soldier rushing forward

233. The Vietnamese Army Retreats

"ba da"

The crisp impact reminded Nong Shixue that the pistol was out of bullets.In panic, Nong Shixue threw his pistol at Wu Jianglong, trying to use it as a throwing knife to knock Wu Jianglong down.

Wu Jianglong saw something flying towards him, turned his head to the side, let the pistol go, and continued to run towards Agronomy.

The purpose of Nong Shixue throwing the pistol was to stop Wu Jianglong's attack speed, so as to turn back the sniper rifle behind him.

Since he was not hit, of course Wu Jianglong would not slow down.At this time, everyone knows the truth that the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road.What's more, Wu Jianglong found out that Nong Shixue was turning his gun backwards, so he would not give him such a chance.

Both hands of Nong Shixue were turned to the sniper rifle, which still had a bullet in it.As long as he turns the gun around, it will be decided immediately who will die.

Wu Jianglong, who rushed over, immediately understood after seeing his move.In a very dangerous moment, every minute and every second are the prerequisites for determining whether life can survive.Therefore, Wu Jianglong couldn't be negligent.The whole person flew down in the air and landed directly on the body of Nong Shixue.

Nong Shixue was originally injured, and his hands and feet were handicapped.The injured arm wasn't supposed to be of much use, but he let him help the other hand get the gun anyway.Therefore, at this time, Agronomy has no chance to fight.

Under Wu Jianglong's inertial force, Empress Nong Shixue fell to the ground on her back.Not only did the body fall to the ground, but there was also a large living person pressing down on it.

Due to the geographical conditions in which the Vietnamese live, even the so-called big men there cannot compare with the real big men from the north.Although Nong Shixue's height is not too low, compared with Wu Jianglong, he is far behind in terms of body shape and height.Wu Jianglong is on top of him, and he can still be as good as him. It's like a heavy tank rammed on top of a car, so there's no reason why it won't collapse.

Wu Jianglong didn't know whether Agricultural Science was knocked unconscious at that time.Besides, he doesn't care about these things, and he will be stabbed a few times even if he faints.

Wu Jianglong freed his hand, grabbed Nong Shixue's neck with one hand, and swung a dagger with the other hand to stab at Nong Shixue's body.As we said before, Wu Jianglong's knife is different from ordinary knives. The blade is not only wide and thick, but also has a long row of canine teeth on the back.If this is stabbed with a knife, there will still be a way of survival for agronomy.

After the knife was cut down, blood spurted out along the knife groove.After stabbing him once, Wu Jianglong stabbed him twice in a fatal place.While stabbing, he was still chattering in his mouth.

"This knife is for the machine gunner, this knife is for Li Erzhu, and this knife is for the rocket soldier."

If he hadn't heard gunshots behind him, Wu Jianglong would have stabbed the Vietnam War sniper to death.

Because Wu Jianglong judged from his skills that this person may have sniped many Japanese people, so he wants to avenge all the people who were killed by him at this moment.

At this time, not only the gunshots behind him were intense, but also the shouts of Chinese and Vietnamese soldiers appeared.

Wu Jianglong let go of Nongshixue, picked up his sniper rifle with bullets, and started running towards the place where the gunfire was heard.

After the head of the Vietnam Army, Ruan Chunfa, assembled the team, he found that there was no agronomy, so he was anxious.Agronomy is not only the trump card of Division 313, but also the lifeblood of their teachers.If you leave him here, how will you explain to the teacher when you go back.As a result, some personnel were sent to search upwards along the corner of the mountain.

Before leaving, he gave a death order to a platoon leader who led the team, "I want to see the people alive, and the dead body when I die."

Ruan Chunfa is not just talking about this.He asked his subordinates to rummage through almost all the corpses brought back but did not find Agronomy, so he still had a little idea of ​​seeing Agronomy.

At this time, Ruan Xuanfa was both happy and worried.Since no dead bodies were seen, it meant that Agronomy might still be alive.

He told the platoon leader that if he is found and he still refuses to come back, you can tie him back for me. "

This troop set off, and they followed the corner of the mountain, looking for the untouched jungle and the place where the wormwood was dense.Along the way, they were not seen by the Chinese people on the mountain.It was only after they emerged from the slightly low grass that Li Sen saw them through the telescope.

Before, after the Chinese soldiers on the mountain wiped out the enemy who pretended to carry the corpse, Li Sen found that Wu Jianglong was missing.Ask Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan doesn't know either.Li Sen didn't think of Wu Jianglong until he heard gunshots down the mountain and saw the running Vietnamese army being knocked down.Guessing, it must be him.Therefore, I applaud Wu Jianglong in my heart.

Soon, he heard several shots fired from the foot of the mountain again, and he was startled at once, wondering if there were still enemies there.

"No, I have to go and have a look." Li Sen began to beat his heart.If there were too many enemies, Wu Jianglong would not be able to deal with them alone.Moreover, the biggest weakness of snipers is exposure.Once exposed to numerous soldiers.Dozens of guns were pointed at him. It was impossible to run or resist. In the end, there was only one dead end.Dozens of eyes are put on the body.

Li Sen jumped out of the trench with a squad of soldiers and went straight to the direction of the gunfire.

Under the dense barrier of wormwood, the battle between Wu Jianglong and Agronomy was really invisible to these people who came over.Only the sound of gunfire was heard, and they turned left and right.

If you can't see people, look for gunshots.Li Sen led the soldiers and ran all the way towards the gunfire.

The continuous gunshots in the grass made Li Sen extremely anxious.As a sniper, his sniper rifle stopped firing, but was replaced with a pistol, and his predicament came to a critical moment.

They were running toward the gunfire.The enemy coming up from the mountain also jumped out of the jungle and rushed in the direction of the gunshots.

Li Sen discovered the enemy coming up, and ordered Zhang Yan, "Zhang Yan, stop the enemy quickly."

Zhang Yan couldn't find any place to mount a gun in the wormwood.Time is ticking.If you don't shoot, the enemy will come.There was no way, Zhang Yancheng stood up, raised his gun and shot at the enemy rushing towards him.

One shot passed, and an enemy was knocked down.

Although he was shooting standing up, his accuracy was not great, but he was from a Lian family after all, he had never shot in any position, so he was afraid of standing up.

However, this is much more difficult than fighting on the stomach.Therefore, when Zhang Yan shoots, he still fixes the reticle on the chest, which is much higher than the headshot shooting rate.

When an enemy is defeated, the other enemies are thrown into chaos.They wanted to retreat, but they couldn't bear the insistence of the leading officer.Because at this moment, the officer only heard a gunshot.A middle-aged man, of course he is not afraid, how can he retreat!

However, he was a little scared to find that his own people were killed at such a long distance.But there is no way.The head of the group gave the order to die, and they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Comrades, in order to save our hero. Go!" The Vietnamese army officer shouted, and in an instant, the Vietnamese soldiers howled and rushed in the direction of Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan fired two more shots.

At this moment, what Li Sen is most anxious about is not to eliminate this group of enemies, but to find Wu Jianglong as soon as possible.Finding Wu Jianglong was the reason why they really came down.

Li Sen has another worry.

According to the national border between the two countries, the dividing line is on the old mountain ridge.As long as you cross the mountain ridge, you will go deep into Vietnam.If it is not a war now, Li Sen's cross-border behavior will cause international disputes.

It doesn't matter if you don't cross the border. At this time, what can the Vietnamese do?But what he was most worried about was that there were a large number of Vietnamese troops here.Even if the regular troops of the Vietnamese army were withdrawn, there were still many border guards left here.Even if it is a company, it will not be too few to deal with those who come down like them!

If the enemy uses this one in a row, then Li Sen's strength is really not enough.

When I didn't go down the mountain, there were fortifications on the top of the mountain to guard against it, but there was nothing here.Everything is under the control of the enemy.Therefore, when Li Sen found out that there were enemies coming up, how could he not be in a hurry!

The Vietnamese army running over was getting closer and closer. After reaching a certain position, the Vietnamese army started shooting. While rushing forward, they swept towards Zhang Yan's place with bullets.

At this time, Zhang Yan couldn't stand still anymore, he could only change the location, teasing the enemy to keep shooting.

Several soldiers beat in the grass for a long time but did not find Wu Jianglong.Therefore, Li Sen had no choice but to ask the soldiers to turn their guns and shoot at the enemies rushing up, and together with Zhang Yan, they stopped the enemies down the mountain from coming up.

At this time, how did they know that Wu Jianglong and Nong Shixue were rolling together, even if he knew that there was a battle between the two sides, he couldn't spare his hands.

After the Vietnamese army who rushed up found that there were Chinese soldiers stopping here, they thought it was Chinese soldiers charging down the mountain.Therefore, they changed from offense to defense on the spot, and prepared to stop the enemy with death.

Therefore, no one dares to take a step forward in both aspects.

The two sides fired at each other through the thick wormwood bushes.

The bullets galloped across the grass, the grass branches crackled, and the grass blades flew, and suddenly there was a smoky atmosphere.

At this time, a soldier suddenly found someone emerging from a place like rotten grass.

This man was shirtless, covered in blood, and was running towards their place with a gun in his hand.

The soldier thought it was the Vietnamese army coming, so he yelled loudly: "Company commander, the Vietnamese army is coming from the left."

Hearing the shout, Li Sen hurriedly turned his head to look.He really thought it was the Vietnamese army outflanking.If that was the case, they would have to leave Wu Jianglong behind and retreat to the top of the mountain.When he turned his head and took a look, what kind of Vietnamese army was this man? He was clearly Wu Jianglong!

Li Lin was not only happy in his heart, but also burst into a smile on his face, "What the fuck is the Vietnamese army, isn't that the person we are looking for!" Li Sen got excited, and said to the soldier next to him, "Go over and intercept his letter!" , retreat to the top of the mountain."

"Yes" the two soldiers happily ran towards Wu Jianglong.How can they be unhappy, the purpose of their coming is to find Wu Jianglong.Now that you have found it, you can go back. Who would want to fight random battles with the Vietnamese army here.

The two soldiers had just left Li Sen, and Li Sen reminded him from behind: "Shout loudly, be careful of accidental injury."

The wormwood was blowing in the wind, flickering all the time.In case Wu Jianglong couldn't see it, it would be troublesome to treat the soldiers of the past as the Vietnamese army.One shot came over and hurt one of his own people again.So he's going to shout to the two fighters.

Now that Wu Jianglong has been found, why bother with the enemies here?So Li Sen gave the order to retreat.However, it can't be withdrawn just like that.Don't look at the enemy not chasing, but the bullets are chasing behind the buttocks!If you only care about running towards the top of the mountain, maybe the bullet behind you will come through the grass, and it will still bite the meat.

"No, before we leave, we must shut up this group of enemies." After Li Sen had this idea, he said to the soldiers, "Knock down the enemies with grenades."

Although the specific location of the enemy cannot be seen in the grass, throwing it randomly can cover the enemy no matter what.Just use smoke and shrapnel to silence the enemy for a while, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to escape.

Several soldiers quickly threw grenades towards the enemy.

Suddenly, there was another bang on the grass.

The grenade exploded on the hillside, and for a while, the large forces of both the enemy and us were confused.Obviously there are no enemies, why is there a fight here again.

Two soldiers ran to meet Wu Jianglong.

If it weren't for these two soldiers shouting all the way over, Wu Jianglong really thought it was the Vietnamese army who came over, maybe he would have shot there.Because, he would never have thought that at this moment, there would be his own people on the hillside occupied by the enemy.

"Platoon leader, the company commander asked you to go up the mountain." A soldier came over and said.

"Which mountain are you going up to? Isn't there someone fighting in front?" Wu Jianglong stretched out his hands and pulled away a soldier who prevented him from advancing.

The soldier who was pulled away followed up and explained, "That's the company commander's cover, let's go up the mountain quickly."

"Who else should I use as a cover?" Wu Jianglong said contemptuously, "Go and have a look."

Another soldier also stepped forward to stop it, "No, this time, the company commander and the others may have withdrawn. Let's go up the mountain as soon as possible, and don't go over."

"If you don't kill the enemy, why withdraw?" Wu Jianglong still wanted to move forward.

The current Wu Jianglong is like a bull who has been teased anxiously in the bullring. He will push up when he sees the red cloth, and he doesn't know how much energy he still has.

The two soldiers couldn't stop him, so they had no choice but to follow behind to protect him, running forward and persuading him.

At this time, the sound of the explosion of the grenade came.

Wu Jianglong even quickened his pace.At this moment, he was not thinking about himself, but was worried about Li Sen and the others' mistakes, so he wanted to come over to help.But how did he know that after Li Sen and the others finished throwing the grenade, they went straight up the mountain in a straight line.

Although the grenade exploded in a large area, it did not hurt the prepared Vietnamese army much.

As soon as the explosion passed, the Vietnamese army realized that the Chinese Communists were about to withdraw.So they started chasing from behind.

As soon as Li Sen and the others left, the Vietnamese army did not see Aongshixue with their own eyes. Therefore, they believed even more firmly that Aongshixue was here, and they were probably captured by the Chinese.

However, there was a death order from the head of the regiment. Even if they were captured, they had to be taken back. Therefore, they knew that there was danger ahead, so they had to bite the bullet. No one in this group of Vietnamese troops dared to take half a step back.

At this time, the Vietnamese army leading the team was still delusional, wanting to take back Aong Shixue from the Communists.

So, this group of enemies waited for the smoke to clear, then howled and chased after Li Feng and the others in the direction they were retreating.

Wu Jianglong heard the screams of the Yue army, and judged that Li Sen and the others might have suffered a loss, otherwise the enemy would not be so rampant.So, he put a sniper rifle into a soldier's hand, "Come on, change." Regardless of whether the soldier is willing or not, he snatched the submachine gun from his hand.Holding it, he ran in the direction of the enemy shouting.

Li Sen thought that there was no need to stay here after Wu Jianglong had been found, so he quickly withdrew the soldiers to the top of the mountain.

The chasing Vietnamese army couldn't hear the gunshots ahead, and no one stopped them, thinking that the Chinese soldiers in front were really afraid of them.So, the energy to run is even greater.There is a lot of vigor, the momentum to catch the Chinese Communist.

Just as they rushed forward without hesitation, there was suddenly the sound of submachine guns firing from one side.

With the sound of the gunshot, the bullets rushed over like a storm.In an instant, the two enemies were knocked down.

The soldier who followed Wu Jianglong did not neglect, imitating Wu Jianglong's appearance, and also started shooting at the enemy.

Another fighter joined the fight.Combined, the two submachine guns fired continuously, which was not inferior to machine guns at all.

In an instant, several enemies running ahead were knocked down.

The sudden appearance immediately made the Vietnamese army feel threatened.They thought they had fallen into an ambush set up by the Chinese Communists in advance.If you don't withdraw at this time, and you still have to bite the bullet and charge upwards, the entire army must be wiped out.

As a result, the Vietnamese army who led the team didn't care about farming or not.No matter what trump card you are, it's better to take care of yourself.

"Withdraw, withdraw." As he shouted, the Vietnamese army began to retreat.

After a crackling sound in the wormwood bushes, the Vietnamese army retreated down the mountain.

At this time, Wu Jianglong seemed to be addicted again, and wanted to chase after the enemy.

A loud shout came from behind: "Wu Jianglong, come back."

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