soldier rushing forward

237. Enter Vietnam

National intelligence got a tip from a Vietnamese businessman.Recently, the Vietnamese army will carry out a "North Light Project" on the front line of the Chinese border.However, the businessman couldn't tell what the specific content of the Beiguang project was.Whether it was a political, economic, or military conspiracy is unknown.But the disadvantages to China are obvious.For this reason, our military high-level officials want to know this information.

Since almost all the overseas Chinese were expelled by the Vietnamese government, even sporadic and individual, they were also severely excluded in Vietnam, and they would not do much at all, let alone go deep into the interior of the Vietnamese government to find out news.

In order to find out the enemy's bottom line and understand the Vietnamese government's intentions, our army decided to send a reconnaissance team.But this team is different from Wu Jianglong's previous combat team. It can't just know how to fight and kill. His important task is to go deep into Vietnam and get this information.Therefore, the selection of candidates is very strict.

After the self-defense counterattack in [-], the squadron was tempered in actual combat and gained some experience.In order to achieve the training of troops, improve the combat effectiveness of the army, and increase the level of combat effectiveness.Our army selected a group of grassroots commanders with combat experience from the participating troops to study in military academies.Some have become military experts and instructors, and some have directly entered higher-level combat departments in the army.At the same time, a considerable number of people have entered the intelligence special warfare unit.

On the surface, the self-defense counterattack is a war to defend the country.It is to eliminate the arrogance of the Vietnamese government, force the Vietnamese army to retreat to the original border, and strengthen China's military and national prestige internationally.In essence, China's goal is to find a way to build a powerful modernized, regularized and revolutionary army.After all, China hasn't fought a war for decades.What kind of combat power does the squadron have, and whether they can still fight.The upper echelons of China cannot ignore this issue.At that time, the relationship between China and the Soviet Union was so tense. The Soviet Union had millions of troops on the northern border of our country, all mechanized troops.And us!In the past few decades, there has been no major development at all. Except for a few bombs and hydrogen bombs, in terms of conventional weapons and conventional combat capabilities, it is not much better than Xiaomi plus rifles.All over the country, digging deep holes and accumulating food, they are completely passive and beaten, and they dare not extend their tentacles at all.Speaking of mechanized troops, it was still a new term in China at that time.Therefore, compared with the armed forces of developed countries, the level of mechanized troops is more than ten years, or even 30 to [-] years.

From the 60s to the 70s, the Chinese army did not focus on strengthening its own construction, but mixed with ordinary people, and also helped in various sports in the country.What is better than ordinary people is that they have guns and cannons in their hands.But this kind of gun depends on who it is compared with.Compared with small countries, of course it is okay.If compared with the world's powerful countries and developed countries, it is far behind.With such a level of armament, once the country has a war, the Chinese army can stand up to it!

Therefore, in this situation, how could the Chinese leaders at that time not be worried, and not be anxious to get angry!

Since there will be no major conflicts on China's northern border for the time being, let's take this trouble-loving little brother to the test.It doesn't matter if we try this, we have seen the seriousness of the problem, and it is very serious.

Although we won, it was a narrow victory at a huge cost.After the analysis after the war, we have to admit it.There are big loopholes in our army's tactical skills, coordination of arms, and offensive and defensive combat capabilities.These problems all appear in various aspects such as the difficulty of the war, the length of the front line, and breaking through the enemy's defense line.The result of the battle was also completely out of our army's plan at the beginning of the war.

From this, the senior leaders of our army have thoroughly seen the many contradictions and problems existing in the army.I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.We are now at war with Little Vietnam, which is inferior to ours in terms of domestic population, economic strength, and military numbers.If we really fight with polar bears, based on our level at the time, can we be sure of winning!

Therefore, the disarmament of 100 million in [-] came from this.

Let's talk about reality.Entering November 10 (in the future, the United States and South Korea will conduct military exercises in the East China Sea at the door of China, only 11 nautical miles away from Qingdao. The George Washington aircraft carrier formation opened fire in my country's exclusive economic zone. Carrier-based aircraft are also in this sea area Flying around. The U.S. Global Hawk early-warning ec reconnaissance plane has detected almost all the telecommunications in most of China. At the same time, the two armies are showing their flair, and the scale of the exercise is constantly escalating. Ru Tu.

Beforehand, many domestic military experts and military enthusiasts made various speculations about the US-ROK military exercises, conducted in-depth discussions on China's determination, and proposed various methods and reasons for a strong new China to confront.However, after the three-day exercise between the United States and South Korea, we remained silent and could not see any major powers' actions to safeguard national sovereignty in terms of core interests.Thinking about it from another angle, the reason why we want to do this may be that there are other plans at the top.However, this disappointed audiophiles.Having said that, a military fan is a word that can only be said, but not acted on. Of course, it can't show any strength in decision-making, it's just talking.Mr. Lu Xun wrote such a thing during the period of the Republic of China and scolded so many people, and the result!Didn't those big officials also listen!

Just say it!This is not surprising, in short, it is an expression of patriotism.

Some people say that soldiers are the great affairs of the country.You have to observe, you can't be careless.

People are calling at the door, we have to be careful.I have already kicked your door with my feet, and I have to tell people not to get angry and sit down and talk about it.Is it to endure the fire, or is it to strike!such a pity!I followed it for several days, but I still haven't seen the kind of big country demeanor that people want to look forward to.The most ridiculous ones are those famous commentators on military experts and their ilk.One theory before the war, one theory after the war.After all, they are all arrogant and egotistical theories.Physically, we can't be an enemy, but in terms of words, we still won.No matter how you look at it, it smells like Ah Q.I can't agree more.

When we think about it from the perspective of being a family member, maybe we will also understand the intention of being a family member.After all, our national strength and military strength are far behind that of the United States.After all, we are in the best period of economic development. Isn't the purpose of the United States just to pull us into the water and prevent us from developing, so that they will fall into the quagmire of economic difficulties like them!

The ancients said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.When China becomes stronger, and when we have hundreds of thousands of tons of aircraft carriers, we will also go to the door of the United States to play with firecrackers.If some of them came out to block it, we would say, this sea is not yours, it is the open sea, and I can play wherever I like.Not convinced, practice.

Why do you want to say this?Relying on strength, that is, thick arms and strong strength.In recent years, we have been enduring.We endured the bombing of the Yugoslavia History Museum, we endured the plane collision in Wang Hai, and we endured the occupation of islands by many small countries in the South China Sea enclosure.Now this time, people came to our house to train soldiers, and we endured it again.Isn't the purpose of tolerance is to seize the time and develop rapidly!

Although China has a long history.But New China is still very young, especially compared with the United States after independence, there is indeed a gap in China's strength in various aspects.Otherwise, they would not be the ones who speak in the world.

Talking, talking, pulled the battle situation from AD 0 to AD 0.Although there is a span of time, the history is also very similar.We can't afford to fight big wars, why not fight small ones!We may not be able to beat the United States for the time being.I mean sea, if on land we never fear him.The old man once said, "U.S. imperialism and all its reactionaries are paper tigers."

Now this paper tiger has turned into a real tiger, and it opened up in front of our family.Regardless of the reason, shitting and peeing in front of someone else's house, according to common sense, is absolutely not acceptable.But now, people pissed, people pissed, what can we do.

It started in November and ended on December 11st. The U.S.-South Korea military exercise was completed as expected. It lasted for three days. On the Yellow Sea, the U.S. and Japanese had put on a strong country posture, bombing what should be bombed, what should be frightened, and nothing Someone at the door dared to cough. With such power, the Americans sat down and left contentedly. Now they are making new alliances with the Japanese.

Fundamentally speaking, our national strength is still inferior to others, and among the world's powerful countries, military strength has no place.If the behavior of the United States is replaced by us.Now, we also drive a warship, carry missiles, and mount cannons to a small European country to try it out. Then we throw two cannonballs at the gate of the United States and go to the gate of the United Kingdom to try it out. Test the power of the missile.That person is not a verbal protest, maybe countless missiles will hit the deck of the warship and hit us on the head.

This is also impossible, just talking.We do not have that strength, even if we have that strength, China will not do that.China is a country of etiquette, how can it be compared with Erbangzi!

I have been watching the US-Korea Huang Haijun show for a few days, and I really feel annoyed.Those well-known military experts can have columns, turning over and over again, fooling the common people with reason.We will not do this.Let's use this to play with the conscience of the Chinese people!I won’t talk much about it here, and interested military friends can go down and chat alone.

The book returns to the topic.After Shi Zhuguo formed this group, he used one day to explain the purpose of the trip, tasks, and the situation of going deep into Vietnam to several people.It took another day to complete the personnel relationship between Dong Yan and Li Sen.Wu Jianglong said that he originally belonged to the combat department of the division. When the mission came, he could just change the nature of his work.In this way, Wu Jianglong, Li Sen, and Dong Yan all belong to the leadership of Shi Zhuguo.So far, the formation of the six-person special agent team has been completed.

Looking back, let's talk about the ins and outs of this "Northern Light Project".

An overseas Chinese in Thailand is actually our intelligence officer in Thailand.At that time, the Chinese could not stay in Vietnam any longer. With the Sino-Vietnamese relationship in such a state, not to mention doing business, even visiting relatives was not acceptable.Therefore, if we want to understand Vietnam’s intelligence, first, we send people to conduct reconnaissance, and second, we need to make a detour through other channels to find out some information.This news was learned by our intelligence personnel in Thailand through rape.

However, the traitor didn’t know much about it in detail. He only heard that the Vietnamese army would conduct a military activity in the Laoshan area recently, and named it “Northern Light Project.”

After the news reached Beijing, the upper-level leaders attached great importance to it.But I don't understand what Beiguang means. It can't be to make China in the north light up!On this point, we are not afraid, even if Vietnam has the heart, he does not have the ability.We are very aware of the strength of the Vietnamese army. Even if the Soviet Union at that time gave him more and more advanced weapons, they would not sell them to him.Even if it is sold, the Vietnamese government cannot afford it.IOUs to the head office. Unfortunately, there are too many IOUs. No one believes that Vietnam will turn around within a few years.For a country that can't even eat enough to eat, its military expansion and preparation for war are militaristic, and it's okay to play with some light weapons.As for those who hurt the muscles and bones, no one will give them to him. If there is a big disturbance, whoever gave it will be responsible.

The Vietnamese government at that time was a country that was famously reneging on its promises.Since we have suffered from this, I believe the Soviet Union will not fail to make such psychological preparations.To put it bluntly, their support for Vietnam was nothing more than wanting to add another dose of arsenic to the stiff Sino-Soviet relationship.

Now that Vietnam does not have this thing, we are not afraid that they will have any all-powerful strategy.However, we have to pay attention to it. We must get a thorough understanding of their Beiguang Project and find out what they mean by the Beiguang Project.

Regarding this issue, China, which is a military confrontation and has been spattered with blood, really has to consider and pay attention to it.Therefore, starting from many reasons, the Chinese side still wants to figure out this issue thoroughly, that is called knowing the enemy and knowing yourself, and winning every battle.

The personnel are ready and the equipment is ready, but the problem of how to cross the border has become a big problem.If we go directly from the Sino-Vietnamese border, the more than 120-mile North Vietnam mountain road is not easy to travel, let alone the layers of defense lines of the Vietnamese army alone.If you don't take the road and go through the jungle, you won't be able to go there even in a few months.Even if they got there, the six people would be like beggars, so what ability would they have to go deep into Hanoi for reconnaissance.After much deliberation, it was still up to the national intelligence agency to dress up all six of them as businessmen, follow the Hong Kong businessman to Thailand first, and then divert to Vietnam.

What if you can't speak Cantonese, it doesn't matter, our Hong Kong alliance personnel will take it with you.What if I don't speak Vietnamese?Don't forget, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li brought by Shi Zhuguo specialize in learning Vietnamese.The two of them are students of the School of International Relations, but they are actually regional intelligence personnel trained to understand Vietnam.Just like the intelligence personnel in various regions of the world divided by the United States.

The six people first left the Sino-Vietnamese border, then diverted to Hong Kong, and then took a boat to the Thai-Vietnamese border.

Although the relationship between Thailand and Vietnam was also very tense at that time, the tension was tense, after all, it had not yet reached the point of slashing swords with China.Therefore, a small part of the border between the two countries is still open, and people can travel.

Soon, on a not so clear morning, six people were handed over by a Hong Kong businessman to a Thai businessman.After all the preparatory work was done, the six people swaggered and followed the others into Vietnam.Once across the border, the six parted ways with the Thai businessman, then boarded a car and headed straight to Hanoi.

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. Anyone with a little international knowledge knows this.However, what it looks like, of course, for those who have never been to Hanoi, they cannot tell.Even those of us who know something about the situation can only understand Hanoi today. It is estimated that not many people can tell clearly about the situation in Hanoi at that time.

At that time, Hanoi could only be regarded as the political center of the North Vietnamese regime. As for its economic development, the prosperity of the city, and the living standards of its residents, even some cities in our country in the 40s and [-]s could not keep up.There is no doubt about this.

During the period of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Vietnam has always been a genus of China, and its geographical location can be regarded as a wild area.

After France ruled Vietnam, while colonizing the Vietnamese people, it continuously sent French civilization here.Under the leadership of the French, the southern cities of Vietnam began to have high-rise buildings, gradually gaining the scale of cities.

After the Vietnam Revolution began, the North Vietnamese regime had been at war with the French colonies and later with the Americans.North Vietnam has been at war, and its economic development is out of the question.

Therefore, when Wu Jianglong and the others entered Hanoi, they saw very few high-rise buildings, and more than 80.00% of ordinary people still lived in thatched houses.

Wu Jianglong secretly exclaimed, "So Vietnam is like this!"

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