War is a continuation of politics, and it is a life-and-death struggle.

Who doesn't cherish their own life.But only when the enemy is dead can the fighting party survive safely.Therefore, when the enemy is desperate, we must be desperate.If the enemy is ruthless, we will be even more ruthless.The enemy is cruel, so we must be brave.If the enemy is fierce, we must be tenacious.

Seeing that the attacking enemy could not retreat for a long time, the soldiers became more and more jealous.Use all available weapons.Use guns to sweep those far away, and smash them with grenades if they are close. Anyway, the enemy cannot be allowed to come up.

Seeing that one of the enemy's companies was over, the enemies behind did not stop, and continued to surge upward.

At this time, not only the enemy fell, but the number of casualties in the second row continued to increase, and it seemed that it was almost exhausted.

The fight here is tight, and the other fronts are not easy.The entire semi-circular defensive position was almost completely attacked by the enemy.

In a short while, the superiors will not send other troops up, and here only the Seventh Company is fighting tenaciously.

Soon, Tong Zhiyuan came up with the reserve team. After joining the reserve team, there were no more troops left in the company, and almost all the personnel of the company went into battle.

The cooking soldiers also threw down the pots, pans, ladles and spoons, grabbed the weapons of the sacrificed comrades, rushed to the forefront, and also participated in the battle in the combat squad.

The battle was fierce. Seeing that the corpses of the enemies on the hillside continued to pile up, the number of dead people also increased exponentially.

This fight lasted for less than half an hour. If it continued, how many people might die.

No need to look at anything else, just looking at the bullet casings thrown by the machine guns and submachine guns on the Seventh Company's position, you can know how cruel the battle was. The shiny bullet casings alone almost covered the trenches.

The magazines that the soldiers pressed in advance had already been emptied.If it weren't for those wounded who endured the pain, clicking, clicking, and continuing to reload, the barrel of the gun might really break.

The bullet boxes were carried up one by one, and the grenades were handed out one by one.If it weren't for the strong logistics support, this battle would really be difficult to fight.

Wu Jianglong and Zhang Yan planned to return to the division headquarters after staying in Qilian for a while.However, when the two of them saw that the seventh consecutive fight was so tight, how could the two of them leave it alone.So the two stayed and helped the soldiers of the Seventh Company as much as possible.

After the two found some [-]mm bullets to replenish, they also threw themselves into the battle to stop the enemy.

Wu Jianglong also wanted to hold a machine gun and sweep the enemy to enjoy himself, but Li Sen refused to let him say anything.

Everyone knows that machine guns are the most dangerous targets.Both sides regard knocking out the machine gunner as a key point of attack.Therefore, it is uncertain how many enemies are staring at him.Every time the machine gun fires soon, the machine gunner must die.Therefore, new machine gunners had to be sent to continue fighting.

Soon, Wu Jianglong found the reason why the machine gunner kept changing.

Wu Jianglong gradually discovered that there were snipers hidden in the camp attacked by the enemy.

"Turtle son, it's still very covert." Wu Jianglong saw that there was a very special person in the Vietnamese army.He didn't rush forward with the troops, but jumped around inside, as if looking for some target.After a while, he lay down and shot, and then stood up and thrust to the side.

Flickering, making Wujiang longan dazzled.

Wu Jianglong was not in a hurry, he thought to himself, as long as you dare to shoot again, you won't be able to run away.

Wu Jiang quickly used the scope of the sniper rifle to search slowly among the enemy crowd.After searching for a while, he couldn't find it. Then, he set his eyes on the grass again.

Soon, this enemy was finally discovered by Wu Jianglong.At this time, he was lying in the grass, looking for our army's firepower, and shooting intermittently.

Every time this enemy fires a gun, someone on the battlefield must be shot.

"Guizi, so you are there." After finding this enemy, Wu Jianglong did not dare to neglect at all, because if he hesitated for a while, he might not know which soldier would be unlucky.

Wu Jianglong took aim at the enemy and shot decisively.

The sniper rifle bullets were wrapped in the dense gunfire, and no one could tell who was aiming at the enemy, the sniper.

This enemy is a thief.The moment Wu Jianglong shot, he felt the reflection from the mirror on the top of the mountain.I was shocked.So he dropped the gun and dodged to the side, causing Wu Jianglong's bullets to go away.

Seeing that he missed the enemy, Wu Jianglong was also surprised, "Hey, this kid can dodge bullets."

Seeing this situation, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to be negligent, and told Li Sen, who was commanding, that there were enemy snipers below.That meant to put Li Sen on guard.

The sniper is not only to kill our army's heavy firepower, but more importantly, to get rid of our army commander.

The reason why Li Sen didn't become the target of the sniper.For one thing, he wasn't holding a short gun.The second is that his attire is no different from that of the soldiers.His face was covered with dirt, so dark that he couldn't tell his age.The action of fighting is no different from that of other fighters.That is to say, there is no shouting action, and there is no leadership style, just heavy, silently shooting at the ground.

At this time, the most important thing is not to regard yourself as superior to others.Always come up with a leadership role to send yo five and six.If so, you are in danger.It is easy for the enemy to see that you are a leader.Once the enemy knows that you are the leader, you will be miserable. The enemy is likely to decapitate. In a few minutes, your leadership position will be continued by your successor.

Who is Li Sen? After seven or nine years, he is a commander who has been killed on the blood field after a long battle.Why didn't he know this.

In addition, he also knows not to dictate to the soldiers on the battlefield.Which of these fighters is not smart, as long as they are not afraid of death, they will try every means to destroy the enemy.Unless a few new recruits need to be pointed out, the veterans naturally have nothing to say.

Therefore, there is no need to use any leadership to send it to him, just take the lead and show it to the soldiers.In this way, no one dares to shrink back, and no one is ashamed to hide in order to save their lives without being brave.

However, Wu Jianglong was still worried. He not only ran over to tell Li Sen to be careful, but also lay down beside him and acted as a protector.

From now on, Wu Jianglong's sniper rifle will not hit other Vietnamese soldiers. He starts to search for this sniper among the crowd and in the grass.

Soon, Zhang Yan also found a special figure in the enemy's attack formation on another position.There is always a Vietnamese soldier who wears clothes different from others.Instead of rushing forward, he rushed sideways far away from our army's position.That is to say, they didn't shout loudly like the commander of the Vietnamese army to urge the soldiers to attack, and they didn't follow the Vietnamese soldiers who were rushing upwards. Instead, they looked for several places, lying down for a while, and standing up for a while.

And every time he fired on the top of the mountain, some soldiers were shot and killed.

Zhang Yan also felt puzzled as to who this person was.

After Zhang Yan had this idea, he wanted to clarify the situation of the soldiers who were hit.So, he touched the bottom of the ditch and ran to check the corpse of the sacrificed soldier.Judging from the position of the impact point on the body, Zhang Yan quickly judged that this person was not an ordinary soldier, but most likely a sniper sent by the enemy to this area to assist the Vietnamese army.

After Zhang Yan came to this conclusion, he was really surprised.Ordinarily, snipers belong to special team members sent to complete special tasks.Why the enemy also sent them here.Since there are enemy snipers here, the commanders here are in danger.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan involuntarily turned his gaze to the soldiers who were shooting down the mountain.

He turned around and saw Tong Zhiyuan at a glance.

Zhang Yan didn't know Tong Zhiyuan, nor did he know that he was the commander of this company.But from Tong Zhiyuan's very formal attire and the action of shooting down the mountain with a pistol, he could tell at a glance that he was the commander.

When Zhang Yan went back to look for the sniper, he was gone.

Zhang Yan realized that the commander was dangerous, so he ran to Tong Zhiyuan desperately.

"Chief, pay attention to concealment." At this time, Zhang Yan didn't know how powerful Tong Zhiyuan was, but only from his fair skin, he could not be a military cadre such as a platoon commander or a company commander.It's not a political worker, it's some kind of officer sent from above.Because this part of the staff is mostly innocent.

Zhang Yan yelled, threw his body towards Tong Zhiyuan, and pulled him hard into the trench.

Before Tong Zhiyuan understood what was going on, he retracted his head down.Just at this very moment, a bullet flew past the helmet.The helmet was immediately knocked to the ground.Zhang Yan picked up the helmet, saw a scratch on it, touched it, and handed it to Tong Zhiyuan.

Tong Zhiyuan put the helmet on his head, didn't seem too nervous, shook Zhang Yan's hand, and said politely, "Thank you for saving my life."

"It should." After Zhang Yan said, he turned around and lay down on the edge of the ditch to look for the sniper.Zhang Yan vowed that no matter how hard the attack was, he had to find the sniper, otherwise, many soldiers might die under his gun.

Tong Zhiyuan saw that Zhang Yan didn't talk to him very much, and he didn't know this person, so he had to figure out where the cadre came from.So, Tong Zhiyuan chased after him and lay down next to Zhang Yan again.

Zhang Yan found that Tong Zhiyuan was close to him, and pressed his head, "If you want to get on the edge of the ditch, I will blacken your face. Throw away that broken pistol." Zhang Yan's tone was very severe.

Hearing what Zhang Yan said, Tong Zhiyuan finally understood why someone shot at him.So he quickly retreated into the ditch, randomly grabbed the soil and wiped it on his face.However, the soil is relatively dry and cannot be wiped off.There was no other way, Tong Zhiyuan had no choice but to spit a few mouthfuls in the palm of his hand, slapped it on the ground, and then wetly smeared it all over his face for a while.Then he pinned the pistol, took a submachine gun, and put it back in front of Zhang Yan.

"How about it, is this okay?" Tong Zhiyuan also saw that Zhang Yan was not an ordinary soldier, his combat experience and combat ability were stronger than anyone in the Seventh Company.With such a person on the battlefield, he felt that his confidence had increased a lot.

Zhang Yan turned his head and glanced, "Okay, here it is!"

Zhang Yan continued to look for the sniper.

At this time, the machine gunner of our army in the trench was shot by someone.The machine guns stopped immediately.

"Go grab the machine gun." Zhang Yan said to Tong Zhiyuan.

Tong Zhiyuan ran over, grabbed the machine gun and fired at the enemy, while Zhang Yan stared at him, suspecting that the enemy had shot the machine gunner just now.

Sure enough, when the machine gun fired, someone appeared from behind a bush.

Zhang Yan recognized at a glance, this is the person he was looking for.

I saw that the Vietnamese army cat moved forward for a certain distance, found a support, raised his gun and was about to shoot Tong Zhiyuan.

If this made him kill Tong Zhiyuan, Zhang Yan would have to blame himself for the rest of his life.Because he asked Tong Zhiyuan to lure out this enemy.

Therefore, Zhang Yan increased his attention to more than a hundred times.The reticle in the scope has always stuck the Vietnamese soldier's head.

He found that when the Vietnamese soldier was about to pull the trigger, Zhang Yan fired first.

The gunfire was too noisy, and it was hard to hear whether the fired bullets flew to the target.But it was very clear from the scope that the enemy's head sprayed out a red mist.

If there is red mist spraying out, then there is no need to have any doubts, it is not blood or red spray.

In fact, Tong Zhiyuan already understood what Zhang Yan meant.In order to draw out the enemy snipers, 'If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell. 'Well, he's more experienced than the young fighters, too.On this person's position, one machine gunner had already died at the enemy's gunpoint, and there must be no second one. Therefore, Tong Zhiyuan took the initiative to be the enemy's target without hesitation.

The scene where the enemy was hit by Zhang Yan happened to be included in Tong Zhiyuan's eyes.Even if Zhang Yan misses, Tong Zhiyuan will throw machine gun bullets over.Get ready for a head-to-head encounter with enemy sniper rifles.Even if he spared his life, he would kill this enemy.

Tong Zhiyuan didn't know how good the enemy's sniper was, of course his accuracy rate was much higher than his.Even if the machine gun bullets were fired over, it is likely that Tong Zhiyuan would die before it arrived.

This is also thanks to Zhang Yan's quick arrival and killing the enemy with one shot.Otherwise, only God knows how dangerous Tong Zhiyuan is.

Seeing that Zhang Yan had killed the enemy, Tong Zhiyuan gave Zhang Yan a thumbs up, which meant that he admired him, he did a good job.

Zhang Yan smiled slightly, and moved the gun to the next target.

The reflection of the scope also exposed Wu Jianglong.

The enemy's sniper is called Nong Xueshi. I don't know if he is related to Nong Liefei or if he is from a professional background. Anyway, his surname is Nong.

Judging from his field performance, his combat experience is obviously much higher than that of Nong Liefei.In terms of age, he also looks like his predecessor or elder brother.

Only from the analysis of this action of Nong Xueshi, Wu Jianglong came to a conclusion that this person's combat ability on the battlefield must not be underestimated.Without ten or eight years of combat experience, it is impossible to reach this level.

Wu Jianglong's guess was correct, in fact, the combat experience of Agricultural Xueshi has exceeded 20 years and nearly [-] years.If calculated according to this time.He probably participated in the Vietnam-French War and the Vietnam-American War.If such a person is compared with Wu Jianglong, then Wu Jianglong can only be regarded as a fledgling.

At that time, when Nong Xueshi was about to shoot a bullet at a machine gunner, suddenly, he noticed a flash of light in front of him.I screamed in my heart that it was not good.He knew that he was being targeted by other people's snipers.Therefore, he resolutely gave up the sniper attack on the machine gunner, and the most important thing was to save his life first.So, after rolling to the side abruptly, he dodged the bullet shot by Wu Jianglong.

The man hid, but the gun stayed there.

At this time, Nong Xueshi didn't dare to go back to check the gun even if he had a hundred guts.

According to common sense, since the sniper did not hit the target, and dropped the gun again.It was impossible for the man who shot him not to focus on the discarded gun.As long as the person who threw the gun returns to pick it up, he will inevitably become the victim of the sniper waiting there.

After Agricultural Academy rolled into the grass, he still felt his heart beating endlessly.If I hadn't moved faster, I might have returned to my hometown now.While breathing evenly, he thought again, why did a sniper appear on this high ground!It seems that the squadron has also made a lot of preparations, and they have guarded against their attack in advance.That being the case, this sniper must be killed no matter what, otherwise, these attacking brothers will suffer a lot.

However, the gun is there, if you don't check it back, how can you face the enemy.He was thinking about it, and it happened that a squad of Vietnamese troops passed by him.

"Hi," Nong Xueshi called out to one of the Vietnamese soldiers.

The Vietnamese soldier stopped beside him and asked, "Are you wounded?"

Agriculture Academy nodded.

"I'll carry you down," said the Vietnamese soldier.

"No need." Nong Xueshi said deliberately pretending to be very painful, "I left the gun in front, you can retrieve it for me."

"Yes." The Vietnamese soldier walked towards the place where the gun fell, thinking as he walked, "This man is so brave, he won't let go even if he is injured. I have to learn from him." When he saw the sniper rifle, he just Yimao lowered his back and was about to pick it up, but he felt something hit his head hard, and then he fell on his back and lay on the ground.

The Vietnamese army's head was pierced with a big hole by Wu Jianglong's sniper rifle.

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