soldier rushing forward

Chapter 211: The Vietnamese Agent who slipped through the net

The morning light covered the wilderness, and the nearby mountains and grass were all within sight. 【 】

In a depression, there was continuous shaking in the tall wormwood bushes.After a while, two heads gradually emerged.

"Platoon leader, the agents are here." A soldier reminded.

"Spread out and hide, try to catch alive."

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't want the dead agent.Because he has not yet figured out how many agents are still active in this area.But judging from what happened, it is absolutely impossible to have just two of them.If those two were dead too, it would be difficult to determine where the other agents were.

After Wu Jianglong finished speaking, he gestured to the other soldiers.

Soon, the soldiers formed groups of two or three according to the pre-arranged battle plan.In this depression, the cloth formed an inverted triangle pocket array, with the pointed end pointing to the south, opening the opening to the agents who were about to come.

Wu Jianglong's ambush was bold enough.If the judgment is wrong, the enemy is likely to cross through other borders.

The long land border is full of dense forests and grasses like primeval forests.Coupled with some peculiar karst landforms mixed in it, it shows that the mountainous terrain is difficult to walk.Mires and swamps are all over it, forming layers of obstacles.Not to mention a small team of ten people, it is even more difficult for hundreds or thousands of people to find something here.Not to mention the Vietnamese agents with rich combat experience.

After chasing for a while, the team quickly lost track in a complex forest.Running blindly all over the mountains and plains is really better than betting on the enemy's lucky number.However, Wu Jianglong did not have any confidence in doing so.Because at this time, the borders of our army are all closed under the orders of the superiors, and of course the leaked Vietnamese agents will not blatantly pass through the border checkpoints.Of course, going to a familiar place is not as safe as coming to an old place, not to mention, there is still a dense passage here to lure the enemy.

After assessing the situation, Wu Jianglong showed the greatest courage, probably because of the possibility of receiving the greatest punishment, or the possibility of taking off his military uniform and returning to the field, and made this decision.Now he has changed his state of mind to the role of the enemy, thinking about what the enemy thinks, and being anxious about what the enemy is anxious about. Therefore, there is such an arrangement.

Seeing the secret agent slowly walking towards here, Wu Jianglong's heart was finally relieved.However, he was still wondering why there were only two enemies who came over. Could it be that they were outpost scouts.

Wu Jianglong looked back with a telescope, but apart from these two, there was no movement.

It seems that these two are the only ones.If not caught, they will cross the border soon.How much does he care!Come here and grab one.No matter how many, catch one is one, this is called hairy and not bald.If you catch the live ones, won't you know where the other enemies have gone in the first trial?

Seeing that the two agents were about to reach the ambush circle, the soldiers couldn't suppress their excitement.He wants to avenge his comrades in radar warfare.However, the two agents stopped suddenly as they were walking.

This made the soldiers waiting here anxious.I'm really worried that they ran away, and I'm also wondering if the people ambush here were exposed, which aroused the vigilance of the enemy.

probably not.Wu Jianglong quietly turned his head to observe the ambush site.These soldiers have gone through many battles, and they are familiar with concealment and camouflage. They can make the same camouflage as the local situation in time according to any terrain.

Now, the soldiers distributed at three points buried their bodies in thick grass blades, only revealing a pair of eyes.The face was also smeared with mud and lost its true colors.Lying on the ground and not moving, it is guaranteed that the enemy who strays in will think that this place is pure nature and there is no danger.

Wu Jianglong broke away from the encirclement beforehand, and found a place where he could see the whole area to observe by himself.Therefore, only he can clearly see his own people here and the enemies moving over.

But the soldiers in ambush can only hide in the grass and distinguish the enemy by the sound of the distance.

Seeing the Vietnamese agents stop.Wu Jianglong didn't understand what it was for for a while.Looking at the distance, the agent is still more than ten meters away from the ambush site.

Therefore, Wu Jianglong felt that the soldiers were not exposed, so he did not order an attack.

Regardless of the distance of more than ten meters, once the agent runs, he will be faster than a monkey.Even if you are tired and vomit blood, you may not be able to catch them.Therefore, it is best to wait for the agent to enter the encirclement and tie the pockets.As long as the agents come in and pierce the hole and let you mess around in it, you won't be able to get smallpox.

Wu Jianglong did not issue an order, he had to continue to wait.

I saw two agents muttering in a low voice.

After running here, the two agents couldn't figure out how far it was from the border and in what direction the hole was.So the two had to stop, discussing where to go next and how to find the hole.

A gust of wind swept by, and the plantain forest in the distance shook.

An agent hears a noise and looks in that direction.When he saw the swaying treetops in the plantain forest, he said something to another agent, and then the two continued to move forward.

According to the memory of these two agents when they came out, the most clear thing is this plantain forest.As long as you pass through this forest, the other end, not far from the Vietnamese border, is the exit of the secret passage.

With these two conspicuous markers.The two agents were no longer suspicious, they walked too slowly, and ran quickly after receiving the magnetic card.But they didn't know that the direction they ran happened to be the ambush circle that Wu Jianglong had arranged.

Seeing the enemy approaching, Wu Jianglong's tense nerves were completely relaxed.

As the agents approached closer and closer to see if it was time, Wu Jianglong sent an offensive gesture to the soldiers in ambush.

Soon, the two groups ambushing on both sides quietly pressed in, while the two soldiers blocking the front moved quietly to the two sides, leaving no loopholes where the enemy passed as much as possible.

The two agents were running forward when they suddenly felt that something was wrong, why there was grass moving on both sides.So the two stopped and listened carefully.

Yes, it was really loud.The agents felt it.

The two agents raised their guns and protected their bodies from left to right.

When they didn't confirm that it was the Chinese People's Liberation Army, they didn't dare to shoot.If it's not the People's Liberation Army, but a beast or something, doesn't it mean that you have exposed yourself when the gun is fired?

As soon as the agent stopped, the voices on both sides disappeared again.

The two agents who got it were also puzzled, thinking they had heard it wrong.I wanted to go and have a look, but I was worried about the delay.Forget it, whoever he is, just run out of this grassland.

The wormwood here is as tall as one person.If you stand up straight, you may be able to see the top of a person's head.However, the people who come and go here, whether it is our own or the enemy's agents, have curled up half of their bodies, hunched over for fear of being exposed.Therefore, everyone's body is all under the tip of the wormwood.Even if someone stood up, they couldn't see anything in the distance.Unless you go near and check carefully.

The two agents ignored it and ran away.

As soon as they ran, the sound of stepping on the grass caused by their feet covered the sound of the soldiers surrounding them.

Suddenly, a man stood up straight from under the blades of grass directly in front of him, and saw the muzzle of a gun shot horizontally, "Don't move!"

The agent in front was startled, but quickly realized that he had been ambushed.

After the Vietnamese soldier realized that he couldn't escape anyway, he resisted the soldier's gun and shouted: "Run, there is an ambush here."

The agent shouted and moved his hands, and he also wanted to point his gun at the soldier.At the same time, he wanted to block the bullet with his body so that the agents behind him could find a chance to escape.

"Da da" the gun in the soldier's hand rang.He couldn't do without shooting. The agent running over was holding a gun, but when he saw someone in front of him, he quickly started to turn the gun.If the soldier had fired later, he might have been killed by the agent and ran away.

The bullet passed through the body of the Vietnam Army agent and almost hit the agent behind him.

The agent at the back heard his companion shouting and knew that there was a situation ahead.So he turned around and ran back.

However, when he turned around, he realized that there were people outflanking him from behind, left, center and right.

Seeing this scene, the Vietnamese soldier knew that the situation was over, so he wanted to fight to the death.But as soon as he raised the gun, he felt someone tap him hard on the back of the head.

The Vietnam Army agent was in a daze, and suddenly felt the world spinning, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

The two soldiers went up, regardless of 21, they tied him up.Dragging out of the grass.

Wu Jianglong came to see that the Vietnamese army agent who was shot was hopeless.People dragged it out and buried it in a ditch.Then he dragged the temporarily unconscious agent to find a safe place to start the interrogation.

After Chen Honghong realized that the two Vietnamese army agents were deliberately soaking mushrooms with him, he ignored them both.Anyway, the mission has been completed, so it doesn't matter whether he can return to the country or not.Since you don't want to go by yourself, then go separately. This tells you to go your own way, and I go to my single-plank bridge. If something goes wrong, don't blame me for not caring.After the two Vietnamese soldiers walked away, Chen Honghong also chose a pre-planned route and started walking towards the border.

It wasn't until this moment that Chen Hongkong felt that his stomach was too empty. The raw pork leg had already been digested.The more I walked, the more I felt my stomach was empty, and the more I walked, the more I felt hungry. Gradually, I started to feel pain in my stomach.

Chen Hongshui conveniently plucked a few young grasses from the grass nest and stuffed them into his mouth. The green soup quickly flowed out from the corner of his mouth, followed by the bitter taste that almost numb his tongue.Chen Honghong couldn't bear it anymore, he lowered his head, and spat out the grass again.

That's not okay.If you can't find food, let alone return to the country, it is impossible to climb to the border.No, I have to find something to eat first.After Chen Honghong thought this way, he looked around while walking.

Shuguang has already crossed the top of the mountain, and the bright red line hits the treetops, turning a green leaf red.Looking at the smoothness of the leaves, Chen Hongshui seemed to think of slices of fat pork slices shining with oil.That's what they can only enjoy if they are in the high-level organs of the army.With the current domestic strength in Vietnam, grassroots officers and soldiers rarely receive such treatment.Even when eating pork, it would be nice to see the floating minced fat in the pot of pork soup.

Chen Honghong couldn't help but smacked his lips twice, and walked quickly to the forest.

There was a small path in the forest, and Chen Hongkong just followed it regardless.

When he attacked the radar station, he lost the map on his body, and it was difficult to compare where it was at this time.However, there is no map to stop the way back home.As long as you go south, you will be able to find the border.When you reach the border, just jump over.

Chen Honghong walked along the path in the forest.After walking for a while, there was an open space ahead.Several paddy fields distributed on both sides of the river can be vaguely seen in the open space.

Seeing the rice fields, Chen Honghong rushed towards them happily.

The green early rice has not yet headed, let alone any rice.After Chen Hongshui jumped into the rice field, he grabbed a handful of tassels and stuffed them into his mouth.Although they are all plants, the ears of rice are much more fragrant than wormwood.

Chen Hongshui stuffed a lot, chewed his mouth full, and swallowed it forcefully.With something in my stomach, no matter whether it is delicious or not, I finally stopped my panic.

At this time, Chen Honghong raised his head and began to look around the surrounding land.

There are several houses scattered about 300 meters away from the paddy field.Looking from a distance, the front of the house is already filled with smoke.Just a smell of rice floated over with the breeze.

As soon as he smelled the aroma of the rice, Chen Honghong's stomach that had just been suppressed growled again.

Chen Honghong looked around, except for those few houses, there was no one around.Immediately, Chen Honghong had the idea of ​​wanting to have a full meal.So, he turned the submachine gun on his back, drew out the pistol, and tiptoed on the rice field, and began to touch the house.

In the open space in front of the house, a woman of the age of a grandmother was adding firewood to the pot.The pot is supported by three slightly larger stones.Below it, there are flames with red flames everywhere.

After the old woman pressed a handful of straw on top, the flames quickly shrank back, and there was another burst of thick smoke under the pot.It took a long time for the flame to drive the smoke away, and then licked the black bottom of the pot with his red flame.Steam was already rising from the lid of the pot, and the fragrant rice smell began to diffuse into the sky.

Seeing that there was only one old man here, Chen Hongshui got up the gunman and walked over slowly.

"Old man, can you give me something to eat?" Chen Honghong squatted down and asked.

The old lady raised her head when she heard someone talking, and noticed Chen Hongkong squatting in front of her eyes.I don't know this person at first glance.Although she was also dressed in black, it was different from her own.

The old lady couldn't hear what Chen Hongshui said, so she asked, "What did you say?"

"Can you give me something to eat?" Chen Honghong continued.

"Okay, okay" the old grandma said with the kindness of the mountain people.

As soon as Chen Honghong heard the old lady agreed, he stepped forward to expose the pot.Unexpectedly, the old lady pressed it down.

Chen Honghong's eyes immediately revealed a murderous look.

"Wait a little longer, young man, the rice is not cooked yet!" The old woman said kindly, "I'll get you something to eat later."

After the grandma finished speaking, it didn't matter whether Chen Honghong understood it or not.Trembling got up slightly and walked into the house.

Seeing the grandmother leave, Chen Hongkong quickly opened the pot, grabbed a broken wooden bowl from the side, and scooped a bowl of uncooked raw rice in the pot.He reached out and grabbed a handful of rice and stuffed it into his mouth.

Immediately, an incomparably refreshing fragrance entered the stomach, which could no longer be lubricated smoothly.

Chen Hongshui was gulping down, swallowing without fear of foaming in his mouth, but the grandmother came out of the house with a plate of vegetables.

When the grandma saw that the lid of the pot was lifted and the fire under the stove was also extinguished, and this unknown stranger was devouring the rice like he hadn't eaten for hundreds of years, he immediately caught fire.She rushed over in three steps at a time, snatched the wooden bowl from Chen Hongkong's hand, and reprimanded loudly, "Why are you so ignorant, the food is not cooked yet!" Putting the bowl aside, he put the lid on the pot angrily, "Look, this pot of rice won't be cooked yet. How will they eat when they come back?"

Chen Honghong was a little stunned when the old lady suddenly took the bowl away, and then he heard the old lady say that there were other people.This time he panicked.It's easy to deal with this old woman, but it's difficult to deal with too many people.So, he squatted down again, and begged, "I just eat a little, a little will do."

"It's not that I won't let you eat, young man. I mean eat it after it's cooked, and it's not cooked yet!"

"It doesn't need to be cooked, it's fine like this." Chen Honghong was so hungry that he wanted to reach out to uncover the pot.

The old grandma began to murmur in her heart, who is this person, how can he eat raw rice.So, he stared at Chen Honghong and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am, I am, I am the People's Liberation Army." Chen Honghong retracted his outstretched hand, and he had to explain to the old lady quickly.

"I have seen the People's Liberation Army. They are not like you." The old woman asked suspiciously.

"It's broken, this old thing is suspicious of me." Chen Honghong thought to himself, "If he knows my identity, he will be in danger if he tells the people who come back later. Get rid of the old guy, and have a good meal, then it’s not too late to leave.” After thinking about it, Chen Hongshui suddenly pulled out his pistol and slammed it down on the old woman’s head.

After being hit, the old lady let go of her hand and threw the handful of straw that she had just held together on the ground, and then she also fell to the ground.A hole had been punched out of the skull by Chen Hongkong with a pistol, and blood began to ooze out, and he lay motionless on the ground.

Chen Honghong didn't care about anything else, grabbed the bowl, lifted the lid, and was about to scoop the rice.

Suddenly, he heard someone talking in the distance.

Chen Hongkong scooped several bowls of rice from the pot, poured them on the front of his clothes, held them in his hands, jumped into a grass, and then ran towards the woods.

After a while, a man and a woman showed their heads from a distance and gradually came here.When they got close and saw the old woman who had fallen to the ground, the two rushed forward and shouted for help.

The man picked up the old grandma and saw that she was already out of breath.The blood all over the ground immediately aroused the man's vigilance.

"Ah Hua, come into the house quickly, there are bad guys here." The man left the old woman's body behind, and dragged the woman into the house.

At this moment, the man realized the danger in front of him, and the first thing he thought of was that there were Vietnamese agents here.

The man entered the house, took out a shotgun and blocked the door.Then look around.

At this time, the wilderness was empty, and there was no one in sight.

The man turned around, "Ah Hua, you stay here, I'll report to the People's Liberation Army."

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