was fooled repeatedly.Only then did I understand that this road was deliberately left by Vietnamese agents, and it was a false image specially used to confuse myself.

Unexpectedly, the Vietnamese agents were so cunning, and their intentions were very obvious to tell Wu Jianglong that your actions were already under my control.If you continue to chase down like this, there will be serious consequences waiting for you.

Now that the purpose of the squad has been exposed, it means that the step-by-step search is all in vain for experienced Vietnamese agents.Not only can they not be found, but if they are not done well, they will be ambushed.Therefore, Wu Jianglong changed his tactics.

From then on, Wu Jianglong completely stopped tracking and chasing targets.But he thought of the fable about waiting for a rabbit, and wanted to use this method to find the agents of Chen Honghong.

During the whole day, although Wu Jianglong and the others guarded the area, they did not find any trace of Vietnamese agents.

Wu Jianglong was not reconciled, and firmly believed that Chen Hongshui was acting in this area.

In this way, Wu Jianglong led the small team and pulled back and forth several times in the area where Chen Honghong was hiding, but still did not find any useful clues.

On both sides of the enemy and ourselves, one is that the strong soldiers cannot come out of the deep cave, and the other is that they will not withdraw their troops if they do not see the enemy.The two armies persisted in this way.

When it was almost dark, Wu Jianglong really couldn't afford to toss about, so he left with people angrily.

There was another reason why Wu Jianglong wanted to leave.The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light. If the enemy takes advantage of the darkness and launches a sudden attack on his small team, it is really impossible to say which side the victory chip will be added to.

Chen Hongshui could be said to be fighting with Wu Jianglong.Although the secret whistle had notified him several times that the People's Liberation Army was coming, he remained motionless, hiding in the cave and not coming out.Even the footsteps of the squad were heard in the cave, and he just ordered the agents to prepare for emergencies.

Seeing that the People's Liberation Army was about to find the entrance of the cave, he didn't make a decision to transfer safely.

Chen Honghong's decision could not but be said to have saved their lives because of his calmness.If they moved, they would be discovered by Wu Jianglong, a real sentinel hidden in a thick tree.As long as the sentinel finds out and says hello, Wu Jianglong and the others will not be able to catch up.

However, since the agents came here first and did a good job of concealing it, the sentinel who came later was observing carefully, and he couldn't speculate in vain about the natural terrain that hadn't changed any of the status quo. .What's more, the sentinels arranged by Wu Jianglong had long been discovered by the secret sentry arranged by Chen Hongshui, and it was not appropriate to warn Chen Hongshui.

The hard-working spirit and rich jungle combat spirit of Vietnamese agents can be said to be in line with nature and originally from nature.

After receiving the secret sentry mission, the agent chose a deep puddle.The puddles were covered with thick rotting leaves.As soon as the agent entered, he restored the leaves on the water surface to their original shape, squatted down by himself, with the rotten leaves on his head, and lurked motionless.

After long-term exposure to the sun, coupled with the mildew of the leaves, the puddle has long been a stinky pit full of poisons.It is precisely because of its unbelievable smell that when the squad comes over, they have to walk around and avoid it far away.It is precisely because no one suspects that there will be people hiding here that the sentinel escaped the search.

Although the smelly puddle is far from the secret cave hidden by Chen Hongshui.But through a piece of grass that is not very eye-catching, he continuously sent signals to the cave that someone is coming and no one is coming.Therefore, although Chen Honghong did not go out of the cave, he knew the situation outside the cave well.This constitutes the source of intelligence for the protracted war with Wu Jianglong.

From another perspective, it is not impossible for Chen Hongkong to eliminate Wu Jianglong's team at this time.Although it is one to two.But the agents made a surprise attack when the squad was unprepared.Whether the squad can survive and continue to track, the subsequent battle situation will be rewritten.However, because Chen Honghong had other tasks on his shoulders, he did not attack the team.It can even be said that Wu Jianglong's squad also escaped a catastrophe.

At night, Chen Honghong was awakened by a burst of rapid shelling.Although he was already in shock, he was used to this kind of cannon sound, but at such a short distance, the shaking of the ground still made his heart beat endlessly.Every time China conducts such shelling, not only the positions of the Vietnamese army are damaged, but no matter how concealed his comrades are, there will be casualties.Therefore, upon hearing such bombardment, Chen Honghong felt like being tormented in purgatory.Not only was the blood boiling all over, but also a passion surged up from the bottom of my heart unconsciously.Heartache, flesh pain, and even the root of the tooth will hurt.

Chen Honghong sat up, slowly climbed out of the cave, saw that there was no one around, and quietly went up a slightly higher mountain.

At this time, within a range of nearly ten kilometers near the Sino-Vietnamese border in China, there were countless artillery positions with lights on.The artillery fire was raging all over the artillery field, and people were crowded. From time to time, in the gap between the fire and the smoke, people could be seen busily carrying the shells.Every time rows of cannonballs with whistles and neatly swinging red tails fly into the sky, the earth will tremble like an earthquake.After the shells flew across the sky, brilliant halos appeared in the direction of Laoshan, and then a series of firecrackers exploded.

At this time, Chen Hongkong's heart was tense, his face turned from blue to purple, from purple to red, and then from red to white, and his heart felt as uncomfortable as if someone was pulling it back and forth with a soldering iron.Chen Honghong gritted his teeth, turned around and crawled back into the cave.

"Pack up your things and go." Chen Hongshui's mood darkened to the extreme, and his voice also sank to the bottom of the sea. It can be seen that he made the biggest decision that all the agents did not expect in the interweaving of regret and anger.

Soon, five black shadows crawled out of the cave.

Not far from the entrance of the cave, Chen Hongshui imitated two bird calls in the direction of the puddle.

A man in camouflage got out from the leaves, and stood beside Chen Honghong with his whole body covered in dew.

"Let's go," Chen Honghong said these two words stiffly, giving this person an order.After finishing speaking, he turned around with a sullen face and walked at the front of the line.

The shelling in China is still going on, and it has been almost half an hour, and there is still no intention of stopping.Even if it's a little relief.But no.Not only was the shelling violent, but the shelling distance was also lengthened.

Chen Honghong glanced in the direction of Laoshan, and said anxiously, "Hurry up." Then bit the bullet and continued to move forward.

At this time, the sound of explosions behind them and the flickering flames did not stop these people from moving forward.Although the guns were rumbling, no one looked back.They know that it is useless to watch, so it is better to do something against the PLA, and do something more effective than mourning.

The agents kept their heads down all the way and followed behind Chen Hongshui, with rustling sounds under their feet.

At this moment, every agent's heart was extremely depressed.But they believed in Chen Honghong, so no one asked him what Chen Hongkong took them to do or where they were going.Since he knew to go north, it meant that he wanted to complete a mission with the same meaning as the Laoshan position.

Why do you ask, walking through the dense woods is difficult, but it is much more comfortable than those brothers who were defending the old mountain after being bombed!At this time, the six agents all had the determination to never turn back.

Going north means that there is a possibility of going nowhere.

On the top of a high mountain, a radar dome in the shape of a pot lid was spinning in the direction of the old mountain.This is an artillery sighting radar station of our army.The radar signal continuously transmits the calibrated data to the gun finger of a certain division of our army through the electronic computer.According to the data measured by the radar, Paozhi continuously issued the attack elements to each combat unit.Therefore, this radar plays a vital role in the Laoshan artillery battle.

At an intersection leading to the top of the mountain, a People's Liberation Army sentry stood.

Below the mountain, a few bunches of lights were dimly lit in a few simple houses.

A room was filled with various military facilities, and four or five soldiers dressed in People's Liberation Army were nervously busy in front of the screen.

The dots of light on the screen kept flickering, showing the attack points of our artillery that needed artillery fire.

Geng Feng, the radar platoon leader, patrolled back and forth behind the soldiers guarding the machine.

Now is the most critical stage of our army's shelling.The role of the radar is incomparable to those scouts who lie on a hidden point at the front and observe.His role was not only to guide the artillery to attack the target.What's more important is that when the enemy counterattacks with artillery, it can accurately capture the target, transmit the information to the headquarters within a few seconds, and then conduct a quick counterattack to severely attack the enemy's artillery.You said, can such a center be unimportant?

At this moment, as the supreme commander of the radar station, Geng Feng felt a heavy burden on his shoulders, so he devoted 120% of his energy to watching the various operations, lest there be any mistakes.

Originally, before the war started, the division planned to send a staff officer to assist Geng Feng.However, since the artillery command post was very short-handed after the shelling began, there was no way to recruit people to come again, so the matter of sending a staff officer was put on hold.

But division leaders also realized the importance of radar.According to Geng Feng's daily performance, I believe he can do this job well.Even so, a leader personally called Geng Feng, asking him to pay attention to the surrounding vigilance while ensuring the normal operation of the radar to prevent enemy agents from sabotaging.

In a radar station, in addition to the radar soldiers, another squad of infantrymen was put on guard.Ordinarily, such guards can be considered to be strengthened, which shows how much the superiors attach importance to the radar.

As the supreme commander of the radar station, Geng Feng doesn't care how high the level of the technicians or veterans are.He still re-inspected the work of the agency very carefully.Regarding security work, Geng Feng did not relax, and not only sent additional sentries at the entrances and exits.Two more guards were also arranged on the top of the mountain.All the work will continue, and Geng Feng thinks there will be no problems.

No matter how vicious the Vietnamese agents are, they will never find this well-concealed radar station.

The radar station is surrounded by bushes and dense forests up and down the mountain, making it difficult to see from a distance.Otherwise, the Vietnamese army on the opposite side would have bombarded it long ago.If you want to find it, you can't find it unless you go very close.

The dark night completely denied the entire mountain.Except for the flames in the distance, there are mountains like black shadows.

Chen Honghong took five agents, and under the guidance of the detector, he found them all the way.

As the distance continued to get closer, the detector's scanning signal became stronger and stronger, and finally the arrow pointed directly at this low mountain.

After walking for a while, a flickering light told them that someone lived here.

"That's it." Chen Hongshui suppressed his excitement and said to his subordinate agents, while talking, he put the detector back into his bag.

Chen Hongkong squatted to a more secluded dark place, and said, "Come here."

The team that was walking forward in a straight line dispersed instantly and surrounded Chen Honghong.

"Now I assign the task." Looking at the five Vietnamese army agents who wanted to know the situation very much, Chen Honghong continued, "Comrades, our task is to blow up this radar station of the Beikou. Do you know? Beikou The bombardment of our army for more than 20 consecutive days has caused huge losses to the Laoshan forward position. The culprit is this radar station. Without it, the Beikou would not be able to shoot so accurately. Therefore, we kill the radar, which is equivalent to Let the Beikou artillery become blind." Speaking of this, Chen Hongshui paused, and said in a more firm tone, "This task was specially entrusted to us by the leaders of the military region, and it is a task of important strategic significance. Although we are facing The situation is very dangerous, but our mission is glorious. As long as we complete it, we can relieve the pressure on our army and play a decisive role in the defense of Laoshan. Can you complete the mission?" Chen Honghong said Although the voice was very low, it was full of murderous intent, unquestionable and unrepentant.

"Yes," the five agents answered in a low voice.

"There must be heavy soldiers guarding the mountain from the northern bandits, but no matter how dangerous it is, we must complete the task. The motherland and the people are looking forward to us." Chen Hongshui added.

Chen Honghong's political agitation completely aroused the fearless spirit of these Vietnamese army agents.If they were in their country, or had pens and paper by their side, I believe they would all write bloody books.If there is wine, they will also cut their wrists, drip blood into the bowl, and drink the bowl of blood wine together.No matter what the situation, in order to blow up the radar station of our army, these Vietnamese soldiers showed the spirit of seeing death as home.

Outside the mountain, the sound of cannons remained.The red light reflecting the sky kept flickering amidst the roar.The enemy's position after the shell exploded was like a cloud layer colliding, and the wailing was forced out, which always involved the hearts of these Vietnamese army agents.

At this time, their pain is curse, apart from revenge from the bottom of their hearts, they are using actions to prevent the PLA from attacking.

Don't underestimate the ability of a few agents.A bug crawling into a person's brain can also cause confusion in the central nervous system and cause fatal injuries.

Chen Honghong had already identified the target of the attack, but he hadn't revealed it until now. He didn't say it out until now.

"Next, I will assign tasks..." Chen Honghong whispered to the agents.

After hearing this, the agents were very excited.

Radar emits beams of electromagnetic waves through the air, and then absorbs them back, changing the available wave bands into dots of light and displaying them on the fluorescent screen.

At this time, the clumsy body of Dadartian on the top of the mountain was pointing to half of the sky.Under the quiet night sky, in this mountainous area, those who should sleep should sleep, and those who should hide should hide, but it is still spinning rhythmically, using its posture that remains unchanged for thousands of times, instead Doing an action over and over again.And in the computer room at the foot of the mountain.The operators in front of the computers were already busy typing on the keyboards.It translated the signal it got into a text password and passed it on.

At this time, the mountains outside the house are all quiet, except for the beam of light from the window, which proves that there is life here, everything is waiting for people to reveal its new content.

Without the strafing of searchlights, the mountain was completely dark.

Suddenly, in a dense forest under the hillside, several figures jumped out, and they moved very quickly.In a blink of an eye, the several figures that jumped out were separated, divided into three groups, and then followed different directions to outflank the mountain where the radar was located.

Soon, two black figures appeared behind the mountain, and they only flashed once in the dim light before disappearing into the grass.After a while, the black shadow emerged from the grass again, rising continuously, struggling to climb up the rocky crevices of the hillside, little by little.

Soon, two black shadows climbed to the top of the mountain which was not very high.

A dark figure crouched down, hiding behind a pile of discarded items.Another black shadow moved towards the computer room guarding the radar on the top of the mountain.

In the computer room, a radar mechanic guarding the machine led a soldier in front of the machine.Under the dim light, the mechanic was looking at a piece of information.The soldier stood in front of him with a gun.

Outside the house, the black shadow approaching the window looked into the room, and then gestured towards the black shadow squatting behind the objects.Soon, the black shadow came over.

Seeing that there were only two people on the top of the mountain, a black shadow sneaked in and opened the door.Then, the two broke into the house together.

Under the sudden attack, the two People's Liberation Army soldiers in the house were assassinated by the two Vietnamese agents without even being able to resist at all.

Agents then began planting bombs in the house.

After finishing their work in the house, the two ran towards Radar Sky again.

Suddenly a warrior jumped out of the grass, "Password"

An agent couldn't tell the difference, and opened fire at the soldier with a submachine gun in his hand.

After a burst of flames, the soldier was knocked down without even a chance to pull the hammer.

Immediately afterwards, another string of bullets was fired in the grass.The Vietnamese agent who fired the gun also fell to the ground.But before the people in the bushes could react, another agent threw a grenade towards the flames exposed by the shooting.

With a bang, the soldiers in the grass were blown to pieces.

The remaining agent checked his companion and found him dead.So a man quickly ran towards the rotating radar with explosives in hand.

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