soldier rushing forward

239、An extraordinary night

After Shi Zhuguo uttered the word 84-mb-Northern Light Project, Han Yuan was no stranger to it.He tried hard to recall it, as if he had heard someone say it.

"I heard them say it, but I don't know what it means?" Han Yuan asked, "Is this plan important?"

"It's very important. It's probably a military operation by the Vietnamese army." Shi Zhuguo emphasized.

"Okay, I'll go and find out." Han Yuan felt that he should take the lead.

"Wait a minute," Shi Zhuguo did not let Han Yuan leave now, and continued, "As far as we know, this plan is only known to a few people at the top of the enemy. To ensure the success of this plan, the enemy has taken strict precautions, in order not to leak , they controlled the scope very small, and there were only a few people closest to the implementation. From this point, it is not difficult to see the importance of this plan. Therefore, Beijing attaches great importance to this plan and requires us to do whatever it takes , come up with this information, and find out what the enemy wants to do."

"That's for sure." Han Yuan said, "Don't look at the appearance of the Vietnamese army as united, in fact there are many factions within them. Some people insist on fighting against China and want to avenge the defeat in [-]. As for the other part of the people! They have long given up this illusion. China is such a big country, and a small country can’t afford to spend it. After spending time and money, in the end, it’s yourself who will be unlucky. It’s better to make peace sooner, and make some troubles. Economic construction. However, these people do not have the strength of the main fighters. The main fighters have the support of the Soviets. They will rely on the support of the Soviets and insist that China will fight to the end."

"Turtle son, they should have been wiped out that year, otherwise they wouldn't be so arrogant." Wu Jianglong interjected.

"By the way." Han Yuan said, "Recently, there seem to be more Soviet advisers in Hanoi. You can often see these people on the street.

"That's right. This is exactly the purpose of our trip." Shi Zhuguo took it over and said, "Comrade Han Yuan, maybe you are not very clear about the current Sino-Soviet relationship. Since [-], the Soviet Union has deployed There are millions of soldiers, eyeing China's long northern border. Although China and Vietnam have been exchanging fire, the Soviet Union has not been idle. It came out. But we don’t know how long the Soviet side will use them. The most worrying question is when the Soviet Union will come from behind to the front. This is what we are most concerned about. Beijing has been considering, this Beiguang Whether the plan has something to do with the Soviets. If not, that is our best hope. If so, then we must pay attention and prepare for the worst. The Vietnamese were beaten back by us, and we can serve as their Once the main character in the backstage jumps out, it will be a big problem. In particular, whether the Soviet army will participate in the Beiguang Project is also our most concerned issue, which is very urgent and very important. Therefore, no matter what, we must Inside, reconnaissance clearly before the enemy implements. It is best to destroy it, even if it cannot be destroyed, we must be fully prepared for combat. This is the reason why the superior sent us to reconnaissance.”

Shi Zhuguo spoke out many domestic and foreign issues that Won did not understand in one breath, and Won began to see the importance of intelligence.

"Comrade Shi, don't worry, even if I give up my identity and stop staying in Vietnam, I will get the information." Han Yuan said excitedly.

"Don't worry about this." Shi Zhuguo Jieshao said, "When we came, the chief emphasized that we must ensure your personal safety. If you are exposed, you can go back to the country with us."

Han Yuan fell silent after nodding, as if he had something on his mind.All he worries about is his family in Saigon.What would the family do if he was exposed.

Seeing what Han Yuan meant, Shi Zhuguo said comfortingly, "Your family, the organization is considering. Temporarily settle them in Thailand. If you are not found, you and your family will continue to stay in Vietnam. Otherwise, you will all return to China. "

"Thank you for the organization, thank you for the leader." Han Yuan was very excited.

Night soon fell over the house.From the outside, the house was completely in darkness. Perhaps his owner hadn't returned overnight, or had already fallen asleep. From a distance, there was no sign of life in the room.

However, inside the house was lit a falling light bulb.Six people were pondering around a piece of paper.

The light was completely covered from the window with a thick blanket, leaving no gap.

At this time, Vietnam was still at war, and the curfew in Henan was also set for a certain period of time.As an ordinary doctor's home, the lights are brightly lit at night.The other places are all dark, but your place is still brightly lit, how can you not attract other people's attention.Needless to say, there is special monitoring, even the reflection of ordinary people will make the Korean won overwhelmed.At this time, although Vietnam was not as active as the Chinese people during the Cultural Revolution, they were still fully equipped with a high degree of vigilance against war.

In order to prevent China from carrying out air strikes, they often conduct various air defense exercises, and of course they also strictly control the lights.Therefore, if you keep the lights on here for a long time, it won't take long for someone to come and check.If there is a person who is very vigilant, or a character like a Chinese little-footed old lady, come.Once they set their sights on this house, Shi Zhuguo and the others will be exposed in less than three days.

Both Vietnam and China are socialist countries. Therefore, once the masses are mobilized, the momentum cannot be resisted by anyone.

Therefore, if you don't sleep at night, if you want to study something that is hidden from people's eyes, you must cover the light.

What are they thinking about?It is nothing more than choosing where to start and finding someone to break through.If the official is too big, they can't catch it, and if the official is too small, it is useless.For such a high-level secret, the person who knows the official position must be above the division level.

"Okay," Han Yuan thought of a person, "I have such a person in my hand."

Heh, everyone was very excited when they heard that Won had a goal.Wu Jianglong couldn't help asking, "Master Han, you really have the time to ask."

Han Yuan did not answer Wu Jianglong's question directly, but said with a smile, "I said this little comrade, you are not called Shizuo, okay. That is the name of the Kuomintang!"

"Hey, it's all the same. They are all division-level cadres anyway." Wu Jianglong said familiarly.Although he has only known Han Yuan for a few hours, he thinks that Han Yuan is very easy-going, so what should he call him!It's obviously not good to call him a teacher, and it seems too rustic to call him a big brother.In order to mediate the atmosphere and show the harmony of the relationship, he said this in a half-joking tone.

"Don't, don't, it sounds awkward," Han Yuan said, "In that case, I will be a Kuomintang officer."

"Should I call you teacher?" Wu Jianglong asked after him.

"No, no." Han Yuan blushed suddenly, "Master is a big official, I can't afford it."

What Won said is not unreasonable.Over the years, he has dealt with the high-level officials of the Vietnamese army all the year round. For a commoner like him, although you have skills, it's your status after all.He had to be prudent and careful with every Vietnamese officer he came into contact with, and he had to put his head lower, appearing to be humble and trouble-shooting.Otherwise, how could he win the favor of these people!

In the process of dancing with wolves, more precisely, in the process of being neighbors with monkeys.Han Won almost lost his basic qualifications to be an ordinary person.If you want to be slick in all directions, you have to take off your airs.

If you don't believe me, just look around us, those people agree that someone will come, and someone will cater to the leader's favor.If you observe carefully, such a person will not be sullen all day long, and will not wait for others to greet him when he meets everyone.He must always put a smile on his face and put nice words on his lips.Regardless of whether you like it or not, you have to take the initiative to flatter others.Otherwise, everyone will say that you have airs, and at the same time, they will also say that you will not come to trouble.Of course, a good person can't do it.

If Han Yuan wanted to integrate into the top ranks of the Vietnam Army, he had to take the initiative to greet others.Therefore, he never takes his own dignity into consideration.Otherwise, it will be difficult to complete the task when necessary.

What is necessary when?When the motherland needs a certain piece of information, it needs intelligence personnel to get it at all costs.This is necessary.Now, the necessary moment has come, and it is time for Han Yuan to show his identity.

However, he will never use the level given to him by his superiors to pretend to be the boss.Even if he is asked to charge it, he will not be able to charge it with years of habit.Because, he has never been a leader in front of others for a day.The airs of leadership are not something anyone can take out if they want to, and it must go through a period of tempering.Have you ever seen a leader who has just been promoted to a certain position, and at the first meeting he holds, he can't even read the speech smoothly?Even if the reading is smooth, there is no telling how many times I have typed up the draft in private and how much preparation I have made.

"I can't call you Lao Han!" Wu Jianglong said again.

Unexpectedly, Han Yuan liked this sentence very much, "Yes, yes, that's how it is called."

In Vietnamese, no matter how you translate it, you can’t find the word Lao Han.Except for people in China, except for those who have a special relationship with him, no one can call him that.

During the dialogue between Han Yuan and Wu Jianglong, Shi Zhuguo and Li Sen watched and laughed all the time, no one interrupted or stopped them.Although Han Yuan is Chinese, he hasn't spoken Chinese for many years. Now when he speaks, his tongue feels particularly uncomfortable, and the words he speaks always have a heavy metal taste.The drawn filament draws an arc like a mountain cannon.

Shi Zhuguo felt that the joke was almost done, so he said with a smile, "You Wu Jianglong, how dare you make fun of the chief, go back and deal with you carefully."

"Fuck off?" Han Yuan was very unfamiliar with such a word, and didn't understand what it meant for a while, so he looked at Shi Zhuguo with a question.

Shi Zhuguo controlled his laughter and explained, "I was just joking with you."

"Hahaha" Han Yuan smiled happily, "It's okay, it's okay. Some young people joked, and I'm young too. In those years, I only heard people call me Xiao Han, but I never heard anyone called Lao Han." Pointing to Wu Jianglong, Dong Yan, Zhang Zhong, and Li Weibing, "Look, they are the only ones who can be called small characters! I think Comrade Xiao Wu is right, so I will be called Lao Han from now on."

"It's not appropriate!" Shi Zhuguo always felt that this would be difficult.

After training over the years, he has made a big circle again, but he only got the post of chief of staff of a regiment in a certain unit of the Southern Military Region, which can be regarded as a deputy regiment.This still depends on his face in the self-defense counterattack.And the Korean won is the assistant teacher, a lot higher than himself.As for Li Sen, let alone them, there was a bigger gap.With such qualifications, call him Lao Han, wait!In case the Korean won returns to the country one day, he will really be given a real job.As a subordinate, it is so boring to think of these things now.So Shi Zhuguo disagreed.

"That's it!" Han Yuan said, "Listen to me."

"Okay, I agree to be called Lao Han." Before Shi Zhuguo could speak, Wu Jianglong was the first to express his opinion.

Shi Zhuguo glared at Wu Jianglong, "You rookie, let Comrade Han be your commander tomorrow, see if you still dare to call him that."

Wu Jianglong stuck out his tongue in fright.A small platoon leader dares to call the deputy division commander Lao XX, isn't that looking for illness!Of course Wu Jianglong knew about this.That is, now he dares to call.If he was in China, he would be given a hundred guts and asked to call him the deputy teacher Lao Han in person. Would he dare? .If it's called secretly from behind, that's another matter.

Han Yuan smiled, looked at his watch, and said, "It's getting late, you all sleep for a while, don't go out during the day."

Everyone answered, "Yes."

Han Yuan was extremely relieved to see these six people getting up to normal and looking very serious.After all, he came from a regular army, so his quality is good.Han Yuan thought to himself.

"Sleep, sleep" Shi Zhuguo ordered, Li Sen and the others found a place to lie down quickly, and started snoring after a while.But Dong Yan is a woman, so she can't sleep with these big men!So she froze there for a while.

Han Yuan walked over with a smile, "Comrade, come with me."

Han Yuan walked in front, Dong Yan followed, and the two came to a big room.

Han Yuan turned on the light in one room and said, "You can live here! Usually no one lives there, and we only live in this big room when my wife comes over."

In the room, there is a large double bed facing the window, and there are two double-door cabinets under the north wall.There is a bedside table on each side of the bed.Although the house is not very luxurious, it is also very tidy and atmospheric.

"What about you?" Dong Yan asked.

"I have a small bedroom. It's on the north side." Han Yuan pointed over there as he spoke.

After Han Yuan put Dong Yan down, he went to the living room by himself, and forced Shi Zhuguo to let him live in the small bedroom.

Shi Zhuguo disagreed and said, "No, no, you should sleep. I'll sleep outside with them."

Han Yuan really let Shi Zhuguo move, so he went to sleep by himself.

Dong Yan was lying on the big bed, unable to sleep no matter what, she had never slept in such a big bed since she grew up.I thought to myself, what is the difference between this and sleeping on the floor!Alas, if Wu Jianglong also slept here, wouldn't it be empty?There is no need to be afraid of yourself.Thinking of this, I couldn't help but blush.However, she only secretly felt a fever on her face, and only then did she realize that she was overthinking it.

After Dong Yan thought wildly, she gradually became sleepy. Just as she fell asleep, she heard a sound outside the window.

This sound woke Dong Yan up.After she woke up, she pricked up her ears and listened out of the window seriously.But there was no movement outside the window.Dong Yan explained to herself, "Could it be a dream."

The sky in Hanoi seems to be bright early, and it is already bright before four o'clock in the morning.

When Wu Jianglong and the others woke up, they found that the Korean Yuan was gone.

Shi Zhuguo searched around the house but couldn't find it.Everyone was a little anxious.Although Won is his comrade, but after so many years, his superiors have not contacted him. Is this comrade still the original Won?

Wu Jianglong walked around the yard but did not see Han Yuan, so he went into the room and reported to Shi Zhuguo, "Company commander, there is no one outside either."

Shi Zhuguo secretly groaned in his heart, if Han Yuan betrayed, then the six of them would simply be shackles.Thinking of this, Shi Zhuguo said to Wu Jianglong, "Go, wake up Dong Yan."

When Wu Jianglong came to Dong Yan's room and took a look, the window was wide open, and there was no Dong Yan in the room at all.Wu Jianglong was in a hurry, and ran back to report to Shi Zhuguo, "Company commander, it's bad, Dong Yan is gone."

Shi Zhuguo hurriedly followed Wu Jianglong to the bedroom to see.

The room was really empty, there was no sign of Dong Yan at all.

"Oops, something happened to Dong Yan." Li Sen blurted out.

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