soldier rushing forward

242, the slap in the face

"Hey, Old Han, who do you think these two people are?" Shi Zhuguo asked.

"I can't see it, though. It seems that these two people have been dead for a long time. Otherwise, it can't be all bones and no flesh at all."

"You're really good too. You don't smell any smell when you live up there." Shi Zhuguo jokingly said.

"No." Han Yuan said, "Actually, I seldom come back to live here. Even when I come back, I live in the small bedroom. This time, thanks to Xiao Dong, otherwise this mystery will never be solved."

"It doesn't matter if it's uncovered or not. Anyway, it has nothing to do with our Beiguang Project." Shi Zhuguo said indifferently.

"Not necessarily, maybe there will be some secrets here. Wouldn't it be better if we find something that our country doesn't know!!"

"Well, what you said makes sense." Shi Zhuguo said, "Since someone can keep this mystery behind, it means there is a reason for it. Let's look for it!"

"Okay." Han Yuan agreed.The two continued to rummage around the house.

After Shi Zhuguo turned over two things, he suddenly said to Han Yuan, "Old Han, I feel something is wrong."

Han Yuan flashed a flashlight to Shi Zhuguo and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Tell me, if it's just a small door in the bedroom, how did these things get in in the room. Why don't you put the things first and build the top later!"

"Of course not."

"This means that there is an exit in this room, and the width must be large enough. At least, it must be able to move these things in."

"You're right." Han Yuan agreed.

"Then let's find the exit. After we find it, we may understand everything." Shi Zhuguo said and looked away.

Han Yuan turned on the flashlight and dangled on the indoor wall again.Shi Zhuguo also followed the movement of the flashlight, his eyes fixed on the front.

Suddenly, above their heads, a bright light appeared.The two of them turned their gazes away as if awakened.

It was only then that someone came down from the hole.

"Whoever asked you to come down, no one above can do anything." Shi Zhuguo said unhappily.

"Company commander, it's me." It was Wu Jianglong who spoke.

Shi Zhuguo recognized Wu Jianglong's voice, "Why aren't you up there, what are you doing down here?"

"I don't worry if you don't go up, come down and have a look." Wu Jianglong is quite talkative.

In fact, this is also his sincerity.You want to!The two heavyweights were tossing around below, while they, the little soldiers, stayed on top, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone else.There is nothing to do if you are uncomfortable, this is arranged by the leader.But others could not come down, Wu Jianglong could not, because he was not present when the arrangement was made.Then under the current circumstances, he still belongs to himself.It doesn't matter where it is, as long as it works.Therefore, Wu Jianglong chose a key and dangerous tunnel job.So, he said hello to Li Sen and came down.

In this book, it can be said that Wu Jianglong is a lucky general.No matter where, no matter how dangerous the situation, with him, the situation will be better.

No, shortly after Wu Jianglong came down, the three people in the room made a new discovery.

Although the things in the cave are messy, there are not many.After Wu Jianglong came down, he didn't do anything else, he dragged everything away from the wall one by one.Then let Han Yuan light the wall back and forth with a flashlight.

The beam of the flashlight moved slowly, and Wu Jianglong suddenly called to stop.

The speed of light stopped at the wall.

Wu Jianglong walked over and tapped a few times with his hands.Then he moved a certain distance away, and knocked a few times with his hands on another place as well.Suddenly he laughed, "Commander, the door is here."

"Why are you here?" Shi Zhuguo came over happily after hearing what Wu Jianglong said.

"The sound here is different from other places, there is empty sound."

While listening to Wu Jianglong's explanation, Shi Zhuguo tried to knock twice with his hand, and agreed,

"It really is."

Then there is no doubt, since there is an empty sound, it means that the back of this wall must be empty.Since it is empty, it must be the entrance of the cave in such a deep underground soil layer.

However, the empty sound is empty sound, so far nothing can be seen from the wall, not even a crack.

This question made Shi Zhuguo puzzled again, could it be a dead wall.It was sealed later.Even if it is sealed, there should be a hole in the back, otherwise what is the purpose of sealing it.

"Find something, dig it out," Shi Zhuguo said, turning around and starting to look for hand tools in the house.

Not only did Wu Jianglong not retreat, but he took a step forward.Two hands feel back and forth on the wall.

"Wu Jianglong, you can touch the wall." Shi Zhuguo said from a distance.Apparently it was to tell him to find something to dig the wall quickly.

Before Shi Zhuguo could finish speaking, Wu Jianglong made a strange move, put his hand on his mouth and hissed.That means don't make noise.

Seeing him make this kind of action, no one can talk anymore, and they will consciously focus all their energy on him.

Wu Jianglong wasn't just booing for fun, and he didn't dare to make fun of the leader.Because after listening quietly, he really heard a voice.Slight, although it is not loud, but it is a buzzing sound.

After Shi Zhuguo crept over and listened for a while, he suddenly realized, "Where did the mouse go?"

"That's right, where are the mice, they won't be eaten by the darkness!" At this moment, Han Yuan thought of the mice.

When they came in, they saw a lot of rats surrounding the bones, but now none of them were there.I know I was scared away by them.But where can they go!Since it's gone, it means they ran out of the way.The place where they run will not be hard ground, even if they can pass through, it is a place they can enter and exit.

After thinking of the mouse, no one needed to think too much, and immediately stared at the wall.

Therefore, Wu Jianglong thought that the sound from the other side of the wall was probably made by mice.Get it out and get it out!Proof that there must be a space.

So, Wu Jianglong lowered his head and looked down, "Old Han, hit here with the flashlight."

Han Yuan shone the light on the place Wu Jianglong said.

At the junction of the ground and the wall, there is a big hole, and there is a lot of floating soil at the hole.After Wu Jianglong took a look, he understood even more.Needless to say, the floating soil was dug out by mice.

Then he squatted down and tried to stretch his hand into the hole, and suddenly he felt a rush of cold air from the wall.This time, his judgment was further strengthened.

"Company commander, this is the exit." Wu Jianglong said excitedly.

"The exit is the exit, but how can we open this door!"

"That's right, if you can't open it, you can't get through it." Wu Jianglong thought to himself, but didn't say it.But he also disagreed with Shi Zhuguo's head-on opinion.He didn't believe that the person who sealed the hole would block the dead wall, and he always felt that there must be a switch here.

"Company commander, I think there is a switch in this room." Wu Jianglong said.

"What switch?" Shi Zhuguo asked.

Wu Jianglong made a gesture of pressing down, "It must be this one, just like in the movie, just press it, beep, everything will be resolved."

"Hmph, you're probably fascinated by the movie, you're naked, that's the reason." Shi Zhuguo said incredulously.

"Look for it. I don't believe that the person who digs the hole is so stupid. Since he is making trouble, there is a reason for him. People are not so stupid that they don't even set up a trap." Wu Jianglong said, but his hand didn't come down. Keep sliding on the wall.

When he touched a wall, he always felt that this stone was different from other places, protruding slightly.He grabbed five fingers around the stone and pulled it out forcefully.Unexpectedly, this stone was pulled out by him by a few centimeters.

This time, Wu Jianglong was even happier, "Old Han, Lao Han, take a snapshot."

When Han Yuan moved the flashlight over, Wu Jianglong had already pulled out the stone.

Wu Jianglong asked for a flashlight from Lao Han and shone it directly into the small hole.Then he found that there was a protruding prong in the small hole.He didn't know what this prong was for, so he thought to himself, let him try it.

Wu Jianglong reached in and pressed hard on the prong.Unexpectedly, the wall that was thought to be the entrance of the cave moved violently.

Seeing him move, Wu Jianglong was also very excited, so Suo Xing put more force on his hand, Shi Quan continued to press inward.

Suddenly, the seemingly identical wall slid to one side.After sliding away, I saw a black hole with no head on the opposite side.The hole was much darker than the dark room they were in.

All three of them gasped involuntarily.

"Would you like to go down and have a look?" Han Yuan asked Shi Zhuguo for his opinion.

"Next," Shi Zhuguo said without hesitation.

"However, we have the task of Beiguang Project. If we continue to search like this, it will delay our time." Han Yuan reminded.

"You're right. However, since we have come across this secret, it's a pity to let it go. Or it may not be a good thing for us, so let's take a gamble. If it is unintentional, then it's not Did you just pick it up!"

At this point, Shi Zhuguo was not driven by curiosity, but by special missions, which made him have the desire to chase after any suspicious things and never allow any hidden dangers to exist.

Now, they have penetrated into the heart of the enemy's country and discovered little-known secrets.It was so tempting to look at such a dark hole.Although I don't know where it can lead, but one thing is certain, this secret passage definitely has a purpose.Otherwise, its owner would not have spent so much effort on this.

"Old Han, what I mean is that we need to adjust our deployment." Shi Zhuguo asked for Han Yuan's opinion.

"You arrange it! You are the commander-in-chief of this operation. I just obey what you say." Han Yuan's attitude was clear.

"Then let's go up and make preparations." Shi Zhuguo said.

Shi Zhuguo, Han Yuan, and Wu Jianglong returned to the ground.Shi Zhuguo made a new arrangement to everyone.This time, Li Sen was left to look after the house, and everyone else went to the cave.After preparing the lighting tools, the six people, including Wu Changping, an officer of the Vietnamese Army, all went down to the cave.

Li Sen was very unhappy about being left as a housekeeper.But there is no way, look at these people in front of you, and after careful consideration, only you are the most suitable.Therefore, after looking at what Shi Zhuguo wanted to say, he hesitated to speak.

Before going down to the cave, Shi Zhuguo left Li Weibing again, "Li Sen, let Li Weibing stay, in case something happens here, he can deal with it in Vietnamese."

Shi Zhuguo's impromptu decision really saved the team from danger once, otherwise, they would just be stuck in the hole and never return to this courtyard.

Six people entered the dark room and then the dark passage.

The narrow tunnel was pitch black.However, under the illumination of flashlights, oil lamps, and torches, a light appeared in front of my eyes for a while.But this light is limited to the left and right sides of the body.Only the light of the flashlight can shine ten meters away.

Since there has been no ventilation in the dark passage for a long time, a strong smell hits from time to time.Fortunately, the smell, though unpleasant, was limited to the musty air.Not bad, no dead bodies appeared.If there are one or two corpses left here.Others may be able to bear it, but Dong Yan may be enough.

As soon as they entered the hole, the mice that had gathered outside the dark room and were about to return to the dark room fled in panic.

As soon as the light came out of the dark room, the mice that had been here for a long time could not bear the light, so they all ran inward along the dark passage.

This will be fine, it's better to have them lead the way than to walk blindly.The mouse is about to do his best to be a landlord.

The six people took advantage of the light and walked forward step by step along the dark passage.

After going down four or five steps, the ground starts to become flat. It seems that there is no need to go up or down the mountain, just walk along the corridor.

After sending Shi Zhuguo and others into the cave, Li Sen and Li Weibing did not dare to sit still.Li Weibing changed into cleaner clothes, took a broom and went to the yard to sweep the floor.Pretending to be a cleaner, guarding the outside vigilantly, worried that someone might break in.

Li Sen stood guard at the door of the house, wandered around the front room for a while, and looked at the back room for a while, and was also doubly vigilant for anyone coming in.

Here, even if there are traces of loopholes that are discovered by others, it will be a fatal flaw.

If you are really afraid, you will come.

Soon, Li Weibing saw a Vietnamese soldier with a submachine gun on his back coming to the door.

The soldier saw that the gate was closed from the inside, and shook it vigorously.When he saw Li Weibing working in the distance, he asked, "Hey, is Mr. Han up?"

"Get up," Li Weibing asked as he walked over with a broom.

"Then you open the door, I'll go in and tell him." The Vietnamese soldier wanted to come in.

"Mr. Han is not at home. He got up early in the morning and went out." Seeing that the soldiers were about to come in, Li Weibing couldn't help feeling nervous, so he lied.

"Do you know where you are going?" the soldier asked.

"I don't know." Li Weibing said, "Just let me close the door when I left, and then I went out."

"This is difficult, the commander is looking for him now!" The soldier also seemed a little anxious.

"Go to the hospital and look for it! Maybe he's in the hospital!" Li Weibing pointed to the soldier.

"It's not time for work yet. Why is he going to the hospital?" The soldier seemed to know Won very well, so he asked.

"It was still dark when he left! It seems that something happened in the hospital?"

"Oh." The soldier believed it, and turned around to leave. After taking two steps, he suddenly turned around and asked, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Li Weibing thought for a moment and said, "Me, I'm his relative."

"Relatives?" The soldier couldn't believe it, "I haven't heard that he has any relatives here!"

"Oh, I'm from the mainland and I just arrived yesterday." Li Weibing made up his reasons.

"Oh." The soldier was a little convinced, but he still didn't take his eyes off Li Weibing. Looking at his body half a head taller than himself, he said, "People like you should join the army."

"Yes, yes," Li Weibing quickly agreed, "My uncle is looking for a place for me!"

The soldier was happy, "Okay, okay, that's good. If you want to be a soldier, you'd better go to our division. That's the ace division." It seems that this soldier usually likes to fool around, otherwise, even if Li Weibing said that he would After preparing for the idea of ​​being a soldier, how could he not leave.

The soldier stood outside the door and began to play tricks on Li Weibing, wishing he could take him away now.

It's no wonder that Vietnam has been at war for so many years.There is no such thing as a decent young man who is not called into the army.Now that the Vietnamese army sees Li Weibing's strong body, how can he not be tempted?Everyone wants to have more high-quality talents in their troops.

Seeing that the soldier still didn't want to leave, Li Weibing said, "Go ahead first. When my uncle comes back, I'll tell him to go to your division."

The soldiers were overjoyed, and they emphasized once more before leaving, "Definitely, go to our company then."

Hey, do you think this Vietnamese soldier is stupid or not? He has not written his horoscope yet.

As soon as the soldier left, Li Weibing ran into the house.

When Li Weibing was talking to the soldier, Li Sen also stared at the soldier nervously.He really wanted Li Weibing to let him in, so that if anything happened, he could take the submachine gun away.

As soon as Li Weibing entered the house, he said to Li Sen, "Hurry up, go and get Old Han back."

"What happened?" Li Sen asked.

"There is a teacher who has something to do with him. Let him go now."

"what do you say?"

"I said I went to the hospital."

Li Sen became anxious when he heard this, "You're not talking well today! What if the soldier can't find him, and he turns around and asks you for someone? If they can't find Won, they will think he is missing. Once it is confirmed that he is Missing, the first thing to do is to search this yard."

"Then what should we do?" Li Weibing became anxious when he heard about searching the yard.

"Quickly go down to the cave and report to the captain." Li Sen said anxiously.

After Li Weibing entered the cave, Li Sen waited and waited until no one came up, and 10 minutes passed.While Li Sen was waiting, his hands were not idle.Worried about any accidents, he moved all the things brought in from the outside into the dark room, and then tidied up the house, ready for someone to search.Even if Yue Jun Wan came in to look for someone, they would not find anything suspicious in the house. In that case, they would really think that the Korean Won had gone somewhere.In this way, Won will not be suspected, and everything will be saved.

Li Sen had just finished finishing the things in the house when he heard a knock on the door.

Li Sen doesn't speak Vietnamese, and Li Weibing showed his head just now.So he can't go out anyway.

If you don't go out, people won't come in.

At this time, Li Sen saw that standing outside the gate was not only the original soldier, but also three more people, one of whom was an officer.

The officers of the Vietnamese Army saw that they had been knocking on the door for a long time, but no one came to open it from time to time.Then he said to a soldier, "Jump in." It seems that the Vietnamese soldiers broke into other people's houses without the consent of their masters, and it's not a while or two.

Li Sen saw that the enemy was coming in, but he couldn't stop him.In the case that it has not been discovered, it has to be hidden.

So he retreated quietly into the dark room and restored the room to its original state.Of course, the door of the cupboard is also tightly closed, and the enemy must not be able to find this source.

Li Weibing went into the dark room, found some flammable objects, held them up, and burrowed into the dark passage.Because it was his first time coming down, he naturally didn't understand the situation inside, so he called softly as he walked forward.

"Old Han, Old Han, where are you?"

The six of Shi Zhuguo and the others walked all the way, and it took an unknown amount of time before they felt that the ground was gradually tilting upwards.

"It looks like we're almost at the exit." Han Yuan said with experience.

After walking forward for a while, they gradually heard someone talking on the ground.

So, they quickly held their breath and approached the voice quietly.Soon, under the light, a door was seen.

Because there were people outside the door, even though they knew it was the door, they didn't dare to touch it lightly. Who knew what was outside!

"What is this place?" Shi Zhuguo guessed, and said to Han Yuan.

Han Yuan couldn't figure it out either, so he had to ask Wu Changping.

Wu Changping came over and listened to the outside. After listening for a while, his face turned pale with shock, "This is the staff department."

Because he heard a familiar voice.

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