soldier rushing forward

299. Returning to the Heights

Since the radio station was damaged, Cui Shuli's class has completely lost contact with their superiors.

Some scouts went back and reported, "197 Heights are full of Vietnamese troops, and there is not a single Chinese soldier in sight."

After hearing the news, the superior was of course very sorry, and at the same time felt pain for those comrades who died.Another point, based on this situation, they came to the conclusion that the 197 highland was lost.The high ground has been lost, and of course there are no living Chinese soldiers there.Therefore, in the battle, the superior will no longer take this into consideration, and must severely teach the enemy to avenge our soldiers.Especially when it comes to the use of artillery fire, you can blow up whatever you want, without worrying about blowing up your own people.

Don't look at the Vietnamese army taking down several highlands of our army, but from the perspective of the entire battle, the Vietnamese army has become the last of its strength.

We have said a few times before that when our army discovered the attempt of the Vietnamese army's Beiguang plan, it used artillery fire to bombard the entire assembly area of ​​the Vietnamese army, including important targets such as lines of communication.Even after the battle started, such shelling never stopped.

With such fierce artillery fire, the backup of the Vietnamese army was very tight.Even the attack on several high grounds, including 197, was only a little stock from before the war.Now that the battle line is stretched, the strength of the army is obviously tight, and the counterattack of the squadron has also become stronger and stronger with the increase of time.

As a result, the offensive momentum of the Vietnamese army was significantly weakened.Weak light is not enough, we must withdraw from the occupied land, this is the ultimate goal.

At dawn, after the sky was slightly brighter, our army's counterattack began.

This time, the counterattack was still the same as before, and artillery fire was still used to open the way.As long as the areas occupied by the Vietnamese army have been baptized by hail bombs, there will be no room for them.

These highlands have been repeatedly contested by the Chinese and Vietnamese armies.Originally, during the attack of the Vietnamese army, the top vegetation had long been blown up, and the soil layer was also blown away by artillery fire.

Once it is China's turn to fight back, China is also unceremonious.During the shelling, all kinds of artillery fired at the same time, using nearly twice as many shells as the Vietnamese army.Especially the rocket launcher, not only has a large coverage area, but also has a very fast rate of fire.As soon as the artillery preparations started, in the blink of an eye, countless fiery scale pits were smashed on the 197 high ground and its adjacent areas.

The purpose of attacking with artillery fire is to make the Vietnamese army occupying the hill retreat back, and return where they came from.

After being severely hit by our army's artillery fire, although the Vietnamese army has no ability to fight back, they still have a lot of concealment ability.Regardless of the fierce artillery fire, not many of them were hurt.After all, these Vietnamese troops have rich experience in avoiding artillery fire.I can't stay in the highlands, and there are still a lot of jungles!Where can't I settle down?In this way, these Vietnamese troops who had already occupied the high ground adopted various methods to avoid artillery fire, and refused to leave the main place without saying anything. They wanted to preserve their strength as much as possible and waited for the attack of our infantry.

That's right, has anyone ever seen a dog with a bone in its mouth, and it will take the initiative to put the bone down after it has not been beaten by its owner.The nature of eating is not changed, but the nature of dogs is difficult and easy. The key is that the pain has not been hit deep.

Minutes after our artillery attack, the infantry began to recover these lost positions.

As soon as the infantry came up, the Vietnamese army began to block.

Although many commanders of the Vietnamese army grew up in China.However, after several years or even more than ten years of actual combat training, their ability to attack and defend is much higher than that of our army.

Don't look at the 80s, the skills of our army have been greatly improved, but the soldiers participating in this battle at this time are still mainly recruits.

Due to the provisions of the Chinese Military Service Law, more than 90.00% of the veterans have left the army after three years of service, and the recruits are still mainly recruits.Fortunately, many of the cadres who participated in the battle, even though they had not participated in the war in [-], had undergone military academy training or taught brigade training, and their combat command capabilities had been greatly improved compared with [-].

The quality of cadres has improved, and the training level of soldiers will naturally change a lot.So, after a setback or two, they also learn war by war.Don't just suffer once, and never suffer again the second time.

In this counterattack, the troops who rushed to the forefront were those who had lost their positions.

The ground was lost, for whatever reason, and that was a disgrace.Therefore, before counterattacking, these troops wrote blood letters to their superiors several times, strongly demanding to be at the forefront.They vowed to use their blood and lives to regain the honor they had just lost.

The most important thing in war is morale.Morale can not be discouraged.

Faced with the strong determination of these troops to avenge their comrades-in-arms, their superiors agreed to their request and let them rush to the forefront.In essence, these fighters at the front are all determined to die. Another name is death squad.

Doesn't the Vietnamese army have death squads?Our army also has them, but they are called differently. Our army is not called death squads, but blasting teams, sharp knife squads and other names.

Is the purpose of war to win?Victory doesn't have to be replaced by death.Therefore, the name Sharp Knife Squad sounds much better than Death Squad.

Soon, as our army's artillery fire continued to spread, I don't know how many sharp knife squads rushed towards the Vietnamese army from different areas, and many positions were recaptured one after another.

As the soldiers rushed upward, they attacked the enemy with their weapons.

There were those who threw grenades upwards, those who used machine guns to shoot at the enemy, and those who used [-] recoilless guns to hit dark spots on the side, and so on, all the available firepower was fired.

In an instant, the high grounds were filled with shouts of people, a mixed symphony of killing and gunfire.It is not an exaggeration to describe it as deafening, deafening, or crazy or stupid.

The Vietnamese army did not grow up eating vegetarian food. With their rich combat experience, they also guessed that our army was bluffing with great fanfare and wanted to use firepower to form a kind of deterrence with artillery fire.So they endured it all the time, and did not open fire until our army's attacking troops approached to a distance of many meters.

The sudden violent firepower caused a lot of losses to our army and hindered our attack.Had to use artillery fire to attack the enemy again.

Because the 197 highland is full of Vietnamese troops, and these Vietnamese troops are all ready to fight.Therefore, Wu Jianglong and the others could only stay in the tunnel honestly.As long as you show your head, let alone rushing out, you will definitely be attacked by the Vietnamese army.

Wu Jianglong found that there were many Vietnamese troops guarding the high ground, so he didn't dare to expose the hole at the top.If it is really exposed, whether it is the Vietnamese army throwing grenades from above, or setting fire or smoke downwards, etc., Wu Jianglong and the others will definitely be in big trouble.

Right now, it is better to endure and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

Now, the opportunity finally came, because the rumbling of the artillery proved that our army was starting to counterattack.

Wu Jianglong walked to the entrance of the tunnel and listened carefully.After a while, a smile appeared on his face.Said to the soldiers, "Comrades, the large forces have begun to counterattack."

The people in the tunnel were overjoyed when they heard the news.We don't use words such as cheering and jumping, but the joy is more than words, so it is more appropriate to use it.

See the squadron began to counterattack.Hearing this news, the soldiers in the tunnel were relieved of their dullness.Combat determination does not require mobilization, and preparations do not need to be allocated. Everyone consciously ran back to the location where the weapons were stored, began to check the weapons, and prepared enough ammunition.Prepare to rush out as soon as the large troops arrive, repel the Vietnamese army, and regain the lost ground.

The sound of the guns is getting closer and closer. It seems that our troops have rushed to the front of the high ground.

Cui Shuli couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Platoon Leader Wu, let's attack!"

"No, we have to wait." Wu Jianglong leaned over the entrance of the tunnel and continued to listen to the sound of gunfire outside.

"Now it's artillery preparation, and the infantry hasn't come up yet. If we go out now, if we don't wait for the infantry to come up, we will suffer a big loss."

What Wu Jianglong said is correct, now there are not only enemies on the 197 highland, but there are still a large number of Vietnamese troops in its deep front and below the highland.Although our army's artillery restrained the madness of these enemies, it was not enough to completely wipe out the enemies.At this time, they not only have the ability to occupy the high ground, but also have the ability to wipe out these small remaining Chinese soldiers.Using a few hundred to deal with a few is of course no problem.

This is what Wu Jianglong meant by not letting him go out early.

As the sound of the artillery continued to extend, Wu Jianglong finally heard the shouts of the charge from one side.Wu Jianglong said happily, "Okay, okay, our people are here."

How to judge our people?

This is not difficult, because when soldiers are charging, there are always people who like to swear, especially the emotion when comrades sacrifice, which will make everyone shout furiously and desperately with the enemy.

What Wu Jianglong heard was that the sharp knife troops of our army were desperately determined to retaliate after taking measures in front of the enemy's position.

"Okay, get ready to attack." Wu Jianglong issued an order.

As soon as Xiao Wei heard that he was giving way, he impatiently wanted to run out from the entrance of the tunnel.Wu Jianglong stopped him, "Not here, but inside."

After leaving two people guarding the entrance of the tunnel, the others followed Wu Jianglong to the secret exit in the cave.

As soon as the hole was opened, some soldiers climbed up quietly first.Seeing that the enemy outside was focusing all their attention on our soldiers attacking down the mountain, the people in the tunnel climbed up one by one.

As soon as they came up, they first hid outside the trench with wormwood, and waited for our army's attacking troops to arrive, and then attacked from behind the enemy.

The fierce battle was fought on the side of the Chinese border.For Wu Jianglong and the others, it is facing the motherland.

At this time, the enemy guarding on the 197 high ground was relying on the complete trench as a cover to fiercely open fire on the squadron that rushed up.

Seeing that the time came, Wu Jianglong ordered the soldiers to throw grenades into the trench first, wait for the enemy to be in chaos, and then sweep away with guns.

After Cui Shuli, Xiao Wei and another soldier got the order, they secretly threw grenades into the trench one by one.

The sudden explosion not only destroyed a large part of the enemy's defensive positions, but also caused panic among the enemies on the entire high ground.

Because at this time, they were too focused on fighting, and the firepower of our army appeared from nowhere, which immediately confused them, and some thought it was the squadron that had gone to the high ground.

"The enemy can't be slowed down." Wu Jianglong said after seeing this effect, "Xiao Cui, you and I go to meet the comrades, Xiao Wei, Xiao He, you two prevent the enemy from coming up here."

"Yes, yes" Xiao Wei and Xiao He replied.

Wu Jianglong and Cui Shuli, each holding a light machine gun, held them flat, and fought towards the direction of our army's attack.

After being bombed, the sudden burst of fire made the Vietnamese troops guarding this area finally unable to bear it.Those who are dead, those who are injured, and those who are alive have to give up this place quickly.

As soon as the hole was torn open, the Chinese troops who attacked from the high ground rushed up like a tide.What was the vigor of the death squads of the Vietnamese army at the beginning, and what is the scene now when it is their turn.What's more, there are two Chinese Communists above to help.

A gap soon appeared on the high ground, and the enemy spread out in two directions.

Wu Jianglong and Cui Shuli quickly made up for the gap that appeared after the enemy fled. The two separated, one on the left and one on the right, and shot at the enemy.

Seeing that the high ground was not secured, the retreating enemies panicked for a while, and under the supervision of the war supervisor, they returned and charged upwards desperately.

Although it has two machine guns, it is still weak compared to many enemies.What's more, there are also a few bullets in a magazine, after all, it can't last for a long time. In this way, after two people finish shooting two shuttles, the Vietnamese army will have an opportunity to take advantage of.

Xiaowei and Xiaohe rushed towards Wu Jianglong and Cui Shuli as if they saw a swarm of enemies.

The two of them couldn't stay in place anymore.

The battle has been fought for this sake, and it doesn't matter whether there is a hole or not.Therefore, the two of them shouted vigorously, then exerted their strength suddenly, shooting another burst of fire behind the enemy.

Attacked by Wu Jianglong and Cui Shuli just now, the enemies on the high ground were already panicked, and now a new force suddenly appeared.No matter how many enemies there are, they can't stand being surprised again and again.

The enemies on the high ground were completely chaotic.Some headed east, some headed west, and ran towards places where no one blocked them.

No one cares about you running in these two directions, as long as you don't get in the way.

The purpose of Wu Jianglong, Cui Shuli, Xiaowei, and Xiaohe is to disrupt, disperse, and drive away the enemy so that they can regain the high ground.

The Vietnamese army exploded like a beehive.

Now, no matter how many supervisors there are in the Vietnamese army, it is difficult to control the situation.If the supervision is tight, the possibility of being sniped is not out of the question.

At this time, the four Vietnamese troops were forced to retreat by Wu Jianglong and Cui Shuli.A Vietnamese army officer suddenly stood up and waved a pistol at them to demonstrate, telling them to go back.

The battle has been fought to this point, and if you go up, you will die, and if you go down, there may be a way to live.Now if you let them go back to fight, doesn't that mean you let them find their own way to die?

One of the Vietnamese soldiers quit and quarreled with the Vietnamese officer.

The officer of the Vietnamese army fired and shot him.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the Vietnamese soldier who was arguing with him immediately fell to the ground and died.When the other three saw it, they immediately became angry.I don't know which one yelled again, "Grandmother's, let's fight him." Immediately, three submachine guns fired at the Vietnamese officer at the same time.

In an instant, the officers of the Vietnamese army were beaten into hornet's nests.

As a junior soldier, no matter what the reason is, as long as you are disrespectful to your superiors, it is a violation of discipline, not to mention beating the officer to death.

Seeing the officer fell to the ground dead, the three Vietnamese soldiers panicked.If he ran back, he would have to be court-martialed.No matter what military achievements you have in the past, they will all be erased.Not only erased, but also may be sentenced to death for homicide.

One of them raised his head and said, "Going back is death, why don't we surrender! Maybe there is still a way to survive in China."

At this time, several Vietnamese troops did not understand what political immunity was, however, they understood that Chinese soldiers did not kill prisoners.Although being a captive would be embarrassing, of course it was much better than going back, at least it was alive. (This story is not made up, it is supported by real cases and personnel)

The three Vietnamese soldiers didn't leave at all, dropped their guns, knelt on the ground and waited for the Chinese soldiers to come up to receive them.

At this moment, Xiao Wei and Xiao He ran over from behind.The two of them were shocked when they suddenly saw three Vietnamese troops here.If it wasn't for Wu Jianglong who came over to stop him in time, Xiao Wei might have shot the three of them.If that were the case, Xiao Wei would be charged with shooting and killing the captives.

Wu Jianglong asked Xiaohe to watch over the three prisoners, and he, Cui Shuli and Xiaowei continued to expand the results of the battle.

As the number of Chinese soldiers rushing to the high ground continues to increase, the area of ​​​​the Vietnamese army is constantly being compressed.

In less than half an hour, the high ground returned to the hands of the Chinese Communists.

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