Everyone held their breath and lay motionless on the ground, waiting for what was about to happen.Now there is nothing else to do except this method.No one here can speak Vietnamese, even if they can speak, they can't open their mouths.There are only a few Vietnamese soldiers on the mountain, and no one knows their pronunciation. If someone speaks, it will definitely be different from the original Vietnamese soldier's pronunciation, and it will also be exposed.If he lay still on the ground and the Vietnamese army couldn't see anyone, he would have all kinds of guesses. As long as he had guesses, he couldn't make an instant decision.In this way, time was bought for Wu Jianglong and the others to take the next step.

After the Vietnamese soldier asked, there was no reply.So, he stuck his head out from the gap, tilted his neck and looked up the mountain.

The hilltop is quiet, the shrubs and grasses have been tidied up long ago, so there is nothing bare on the top of the mountain.Wu Jianglong and the others were lying on the ground again, and no one could be seen from below.

After the Vietnamese soldier muttered something to himself, he retracted his head and continued to guard in the crack.

Seeing that the surroundings were quiet again, Wu Jianglong waved his hand reassuringly, indicating that the soldiers can continue.

The six of them slowly searched forward again.

Wu Jianglong and Cui Shuli stared at the enemy in the crack, and the two of them copied up, one on the left and the other on the right.

When he reached the crack, Wu Jianglong picked up a stone and threw it into the distance.

The stone fell to the ground, and there was another sound.

The Vietnamese soldier stuck out his head from the crevice of the stone. This time he stopped shouting, but stuck out his head and carefully looked in the direction of the stone.

Seeing the opportunity, Wu Jianglong stretched his right arm forward, clamped the Vietnamese soldier's outstretched neck with his elbow, squeezed it hard, and then slammed it out.

In any case, the Vietnamese soldier did not expect someone to attack him behind the stone.Therefore, without even a little preparation, he let Wu Jianglong catch him.Wanting to resist, his neck was close to suffocation, and his body was of course unable to exert himself. In desperation, he had to be dragged out by Wu Jianglong.He wanted to yell but couldn't, his Adam's apple didn't even have room to move, he could only gurgle in his stomach.

The Vietnamese soldier dragged his legs, kicked around, and came out of the hole formed by the gap.

He was not the only one in this crack, there was also a Vietnamese soldier in it.

When the Vietnamese soldier inside saw how his companion would drag out, he asked a question, but there was no reply, so he was also puzzled.If you want to see it, of course you can't, because the gap is too small to allow only one person to come in and out.If you want to see the situation outside, you can only wait for the Vietnamese army to go out.So, of course he didn't know what was going on outside.

After the Yue army was dragged out by Wu Jianglong, the Yue army inside had the opportunity to poke his head out, wanting to see what made his companions even have no chance to reply.

When he bends his back, Fangqiang sticks out his body.Suddenly, something hit him hard on the head.

"With a plop, the Vietnamese soldier fell to the ground.

Cui Shuli couldn't help but step on the body of the Vietnamese soldier and entered the cave.

A bunch of pine oil sticks were lit inside the cave, and if it wasn't covered by a thick raincloth, the light would have penetrated outside.There was a lot of messy grass on the ground, which was already as thick as a mattress after being pressed by people.

Cui Shuli quickly pointed his gun at all places, and there was no one else except these two Vietnamese soldiers.

Before Cui Shuli could go out, Wu Jianglong also got in. He grabbed the two submachine guns standing on the stone, looked at them, and handed them to Cui Shuli, "No, there should be another person."

"who is it?"

"The man who shot us."

“How come you see?”

"There are no sniper rifles here." Wu Jianglong said, turned off the lights, and left. "

Two people got out of the hole and threw the two bodies into the hole.

At this time, other soldiers also gathered around and reported that there was no one else in this rock.

Wu Jianglong hesitated for a moment, "It seems that he is not here." He reached out to the soldiers, "Give me some of your grenades."

Two soldiers handed the grenade to Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong grabbed the grenade and went back into the hole. Soon, he came out again, "I want to run, but there is no way."

Wu Jianglong said to Cui Shuli, "Put something under those two corpses."

Cui Shuli smiled, "Okay, Guizi's, let them pay for the dark thunder too."

Not waiting for Cui Shuli's assignment, the two soldiers ran up the hill, and after a while they came down from the top, and whispered to Wu Jianglong and Cui Shuli, "It's installed."

"Okay, withdraw."

So, on the top of the mountain, is there another enemy?

This really made Wu Jianglong right, no, it should be said that his analysis was right.

There used to be a sniper here, but this sniper did not belong to this mountain, he belonged to a reconnaissance company of a certain regiment of the Vietnamese Army.Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan just met by chance.If this sniper squatted here every day, then the 197 highland would be miserable. If one is exposed, one will be killed, and the highland can be defended.

The role of a sniper must be limited. He can't control a mountain, and it is impossible to capture a mountain. He just occasionally fires a few cold shots to eliminate one or two important people.If he kills too many, it will inevitably lead to revenge.Furthermore, the high ground is full of ordinary fighters, he doesn't have to do this, he just wants to kill, can he finish it?If it is not done well, it will bring disaster to this mountain.

No, his two shots had such serious consequences tonight, which he really did not expect.So, where did this sniper go?

Tomorrow dawn is a very important moment, and we will see the outcome at that time.

The foggy night came as expected, and there was not a single star in the sky.This is the darkest hour before dawn.

A black shadow slowly climbed from the side of the Vietnamese army to the hill that Wu Jianglong and the others attacked last night.

The dark figure climbed up the hill and approached the ditch, only to find that no one had given him the password.Soi Ying was startled, could it be that these damned soldiers were all asleep?

Last night, he came down the mountain with a mission, and now he came to this mountain with new instructions.But why is there no one here.

"The battle will start in another hour. If you are like you, it's not too late." Thinking this way, Hei Ying jumped into the ditch, ready to sneak attack the soldiers guarding here.

But he walked half the trench, but still no one came out.Only then did Soi Ying become alert, "Could something have happened here?"

The black shadow drew the pistol from his body, and called a name softly, but no one answered after calling for a long time.He felt something was wrong, and boldly, he finally turned on the flashlight.However, the flashlight has been modified so that it can only illuminate the ground and will not float out of the trench.

Hei Ying looked at the cat ear holes one by one, and finally saw the corpse in the third cat ear hole.

The corpse was facing away from him, looking dead asleep.The black shadow moved over quietly, intending to raise his foot and give it a hard kick.Seeing it, the raised foot approached the corpse, but the black shadow suddenly stopped his foot in mid-air.Because he saw the handle of the grenade under the shadow.

Heiying sneered hard to hear, "Mom, I want to play this with me."

After scolding, Soi Ying didn't get angry, but retracted his foot, turned and walked forward.

Now, Soi Ying knew everything, and also knew that something happened to the mountain.However, he was not in a hurry to report to his superiors, and wanted to check everything before he finished.So he moved closer to the second location.Soon Sombra also found the second body.However, for safety reasons, he did not move.He clearly knew that this was not what he wanted to do.

After turning around the ditch on the top of the mountain, the black shadow walked down the mountain to the shady slope of our army's position

On the 197 high ground guarded by our army.Wang Qiang squatted in a hollow, his head was camouflaged with a raincoat, covered with thick wormwood and yellow leaves.

Wang Qiang looked at the luminous watch on his wrist, and the hour hand pointed to [-]:[-] in the morning.Wang Qiang yawned and thought to himself, if he persists for a while, someone will come to change the guard in an hour, and then go back and have a good sleep.

He is on duty in the middle of the night.

He hasn't fallen asleep since he came back from feeling the whistle last night.I was very excited at the beginning, and I kept my ears up to listen to the enemy's hill, waiting for the amazing explosion sound from there.But after staying in the middle of the night, there was nothing to move there.When I wanted to sleep, it happened to me to go to work again.

Now, he kept his eyelids open and persisted with difficulty.If it wasn't for the squad leader's repeated emphasis, the enemy might have made moves in the past few days, and he probably would have taken a short look at it this time.Even for a few minutes.However, today he dare not.The scene of sneak attacking the enemy yesterday was still revolving in his brain.He is also thinking, if it is changed.It's not that they are attacking the enemy, but the enemy is attacking this high ground.So, now, are they still alive?

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang involuntarily fought a cold war. After this fight, all the cells in his body were mobilized, and he was dozens of times more energetic than usual.

Wang Qiang rubbed his battered eyelids, opened them vigorously and looked out.The eyes that had been rubbed seemed to be covered with star flowers, and among the star flowers, he found that there seemed to be someone shaking in the dark grass.

Wang Qiang rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and carefully observed in that direction.

It didn't matter after seeing it, cold sweat broke out all over his body in an instant, "My mother, what kind of trouble is this, is it clearly a large number of enemies?

Wang Qiang grabbed the flare gun, loaded it with flares, and fired it towards the sky.

With a sound, the flare rose into the sky, drawing a bright halo on the grass.All of a sudden, those enemies who were about to sneak attack were all exposed under the halo.

Together with the flares, the bright whistle on the high ground has long been alarmed.

When the sentry saw these enemies, they shot and shouted, "The enemy is coming up, the enemy is coming up."

The soldiers who had been sleeping in the cat's ear hole came out of the hole one by one, lying on the trench, and with the light of the flares, they kept shooting at these enemies.

In an instant, a very solid fire formed at the front of the 197 highland.

The flying bullets scrambled among the enemy groups, and the grenades rolling down from above exploded one after another.

The sneak attacking enemies did not retreat after being suddenly attacked. Some of them lay down on the spot, and some sought cover to resist.

After the battle started, Wang Qiang did not withdraw from the position of the secret sentry.He didn't shoot either, he was looking for the perfect moment.When he thought about it, the time really came.

He saw four or five Vietnamese troops huddled together, speaking in an incomprehensible Vietnamese language, moving towards him.

In the darkness, he heard a bang, bang, bang, bang bang, it seemed that these people were pretending to be something.

Wang Qiang thought, this is by no means that the Vietnamese army is simply digging bunkers, or they are setting up artillery.As soon as he thought of the cannon, Wang Qiang realized the danger on the mountain.

"Turtle son, I want to see what you guys want to do?"

These five or six enemies were only about ten meters away from Wang Qiang.Since the first flare had been burned out, our army on the high ground could no longer see what the enemy was doing, so they could only shoot in the direction where the enemy might appear.Going on like this will not only waste ammunition in vain, but also not conducive to destroying the enemy.

After Wang Qiang installed the flare, he fired a second round into the sky.

Together with the second flare, the entire sky in front of the position was lit up again.The few Vietnamese soldiers who were still making small moves just now were all exposed.

With the help of the light, Wang Qiang finally saw clearly what the enemy in front of him was doing.

When he looked at it, he happened to find that the enemies in front of him had already set up three mortars, and they were just waiting to load the shells and fire.If Wang Qiang hadn't fired flares, the first round of shells would have already flown into the sky.

"Turtle son, if you want to have sex, there is no way."

Without any explanation, Wang Qiang threw the first grenade towards these enemies.

In fact, with the flares, Wang Qiang's position has been exposed.Most of the Vietnamese army has discovered Wang Qiang's location.If he didn't retreat, the next step would be to either suffer the grenade bombing or clear the bullets.

After all, Wang Qiang fought first.Therefore, without waiting for the enemy to counterattack, Wang Qiang's two grenades smashed one after the other.

By the time these enemies realize that something is under their feet, it will be too late.

With the two explosions of "boom and boom", the small artillery and the Vietnamese troops dispersed in a rush.

Taking advantage of the firelight, Wang Qiang was very happy to see that the enemy's improvised artillery position was destroyed.But he also knew that if he didn't leave, disaster would befall him.

Wang Qiang is not so stupid.Don't leave quickly after the play is over, can't you wait for others to ask you for the ticket money?

Wang Qiang quickly lowered his body, followed the exit when he came in, and got out backwards.As soon as he got out of the secret sentry position, he hid in the bushes and ran towards the high ground under the cover of wormwood.

Wang Qiang was so lucky, in less than half a minute after he left, the spot that was once used as a spy had withstood the enemy's bombardment of no less than five grenades.The five grenades landed on the pit, overturning Peng Xiangxin and igniting a raging fire.

On the 197 high ground, the black shadow had already descended the hillside, and it was about to enter the cave made by the cracks in the rocks.He was just about to step back and enter when he suddenly heard fierce gunshots and explosions on the high ground of our army.

The black shadow stopped outside the cave, raised his wrist to look at the luminous watch, and cursed dissatisfiedly, "Why is it so urgent, it's not time to attack yet. Damn, you are so busy, what's the use of me. You are willing to court death, and that is no one’s fault.”

The black shadow cursed outside the cave for a while, looked at it for a while, and then began to enter the cave.

The black shadow reached the entrance of the cave and saw that it was dark inside.He picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the cave.After the stone entered the hole, he dodged to the side, waiting for the reaction inside.After waiting for a long time, there was no movement, and then he called out: "Lao Xia, are you still alive?" He called three times, but no one answered.Sombra guessed that everyone inside was dead.Only then did he walk lightly into the cave.

The black shadow turned on the flashlight, covered the light to keep it from leaking out, and slowly entered the cave.After seeing one place clearly, he looked for the next foothold, lest someone might throw a thunderbolt or something like that.

The black shadow went all the way into the cave, and nothing happened.The flashlight fell on the pine tree.The black shadow took out a match from his body, sparked with a click, and lit the pine branch again.

As soon as the cave was lit up, the appearance of the black shadow was revealed.

This shadow is indeed different.His face was smeared with black mud, and there was no expression at all.The equipment on his body is obviously different from that of the Vietnamese army here.Long and short, all kinds of guy styles are available.The gun on his body is also a bit higher than ordinary submachine guns.If it is an insider, it is clear at a glance that this person is by no means born and raised in Vietnam, he must have been trained abroad, otherwise, his identity, no matter how you look at it, looks like US military equipment.

In fact, this is not the case. His equipment is not from the US military, but from the Soviet army.Because the upcoming "North Light Project" was carried out under the guidance of Soviet consultants.With the Soviets here, it is not surprising that there are various Soviet-style armed personnel.However, this person is not from the Soviet Union, but from the Vietnamese army.

Sombra's face is still exposed. Next, he can no longer be called Sombra, and it is more appropriate to call him a sniper.

The sniper took advantage of the light in the cave to look around.

When he saw the two corpses on the ground, he didn't even feel any sympathy, but sneered slightly, "I'm asking you to be careless, I'm just courting death."

The sniper wanted to move the body that was blocking the way, but he found a slightly exposed thread.

Heiying sneered again, "That's all, I want to play with me too."

The sniper stepped over the corpse and went straight to the radio station on the farthest side.

The sniper had just grabbed the earphones and was about to put them on, when he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and saw that the back of the radio was already burning and began to smoke.

The sniper turned pale with fright, dropped his earphones in a hurry and ran out of the cave.

How could the narrow stone crevices allow people to get up and run, and it was almost enough to crawl out quickly.Just as the sniper was about to leave the cave, the grenade exploded.

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