While fighting in the front and the east, Wei Xuechang's life was not so easy.Although the Vietnamese army has been repeatedly defeated, the Vietnamese army still has its sights on this place. No matter how many people die, they just refuse to give up and keep adding more people.

After all, the cliff here is steep, and if the Vietnamese army has more ideas, they can climb up with ropes and fight again with their skills. There can't be many people coming up at one time, only in twos and threes.As the saying goes, if one man guards the gate, ten thousand cannot open it.

With the help of natural conditions, Wei Xuechang fought calmly.Come up one and hit one, come up two and hit one pair.In case there are too many people, he will vote one tnt.

After a bang, all problems were solved.

Seeing that this was not possible, the Vietnamese army re-opened a new climbing site.

This location can be said to be a dead end for Wei Xuechang's current position.

Wei Xuechang only cared about the enemy in front of him, so he didn't see any Vietnamese troops coming up.

After the three Vietnamese troops came up from a blind spot, they found the right position and went straight to Wei Xuechang.The Vietnamese army was also impatient, and before they could figure out what was going on, they opened fire just after seeing Wei Xuechang's half of his head.

A shuttle of bullets passed by, and the exposed steel helmet slammed.

Seeing this result, the Vietnamese army was very happy in their hearts. The steel helmets were smashed. If you don’t believe it, your head will not blow out, unless it is harder than a rigid helmet.Therefore, the Vietnamese army who came up judged that Wei Xuechang would undoubtedly die.

The three Vietnamese soldiers boldly began to approach.

Although Wei Xuechang is fighting here alone.But he didn't dare to let the Vietnamese army see it.If it is really seen, the courage of the Vietnamese army will increase.It would be too embarrassing to use several times the strength to deal with one person and not be able to take it down.If there is this kind of urging, the Vietnamese army will definitely be more eager to attack.Therefore, in the process of fighting the enemy, Wei Xuechang picked up all the helmets of the sacrificed comrades and placed them on the edge of the trench at a distance.

If an enemy comes up to see it, they will mistakenly think that there are many Chinese soldiers here, so even if they come up, they have to be cautious.If the speed is slow, it will definitely create more time for Wei Xuechang to kill the enemy.

The three Vietnamese troops who came up encountered exactly this situation.

As soon as the Vietnamese army came up, they also wanted to launch a sneak attack on the Japanese in front of them.But after a few steps, they saw the helmet.Therefore, I mistakenly thought that someone was guarding here.Since someone is blocking here, it won't work if you don't shoot!If you don't strike first, if you are discovered, it will be a dead end.However, the Vietnamese army who came up decisively attacked and knocked the helmets away.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Wei Xuechang woke up suddenly, and only then did he know that there were Vietnamese troops coming up from the other end.

Wei Xuechang didn't dare to make a small noise.While there was no movement in other directions, he quietly approached this direction.

When Wei Xuechang came over, he saw the Vietnamese army approaching.

"We can't let the enemy move forward. If we continue, we will be exposed." Thinking this way, Wei Xuechang turned his gun around and shot at the enemy in front.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the frontmost enemy fell to the ground.

As soon as the enemy is dead, the two behind him turn around and run back.They can't do without running!Since there is an opponent in front of him, he would die in the past, so it is better to find a place to squat down first, and then strike when there is a chance.

As soon as the two Vietnamese soldiers ran back, Wei Xuechang's bullets went to nothing.No matter how many shots you shoot, if the wormwood blocks the target, the target will be missed, and you will not be able to hit it with random sweeps.

When Wei Xuechang saw that the Vietnamese army was hiding, he didn't dare to chase after them.On the one hand, the enemy is hidden in the wormwood, on the other hand, there are enemies on the front.I don't know when these enemies will come up. If they come up, it will be very dangerous if I don't stay there.

Therefore, after Wei Xuechang fired a few shots at that place, he quietly retreated.Wei Xuechang thought about it, it would be impossible to return like this.What if the enemy sneaks up and touches it.Wei Xuechang looked around, took out the last grenade, and placed it on the edge of the trench.He wanted to use this grenade to call the police, or to blow up the enemies he touched, in case the enemies sneaked down the trench without knowing it.

After finishing these, Wei Xuechang retreated to his original position.

As soon as the enemy on the mountain came up, he communicated with the enemy down the mountain on the phone. Therefore, after the enemy below knew that the Vietnamese army had come up, they began to send troops to continue climbing up the cliff.

As soon as Wei Xuechang returned to his original position, he saw four or five heads sticking out.

So many enemies came up at once, which was beyond Wei Xuechang's expectation.If these five enemies come up again, plus the two just now, there will be seven enemies in this area.With seven to one, Wei Xuechang is not sure of victory no matter how capable he is.

"What should we do?" Wei Xuechang was at a loss for a while, "Retreat to the top of the mountain." Wei Xuechang had this idea, but was quickly rejected by himself, "If you withdraw, it will be like opening a channel for the enemy, and the consequences will be very serious. Persevere and swear to the death We must also defend every inch of land here." Wei Xuechang encouraged himself.

Until now, Wei Xuechang still doesn't know that our army has given an order to retreat.

"Use explosives." Wei Xuechang thought of the old method again.

So, he pulled a piece of dynamite, pulled the tube, and threw it at the enemy.One piece is not enough, another piece.

Two pieces of explosives exploded one after another on the edge of the cliff.

The power of the bang caused quite a shock to the mountain.Originally, the cliffs here were left after the experience.The foundation is not solid, and now the earth is shaking again, how can it not be ruined.

Then there was a bang, and more than half of the earthy cliff fell down immediately.

When the cliff collapsed, the falling earth and rocks fell from the sky like a stormy sea.This time, the Vietnamese army waiting below was miserable.Those who were far away were able to retreat, and the legs that were running slowly were broken, leaving only the upper body.The most pitiful ones are the dozen or so Vietnamese soldiers who are looking up and waiting to climb up.

Half of the cliff has been collapsed, and the fallen earth and rocks can be much less.

In an instant, the dozen or so Vietnamese soldiers disappeared without a trace.

The Vietnamese army under the cliff began to save people.

They are so busy, how can they continue to attack upwards.

In this way, Wei Xuechang won time to eliminate the two Vietnamese troops.

Wei Xuechang was about to go there when the phone rang, and as soon as he answered it, he knew that Li Wei had asked him to retreat.

Wei Xuechang thought, "I can't leave! Once I leave, these two bastards will definitely follow us. If we want to leave, we must kill these two bastards first."

Thinking of this, Wei Xuechang quietly moved towards the direction where the two Vietnamese soldiers had just emerged.It wasn't until he passed that he found out that these two Vietnamese soldiers were monkey spirits. After seeing the danger, they didn't know where to hide.

Just don't take the chance.Come now, the good times are long gone.

When Wei Xuechang was touching forward, the sixth sense tube told him that there was danger here.He felt that in a certain direction beside him, there was a sinister air attacking him.

Wei Xuechang subconsciously looked to the left.If you don't look at it, after a look, you realize that a Vietnamese soldier is stabbing at you with a knife.

If Wei Xuechang hadn't glanced in that direction, it is estimated that the Vietnamese soldier's sneak attack would have been successful.But he looked, and saw the Vietnamese army slashing down.

Wei Xuechang yelled that it was not good, and rolled to the side on the spot, which was regarded as rolling away from the attack of the Vietnamese army.

The Vietnamese army who rushed over thought that they would be hit with one blow, so he concentrated all his strength on the knife.Seeing the target being stabbed, the knife suddenly went empty.The Vietnamese army couldn't control it, and the body went straight to the ground.

Wei Xuechang rolled on the ground. Although he avoided a blow from the Vietnamese army, he couldn't stand up immediately.Don't forget, there is not one Vietnamese army here, but two.

The Vietnamese army behind saw that their companions were in vain, so they raised their guns and shot at Wei Xuechang.

It is also possible that the Vietnamese soldier was flustered, and the bullets he fired failed to hit Wei Xuechang.

After the bullet hit the ground, Wei Xuechang became more aware of the immediate danger.In such a situation, how dare he stand up now.If he stood up now, he would definitely be seized by the Vietnamese army who missed a shot and shot him to death like a living target.

Following the momentum of rolling, Wei Xuechang rolled forward two more times quickly, and rolled into a bush.

Seeing that they missed the shot, the Vietnamese army raised their guns and fired in the rolling direction of Wei Xuechang.The bullets fired hit the ground with a "puff puff" sound, and the avalanche of soil dust was about to hit Wei Xuechang's face and body.

Wei Xuechang didn't dare to be negligent at all. After entering the grass, he rolled to the depth of more than one meter, and only then escaped the Vietnamese army's shooting.

When the Vietnamese army saw the target disappear, they became anxious immediately. Holding their guns, they fired again in the direction Wei Xuechang entered.

The bullets flew across, cutting off a piece of grass like mowing grass.

The Vietnamese army was so angry that when they saw the prey in their hands, they ran away from under their noses.Originally, he thought that he was not a mortal, but today, he met someone even more remarkable than himself.

After getting angry, how could the Vietnamese army give up, and in a panic, they approached the grass again.

At this time, the Vietnamese soldier who was wielding a knife had already stood up from the ground.Putting away the knife and holding the gun, together with another Vietnamese army, they also pushed towards the grass.

In a blink of an eye, Wei Xuechang was at a disadvantage.Moreover, the number of people was also at a disadvantage, two to one.

It doesn't matter if it's two to one, since he's the only one here, no matter how many enemies come, it's also a few to one.In this regard, he is not afraid.But the point is that when he rolled on the spot, he knocked the gun down.

The two Vietnamese soldiers chased forward patronizingly, but they didn't find any guns falling on the ground.It wasn't until a Vietnamese soldier's foot touched the gun on the ground that he realized that the opponent had no weapons.

The Vietnamese soldier who found the gun yelled and hinted to his companion, "The Chinese are out of guns, so let's catch them alive."

The two Vietnamese soldiers were much more courageous, and quickly rushed towards the grass where Wei Xuechang rolled into.

It's not that Wei Xuechang did things too sloppily, but that the situation happened too suddenly.Originally, he carried the gun and walked away well, but when he was hit suddenly, how could he not panic.Such a mess, followed by a rapid roll, so the gun was dropped in an instant.When he found that the gun was lost, he wanted to go back to pick it up now, but the Vietnamese soldier behind him refused to let him go, and poured bullets over him like raindrops.If Wei Xuechang did not move forward, but backward, his body would definitely be hit by bullets, and how many holes would be drilled.

Wei Xuechang made the next evasive action without thinking, and was busy rolling forward.

It doesn't matter if the gun is lost, the important thing is that the life is still there.As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood.

Wei Xuechang entered the bushes without daring to stop. He knew that at this moment, the Vietnamese army would never stop. Only by continuing to move forward and avoiding the strafing fire of the Vietnamese army could he gain hope of victory.

After Wei Xuechang rolled away, he thought he had escaped the staring eyes of the Vietnamese army, so he stood up.

Now it is impossible to go back and get a gun. The only way is to return to the position.There are still a few guns of comrades in arms, and if you use one at will, you can fight against the chasing Vietnamese army.

The two Vietnamese soldiers found that Wei Xuechang had dropped his gun, so they began to move forward boldly.We wading through the wormwood up to my waist, looking for Wei Xuechang's trace.

Although the grass is very high, it is not difficult to find people, not to mention it is still under the nose, as long as you look for the traces of the grass in front, you can find the people who ran out. .

Soon, two Vietnamese troops followed Wei Xuechang and came after him.

Wei Xuechang had just reached the edge of the trench and was about to jump in when he suddenly felt his hand touched a silk thread. Wei Xuechang quickly stopped, but he was still terrified.While shrinking his hand, he also remembered the grenade he set up here.If the hand is pushed forward, even if it moves a distance of two centimeters, the string of the grenade may bounce out.Once it rang, the consequences can be imagined.

Wei Xuechang carefully stepped over the string, covered the exposed part with grass, and then continued to run forward.

This time running, Wei Xuechang deliberately exposed his body so that the Vietnamese army behind him could see it.

Sure enough, when the two Vietnamese soldiers were not knowing where to go, they suddenly spotted Wei Xuechang in front of them.A Vietnamese soldier shouted: "There."

The enemy was shouting there, but Wei Xuechang couldn't understand.But it doesn't matter, from the yelling of the Vietnamese army, one can guess that the enemy has spotted him and is chasing him.

"You son of a bitch, just chase after me, I'm afraid you won't come over."

At this time, Wei Xuechang did not run forward, but stopped, and made a slashing movement towards the Vietnamese army.

This time, the two Vietnamese soldiers were really annoyed, "Boy, you don't have a gun, and you still want to be brave. Let me catch you and not skin you."

The Vietnamese army chasing them only knew that Wei Xuechang didn't have a gun in his hand, but never thought that this was a trick to lure the soldiers.

The two Vietnamese troops were chasing after him, and it occurred to Wei Xuechang that he might be going back to find a gun.In order to stop him, he speeded up.

The problem often lies in the panic.The same is true for the two Vietnamese troops.After being teased by Wei Xuechang, they were eager to win and ran forward desperately.

The two Vietnamese soldiers were about to jump into the trench, when suddenly there was an explosion on the edge of the ditch, blowing the Vietnamese soldiers running ahead to the ground.

Before the Vietnamese army could figure out what was going on, they were hit all over their faces by the oncoming gravel and heavy soil.

At this time, the Vietnamese army did not know what happened.In order to see the target clearly, he had no choice but to smear his face in a hurry.

After he saw it clearly, he found that the companion in front had no legs, his body was covered with shrapnel, and there was a large stream of blood oozing from his chest.

This time he was stupid.Obviously the Chinese Communist ran over here, if it was a landmine, why didn't he step on it.In order to prevent stepping on this landmine, the two Vietnamese soldiers rushed forward heel-to-heel, almost walking forward in Wei Xuechang's footsteps.

Just being so careful, he still followed the way of Chinese people.

The Vietnamese soldier only thought that it was a landmine that blew up his companion, but he didn't expect that it was the grenade that Wei Xuechang had arranged long ago.

Hearing the explosion of the grenade, Wei Xuechang lowered his head and fell into the trench.Before the dust cleared, he jumped out of the ditch again.

Wei Xuechang arrived in front of the Vietnamese army with three verticals and two verticals.Before the Vietnamese army saw it clearly, Wei Xuechang stretched out his two hands.

The Vietnamese army saw something sticking out from their squinted eyes, but they didn't know what it was. Anyway, they realized that it was not a good deed.So he shook his head hurriedly, trying to hide.

But Wei Xuechang quit, cursing, "Turtle son, I told you to chase after me."

Yuejun is small, while Wei Xuechang is big.What's more, he came prepared and just happened to catch this Vietnamese soldier by surprise.Just shaking his head this time can't escape Wei Xuechang's two big hands.

Wei Xuechang clasped his hands together, and "slapped" the head of the Vietnamese army to death.

The Vietnamese soldier's head was detained, and for a while he couldn't figure out what Wei Xuechang was planning to use.Just as he was about to turn around and fight back, Wei Xuechang pushed his right leg forward against the Vietnamese army's stomach.

The Yue army cried out in pain, and put his hands back on his stomach.

Taking advantage of this time, Wei Xuechang shouted with both hands, "Fuck you!" He insisted on lifting the head of the Vietnamese army, and lifted the whole person up.Not to mention it, he turned his body, let his back come over, bent his waist, and gave a big back to the Vietnamese army.Big back is big back!People can let go after throwing it away.But Wei Xuechang didn't let go, clamoring with both hands.There was only a click, and the neck of the Vietnamese army was broken.

As soon as the Vietnamese army's neck was broken, the person lost his breath.

Wei Xuechang was about to leave after finishing off the two Vietnamese troops.Suddenly, I heard the sound of someone flapping the grass in the grass in front of me.

Wei Xuechang was startled, "Why is it not over yet, Guizizi?"

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