When Shi Zhuguo ran over, Wujiang Longlong had already dealt with Song Qingshui cleanly.Shi Zhuguo smacked his lips regretfully,

"You, it's just that you are quick, can't you save yourself a living!" Shi Zhuguo sighed.He knew that it was useless to say it, and everyone was killed, but he still said a few words.

"You can't kill him. This kid is too cunning. He has been with us for a long time. Maybe he has already set some traps in it."

"Then leave quickly." Shi Zhuguo said, "Both of you deal with the corpse, others, leave quickly."

Before leaving, Shi Zhuguo told Li Sen and Wu Jianglong, "Bury it, and find a hidden place. Don't leave yet! Let others see."

"Don't worry about that." Wu Jianglong said, "Let them dig three feet and they won't be able to find it."

At this time, Wu Jianglong was still immersed in the excitement of destroying an enemy, so the tone of his speech was also very excited.

Shi Zhuguo left the scene with the others.

From the enemy's point of view, this is the first scene of the crime, so they have to leave quickly and dispose of the corpse.No matter how advanced the enemy's detection methods are, they won't be able to find the real culprit without three or five days.After they figured out the clues during this period of time, the small team didn't know where to go.Therefore, it is more important than anything else to do a good job of destroying corpses and removing traces.

Li Sen asked, "Wu Jianglong, where are you taking him?"

"Drag to the outside of the city." Wu Jianglong said after turning his head and looking into the distance.

Fortunately, Song Qingshui was not cut by a knife, nor was he shot by a gun.Although the person died, there was no blood on his body.After Li Sen and Wu Jianglong dragged a few steps away, Wu Jianglong felt that it was too slow.He simply carried the corpse on his body and said to Li Sen, "Company Commander, watch carefully." Then he strode out of the city.

As mentioned earlier, Gaoping City is just a small county-level town.It doesn't take much effort to walk from the city to the outside.During this time, the night is extraordinarily dark.The sky is covered with rain, and the night is even darker. In addition, the darkness before dawn is coming. Who can go for a walk on the street at this time.Therefore, they walked very smoothly on the streets of no man's land, and they did not meet a single person.

When they arrived outside the city, all the inhabited houses were left behind, and there was a deserted dense forest in front.

The two looked around, wondering where to put the corpse.

Now, at the feet of the two of them, except for the adjacent road, there are hills of all sizes from north to south, and there are not wormwood everywhere, but dense forests.

Wu Jianglong pushed the corpse to the ground, and then squatted on the ground.

Carrying a dead body is much more tiring than carrying a living person.Living people are panting, and there is still a space between each breath.But for a dead person, there is almost no empty space on his body, so it is a pile of dead flesh.Carrying such a burden and trotting all the way, wouldn't it be tiring?

"Company commander, just throw it here!" Wu Jianglong panted heavily, resting.

"No, it won't take long for someone to find out if you throw it here." Li Sen said, "You rest first, I'll look around for a good place."

There was darkness everywhere, Li Sen said he wanted to see what he could see, there was darkness everywhere.Looking at this place now is a big ditch, maybe it will be a flat river at dawn.Now it looks like a big mountain, but after dawn, it is just a small hill.

In order to find a suitable place, Li Sen walked forward for a while.

He was walking forward when he suddenly felt that his front foot was empty.Before he could react, his back foot also slid in.This slip doesn't matter, the whole person disappears.

Li Sen didn't even have time to react, he felt his feet fall directly to the ground.Immediately after bending his legs, he bumped into something, and then he realized that his whole body was stuck somewhere.

Li Sen held back the pain, and after recovering all his limbs in this unknown place, he began to feel around. He wanted to find out what this place was and why he fell here as soon as possible.

As soon as he touched it, he realized that there was not even a space around it, and there were walls everywhere.

Li Sen was dumbfounded, how could he fall to this point.What kind of place is this!After thinking about it for a while, I gradually came to my senses, thinking to myself, "Could it be, this is a trap."

After Li Sen had this idea, he knelt down and touched the ground.I just felt that there was nothing in it except gravel.

"It seems that there is no mistake, this is really a trap." Li Sen thought like this, "If it is a well, it will be troublesome. The depth must be not small. How can I go up by myself!"

He tried to climb up a few times, but was slid down because there was no grip.

There was really no other way, so Li Sen raised his head and shouted towards the entrance of the cave, "Wu Jianglong, Wu Jianglong."

Wu Jianglong was really tired. After Li Sen walked forward, he sat down on the ground to rest.

After resting for half a day, Li Sen didn't come back.

He felt that Li Sen had done something wrong, and thought to himself, "Shouldn't we just throw away a dead body? Why bother?"

After a while, Li Sen didn't come back after waiting.This time, Wu Jianglong was a little anxious, thinking, "Could something happen to Li Sen?"

With this idea, Wu Jianglong's attention also began to concentrate.He stared at a pair of big eyes, looking forward in the dark night.

Suddenly, he heard a faint shout coming from ahead.

"Isn't the company commander shouting!" Wu Jianglong heard Li Sen's voice, and thought, "What kind of monster is making trouble! Shouting so loudly that no one can hear it."

Although Wu Jianglong thought so, he still walked in the direction of Li Sen.

Walking, walking, he felt something was wrong.The voice calling him was neither in front nor overhead, but in the ground not far ahead.

"Company commander, where are you?" Wu Jianglong called softly as he walked forward.

"I'm here."

Wu Jianglong finally heard the sound, so he hurried forward.

Li Sen shouted again from below, "Pay attention to the bottom of your feet, I may have fallen into a trap."

When Wu Jianglong heard that it was a trap, Wu Jianglong buzzed his head and cried out in his heart, "It's bad." Because he knew that the traps dug by the Vietnamese always had bamboo sticks inserted upside down. The whole body will naturally be pierced.If it was going down vertically, both legs would have to be pierced.If he could come out in a short time, he might be able to survive.After a long time, even bleeding can kill people. "

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to go straight forward, if he couldn't retract his legs, he might end up in the same end as Li Sen.

After all, Wu Jianglong has rich jungle combat experience.So, when he heard Li Sen say that he had fallen into a trap, he carefully let himself lie on the ground, and then moved a little bit towards Li Sen.

Wu Jianglong moved forward and asked softly, "Company commander, are you hurt?"

"Whether it hurts or not, I just can't go up." Li Sen made a weak voice from below.

As soon as he heard that he was not hurt, Wu Jianglong's hanging heart slowly let go.

Under the guidance of Li Sen's voice, Wu Jianglong finally reached the edge of the deep pit.

Wu Jianglong tentatively felt around.After he found the edge of the pit, he didn't dare to move forward any further, but continued to ask, "Company commander, did you hear me?"

"Understood." Li Sen replied below.

"You are just saying, how deep is my measurement." Wu Jianglong said.

After Li Sen said another sentence, Wu Jianglong began to judge.

Under normal circumstances, the traps set by the Vietnamese army are generally at the height of two people.At this height, even if a person can jump and take off on the spot, it is impossible to jump out of a straight-line distance of 1.6 meters.Therefore, it is enough to have such a depth.That is, saving effort also played a role.

If at such a height, Li Sen is not injured, and of course he can jump about one meter, then Wu Jianglong above has a solution.

There is a way, of course, is to use a rope to pull upwards.However, there are not even useful tree trunks at present.If you want to find it, you have to cut it on the hillside.

Now, Wu Jianglong doesn't even want to leave.Maybe when he walks out of here, maybe somewhere, he will encounter the same problem as Li Sen.If both of them fell into the trap, someone would naturally pull them up after tomorrow.Those who get them up will not be their own people, they must be Vietnamese.In that case, can there be good things between the two of them?

After thinking about it this way, Wu Jianglong still felt that it was better to pay attention to himself.So, he thought of the belt.

Wu Jianglong couldn't help being overjoyed, "Why did I forget this good thing."

Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong hurriedly untied his belt.

According to our usual understanding, a belt is only about one meter long, even if it is extended to Li Sen, what problem can it solve?

Don't forget, Wu Jianglong and the others are performing a special mission this time.Since it is a special mission, of course the equipment cannot be ordinary.You don't need to bring a gun, but there are still precautionary measures for self-rescue.

Therefore, Wu Jianglong's belt is specially made. After the double layer is opened, it is at least three meters long.With this length, it is of course not a problem to rescue Li Sen.

After Wu Jianglong took off his belt, he made a dead buckle on his wrist to prevent it from falling off accidentally.The other end was thrown into the pit.

"Company commander, do you see the rope?" Wu Jianglong asked from above.

"Not yet." Li Sen fumbled around in the dark.

A thin rope cannot be seen in the dark night, let alone the bottom of a dark pit.

"You look up again." Wu Jianglong was worried that the rope was short and Li Sen couldn't reach it.

Li Sen stretched out his hand and touched the wall in mid-air for a long time, finally he touched it, and said happily, "I got it, I got it."

"You catch it, I'm going to pull it up." Wu Jianglong said.

"Okay." Li Sen grabbed the end of the rope with both hands, and stepped on the wall of the pit with his legs.

Pulled up and down by Wu Jianglong, Li Sen finally came up.

After Li Sen got into this trap, he was also panting tiredly, "Damn it, what is the son of a turtle doing with this thing?"

"That's enough, company commander, please be content!" Wu Jianglong saw that Li Sen was not injured, so he said easily, "If they let them spread a layer of bamboo sticks underneath, you can still sit here and complain about others."

"According to what you said, I have to thank them." Li Sen said angrily.

"Of course, it seems that this is still an unfinished job." Wu Jianglong said with confidence.

"Hey! You're here, where is that dead body!" Li Sen asked in surprise.

"It's okay, he can't run away." Wu Jianglong said, "I have two hands and two legs. I care about you, not him."

"You boy, why did you get me involved with him." Li Sen said, "Go, get him here. I can say that I chose a good cemetery for him, and finally it's right for him."

"That's right!" Li Sen reminded Wu Jianglong, and Wu Jianglong came to his senses.

The sky has gradually brightened, and under the faint morning light, the shadow of this pit can be vaguely seen.

After Wu Jianglong brought Song Qingshui over, the two of them worked together to throw Song Qingshui into the pit.

The dead body went in, but if you look carefully at the top, you can still see that there is such a dead body here.

Li Sen looked at it and said, "This is not acceptable. If anyone who is curious sees it, something will happen."

So, Wu Jianglong and Li Sen were busy around the area again, getting some rotten grass and shrub branches, and filling the bottom of the pit until there were no more dead bodies in sight.

The sky in Gaoping City has brightened, and some pedestrians occasionally appear on the street.

At this time, Shi Zhuguo was worried about the two of them not returning for a long time, walking around the house like ants on a hot pot.

When there were some extremely slight noises on the stairs, Shi Zhuguo quietly opened the door and sneaked in.In the dark, he took Wu Jianglong and Li Sen into the house.

After seeing Li Sen and Wu Jianglong appearing in the room, Shi Zhuguo put his hanging heart back in place.

As soon as the two came in, Shi Zhuguo closed the door and asked, "How is it? Is it settled?"

"It's settled." Li Sen said.

When Wu Jianglong was carrying Song Qingshui's body, the sweat on his body almost took off all the water on his body, so he ignored everything and ran to the kettle impatiently.After filling a large glass of water, he gulped and drank.

When Li Sen was drinking water in Wu Jianglong, he told the story in detail.When he said that he fell into the deep pit, Shi Zhuguo was also taken aback.

While listening to Li Sen's words, Shi Zhuguo was still thinking about it, and couldn't help being secretly surprised.It was a fluke that they went up that hill at night.The enemy did not tamper with the path.If so, it means that they did not encounter landmines. Could they be spared if they encounter a trap with bamboo sticks?

"Be careful next time." Shi Zhuguo said to Li Sen.

Seeing that everyone was listening, he said, "It's getting late, hurry up and sleep."

That night, although Dong Yan and Li Weibing stayed in the hotel, they each stayed in two rooms, and neither of them could sleep.One is to prevent accidents, and the other is also thinking about the comrades in the squad.It wasn't until seeing that they all came back safe and sound that they finally let go of their hearts.

As soon as Shi Zhuguo asked him to sleep, these people were already extremely sleepy.So busy to sleep.

Li Weibing was trying to squeeze a place to sleep.Unexpectedly, Shi Zhuguo said to him, "Li Weibing, don't sleep, let's put a secret whistle!"

What is the secret call for?It is to stay secretly in a corner where outsiders can't see.You can't take a nap, and you can't share your account number. You must observe all suspicious situations as much as possible to ensure the safety of your comrades in the room.

Since I don't have the hard work of others, of course I have to do the job of keeping a secret whistle.Li Weibing readily agreed.A person lying on the window, forced himself to observe the movement outside.

At this time, Shi Zhuguo saw that Wu Jianglong was sleeping on Li Weibing's bed, so he called softly, "Wu Jianglong, go back to your room and sleep."

"I like to snore, so just fall asleep!" Wu Jianglong said.

"Did you hear that?" Li Sen said, "He's afraid that his snoring will affect Dong Yan, so aren't we afraid?"

Zhang Zhong followed suit, "Go, go, go back to your room, I can't sleep even if you are snoring here."

"Hurry up! You are a person with a mission." Li Sen added.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong was still dawdling, Shi Zhuguo said, "Dong Yan is alone in that room, are you not afraid that she will have problems?"

Wu Jianglong was of course scared when Shi Zhuguo said the problem.So, he jumped off the bed and hurriedly ran to the room that he and Dong Yan had rented.

In the double room, Dong Yan and Ye fell asleep on the bed.Because of her special status, she didn't dare to go to Shi Zhuguo's big room and ask where Wu Jianglong went.

The small building is not big, and the slightest movement may disturb other people upstairs and downstairs.Therefore, Shi Zhuguo and the others were also very careful when they entered and exited.Any actions of the squad cannot arouse the suspicion of the people here.

In this way, Dong Yan only knew the time when Wu Jianglong went out, but he had no idea when he would come back.

Wu Jianglong didn't come back, and she didn't dare to go to any room to ask.Therefore, I had to wait alone in the room.

When hearing the door open gently, Dong Yan guessed that Wu Jianglong might be back.

"Wu Jianglong, is that you?" Dong Yan asked softly.

The visitor didn't answer, and stretched out his hands towards Dong Yan in the dark.

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