Wu Jianglong left obediently.Dong Yan was busy in the room for a while.Dirty things like rotten shoes and socks should be thrown away and washed.The corners of the walls were also cleaned, and the luggage and bedding were turned over six times, and all the damp ones were taken out to cool down for a while.Those who didn't know the situation thought it was the end of the year and Wu Jianglong was doing a big cleaning!

No wonder.Since Wu Jianglong left Qilian, entered the agency, and was assigned to a dormitory.In this room, except for sleeping, he rarely came back, let alone any decorations.It takes six or seven days to leave the country to perform missions every time, not ten and a half months.Therefore, he did not consider this a home.

In this situation, Dong Yan is here, can you see it!Anyway, I wasn't on duty today, so fortunately, I gave Wu Jianglong a hard clean-up.After Dong Yan had this plan, he started to make a big move against Wu Jianglong's dormitory.

It was already afternoon at this time, Dong Yan still left those damp luggage outside, and was busy in the house alone.

Don't look at Dong Yan in her twenties, but when it comes to housework, she doesn't know everything inside and out.If we talk about things in the hospital, we don't need to talk about the profession of nurses.But he joined the army when he was a teenager, so it can be said that in life, he is skilled in clothes and open his mouth in food.In addition to washing clothes diligently and taking care of myself seriously.In terms of housework, she is different from those housewives, or young girls who grew up through bumps and bumps, and she is far worse than those women who have life experience.Generally speaking, Dong Yan is still a woman who doesn't know much about family life.

No, just as Dong Yan put his luggage on the air, a large cloud blew across the sky from the north.

Dong Yan only cared about tidying up in the house, she didn't know when it rained outside.

It's working time now, and it's in the dormitory area of ​​the agency, so of course there are very few people wandering around.Therefore, no one notified her that it was raining outside.Dong Yan didn't hear it until the raindrops hit the ground and made a noise on the glass.

Now she was in a hurry, so she ran out in a hurry, busy collecting the cold bedding into the room.

There were too many cool things on the pole, and the raindrops came too suddenly, which really made Dong Yan very busy.While she was gathering things back, she looked left and right, really wishing that a few soldiers appeared at this time, so that they could help.

It's raining, who doesn't run into the house.Unless there are people passing by.It rained heavily, and the sun-dried things were soaked through, so Dong Yan finished packing up.Until then, she hadn't seen anyone passing by the door.

This shower of rain seemed to deliberately make life difficult for Dong Yan.After he packed all his things back, the rain outside also stopped.

When Wu Jianglong came back, he saw that the room was ten times more chaotic than when he left, so he asked puzzledly.

"Hey, Dong Yan, what are you doing?" Wu Jianglong said as soon as he entered the door and saw the mess, "Are you moving?"

While tidying up her things, Dong Yan said, "Where do you want to move?"

"You!" Wu Jianglong said solemnly.

"Beautiful thought." Dong Yan rolled her eyes.

Dong Yan is also a single dormitory.A girl's room is naturally much better than Wu Jianglong's.Not to mention the comfort and cleanliness, it is the warm, fragrant smell that reminds Wu Jianglong, and it is also haunting.It's no wonder he didn't bring it up while taking advantage of this opportunity!However, Wu Jianglong was only joking.The two are not yet married, if he were to live with Dong Yan, he wouldn't dare even if he had ten guts.This is not a dormitory for college students, this is a military camp.Both of them are cadres, if they live together, it will become an illegal cohabitation.If the political commissar of the army found out about this, he would have to be punished, or else he would have to change jobs early.

"Haha" Wu Jianglong put all the washing utensils on the box, and laughed at himself, "The house is like this, can people still live in it?"

In Wu Jianglong's dormitory, he didn't even have any decent furniture except this box, which was his only big item.This is the one he bought for 50 yuan from a demobilized cadre.

Therefore, after Dong Yan's tossing about this room, it doesn't look like someone lived in it.Therefore, Wu Jianglong wants to say this.

Just as Wu Jianglong put the things on it, Dong Yan, who didn't want to provoke him, spoke up.

"Take it down, isn't there a washbasin stand!" Dong Yan stopped, "Put everything there, it's a pity that you have been a soldier for so many years."

"Hehe, isn't this at home!" Wu Jianglong said with a self-deprecating smile.Regardless of how loud Dong Yan was, Wu Jianglong was not in a hurry, because he began to feel that having a woman in charge would make him happier than being a bachelor.

In terms of housekeeping, Wu Jianglong was supervised by the squad leader when he was a recruit, and he no longer had to worry about it when he became a cadre.A platoon of fighters, which one can't organize his things well.You don't even need to wash your clothes by yourself, and even the soldiers help you wash your face with the help of washing water.And the toothpaste was squeezed onto the toothbrush, and it was all there, just waiting for washing.

Thinking about it now, Wu Jianglong felt that the days when he was a platoon leader were particularly free.But it's different now, since I lived in a single dormitory, all this is gone, and I have to do everything myself.Here are all cadres, who cares who!Speaking of which, one is lazier than the other.Therefore, now, there is a woman in charge. Although it is stricter, there are people who work.So Wu Jianglong still feels sweet in his heart.

Wu Jianglong has changed, really changed.Especially after going through these few life-and-death battles, Wu Jianglong's character suddenly fell from the sky to the ground.Gradually, I have a new understanding of women, and I have an extravagant hope for my family.

It's not that men don't have feelings, it's just that their admiration doesn't reach this point.They were so busy fighting wars and being around men every day that they certainly didn't have time to think about it.However, once a woman joins, the situation is completely different.

Therefore, now, Wu Jianglong, a rigid soldier who belongs to machismo, has gradually been melted by Dong Yan's gentleness.

"Oh! How can I sleep with such a wet quilt!" Wu Jianglong saw the wet quilt, stepped forward to touch it, and said while staring at the quilt that Dong Yan spread out to cool on the bed.

Dong Yan turned her head and gave him a blank look, "I didn't see you have a quilt on the mountain, didn't you come here for dozens of days!"

"That can't compare to this." Wu Jianglong said with a straight face, "Isn't there no way! If the Vietnamese army took a bed, I would definitely not come back. No matter how crowded, I have to sleep with them."

"What, sleep with the enemy?" Dong Yan's eyes widened.

"Yes!" Wu Jianglong said solemnly, still with a straight face.

"You're not sick, are you! You're desperate, you still want to join the enemy." Dong Yanming knew that Wu Jianglong was joking, but he couldn't hold back his face.

"Neither, neither." Wu Jianglong continued to maintain the original posture, "It's not that I don't want to die, but the enemy is dead. They lie on the ground, and I sleep on the bed. It will work!"

"Humph" Dong Yan threw a piece of clothing in her hand at Wu Jianglong, "You brag! How dare you sleep with a dead man.

"If it's not a man, it's a Vietnamese beauty!" After Wu Jianglong said this, he couldn't stop laughing.

"What, return the Vietnamese beauty?" Dong Yan was half-truthfully annoyed.Throwing the clothes on the ground, "It seems that you haven't learned well. No wonder you haven't come back for so long. When you come back, you don't go to see me. Oh, after a long time, you have a Vietnamese beauty." Speaking of this, Dong Yan turned around and walked towards the door, "Then you can find your Vietnamese beauty today!"

Wu Jianglong saw that Dong Yan was going to leave, and was really angry, knowing that he was making a big joke.So, he took a few steps, grabbed Dong Yan, and said with a smile, "Hey, hey, I'm just joking!"

"Hmph, just kidding!" Dong Yan stopped and said seriously, "I know that there are many female soldiers in Vietnam. You old men, there is no guarantee that you won't do bad things."

When Wu Jianglong heard what Dong Yan said, he thought it was not good. It seems that some domestic rumors really convinced Dong Yan.

Wu Jianglong suddenly thought of Hong Zhi, the instructor on the Vietnam battlefield.Didn't Hong Zhi make a mistake because of the Vietnamese female soldiers?For a while, Wu Jianglong froze, repeating the past events in his mind like a movie.

Dong Yan saw Wu Jianglong grabbing her hand and suddenly dropped it.So he also turned his head, wanting to see Wu Jianglong's expression.When he saw it, Wu Jianglong was motionless as if he was stupid, even his eyeballs were straightened.

Dong Yan was terrified at this moment, she couldn't understand a living person, why was she so stupid all of a sudden!So, he quickly shouted, "Wu Jianglong, Wu Jianglong."

After Dong Yan yelled, Wu Jianglong took back the thoughts that had been let out, and agreed with an "ah".

Seeing Wu Jianglong come back to his senses, Dong Yan followed up and said provocatively, "Did you miss your Vietnamese little sister?"

Wu Jianglong smiled wryly, "I really think of someone when you say it."

Dong Yan said, "What, you really have it!"

"It's not that I have it, it's my original instructor."

"Which one?" Dong Yan pressed.

"Instructor Hong Zhi."

"Hong Zhi." Dong Yan also fell into deep thought, and suddenly said as if remembering, "That's what the whole army notified."



After Dong Yan finished speaking, both of them stopped talking.

Later, Dong Yan broke the silence and said, "Your instructor has a Vietnamese little sister, don't you?"

"Hey, what do I have?" Wu Jianglong explained, "It was a revolutionary relationship established during the friendship between China and Vietnam. What's more, with such a good foundation, it has become what it is now. And I went to Vietnam to kill the enemy. Those Vietnamese When the woman saw us, she was so frightened that she had no time to run away, and she dared to get involved with me."

"I think so too." Dong Yan said, "If you dare, you may be killed by others when you are not paying attention."

"That's right." Wu Jianglong said, "Where did I have the courage? Besides, with you, I still remember what they are doing! They are dark, thin, and small, just like that firewood stick!"

"What?" Dong Yan's eyes widened again, when did you look at women so carefully. "

"Hey, when did I see a woman, you should know!"

"What, should I know?" Dong Yan asked puzzled.

"That's right!" Wu Jianglonghu said in a mysterious way, "When we escaped from Vietnam, you forgot the woman who shot at me."

"Ah! You said her!"

"Of course it is." Wu Jianglong paused and continued, "I have seen her alive, but all of her are dead."

"You're talking about dead people."

"Of course, only the dead are like that. The living ones still have the spirit of water."

"Damn it! You still think about them!" After Dong Yan realized that nothing had happened to Wu Jianglong, she still rushed towards Wu Jianglong coquettishly.It didn't matter if he rushed over, his hands began to beat Wu Jianglong's body.

Wu Jianglong at this time is not the shy Wu Jianglong at the beginning.The size is also a cadre, and I have seen many women.At this point, Wu Jianglong's youthful ability kept his body from getting hot, so he grabbed Dong Yan's hand and hugged Dong Yan.

"Comrade, do you know where Wu Jianglong lives?" A man's voice came from outside the door.

Another man replied, "It's the third door ahead."

There was a heavy walking sound in the corridor.

"Get up, someone is coming." The door was ajar, Dong Yan urged Wu Jianglong after hearing someone talking in the corridor.

"Never mind him! Just come!" Wu Jianglong still didn't intend to let go of Dong Yan.

"You're not ashamed, but I'm still ashamed!" Dong Yan pushed Wu Jianglong away, "It's not good for others to see."

"What's wrong, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are an honest gentleman."

Just as Wu Jianglong finished speaking, someone knocked on the door.As soon as the door rang, shouts flew in,

"Is Wu Jianglong in the house?"

Wu Jianglong heard the person coming from the voice, and let go of Dong Yan suddenly, "It's the company commander."

It was the company commander who said these three words.The door was opened, and Li Sen stood outside.

A dormitory can be as big as ten square meters.As long as the door is opened, everything in the house can be seen.Therefore, Li Sen took advantage of the light outside the house to see Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan who were stuck together.

Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan stood up from the bed shyly. Before they could speak, Li Sen said, "I didn't bother you!"

Wu Jianglong said embarrassedly, "No, no, we didn't do anything!"

After Li Sen recognized the woman in the room as Dong Yan, he said with a smile, "Look at me, I'm really short-sighted. If I disturb you, I'll go first, and you will continue to do what you should do."

"Fuck you, you are not serious at all, you are still a company commander!" Dong Yan was extremely happy when she saw that it was Li Sen.

Wu Jianglong smiled treacherously, and said, "I really wanted to do something, but he wouldn't let me." He turned his face to Dong Yan, and then to Li Sen, making a ghostly look.

"You bastard!" Dong Yan quit, and punched Wu Jianglong with her fists.

Wu Jianglong laughed and ran behind Li Sen again.

Li Sen stopped Dong Yan, "Oh, oh, you two, don't pretend to be after I come! You didn't do this when I didn't come! Why is there no voice in the room!"

"A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, you men! None of them are good things." Dong Yan said with a grin.

"Well, I've been charged with a crime when I came here," Li Sen turned to Wu Jianglong, "Do you hear me, I'm just like you, I'm not a good guy."

"Wu Jianglong walked around behind Li Sen and said, "That's right, it's not a thing in the first place!We are men. "

"Yes, yes," Li Sen said approvingly, "We are not things, but men."

Dong Yan was speechless for a moment after being teased by Li Sen and Wu Jianglong. She turned around and picked up the watch on the box, "I'm leaving, you stay here!"

Wu Jianglong stopped him and said, "Don't! I haven't eaten yet!"

"You didn't eat, and neither did I!" Li Sen joined in the fun.

"I didn't even eat it!" Dong Yan stopped talking at this point.

Wu Jianglong and Li Sen waited for her to say the second half of the sentence. It is estimated that you are waiting, I will make a meal or something good.But I didn't think about it. After waiting for a long time, Dong Yan said, "That's good! If you don't eat, you will be hungry!"

Li Sen and Wu Jianglong glared at each other.

Li Sen said, "Oh! This is what you have been arguing for a long time! Wu Jianglong, you are finished. I thought you were better than me, and someone took care of it. After a long time of arguing, just like me, a bachelor, no one cares. Alright, since no one cares, let’s go hungry!”

"Hey, I said company commander, don't say that! It's impossible not to be hungry now," Wu Jianglong said coherently.

"What?" Li Sen looked at Wu Jianglong.

"It's afternoon now, lunch is over and dinner hasn't arrived yet, so be hungry!" Wu Jianglong deliberately rescued Dong Yan.

"Haha," Li Sen smiled, pointing at Wu Jianglong and said, "Wu Jianglong, I haven't seen you for three days, and I am impressed. You have learned to protect women when you talk."

"Hey!" Wu Jianglong looked at Dong Yan with a smirk.

Dong Yan chuckled, "You also said that you two can fight, and this matter can't be resolved."

"How to solve it, we won't let us grab the cooking class!" Wu Jianglong said helplessly.

"Hmph, besides robbing, beating, do you want to order something else?" Dong Yan said while rummaging through the pile of sundries on the box, "Hey, where is your lunch box!"

"Why are you looking for a lunch box?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"I'm going to the street to buy some food and come back."

As soon as Dong Yan finished speaking, Li Sen and Wu Jianglong looked at each other and suddenly said together, "You are stupid!"

"I, why am I so stupid?" Dong Yan didn't understand what the two of them meant.

"Go to the street and have a drink." Wu Jianglong and Li Sen said together again.

Dong Yan was amused by the puppet-like movements of the two.

There were not many people coming and going in the street market in the afternoon.Therefore, the narrow streets look very deserted.

Wu Jianglong, Li Sen, and Dong Yan walking side by side on the street are very eye-catching.

The three of them talked and laughed, leaving a long conversation along the way.

The three of them were walking when suddenly two soldiers with duty armbands came out from the slash.One of them reached out to stop the three of them and said, "Please show your exit card."

The three of them were dumbfounded when they stared at each other.

"What, an exit permit?" Li Sen said in surprise.

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