soldier rushing forward

314、The Endless Battle

In an instant, the six people divided into two groups and infiltrated into the woods.Wu Jianglong led a group to the left, and Tao Chuan led a group to the right.They did not enter the woods to fight the enemy, but their main purpose was to use the trees as cover to mix with the enemy.

As soon as Wu Jianglong led a group of people into the woods, he threw grenades towards the enemy.

After a grenade hit, it didn't matter whether it hit anyone or not, at least it acted as a hindrance.

Just as the grenade rang from Wu Jianglong's side, Tao Chuan's side also exploded.As the saying goes, heroes see the same thing, even if Wu Jianglong didn't say it, Tao Chuan also knows what to do.

The two forests were blown up by the grenade, and the sound of the explosion suddenly burst into the sky.

Wu Jianglong shouted into the microphone of Radio 861, "Tao Chuan, get out." He was afraid that Tao Chuan would love to fight, so he shouted and gave orders at the same time.


Tao Chuan agreed, then turned around and continued running northward with the people.


Tao Chuan then gave an order to retreat to the two soldiers around him.

The two soldiers put away their guns, turned and retreated.

The three of them were running, and Tao Chuan felt his heels popping, followed by a bullet passing by.

Tao Chuan saw that he couldn't run like this, so he turned around and went behind a tree.

A soldier also wanted to stop when he saw it.Tao Chuan gestured to him to continue.The warrior understood and moved on quickly.

That is, in an instant, the Vietnamese army chasing behind lost their target.Just as they were searching, they found the two soldiers in front.

Some Vietnamese soldiers shouted wow wow wow.It can be guessed without a translator that these Vietnamese troops are in a hurry.If you don't block the middlemen again, you will just watch these soldiers run out from under your nose.So they are in a hurry.

The Vietnamese army ignored this urgency.What's more, they only had escaped Chinese soldiers in front of them.

Ever since, four or five Vietnamese soldiers came out of the forest and boldly approached the two soldiers.

If it is really up to the agents to chase after him indulgently.Regardless of the [-]-meter sprint, the Vietnamese army may still rush over.So the Vietnamese army rushed forward boldly.The Vietnamese army only cared about their eyes, not their feet.

Suddenly, Tao Chuan jumped up from a pile of grass.

When Tao Chuan appeared, he really shocked the Vietnamese soldiers.I watched the Chinese people run to the front, why are there still here?

Surprised, it just happened within a second.

Tao Chuan doesn't care what you think or not.As long as the bullet can pass through, just knock Guizi down.

Tao Chuan jumped out of the grass, opened his eyes, and struck the board, followed by a string of bullets.

The bullet slashed horizontally, slashing at the agent in the middle like a knife.

No matter how strong the response ability of the agents is, they cannot deal with such sudden accidents.

"Da da da" the bullet kept roaring.

While sweeping, Tao Chuan cursed, "*** Zu, son of a bitch, you still chase after me when I get home, I tell you to chase after me."

Tao Chuan was out of sex, and as for what he was cursing, I'm afraid even he himself didn't know.However, the cursing still slanted down towards the enemy together with the bullets.

In the face of a sudden blow, these four enemies have no power to parry.The first two moments were swept away.Because the two of them were in such a block, Tao Chuan's bullets did not hit them.

The agent's reaction ability is really fast enough.Seeing the accomplice in front fell to the ground, it is estimated that most of them are dead.Taking this opportunity, the two rolled on the spot and into the grass.

Seeing that some enemies were not hit, Tao Chuan panicked for a moment, and continued to shoot at the swaying grass.

At this moment, Tao Chuan couldn't understand better.He is taking the lead now, and must not let the enemy have a chance to fight back.Once the enemy reacts, it will either be a stalemate or be surrounded.Therefore, Tao Chuan could vigorously shoot into the grass.

The two Vietnam Army agents thought that as soon as they entered the grass, they wanted to straighten their bodies inside, and then use the grass as a cover to fight back against Tao Chuan.

But they didn't expect that the middle-aged man in front of them would not give up.They didn't give them a chance to fight back at all, but kept shooting towards the grass.

"Puff puff puff", the bullets shot over, the grass broken and leaves flying, approaching them like a harvester.

The two Vietnamese soldiers panicked.If you stop, you will definitely be bitten by a bullet.No way, or continue to roll inward.

Since the Vietnamese army agents had no room for maneuver, they had to do continuous rolling movements.

This time, Tao Chuan's gun stopped firing after hearing a "beep".

Tao Chuan was startled at first, and then understood that there was no bullet in the gun chamber at this time.It is definitely not possible to change the magazine now.Even if it takes only three or two seconds to change the magazine, that won't work.It is very likely that when you change the magazine, the agents in the grass will counterattack.

Tao Chuan didn't dare to stand still, so he immediately put his body on the ground and rolled away.

Tao Chuan was right.The two agents discovered that Tao Chuan's gun had stopped firing, and immediately guessed that Tao Chuan's gun was either jammed or out of bullets.So, the two of them took this opportunity to fire their guns at the same time, shooting at the place where Tao Chuan was standing just now.

The Vietnamese army agents are worthy of being the wolves of the jungle, and their sense of smell is as keen as they want.As long as they smell it and sweep it with their eyes, they can determine the target's position through the obstacles of grass.Therefore, although the two agents rolled on the ground a few times, their vision was not disturbed. Therefore, in the grass, they could still determine where Tao Chuan was based on the approximate position of the bullet he shot.

As soon as Tao Chuan's gunshot was heard, the agents finally had the opportunity to shoot irregularly, and quickly returned their guns to counter Tao Chuan.If it wasn't for Tao Chuan's reaction not fast enough, it was very likely that under the blow of two enemies, he would be slit into holes by bullets.

The two agents were completely wrong, and the mistake was that they still looked at the Chinese soldiers with old eyes.I just thought about it, the Sino-Vietnamese War has been fought for so long, it is impossible for Chinese soldiers to blindly still have no battlefield experience.Even though these newly joined soldiers have never been on the battlefield, they still have teachers!These teachers are not stagnant, nor do they follow dogma.They have already repeated their battlefield experience.What's more, Tao Chuan is still an outstanding high-achieving student from a military academy.

As soon as the agents finished shooting, it was estimated that Tao Chuan had already fallen to the ground by this time.Although he didn't hear Tao Chuan's painful sound, he was killed by a single shot.After thinking about this, the two agents slowly stood up from the grass.Not only slow, but also in a carefree posture, a victorious posture.

Unfortunately, they were wrong, completely wrong.Just as the two agents exposed most of their bodies, they flashed through the trees at the same time.Another shot rang out.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the two fell to the ground immediately. They were dying, but they didn't know who shot them down.If he was still awake at the last moment, he would never think that Tao Chuan shot the bullet.

At this time, there was no one else here, only Tao Chuan himself.

The two soldiers who ran to the front heard the gunshots behind them, and they also wanted to go back to support Tao Chuan.It's just that they are too far away from here, and it happened in an instant.

Although the two soldiers have returned, the battle here is basically over.

It turned out that after Tao Chuan found out that there was no bullet in his gun chamber, he did not dare to neglect at all.In order to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of this opportunity to counterattack, Tao Chuan quickly fell to the ground and rolled to the side.While rolling, he unloaded the empty magazine without hesitation, and then pulled out the full magazine from the chest and loaded it into the barrel of the gun.When Tao Chuan did these actions, he might be more concise than what we described.Under normal circumstances, you can only hear it, and two soft beeps of "ka, ka" are enough.

While Tao Chuan was busy here, the guns of the agents also fired.However, the bullet didn't hit Tao Chuan, but shot where he was originally.Tao Chuan didn't dare to move, he held his breath, looking for the most critical moment.With both ears pricked up, he listened quietly to the enemy.When the gunshot was heard, Tao Chuan jumped up from the ground and shot fiercely at the exposed figure.

"Da da da" was another sudden attack.

A Vietnamese soldier who had just flashed out of the tree was hit in the chest and lay on his back on his back.After a few clicks, he stopped moving.

Another Vietnamese army agent was lucky, the bullets fired only hit his right arm, and the gun fell to the ground.The other bullets were blocked by a tree, which cost him his life.

Seeing that the form was wrong, the Vietnamese soldier turned around and ran away.Because he can't stop running.After Tao Chuan's sudden counterattack, the Vietnamese soldier was confused, thinking that he was in an ambush, and if he didn't run, he would only die.So on, only run back.

Once the four Vietnamese troops were dealt with, the problem on the right was solved.

At this time, Tao Chuan heard gunshots from the left side of Wu Jianglong.Tao Chuan listened carefully. Although there were gunshots in that direction, it was all the way north.It can be seen that Wu Jianglong and the others are fighting and retreating.So Tao Chuan said to the two returning warriors,

"Quick, support the captain and the others."

Tao Chuan's original intention was to move forward from behind the enemy, and give this group of enemies a back and forth attack.Who told you not to go back to work properly, and find trouble for nothing, then send you all back to your hometown.At this time, Tao Chuan was still completely immersed in the joy of just winning a big victory, and almost forgot what this place was.When he was about to get out of the woods with two soldiers and outflank them in that direction, he heard another chaotic noise on the path.

Tao Chuan waved his hand, signaling the two soldiers to hide.He scouted out through the gap.

This look is not only to find that a large number of enemies are coming here.

It was the enemy's reinforcements who rushed over.After they received the information from the little boss, they realized the seriousness of the problem.Therefore, those Vietnamese army agents who had just closed their teams and had not yet entered a state of rest quickly assembled and rushed in this direction.

In the thick jungle, it is difficult to recognize the direction.After such a left turn and a few right turns, most people will lose their way.If the enemy wanted to accurately estimate the general position of Wu Jianglong and the others, they had to rely on road signs and gunshots.Now, the gunfire from Tao Chuan's direction had stopped, so the enemy turned all their attention to Wu Jianglong.

In order to block this group of Japanese, the Vietnamese army agents can be said to have given their all.

The sky has already cast a lot of light on the forest.Although it was still a bit dark, it was no longer a problem to see the faces of each enemy clearly.

Seeing many spies jumping past his eyes, Tao Chuan didn't dare to forget to act lightly, knowing that if he failed, he would be surrounded again.Once this happens, not only will they not be able to help Wu Jianglong and the others, but it will also cause even greater losses.

On the small road, the Vietnamese army kept moving forward.

An agent who looked like a military officer shouted and waved a pistol.

Tao Chuan saw that the opportunity had come.He put away the submachine gun, took off the pistol from his body, put on the suppressor, and aimed at the officer's head.

After feeling sure, Tao Chuan hugged the board and hit it.

With a pop, a hole appeared in the head of the Vietnam Army officer, and then the whole person backed up without saying a word, and fell to the ground with a bang.

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