soldier rushing forward

253、It's Landmines Again

Among all the novels or articles about the Sino-Vietnamese confrontation, the part of the Vietnamese military barracks is rarely introduced.Perhaps in our imagination, we think that the Vietnamese army lived in rows of bungalows, or set up tents on the spot, hovering in a corner of the jungle.

At this time, although China and Vietnam were still at war, it was also transformed from the all-out war in [-] to a border battle centered on the Laoshan, Zheyinshan, and Fakashan lines.No matter how fierce the scale of the battle is, it can only be regarded as partial, and scattered ones will not have too much involvement in the construction of the country's main body.

Up to now, Vietnam has already realized the reunification of the north and the south, and the country has been built for more than ten years.Although it is said that the people who engage in militarism are struggling to live, but after all, under the same banner, the country's economy has more or less improved.Most obviously, the quality of his army has changed.

During the war against France and the United States, the Viet Cong front in the south could only live in the forest, built countless huts, and dug countless caves against the mountains, and people lived in them. This is where they stationed their troops. .Even the North Vietnamese Army was not much better off.Because they will be attacked by U.S. aircraft all the time, they dare not live in the city in a big way.

During this period, the Vietnamese army made full use of the advantages of the mountains, dug deep holes, and stored a large number of troops to prepare for the war situation that had not yet been completely disconnected.

However, at this stage, the barracks of the Vietnamese army have undergone great changes.The Americans are gone, the French are defeated.Although China has given them a hard lesson, it did not use planes to bomb its country after all, so its losses are also small.Therefore, its barracks have undergone great changes on the original basis.Living conditions, defense capabilities, and training fitness have all been scaled up.

Just because the Vietnamese army has made progress, the barracks that Shi Zhuguo and the others will go to is exactly such a mode of living in the army that is more suitable for modern conditions.

This camp is where the enemy's 313th division headquarters is located.

A large mountain was surrounded by wires to most of the area.On his sunny side, there is a steep cliff that was artificially split.Under the cliff, from a distance, there are countless caves.The big one can completely allow two cars to drive in parallel.Getting in and out of a small car is no problem either.

In front of the cliff, there is a large flat land, and in the center of the flat land is a small white building with five floors.In front of the small building is a wide square.A Vietnamese flag is planted at the junction of the square and the small building.The square is surrounded by a high wall, and iron fences are only used in the due east direction.

An iron fence surrounds a gate shaped like an iron frame door beam.The lintels and frames are all made of angle iron.

There are double posts at the gate, and there are two medium tanks parked on the left and right outside the gate.

After Shi Zhuguo and the others found this place, they knew they couldn't get in no matter what.Then they retreated to a dark place to discuss.

"The enemy's defense is so strict, it seems that there is really something going on here." Shi Zhuguo said.

"It's very possible that this is where the enemy meets." Li Sen spoke up.

"I remember, I seem to have been here that year. But I didn't see it look like this." Wu Jianglong looked forward and said, "So there was this building, but there are some bungalows around him! There are no mountains. What a hole!"

"That's right! Without the cover of a one-story house, as long as we go in, we will be discovered by the enemy immediately." Shi Zhuguo said.

At this time, a searchlight came from the mountain.The light not only swept across the entire square of the courtyard, but also swept across the dark place where Shi Zhuguo and the others were hiding.

"Lie down." Shi Zhuguo said softly, and the four dared to get down on the ground.

The peripheral light of the searchlight flicked over several of their heads.

"It seems that it is impossible to go in from the front, why don't we go to the back mountain to have a look." Shi Zhuguo said.

Afterwards, the four people left the outer wall of the camp and walked along the corner of the mountain to the north of the mountain.

This mountain is close to the urban area of ​​Gaoping.Its mountain corner stopped after stretching to the edge of the urban area, appearing calmly.The whole body of this person in the corner of the mountain is trapped in the vast mountains, and he can't find the root.If you look up from his branch, you can only reach the main peak.Here, there is no end in sight anyway.

After walking for a long time, the four finally found a path up the mountain.I don't know who stepped on this trail.However, judging from the fact that he has not been completely swallowed by the weeds, there are often people coming and going here.It is usually inferred that if it is not a herb picker, it is a woodcutter.

Who cares who opened the way!As long as there is a way.For the few of them, seeing this road is better than anything else.As long as you can go up from here, it means that the camp will definitely not be airtight, a strictly forbidden place where outsiders cannot get in.

"Go up the mountain." Shi Zhuguo said to everyone after discovering this trail.

Wu Jianglong once again took the lead.

The mountains of the tropical rainforest are not as endless as the Loess Plateau.It's not like the mountains in the north, which are bare and can be seen for two or three miles.Here, not to mention two or three miles away, even on the sunniest days, it is difficult to see the situation ten meters away.Because the vegetation above him is too rich, either dense forest or wormwood as tall as a person.Especially the most annoying shrubs are mixed in it, and it is completely invisible.

Thanks to the fact that it hasn't rained much in the past few days, otherwise, it would be difficult to deal with the mud alone.

The trail is not wide, and only two people can walk side by side.On both sides of the road are bamboos and wormwood.From time to time, dense bushes protrude out, grabbing the approacher sideways.

It was already dark, and they couldn't use flashlights, so they could only use the faint light to grope forward.This is also thanks to the fact that they are all people who have undergone night training, otherwise, it would not be an easy task to go up the mountain under such conditions.

Wu Jianglong, who was always in front, was worried about encountering accidents, so he loaded the pistol with bullets.Hold it with one hand, and grab the obstacles on both sides of the path with the other.

Half an hour later, Wu Jianglong stopped and couldn't leave.

The person behind asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

"There is a wire in front." Wu Jianglong touched it lightly with his hand. Although he was very careful, there was a jingle on the wire.As soon as the sound came out, Wu Jianglong dared to hold the barbed wire tightly to prevent the jingle from continuing.

This sound was especially crisp on the silent hillside.

The four people were shocked by the sound, so they had no choice but to hide first.Ever since, several people were busy hiding in the jungle on both sides of the road.

Soon, a searchlight was fired from the mountain.The lights swept across the area several times.Since he didn't see the situation, he then removed the light again.

The four of them let out a long breath.

Wu Jianglong said, "Company commander, it's not easy to handle. There is a wire blocking it!"

Shi Zhuguo leaned over and reached out to grab the wire.

Wu Jianglong reached out his hand to stop him, and said softly, "No, there is an iron box tied to it, and it will ring when you touch it."

"Go to another place to look. If you don't believe it, the path will be blocked here." Shi Zhuguo looked elsewhere unwillingly.Looking at it, it really made him see the secret.

On one side of this path, it seems that there is a dense wormwood, which tightly seals the end of the path.

Shi Zhuguo tentatively approached the basil grass, and then touched the pile of wormwood with his hands.After he moved lightly, the pile of wormwood was actually moved by him.As soon as the wormwood was removed, it was easy to see that the trail had stretched under the wire.

"Wu Jianglong, come here." Shi Zhuguo couldn't help shouting excitedly.

After Wu Jianglong moved over, he also saw this secret, and thought, "What's the matter? In this place, there are still people coming in and out from here. It seems that this trail is really coming towards the camp. Now that there is a passage, Then don't worry about it, just get in."

Wu Jianglong grabbed Shi Zhuguo who was preparing the wire, "Company Commander, I'm still here."

"Okay." Shi Zhuguo stepped aside, and Wu Jianglong slipped under the wire, followed by Li Sen and Zhang Zhong.

Shi Zhuguo was also going to bury his body and sneak through here, but his body was too big, and he touched the wire as soon as he touched it.The wire made another soft sound.This sound startled several people again.Shi Zhuguo quickly retracted his body.

After passing the wire, Wu Jianglong and the others hurriedly hid in the grass inside the wire.

After a while, seeing that the searchlight did not come over, it is estimated that the enemy did not hear it this time.

Wu Jianglong crawled back again and said, "Company Commander, I don't think you should go. You are here to watch out for us."

Shi Zhuguo looked at the small hole where the wire was removed, and said helplessly, "Okay! You guys should be more careful."

Although the broken hole at the wire can pass people, if a big man like Shi Zhuguo can pass through without touching the wire, then we can only continue digging on the original basis.In the silent night, let alone want to expand the hole, and there are no tools at hand, you can only use your hands to support it.In this way, it is no different from using the body to support it, and it is impossible not to bump the iron box on it.These iron boxes are not one, but one is hung not far away, and all of them are screwed on with iron wires.It's not easy to get them all off.Shi Zhuguo really had no choice, so he agreed with Wu Jianglong's opinion.

"Let Li Sen come over." Shi Zhuguo continued.

Wu Jianglong climbed to the front and called Li Sen over. He and Zhang Zhong continued to explore the road and guard.

Li Sen is here.

Shi Zhuguo said to him through the wire, "When you go down, you must not expose it. If you can't get anything, just find something suspicious."

"Yes" Li Sen said.

"Go! Be careful on the road." Shi Zhuguo warned again.

Starting from the place of residence, it has been about two or three hours since I tossed and tossed.

Shi Zhuguo looked at the luminous watch on his wrist, the pointer was about to point to midnight.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the drizzle is getting thicker and thicker, turning into light to moderate rain.Although this situation is good for night cover, it is not convenient for the small team to reconnaissance. Moreover, it is easy to leave footprints on the wet ground.Fortunately, this road is not newly opened by them, even if they trace it, they can only find the person who took this road first.

This trail was not opened by anyone with ulterior motives, nor was it stepped by ordinary people.In such a strict military forbidden area, I believe that no common people will come here for a walk.So who did it?

If you have been a soldier, you can easily think of the camps where you were stationed.In response to that sentence, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.Regardless of how strict the discipline of the army is, no matter how strict it is, there are loopholes.If the army has very strict restrictions on going out, then someone will find a way to privately create a secret exit in a certain area.Therefore, no matter how organized the camp area is, there are always some incongruous things appearing.Of course, these are all decent and well-behaved people behind their backs.Only those who do not abide by discipline and have bad habits will take this path.

No matter what kind of country, what kind of army, such people are always inevitable.The same is true of our army, and the Vietnamese army cannot escape this circle.

Just as Li Sen and the others left, Shi Zhuguo heard voices coming from the hillside path behind him.

Shi Zhuguo listened carefully and found that these people were heading here.

Shi Zhuguo suddenly thought of those people under him who went out privately, and suddenly understood.He thought to himself, "It seems that these people talking must be Vietnamese soldiers who sneaked out. They opened the trail and kept the secrets. I have no reason to break this rule." So, Shi Zhuguo He was busy putting the basil grass back to its original place, and then hid himself in the invisible wormwood bushes.

The voices were getting closer and closer, and when they were approaching the wire, the chattering stopped.

Three Vietnamese soldiers came over, and after one of them said wow, all three of them shut up.A Vietnamese soldier stepped forward and broke the pile of grass, and then the three of them got in through the hole in the wire very skillfully.After entering the wire, they did not dare to straighten up, but squatted halfway, moving in the opposite direction of the wire.Gradually, the shadows of the three Vietnamese soldiers disappeared from Shi Zhuguo's sight.

Shi Zhuguo's immediate danger was eliminated, but his heart tightened.He was worried about Wu Jianglong and the others.If it is discovered by these Vietnamese troops, it will also expose the purpose of the squad.

Wu Jianglong and the others sneaked forward for a while, and Wu Jianglong found several iron signs suddenly appeared on the ground.

Wu Jianglong pushed his eyes over it and looked carefully, and found that there were Vietnamese characters written on it, which he didn't recognize.So, he quietly called Zhang Zhong over.

Zhang Zhong lay on the ground, looked at it carefully for a while, and then said to Li Sen and Wu Jianglong, "There is a minefield ahead."

"You son of a bitch, it's too inhuman to place mines in your own camp." Wu Jianglong cursed softly.

Li Sen was also in trouble.It's no joke to rush into the enemy's minefield blindly.It's okay if you have a mine detector in hand.However, apart from the pistol in their hands, the few of them could no longer take out a decent weapon.

Seeing that Li Sen was in trouble, Wu Jianglong whispered, "Company Commander, we can't just go back for nothing."

"What if we don't go back? We can't use our feet to walk!" Zhang Zhong said.

"The enemy has set up a minefield here. This is their own residence, so aren't they afraid of blowing up their own people?" Wu Jianglong speculated.

"Then what do you think?" Li Sen asked in the dark.

"I guess they must have signs where they set mines." Wu Jianglong analyzed, "If there is no sign, what if their own people come over and get bombed? Or, if they want to move the camp in the future, the mines here will also have to Get up."

"Well, it makes sense." Li Sen said, "But we don't have a flashlight, so we can't see anything. So what if there is a sign, we can't touch it with our hands!"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Wu Jianglong said sincerely.

"No." Li Sen disagreed, "If a landmine is triggered, not only will we have to stay here, but the task will also be impossible to complete. This attention is not acceptable."

Seeing that Li Sen disagreed, Wu Jianglong said very stubbornly, "Commander, let me try it. Since we are here, we can't give up halfway."

"I don't think it's better than this. Let's stop here and go back first." Li Sen said, "We will come back after discussing with the captain and finding a proper way."

While the two were talking, Zhang Zhong threw a stone from the side.

Now that Li Sen and Wu Jiang Longli are aware of the situation.So, they rolled on the spot and hid in the grass nest respectively.

Soon, there was the sound of small footsteps and slight voices.

At this time, Zhang Zhong, like Li Sen and Wu Jianglong, quickly hid in the grass and hid himself, his ears were pricked up to chase the source of the sound.

The sound is getting closer.

Under the weak light, Wu Jianglong saw three black figures approaching.

Wu Jianglong held his breath and let the three shadows pass by.Then, he crawled out of the grass and set off quietly behind.

The three black shadows arrived at what they thought was a minefield sign, and they didn't show any intention of stopping.He bent over, apparently to avoid the searchlights, and walked forward with small steps.

Wu Jianglong saw that there was a door, and waved in the direction of Li Sen and Zhang Zhong.He took the lead in following the path that the three shadows had walked.

Looking at the familiar walking postures of the three black shadows, Wu Jianglong really began to doubt whether this minefield was real or just a bluff.

While they were taking advantage of the dark shadow's path and walking forward, suddenly, there was a "boom" explosion in the minefield.

You can guess without looking, that someone stepped on a landmine.

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