soldier rushing forward

327、Escape from the Cave

After the iron fence that was broken away by the air wave jumped into the air, it encountered the roof blocking it and smashed to the ground with a bang, just landing on the head of the Vietnamese soldier who was running slowly. It bloomed and splashed in the hole like the pulp of a watermelon.Before the other Vietnamese soldiers in the cave could figure out what was going on, they felt scorching fireballs hit their faces.The Vietnamese soldiers panicked and rushed to the entrance of the cave one after another.

Once the air wave was over, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to neglect at all, shouted "Go", and jumped out of the secret passage first.

The living Vietnamese soldiers only cared about running to the entrance of the cave, who cared about what happened behind them.Because everyone knows that there are a lot of ammunition in the hole, and if this fireball comes up, it is estimated that the consequences will not be too good. Therefore, only by running out of the hole can there be hope of survival.

Once the four of Wu Jianglong came up, it didn't matter so much.If you want to live, then run fast, if you are slow, just wait to be shot!As the saying goes, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.Wu Jianglong and the others see that there are so many Vietnamese troops here, can they be in a hurry?So everyone who came up was trying their best to sweep.In addition, these Vietnamese troops have just come in.After searching in the cave, because I didn't see any Chinese people here, I wanted to be lazy for a while, but I didn't think about it, and now I encountered this kind of thing again.A dozen or so Vietnamese troops were unprepared, so Wu Jianglong made it easy for him.

The four submachine guns swept across, and the dozen or so Vietnamese soldiers in the cave were basically wiped out.Fortunately, no one has been able to go out and report, so the people above don't know the situation in the cave.

If you don't do it, you won't stop.Taking advantage of this gap, Wu Jianglong quickly ordered the soldiers to install explosives, ready to ignite and explode the No. [-] hole.

We've said it a few times before.Wu Jianglong knew the situation of these two holes very well, and had already placed a lot of explosives here before they were about to evacuate.With the preparations made in advance, it shouldn't take much trouble to blast the holes now.

Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong immediately ran to the explosion point he had designed in advance.When he went over to take a look, he was all stupid.The explosives prepared by the people were removed by the Vietnamese army long ago, and the fuse has also been cut off.If you still want to fry, you have to start all over again.

Now, the four of them came from the No. 2 hole naked.Where are there any explosives and fuses, unless you get some from somewhere after Sun Monkey's 72 changes.But it's impossible, don't even think about it.Just a moment of hesitation, Wu Jianglong had a new idea.

"Listen well, you guys hurry up and find the bomb." Wu Jianglong thought, since this is the ammunition depot.You won't be at a loss because there is nothing to fry.So, he asked several people to find these things.

After the four people were in a hurry, they piled grenades, grenades, bullets, and shells together.After a jingle, they built a big pile.With these things, there is no need to worry about turning this thing into the sky.But here comes the question again, what to use to ignite these things!You can't put a grenade underneath, and it will be over if you pull the fire.In that case, the hole can be blown up, but what should they do? Could it be that they returned together with the enemy's ammunition depot?No, it's not yet that time.The first thing to do is to find something that can delay time.Not only to blow up the enemy's hole, but also to retreat completely.What to use!Wu Jianglong thought about it.

Thinking about it, the time can't be too long, because a large number of Vietnamese troops have gathered outside the cave.How could they let you finish all these things slowly.

Sure enough, a Vietnamese soldier poked his head in and asked about the gunshots just now.

None of Wu Jianglong and the others can speak complete Vietnamese.It's okay if you speak some battlefield language, such as hand in your gun and don't kill, but if you have a dialogue, you will be exposed within a few sentences.There was no way, Wu Jianglong held the corpse of a Vietnamese soldier, flashed out from the cave wall, and waved at the people who came.

The cave is dark, contrasting with the light outside.That can be said to shine a flashlight on people.

The Vietnamese army outside saw someone waving, so they guessed that there was nothing wrong inside.After fighting for so long, no one wants to take a break.Since it's okay, no one wants to make trouble.If it wasn't for the conductor, let him come over and take a look.He didn't bother to come and ask.

The Viet Cong left.Wu Jianglong also broke out in a cold sweat.Can he not sweat!If it is discovered by the Vietnamese army.With a yell, Wu Jianglong and the others were really stuck here.Even if this hole is blown up, it will all die together.

Wu Jianglong didn't want to do that.In his belief, everyone will die, and that is too simple.That is to destroy the enemy, but also preserve oneself, that is the real hero.With this thought in mind, Wu Jianglong broke through the dangers of life and death.But then again, not everyone can do this, it depends on how smart you are.Reckless, fierce fighting and dashing can win the title of bravery in combat.But you never see the victory flag flying.Therefore, Wu Jianglong will never lose his life lightly in every battle, even if there is zero hope, he will try.

This time, Wu Jianglong made another zero breakthrough.

The Vietnamese army was deceived by him, but the next problem still exists.How to blow up the hole and run out safely with four people is the most important question at present.

There was a flash of inspiration in Wu Jianglong's brain, and he came up with another idea.

"Yes," Wu Jianglong blurted out, "Wei Xuechang, find some bombs."

Cartridges and warheads are packaged separately.If you find the cartridge, you don't have to worry about gunpowder.Soon, Wei Xuechang and others found some shells.

Wu Jianglong commanded several people to scatter the gunpowder in the cartridge all the way, connect one end to the stacked ammunition boxes, and then scatter all the way to the entrance of the cave.After doing all this, they began to prepare for the breakout.

They don't know anything about the situation outside.If you want to rush out, judging from the current situation, it can only be a random rush, just waiting to go up and play by ear.

With this idea in mind, Wu Jianglong made a self-assessment first, so he thought about the serious situation when he rushed outside, but he didn't think that the Vietnamese army above was even more chaotic than he thought.

The explosion in the No. [-] hole just now not only killed dozens of Vietnamese soldiers, but also destroyed their most important ammunition depot.Now, the explosion subsides for a while.Those Vietnamese troops were busy putting out the fire and saving lives, and few of them even cared about this place.They know that part of the Vietnamese army has already entered the cave here, so they are very relieved here.Since the enemy's attention was not here, Wu Jianglong's escape would certainly not be a big problem.

Four people squeezed to the entrance of the cave.Wu Jianglong peeked out.

On the high ground, there were sporadic fires that did not burn out everywhere, and the Vietnamese army was in a mess. Most of them put their guns aside and were busy fighting the remaining fire with branches.

The bombed No. [-] hole has a big hole in the center. If you want to use it again, it will be impossible without a roof that is several meters thick.

After Wu Jianglong peeked at it, he felt that the time had come.Back, after muttering to several people for a while, let these soldiers go up one by one.

It is easy to go up, but it is very difficult if the Vietnamese army does not see it.It's broad daylight, and it's under your nose again.What's more, the military uniforms of China and Vietnam are very different.

How to do?

"Pick up a few hats and use him as a cover." When Wu Jianglong said this, the soldiers immediately understood.He picked up a few Vietnam Army helmets that hadn't been blown up from the hole, held them up with his hands, and quietly walked out of the hole.As soon as he got out of the hole, he used his helmet as a cover again, and retreated from the forest little by little.

Wu Jianglong was the last one out of the hole.Before leaving the cave, he threw a ignited lighter to the gunpowder in the cave.

When this pile of gunpowder meets fire, it ignites a fireball.Afterwards, the fireball, with the light of the fire, moved towards the ammunition box along the line of medicine sprinkled in advance.

After the gunpowder was ignited, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to delay at all, he rolled over and chased in the direction where the soldiers were fleeing.

Wu Jianglong jumped up from the ground and shouted, "Run." Because he counted, the flames from the gunpowder had already rushed to the ammunition box.If you continue to dawdle like this, even if you have not been discovered by the Vietnamese army, you will not escape the catastrophe after the explosion.So, he told the fighters to run.

The four jumped up from the ground and ran towards the jungle like flying.

A Vietnamese army spotted them and shouted, "There are Bei invaders."

The Vietnamese soldiers panicked, thinking that the Chinese army was calling again.When they figured out that the four Chinese soldiers were fleeing towards the jungle, they mustered up their courage and shot at Wu Jianglong and the others.

The bullets chased the four shotguns, making countless popping sounds on the ground behind them.Xiao Zhang was shot and fell to the ground.Wu Jianglong rushed over, picked it up, and dragged it towards the jungle.Because he knows that if he misses it by even a second, it will be a catastrophe.

Wu Jianglong knew it, but the Vietnamese army didn't know it.When they were still proud of themselves for knocking down the Chinese people, there was another earth-shattering tremor under their feet.


Another ground slump.Those Vietnamese soldiers who were complacent in the middle of the highland and wanted to use hunting entertainment to wipe out the Japanese in front of them disappeared in an instant.It didn't matter that they disappeared, and then there were explosions, and then countless flames with thick smoke drilled out from the cracks in the sunken ground.

The Vietnamese army on the high ground was once again in chaos. They didn't have any intentions to chase Wu Jianglong and others who had escaped, they only cared about running for their lives.

The explosion in the No. 167 cave was another earth-shattering one.The successive explosions were enough to generate an earthquake of no less than six or seven magnitudes in the area centered on the [-] highland.The Vietnamese soldiers who had just been excited about taking back the highlands felt for the first time what an earthquake was like.

Under the shaking of the mountains and the shaking of the ground, the Vietnamese soldiers panicked and fled everywhere.

Taking advantage of this time, the four of Wu Jianglong quickly sneaked into a tall grass near the jungle.

The enemies on the high ground are somewhat chaotic, but not all places are like this.Not all Vietnamese troops were in such panic.

A group of Vietnamese troops who were also in the forest were shocked by the explosion on the high ground at the beginning.When they saw someone running from the high ground, they thought it was one of their own who was avoiding danger.After a closer look, that's not the case. The one who ran over was a middle-aged man wearing a red five-star.This time, the Vietnamese army understood.Why did explosions occur continuously on the highlands? It turned out to be the work of the Chinese Communists.

The Vietnamese army waiting here unambiguously opened fire on Wu Jianglong and the others.

Maybe the Vietnamese army started too early, maybe it was blocked by trees.As a result, the bullets fired did not hit Wu Jianglong and the others.Although he missed, the bullets passing by made everyone startled.Needless to say, there are enemies here.After Wu Jianglong understood the situation, he quickly told the soldiers to turn around.

It was impossible to turn back.In addition to the continuous explosions, there were also Vietnamese troops running out.When this time passed, it was clearly self-inflicted.However, if you don't run towards that, where can you run.If you wear it diagonally, it is equivalent to giving your entire body to the enemy.The Vietnamese army may also take into account the frontal impact.If he gave his whole body to the Vietnamese army in the jungle, they would shoot at him recklessly.In this way, it is estimated that none of the four of them can escape.

Wu Jianglong saw that this was not going to work, so he said decisively to Wei Xuechang, "Wei Xuechang, take Xiao Li to copy from the east. Xiao Zhang and I will go from the front.

Xiao Zhang was carried by Wu Jianglong while running.Just now while he was running, he felt a great force behind him pushing towards him.Xiao Zhang stumbled and fell to the ground.As soon as he fell to the ground, he thought, "It's over. He may have been hit by a large amount of shrapnel behind him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have fallen so hard. Therefore, he fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time. After Wu Jianglong ran over, he picked him up and put him on the ground. After half pulling and half pulling, he came back to life. After dragging him a few steps away, he quickly felt that he could walk again. It turned out that he was not injured by any shrapnel, but was pushed violently by a wave of air Then I fell down. At that time, everyone was running forward desperately. The situation behind me was the same. Not to mention falling down, even being hit by shrapnel, no one would believe it if I was shot down by a bullet.

After Xiao Zhang felt that his limbs were still there and his physical strength was free, he said to Wu Jianglong, "My boss, let go, I can run." Just like that, as soon as Wu Jianglong let go, Xiao Zhang also ran over.Xiao Zhang did not sacrifice, so he had the opportunity to fight with Wu Jianglong.

As soon as Wu Jianglong finished giving his orders, Wei Xuechang rolled over with Xiao Li from the ground, fired the enemy's bullets, and moved towards the other side.

Could it be that the Vietnamese army's marksmanship is so weak, they clearly saw someone coming, and they were prepared in advance, so why can't they sweep them down.

actually not.In the area where Wu Jianglong and the others rushed over, there was still a large area of ​​grass on the road.We all know the subtropical climate, the grass here is by no means the sparse short grass that is about a foot high as we usually remember, nor is it the grassland grass where cattle and sheep can be seen in the wind blowing grass.The grass here is not only dense, but also miscellaneous. It is no exaggeration to say that one person is taller.Therefore, when the Vietnamese army discovered Wu Jianglong and the others, they only saw them from the head.If a shot is missed, the people found will squat down, and it will be very difficult to find these people.

Therefore, the next attack by the Vietnamese army was just random shooting.These Vietnamese troops were originally chasing Li Sen and the others who were retreating, but they were Wu Jianglong and others who happened to be there.Under several circumstances, of course, this Vietnamese army will not do enough.So the bullets fired are not accurate.

Wu Jianglong and Xiao Zhangmao stayed where they were, waiting for Wei Xuechang and Xiao Li to pass by, and he and Xiao Zhang started here.

After the oncoming Vietnamese army fought for a while, they saw that Wu Jianglong and the others did not fight back.I thought it was a burst of bullets just now that killed Wu Jianglong and the others.So, after a commander of the Vietnamese army yelled for a while, several Vietnamese soldiers bent over to check the situation.

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to stand up. If he stood up and was seen by the enemy, it would be like setting a live target for others.Wu Jianglong will not be so stupid, he can estimate how far the enemy is without standing still.It doesn't matter how thick or tall your grass is.As long as there is a sound, he can judge it.Wu Jianglong pressed his ears to the ground, listening to the grass moving quietly.

Soon, the sound of treading grass coming from the direction of the jungle got closer and closer.

Wu Jianglong thought it was almost time, so he said to Xiao Zhang, "Throw a grenade."

The two unscrewed the cover, and threw the grenade out regardless of whether the enemy could be blown up or not.

The grenades flying down in the air really scared the Vietnamese army who came over, and they didn't wait to understand what was going on.The grenade exploded on the ground.

The sound of continuous explosions made the Vietnamese army feel that the Chinese soldiers in front of them were not easy to mess with.

Therefore, the Vietnamese army in the jungle did not dare to move forward, stopped and continued to shoot in the direction of Wu Jianglong and Xiao Zhang.

This group of enemies only cared about Wu Jianglong and Xiao Zhang, but ignored Wei Xuechang and Xiao Li who came from another direction.

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