soldier rushing forward

296. Retreat into the Tunnel

Cui Shuli took advantage of the opportunity before the enemy came up again, jumped in front of Zheng Jiujiang, hugged Zheng Jiujiang, and shouted anxiously, "Xiao Zheng, Xiao Zheng."

Zheng Jiujiang was shot in two places in the chest and lower abdomen, and was seriously injured. His intestines were slowly squeezed out along the wound.The upper body has been soaked in blood.

Cui Shuli hugged Zheng Jiujiang, fearing that he would be seriously injured, bleed too much, and lose his life.After carefully returning the intestines to his stomach, he took out the last first aid kit to bandage him.

Zheng Jiujiang suddenly opened his eyes, raised his right arm with difficulty, pressed Cui Shuli's hand and said, "Squad leader, don't waste the first aid kit. Save it for others to use!"

Cui Shuli took Zheng Jiujiang's hand away, "Xiao Zheng, hold on, you will be fine."

While talking, Cui Shuli insisted on tearing off a piece of gauze in the first aid kit, and began to wrap Zheng Jiujiang's stomach.

The gauze had been torn off several times, and Cui Shuli had completely opened it up, and it was impossible to bandage Zheng Jiujiang's stomach effectively.You can only circle around, and you can't stop the blood and wounds at all.

Cui Shuli looked at the blood oozing out, and really wanted to stuff clothes in to plug the wound.But this is impossible and completely violates the principle of treatment.

Cui Shuli was sweating all over his body in a hurry, and went all out to treat Zheng Jiujiang.

Because Cui Shuli was busy rescuing Zheng Jiujiang with all his attention, he didn't notice that another batch of Vietnamese troops jumped into the trenches.

Cui Shuli didn't see it, but Zheng Jiujianglong did.

Zheng Jiujiang suddenly exerted force and pushed Cui Shuli away, his eyes fixed on the second batch of Vietnamese soldiers rushing up.

"Squad leader, hurry up." Zheng Jiujiang yelled wildly, rushing towards the Vietnamese army with all his might.

Zheng Jiujiang is crawling forward, one meter away, two meters away, three meters away.

When Cui Shuli got up from the ground, he saw Zheng Jiujiang rushing towards the enemy.

"Little Zheng." It was impossible for Cui Shuli to save Zheng Jiujiang.

Seeing the Vietnamese army entering the trench was getting closer and closer to him.Moreover, some Vietnamese troops have thrown grenades and explosives in his direction.If Cui Shuli didn't run away, he would definitely be bombed into the sky along with these things.

Cui Shuli held the gun, turned around and retreated to the main position.There is no other way, if he does not withdraw, he will not be able to save Zheng Jiujiang, and will die here with him.

While retreating, Cui Shuli turned around and shot at the enemy standing on the left side of the leader.

Zheng Jiujiang climbed a few steps forward, and also saw the grenades thrown by the Vietnamese army rolling down to his side.Zheng Jiujiang stretched out his hand vigorously, and finally touched the directional mine switch.

Zheng Jiujiang pressed down vigorously, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth, "You son of a bitch, go back to your hometown!"

Almost at the same time, the directional mine that Zheng Jiujiang sounded exploded together with the grenades and explosives thrown by the Vietnamese army.

The joint explosion at several locations instantly blew up the left position beyond recognition, and the thick floating soil quickly buried the gully.

Zheng Jiujiang's body was almost blown up together with the bodies of the Vietnamese soldiers who rushed up, and flew into the sky.

Cui Shuli finally ran back to the main position, and when he saw Wu Jianglong, he shouted, "Platoon Leader Wu, the position on the left is lost."


Wu Jianglong had already seen the emergency situation in the left position.At this time, not only the left position was lost, but the right position was also at stake.

"Hurry up, call for artillery fire." Cui Shuli said eagerly to Wu Jianglong.

"Radio 861 was bombed, so I can't make calls." Wu Jianglong gritted his teeth.

Only then did Cui Shuli understand why our army's artillery fire remained silent after they had been fighting with the Vietnamese army for so long.

"Oh!" Cui Shuli sighed fiercely.

When the enemy launched an artillery attack, for the safety of the radio station, Wu Jianglong asked Xiao Wang to hide in the tunnel with the radio on his back.As soon as the battle started, all three positions were tight. Xiao Wang couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to drill out of the tunnel with the radio on his back, and cooperated with Wu Jianglong to attack the enemy together.

At this time, the Vietnamese army had already approached our army's forward position, and the enemy's artillery fire was obviously weakened.Being on the main ground again, Xiao Wang certainly won't be afraid of the bombardment of the Vietnamese army.So, together with Wu Jianglong and others, they shot towards the enemy down the mountain.

Xiao Wang ran around in the trenches, shooting here for a while, and then went to the other side to shoot a few shots. He used maneuvers to make up for the exposed holes caused by insufficient personnel, and effectively supported the troops on the two reserve positions. comrades.

As soon as Xiao Wang arrived at a location, he was shooting at the enemy vigorously.Suddenly, a mortar shell flew out from nowhere.The mortar shell didn't fly anywhere else, but went up and down at Xiao Wang's position.

Everyone was paying attention to the enemy down the mountain, and no one saw the shells flying over.After hearing the whistle-like sound, it was too late.

Mortar shells exploded beside Xiao Wang.

With a bang, Xiao Wang and the radio station disappeared without a trace.By the time Wu Jianglong had the chance to look for Xiao Wang this way, people and the radio station would have already been torn to pieces.

Wu Jianglong is so anxious, so angry!Obviously the enemy did not shell, so where did the shells come from!

Wu Jianglong shot down the mountain while looking for the direction where the shells appeared.

At this time, the second mortar shell appeared again, and the direction of the shell's flight was still the main position.

Wu Jianglong flew out from the trajectory and saw the ridge.

"Guild son, it was hidden there." After Wu Jianglong cursed, he flew in another direction and dodged the mortar shell.

As soon as the sound of the explosion was over, Wu Jianglong made a few vertical leaps and landed on the pre-set directional mine blasting point. He threw his body upwards and pressed the switch, "You son of a bitch, let's see where you are going."

Wu Jianglong pressed the directional mine, and a few seconds later, a large cloud of smoke rose in the direction of the ridge, followed by two explosions.

There is no need to go to check, Wu Jianglong estimated that the enemy's small artillery hidden there was also blown up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Jianglong ran back to the place where Xiao Wang died to find him and the radio station.

The people and the radio station were bombed to pieces, and Xiao Wang's body was not completely piled up on the side.The radio station is so broken that it cannot be broken any more. No matter how skillful it is, it cannot be organized again.

At this time, the main position and the reserve positions on both sides were all attacked by the death squads of the Vietnamese army.In less than half an hour, the two reserve positions fell one after another several times.With the current manpower, it is almost impossible to stop the crazy attack of the Vietnamese army's death squads. The only way is to call our army's artillery fire.However, the radio station was gone, so I couldn't contact my superiors.Without the on-site command, the superiors knew that there was a crowd here, but they did not dare to blindly throw shells over.

There is no way, Wu Jianglong can only do his best to give maximum fire support to the two reserve positions on the main position.

Cui Shuli withdrew to the main position, undoubtedly losing the left position.Once the left position is lost, the right reserve position will also face loss.

Right now, being able to hold the position is one aspect, on the other hand, preserving strength is the most important thing.Because, in the hands of our army, we still have the main position and tunnels. As long as these two places are not lost, the Vietnamese army will not be able to climb Laoshan from here.

"Squad Leader Cui, shrink your troops and go all out to defend the main position." Wu Jianglong said to Cui Shuli.

Now there is no radio station, and the voice cannot be transmitted to the right position, so we have to send people over.But right now, there are almost no intact people on the main front, either with arm injuries or leg injuries.

"Squad leader Cui, take people to guard this place, and I'll notify them." As he spoke, Wu Jianglong was about to jump into the ditch with a submachine gun in hand.

Just as Wu Jianglong stretched out half of his body, Cui Shuli pulled him down from behind.

"Platoon Leader Wu, you can't go. I'll go."

Wu Jianglong staggered and was almost pulled down in the trench by Cui Shuli.Before he could stand up, Cui Shuli had already stepped out of the trench, braving stray bullets, stooping, and ran to the right position.

At this time, not only the right position was attacked by the enemy below, but also the enemy on the left side fired bullets from time to time, and the only two soldiers who were beaten could not raise their heads.

As soon as Cui Shu entered the trench, he said to the soldiers who were shooting, "Retreat to the main position, hurry up." As he spoke, he shot down the mountain.

Now that you have the order, let's retreat!But it is impossible to withdraw at the same time, the enemy will follow, only someone can cover, and the others can withdraw.

A soldier said, "Squad leader, you go first, I will cover."

"No, you go first, I'll cover." Cui Shuli said without doubt, seeing that the soldier had no intention of leaving, he then said sharply, "Go quickly, this is an order."

The two fighters began to retreat.

Cui Shubian held a light machine gun and continued to shoot at the enemy.

Shooting continuously, finally knocked back the enemy who rushed to the front.

Taking advantage of this time, Cui Shuli grabbed the light machine gun and ran towards the main position along the traffic trench dug in advance.

Cui Shuli ran not far away, and there were continuous explosions on the ground behind him.

Wu Jianglong saw Cui Shuli retreating, and said to the mortar crew, "Fire at the two reserve positions."

The two mortars fired at the positions on the left and right without any scruples.In addition, the mines buried there in advance were also struck.For a while, the two positions exploded like gunpowder kegs.

The Vietnamese army who had just stood in the two positions wanted to take a breather, but after a little repair here, they took the main position in one go.However, before they could regain their senses, they were attacked like a thunderbolt.

Since these daredevils are real people, there is no reason to challenge Iron and Steel.If you are afraid of death, you have to withdraw.Ever since, except for the Vietnamese soldiers who were killed by the bombing, those who were alive retreated out of the position in panic.

In this way, the two reserve positions returned to the hands of the Chinese Communists.

It is back, but no one can go there and stick to it.

Wu Jianglong counted the people around him, including him, there were six more people.These six people are not enough to hold the main position, how can we divide the troops to defend the reserve position.Furthermore, in case of the dangerous situation just now, even if you want to retreat, you will not be able to retreat.

After Wu Jianglong thought of this, he said to Cui Shuli, "Squad leader Cui, there are not enough manpower now, let's fill up the reserve positions!"

"it is good"

A series of explosions finally caused the Vietnamese army there to retreat to the starting point of the shock.

After the Vietnamese army retreated, the fighting stopped again, and the troops began to enter a state of repair.

It is said to be repaired, but in fact it means to improve the fortifications and plant more mines.With the existence of these directional mines, it is better than artillery shells at critical moments.Therefore, at this time, half of the soldiers jumped out of the trench, some carried the wounded into the tunnel, and some buried mines on the slope.

However, they never expected that the Vietnamese army was too cunning. They prepared a reserve team in the woods and tall grass on both sides of the main position immediately after the death squads fought.

As soon as the death squads withdrew, these Vietnamese troops who had hidden in advance neither fired nor fired, and quietly approached the main position.

The two soldiers who went down the hillside to lay mines looked up and found the enemy who had just emerged from the woods.Before they could shout, they were shot down by the Vietnamese army.The two fighters fell to the ground without firing a single shot.

After the Vietnamese army killed the two soldiers, they quickly occupied the first trench on the main formation.

Just as Wu Jianglong planted two mines, he heard shouts of "Hand up your guns and don't kill" suddenly sounded from all around the high ground.

Looking up, I saw that groups of Vietnamese troops had surrounded him less than a meter away, and the second trench was also full of Vietnamese troops.

Wu Jianglong whispered to Cui Shuli who was beside him, "Squad leader Cui, lead someone into the tunnel."

Wu Jianglong knelt down and waited. Seeing that Cui Shuli and the other three soldiers had already started to run, he pushed towards the directional mine.

Suddenly, smoke and dust rose from the first trench and the second trench.

Taking advantage of the smoke, Wu Jianglong followed Cui Shuli and the others, and retreated into the tunnel scrambling.

As soon as the Chinese Communists who were still alive entered the tunnel, the entire surface position on the 197 highland fell into the hands of the Vietnamese army.

Immediately afterwards, hordes of Vietnamese troops rushed to the high ground, and planted a Vietnamese flag on the highest point above, proving that they had won the victory.

The Vietnamese army occupying the high ground cheered and jumped around the military flag, and took pictures, very much like they had won a battle-level victory.

The Chinese soldiers who retreated into the tunnel were both frustrated and angry.But with their current strength alone, it is impossible for them to regain the lost ground, so they have to endure it and stay here honestly.Although I feel very uncomfortable and it is not a taste for failure, it can only be as follows.

A soldier cried and said, "Are we finished? Stay here, why not go out and fight with Guizi, and avenge the sacrificed comrades."

Cui Shuli stared silently, holding a magazine in his hand, and kept pressing the bullet in.Seeing the meaning, he agreed with the soldier's statement.

The anger in the tunnel was extremely low, some soldiers were pessimistic, while others were very emotional.If someone ignites a little, it is estimated that such a fighter will rush out regardless of the consequences.

Wu Jianglong saw that the soldiers were not in the right mood, so he did his job and said,

"Comrades, there is a huge disparity between the enemy and us now. We have to retreat like this as a last resort. But there is one thing that everyone should understand. There are superiors behind us, and there are a large number of troops in the Laoshan theater. They will not ignore us, and they will not ignore us. Watching the enemy occupy this high ground. As long as we stick to the tunnel, the high ground will not be lost."

Wu Jianglong saw that some soldiers began to look towards him, and knew that his words had already had an effect.He continued, "After the enemy occupies the surface positions, they are likely to attack the tunnels. You can fight the battle, even if you don't look for the enemy, the enemy will look for us."

Before Wu Jianglong finished speaking, the Vietnamese army threw a fried bun in.The purpose of the Vietnamese army was to use explosions to force the people inside to come out automatically.

With an explosion, a piece of the hole was blown away.

A Vietnamese army boldly approached the entrance of the cave and shouted.

"Chinese brothers, come out quickly! We treat prisoners preferentially."


Wu Jianglong said to the machine gunner.

In the tunnel, a machine gun of our army suddenly protruded from the hole, and fired at the approaching Vietnamese army.

In an instant, several Vietnamese soldiers approaching were wiped out outside the cave.

These Yueyi died, and other Vietnamese troops did not dare to approach, so they could only throw grenades and explosives here from a distance.

Since the distance is far enough, the explosives thrown over will not pose too much threat to the soldiers in the cave, so it is safe enough at last.

Afterwards, the Vietnamese army threw a lot of branches and dead grass to the entrance of the cave, lit a torch and threw it on it.

For a while, thick smoke billowed from the entrance of the cave.When the smoke was pressed by the heat wave, it all got into the hole.

Inside the cave, there was a series of unbearable coughing sounds.

Seeing that only a few Chinese soldiers were blocked in the tunnel, the Vietnamese soldiers outside were laughing and shouting wildly.

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