soldier rushing forward

309、Persevere in the rain

"Then what do you say?" Wu Jianglong wanted to tease the chief of staff, so he forced Chi Yongjie to speak out.

"Hedgehog" Chi Yongjie stared at Wu Jianglong with sly eyes and said.

Chi Yongjie spoke immediately, and everyone present was a little dazed.Thorn is covered with thorns all over its body, it looks like a big ball of thorns, not to mention eating this thing, if you touch it, you may get more thorns on your body, and the thorns are poisonous, the heart-wrenching pain, Whoever touches it feels uncomfortable, let alone eats it.

When everyone was astonished, Wu Jianglong laughed, "You are worthy of being a great leader, and nothing can stop you."

"Xiaomian, play this with me!" Chi Yongjie said with a smile, "Bring the wine."

Don't look at the thorns full of thorns.But he couldn't resist burning with fire.It is said that real gold is not afraid of fire.Once the gold is burnt, its color is not as bright as before.Not to mention the hedgehog in the inner body.People are afraid of you, but fire is not.

Once a hedgehog is in a crisis, he always curls up his body so that the spines face outwards, and the trunk of the body is completely wrapped.In this way, even if any animal wants to eat him, there is no way to eat him.But people are different, they have their own tricks.

When they saw the hedgehog making this kind of action, they picked it up with a branch and threw it into the yellow mud, making him roll and get covered in mud.This is not counted, and then it is covered with mud continuously until it is completely covered.

Then set up a pile of firewood next to it, and after the charcoal is burned, throw the hedgehog upwards, continue to add firewood, and add fire up and down together.Until the mud on the hedgehog is burned dry, it will be broken when knocked.At this time, the thorns of the hedgehog had already turned to ashes.After the mud is knocked off, isn't there a delicious meaty smell left inside?

Some people say that hedgehogs are protected animals, and eating them like this is tantamount to breaking the law.

It depends on what age and where.At that time, China did not seem to have enacted an animal protection law.Furthermore, even if it is promulgated and implemented, it is difficult to guarantee that some people will not steal their mouths!

"Quick, bring the wine." Wu Jianglong repeated.

Before the food and wine were ready, everyone sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by food covered in raincoats and began to drink freely.They said it was everyone, but in fact they were just prominent figures in the reconnaissance brigade.It was nothing more than Wu Jianglong, Li Sen, Ye Zheng, and the first sub-team captain. Naturally, those soldiers did not have the role to accompany the chief of staff.

At this time, the correspondent placed several green drinking water jars in front of everyone, and then grabbed the jugs and poured wine into them.

"I said Wu Jianglong, you are wine! Or water!" Chi Yongjie asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's wine." Wu Jianglong replied.

Chi Yongjie picked up the jar of wine, smelled it, and said, "Well, it's wine." Then he took a sip, and clicked his mouth a few times, "Not bad, not bad,"

"Chief of Staff, if you can guess what kind of wine it is, I will drink this big vat with you." Wu Jianglong said, holding up a mug of wine.

"Get it! I'm not going to take advantage of you. There are thousands of wine brands in the country, and I can get it right. You want me to drink more, just find a reason." As he spoke, Chi Yongjie held the wine He waved at everyone, "It doesn't matter what kind of wine he is, let's have a sip first."

Everyone held water jars and took a sip with the chief of staff.

Everyone knows that it is field training now, not to mention a variety of subjects, and there are so many fighters waiting!If everyone drank too much, it would naturally violate their own image.Wu Jianglong is also well aware of this.However, today the Chief of Staff is here, and he has to express that this is also a common problem in official circles.Wouldn't it be too lonely without wine.

So, several people chatted loudly while drinking.

After drinking a jug of wine, the food on the raincoat was also wiped away.Chief of Staff Chi Yongjie seemed to be having a good time, put the cup on the ground, and said happily, "Wu Jianglong, you have given the Chief of Staff a problem today."

Wu Jianglong was taken aback, and the others also stopped and looked at Chi Yongjie.

Chi Yongjie went on to say, "Drinking alcohol is not allowed in the camp area. This is an order issued by the chief of staff, but today, the chief of staff took the lead in violating this order. Tell me, is it a problem?"

Seeing that Chi Yongjie spoke casually, with a joking expression on his face, everyone relaxed and laughed together after he finished speaking.

Wu Jianglong was the first to reply, "Chief of Staff, this is called this moment and that moment." He paused, "Now, the soldiers are drilling in and out of the jungle all day long. There is no dry land here. There is damp, It's sweltering. If this goes on for a long time, it's no wonder that the soldiers don't contract damp heat. Although alcohol is not a good thing, it can prevent this disease. Let the soldiers ensure that they have enough physical strength for training."

As soon as Wu Jianglong finished speaking, Chi Yongjie took it over and said, "So, you have already prepared this wine, not only that, but also among the soldiers."

Wu Jianglong smiled treacherously, and did not answer, but he did not comment either.

Chi Yongjie turned to Li Sen and asked, "Li Sen, is what Wu Jianglong said true?"

"That's right, Chief of Staff." Li Sen said, "When we found out that some of the soldiers were ill, a local fellow gave this recipe. After testing, it really worked. Now the soldiers just stay here for a day, I won’t be afraid of the humidity here anymore.”

"If it's as you said, then write a report. Promote it to the whole regiment and let all soldiers drink alcohol." Chi Yongjie said seriously.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Wu Jianglong quickly explained, "Chief of Staff, we are using it flexibly. We can handle it as appropriate, how can we let the soldiers drink!"

"Come on again!" Chi Yongjie looked at Wu Jianglong, "It's you who say that drinking is good, and it's you who say it's bad. You're a sheepskin jacket turned over, and you've been treated inside and out."

Wu Jianglong was embarrassed to answer, but just pursed his lips and laughed.

Chi Yongjie stood up from the ground, "There is no need to fight for the report. However, you must master the scale and never let the soldiers form the habit of drinking. Later, the troops did not train well, but they trained a bunch of drunkards. If it is like that , See if I don't clean up you two."

After speaking, the cloud on his face also cleared.

Wu Jianglong would look at Chi Yongjie's face.Seeing that he is happy and let go of his words, what are you afraid of!Therefore, the stone that he and Li Sen had weighed on their hearts fell to the ground.

What Wu Jianglong said was the truth.Here is close to the subtropical climate.Facing the wet jungle all over the mountains and plains, these warriors from the north could hardly bear it.I am not afraid of suffering, nor are I afraid of being tired, but this kind of crime of being wet and sitting in the tide is really uncomfortable.After one day's training, sweat-soaked clothes are enough to bear, and then put on the bedding that has been flattened by moisture, it is really wet and humid.

Right now, the fighters participating in the training are all young people aged seventeen or eighteen. When they are tired, they usually don't care, lie down wherever they go, and fall asleep as soon as they lie down.

People are resting, but the moisture doesn't stop attacking.When I woke up, perhaps the moisture had entered the cracks in the bones.How can people not get sick if things go on like this.

No, not long after the reconnaissance brigade came here for training, several soldiers developed rheumatic symptoms.This is only a few people who get sick first, if there are more, it will become a big trouble.How can you go to war if your arms and legs are useless.Later, after checking, it was found that the moisture was to blame.

Li Sen wanted to make the soldiers stop and chattered, but Wu Jianglong didn't do it.

Wu Jianglong said, "Ah! If there is humidity, there is no training. The humidity on the Vietnam battlefield is heavier than this. Isn't the battle going on as usual!"

Wu Jianglong is in a hurry, but he has to look at the reality.

There's no way it's damp.However, it is the problem that can be solved during the training period, why not solve it!So, Li Sen deliberately visited the locals and found the folk prescription of drinking to get wet.

When it comes to this, no one does not understand.Our ancestors have long talked about the benefits of wine in the "Huangdi Neijing".Alcohol is a good thing, it can relieve fatigue and cure illness, but if you drink too much, you will become drunk.But who is to blame for this? I still blame myself. The key is not to stop in moderation and exceed this degree.Isn't it good if you take it into consideration!

It is for this reason that the army has a prohibition on alcohol.

Wu Jianglong wanted to adopt this method, but he was concerned about the prohibition of alcohol in the army, so it was difficult to say it out loud.Oh, just because it is for training, I said to the leader, "Our team wants to drink." If that is the case, the leader will definitely not allow it.However, if you don't drink it, it will affect the soldier's body.How to do it!

Therefore, Wu Jianglong and Li Sen thought of a way to let each class bring only a catty of wine to the mountain for training every day, and how to drink it was always controlled by the class leader.

In order not to reveal the news, they asked the soldiers to carry the wine in jugs after thousands of exhortations.From this point of view, if it is not for the people in the door, it is impossible to see that it is not water but wine.

Today, the chief of staff suddenly came to the training base.Wu Jianglong considered this matter, and most likely he couldn't hide it from the past, so he came up with this trick, asking the chief of staff to drink too, so as to achieve the same. "The facts. Besides, this is not a big deal, it is nothing more than a peculiar method.

Wu Jianglong played such a scene on purpose because he took advantage of Chi Yongjie's understanding and reasonable habits.If the person who comes is a dogma, or a leader who likes to go up and down in political work, Wu Jianglong will take the method of hiding and hiding, and he will not say anything when he is killed.

As soon as the secret was revealed, Chi Yong, the chief of staff, went all the way, "You two don't have to worry about anything else, just focus on training, as long as you improve the combat capabilities of the troops, and ensure that they are pulled to the front line in time, this is your credit. "

The noon sun was completely obscured by dark clouds blowing from nowhere.Suddenly, Ruoda's jungle seemed to be covered with a huge black pot, and it suddenly became dark and dark.

After this situation suddenly appeared, these people in the jungle stopped talking for a while.

At this time, another monsoon came.After the whistling wind, the treetops overhead were also shaken and rattled.Amidst the roar of the wind and the treetops, pieces of dead leaves soon fell slowly from above.There is a posture that the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of the forest.

Chi Yongjie looked at the sky covered tightly by leaves, and said, "It seems that there is going to be heavy rain." Then he turned to Wu Jianglong, "Are the troops going to take them back?"

"No." Wu Jianglong was very firm, "Training continues."

"Very good, but be careful."


After Wu Jianglong finished speaking, he gave an order to the correspondents around him, "Notify the teams, the training will continue as usual."

After a thunderbolt, a few large raindrops fell from the sky first.These raindrops penetrated the treetops like heavy lead, and hit the ground fiercely.A flash of lightning flashed, followed by a thunderclap.


It was like a torrential rain falling from the sky.At the beginning, the rainwater was covered by the leaves and had not yet fully fallen to the ground.After accumulating more and more, the temporary rainwater, together with the new raindrops, poured from the top of the tree onto the grass and people as if being splashed straight by someone.

Wu Jianglong quickly approached Chi Yongjie, and said to Chi Yongjie with a volume higher than the sound of rain, "Chief of Staff, go back to the camp first!"

"The soldiers don't answer, how can I. I want to see how you finish your homework in the rain." Chi Yongjie also responded loudly.

Li Sen also stepped forward to persuade, "Chief of Staff, the troops will not go back today, this is the camp."

"They can live here, and so can I."

Seeing Chi Yongjie's resolute look, Wu Jianglong was no longer insisting on persuading him. He raised the microphone and shouted, "Attention all teams, the training will continue as usual."

The rain became heavier and heavier, and in an instant, deep puddles formed in the forest area.Just now, the ground was covered with wormwood and mixed with shrubs.Now, coupled with the mixing of water, it quickly became muddy.

The soldiers who were in charge of the search mission, they stepped on the mud, stumbling along with the creaking sound of walking, and slowly searched forward.

After the rainwater came into contact with the warm ground, a large amount of mist rose soon.In this way, the soldiers' eyes were not only covered by the rain curtain, but also quickly blocked by the fog.In this case, if you want to look forward a few meters, it will be even more difficult.

Wu Jianglong's training in this way is also out of actual combat considerations.Training is for actual combat, so there is nothing wrong with it.A slight negligence may cause fatal injury.

At this time, a detachment was searching the ground.And the soldiers of the second unit who were still below the ground and were drilling holes were not so relaxed.Although they were not exposed to the rain for the time being, they couldn't take it lightly in the face of the search pressure of the first team.

As the first team gradually approached the defense zone of the second team.Tao Chuan, the captain of the second division, was very anxious.Because such an exercise came too hastily.Originally, the team leader asked them to conduct hole-digging training.The purpose is not only to hide, but also to understand the basic structure of the burrow.

Wu Jianglong drilled through the mouse hole of the Vietnamese army and knew that there were many murderous intentions in it.These murderous intentions are all hidden in the authentic settings.Therefore, if you want to know yourself and the enemy, you must learn to dig a hole. Only in the inside can you really take a good look.Only by understanding his structure with his own eyes can he not be at a loss when encountering such a situation in actual combat.

Unexpectedly, Wu Jianglong ordered them together, and their training was changed to a confrontation exercise similar to actual combat.Since it's a drill, it has to act like a war, generalized, it's not okay to be confused.

Now that the heavy rain is coming, Tao Chuan is relieved, thinking, "It's raining so hard, Captain Wu will definitely cancel the order. If the content of the exercise is not carried out, he will take the soldiers of his team to stay in the cave. The wind can't blow, the rain can't get drenched, that's much better than the first unit of soldiers who are drenched by the rain." While he was having a sweet dream, Wu Jianglong's second order came again.The confrontation training continued as usual.

This time, Tao Chuan was a little anxious.Because these holes have just been dug, and the camouflage on them is not complete, there is no guarantee that they will not be discovered by the search team.If they were discovered, they would play a game of catching mice in the hole, and it would not be fun on their own side.

There was no other way, so Tao Chuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and get the soldiers of the second team ready for the battle.

Tao Chuan hid next to a just-made camouflage hole to observe.

According to the training requirements, as long as these holes are not discovered by the first team, they will win the game.Not afraid to find out, they can also fight in the cave.Therefore, it is difficult to predict who will win and who will lose.

Due to the heavy rain and fog, Tao Chuan couldn't see the situation ahead at all. Maybe he couldn't see when people walked in front of him.But it doesn't matter, Tao Chuan will listen.

I saw Tao Chuan put his ears on the ground, listening carefully to the movement ahead.

"Bada, bada" the rhythmic sound of feet stepping on the mud came over little by little.

As the voice grew louder, Tao Chuan judged that the people in the first team might be approaching.So he put the hole cover made of grass that he had made in advance on it.Then he went back into the hole by himself, listening to the movement outside with his ears up.

The footsteps gradually approached, and Tao Chuan's heart tightened.He was carefully distinguishing the difference between the sound of rain and the sound of footsteps.

Soon, the sound of chaotic footsteps gradually faded away.Tao Chuan raised his throat-throwing heart, put it back again, and took a deep breath in his stomach.

If the first team passed overhead, their second team could jump out of the hole and attack from behind the first team.After a series of blows, if the entire army is not annihilated, the defeat is a foregone conclusion.

Tao Chuan heard the voice above getting farther and farther away, and guessed in his heart that the first team might have gone far.So, he reached out and prepared to lift the cover to see the situation above.

At this moment, a bayonet stabbed down from above.The half-foot-long blade almost touched Tao Chuan's head.Tao Chuan was startled, and quickly retracted his head.

Suddenly, another soldier shouted, "Captain Li, there is a cave here."

This sound almost didn't shake Tao Chuan's soul.Because, from the soldier's mouth, it is not difficult to hear that the entrance of this tunnel has been exposed, and next, he is likely to have a cave battle with the first team.

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