soldier rushing forward

329. Jungle Encounter

Our army's blind bombardment of the forward positions of the Vietnamese army completely disrupted the offensive layout of the Vietnamese army.

From this moment on, all positions of the Vietnamese army have enjoyed the same treatment as the 167 Heights.Its lively scene can be described as earth-shaking.

At this time, all the Vietnamese troops on the high grounds were running away looking for ways to survive. They drilled when they saw an empty space, and went down when there was a hole.Those who ran fast were considered to have saved their lives, while those who ran slowly danced with the shrapnel and merged with the firelight.

This bombardment completely dispelled the illusion of the Vietnamese army striking while the iron was hot and regaining several positions other than Height 167.According to their original idea, after driving our army down the mountain, they will push us from behind. Following this momentum, it is likely that the squadron will be driven back dozens of miles.In this way, a large area of ​​China's hills will fall into their hands.

Unexpectedly, I just took a breath on the 167 high ground, first my buttocks exploded, and then my head was exploded again.After such a toss, the Vietnamese army no longer has the strength to attack.

Looking down from the sky, the forest-wrapped mountains looked like sparks erupting from a volcano had ignited many fires.One explosion followed another.

If you cover your voice, you can feel the starlight like Lin Hai.Depending on the mood, the opposite observation effect can also be produced.

Don't look at the rumble of guns nearby, and the screams of people are heartbreaking.But from a distance, people's shadows are still a little small in Ruo Da's area.Even if the dead body flies away and is covered by the forest, after the grass absorbs it, within a few days, it will become one with the land.

The fragility of life is like this, compared with the destructive power of nature, it is so insignificant.

Looking back on decades of history, how many people know about the war yesterday.How many people still remember the heroes who died here.If someone is surprised!Oh, it was the self-defense counterattack in 40, which was already good.Such a person may be over [-] years old.Ask the young people born in the [-]s, [-]s, or [-]s, how many of them can understand this war.Can you know his great significance!

I once chatted with a young man.He even compared this war with the US invasion of Vietnam.

Superficial understanding, superficial thinking, and modern thinking, how can they be equated with the tragic scene at the beginning.Looking at that period of history with such a mood, it is hard to say whether they can pay the tears of gratitude to the heroes of their ancestors.

Regardless of yesterday, today, or tomorrow in history, there are always similarities.In the Ming Dynasty, and even going back to the Han Dynasty, we had inexplicable entanglements with Vietnam.In the last century, two good brothers met each other in battle.Look at today, the crisis of the South China Sea war is imminent.Did these happen for no reason?of course not.There are both brotherhood and conflict of interests.We will not mention him in the past, but today's South China Sea sovereignty, I believe that no Chinese will let it develop freely.Otherwise, China's South China Sea will only be a circle on the map in the future.Therefore, after finishing this chapter, I really want to use two chapters to review the ancient history, and then analyze the South China Sea today. South China Sea War.Let Lao Mei, who dominates the world, appreciate the bravery and tenacity of the Chinese people.Look at how powerful China's navy and air force are.If possible, let the Chinese-style aircraft carrier go to sea to fight.

If friends agree.After reading this chapter, leave a message early, and I will start preparing.

It's a bit far away, let's go back and talk about Wu Jianglong and the others.

As the artillery battle escalated, the Vietnamese army's positions could only be passively bombed, and they had no power to fight back.In an instant, apart from our army's fierce artillery fire in this area, the Vietnamese army didn't even respond at all.

"If you don't accept it, you are talking! If you don't accept it, we will continue to bomb." The artillery soldiers even had this idea.

Wu Jianglong and the others ran forward, and the artillery fire also ignited a large flame behind them.If they retreated slowly, they would probably be hurt as well.

Now, they don't care about anything, they can just run forward vigorously.

As the distance got farther, the sporadic flames finally went away from them.

Wu Jianglong sat on a big rock, "Comrades, let's take a break!"

The panting of four people is definitely better than that of a cow.The wheezing and wheezing sounded non-stop.

Wei Xuechang lay down in a small river ditch, stretched out his head to drink water, but was stopped by Wu Jianglong, "Don't drink."

Wei Xuechang was taken aback, and looked at Wu Jianglong in amazement.

"Common sense is forgotten, if you drink cold water, you will not survive." Wu Jianglong jumped off the rock.

"Oh, I'm dying of thirst." Wei Xuechang reluctantly pulled off his helmet.

"Look at me, walk around the ground a few times." Wu Jianglong slipped on the ground in small steps.He was teaching them common sense.

After a large amount of exercise, a person can neither sit down and rest immediately, nor drink cold water without hesitation because of thirst.Find a way to create a buffer and let the muscles of the whole body relax slowly from the tense state.Only in this way, the bath gas in the body will not be trapped in it due to sudden changes.Through release, neutralization is achieved, and the normal state is restored peacefully.Otherwise, overly tense muscles will become fragile due to sudden changes.If the tense state is allowed to continue, the heat in the body will curl up and cannot be released.In particular, if a person drinks cold water at this time, the high temperature will drop suddenly, and the frying pan phenomenon may occur in the stomach.Although you can't hear a loud bang, the discomfort in your stomach will definitely not make you feel better.

In fact, people with a little common sense understand this truth, but they often cannot survive the hunger and thirst.Few people can resist this temptation to drink water.The key is to see how your will and endurance.Looking at the clear river water, Wei Xuechang couldn't help it.

After Wei Xuechang stopped, Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang did not dare to pour river water into their mouths.

"That's it." Wu Jianglong squatted down, put his hands into the water, and rubbed them back and forth.

"It's so refreshing." Xiao Li said excitedly after taking a few washes in the not-so-cool river water.

"Whispering" Wu Jianglong pricked up his ears, as if he heard some kind of sound.

According to long theory, this is the border area between our army and the Vietnamese army.The battle was so brutal again.Even if the Vietnamese army gave him some courage, he would not dare to come here.However, wars are changing in an instant, and things that dare not be imagined will happen in the unknown.

"Get out of the way." Wu Jianglong waved his hand.The four quickly picked up their weapons and ran towards the hidden place next to them.

As soon as the four of them hid behind a big rock, they saw five or six Vietnamese troops coming out of the woods.

The Vietnamese soldiers seemed to have just experienced a catastrophe. The clothes on their bodies were in tatters, and the pieces were swaying in the wind.Half of the hat on a person's head has fallen off, and his face is also a mixture of black and white.The tatters are enough to show the scars inside the clothes.

As soon as these Vietnamese soldiers came out of the woods, they swarmed towards the river.

"You son of a bitch, I haven't drunk enough to let you take the lead." Wei Xuechang muttered softly, turning his gaze to Wu Jianglong, which meant to ask what to do.

Wu Jianglong raised his hand and wiped it on his neck.Wei Xuechang understood at a glance that this was the destruction of several Vietnamese troops.

Wei Xuechang aimed his gun at the Vietnamese army, and just when he was about to pull the trigger, he realized that there was no bullet in the chamber.

Count the number of enemies, it is now four to six.If you attack suddenly and the method is not good, you will definitely get mixed up with the enemy.With his current physical strength, Wu Jianglong reckoned that his chances of winning were not great.Fighting with the Vietnamese army for so long, and rushing all the way here again.It can be said that each of them is seriously overdrawn.What's more, it is still unclear what the origin of these six Vietnamese soldiers is.If they are Vietnamese agents, they will be in big trouble.Maybe they failed to destroy others, but destroyed themselves instead.

Now they not only have the upper hand in numbers, but they also have guns in their hands. This is the biggest problem.

Wu Jianglong thought about it, and put down his raised hand.Originally, he wanted to make a strike gesture.Then, the four of them rushed over together.One against one.One person can win against one, but what about the remaining two.Once a fight broke out, the two would never stand idly by.No matter which group they joined, it would be a disaster for them.

Therefore, after Wu Jianglong retracted his hand, he stopped the three of them with his gaze.

At this time, Wei Xuechang, Xiao Zhang, and Xiao Li had already taken off the bayonet and held it in their hands.Just waiting for Wu Jianglong's order.After seeing Wu Jianglong's gesture to stop attacking, the three of them didn't understand, and turned their eyes to Wu Jianglong again.

Wu Jianglong shook his head lightly, sending a stop signal to the three of them.

The six Vietnamese soldiers were drinking water and laughing at the riverside, as if they had never had any war before them, and they had no painful experiences.

After the Vietnamese soldiers had had enough tossing around, a man who looked like a military officer shouted loudly.As soon as he finished shouting, the Vietnamese soldiers began to check their equipment.

Only then did Wu Jianglong realize that each of them had a bag slung across their coats.I can't see what's in the bag, but the bulging shape is definitely not a steamed bun.

After the inspection by the six Vietnamese troops, the shouting Vietnamese soldier said with emphasis, "Let's go." Wu Jianglong could still hear this sentence.But he secretly wondered where these Vietnamese troops wanted to go.

The Vietnamese army started to drive away.Wu Jianglong was even more stunned, because the direction they were going was not crossing the border, but the Chinese border.

When Wei Xuechang saw that the Vietnamese army was about to leave, he was a little anxious and hurriedly winked at Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong shook his head, because he could see from the actions of the Vietnamese army that they must have some big intentions.Therefore, if you don't understand it, you can't act recklessly.

As soon as the Vietnamese army left, they hurried out from behind the stone.

"Follow up." Wu Jianglong jumped forward after saying a few words, following the direction where the Vietnamese army disappeared.

Since the discovery of the Vietnamese army, the hunger and thirst of the few of them suddenly disappeared, and all their attention was focused on the direction in which the Vietnamese army disappeared.

Wu Jianglong and the others followed all the way, followed the Vietnamese army to leave the river, and soon entered the woods.

Wu Jianglong and the four of them didn't attack these Vietnamese soldiers, so they were right.These six Vietnamese soldiers are not ordinary people.Originally, they were interspersed with combat troops with special missions, with the purpose of mixing with the Chinese army and infiltrating into our border during the most tense stage of the battle.Unexpectedly, when they entered the vicinity of the high ground with the Vietnamese army, they were severely hit by our army's artillery fire.The senior officials of the Vietnamese army were in a hurry, so they changed the order and ordered them to change the direction of the battle and go straight to our artillery positions.

In the situation we saw just now, the bulging stuff in the schoolbag was nothing but high explosives.

They came with vengeance in mind.Isn't it that our cannons can't beat you!Then we'll send a human bomb over here.This approach is very similar to Ling Tian's terrorists.If it’s not clear, let’s make it dark.Steel can't compare, let's have meat bombs.Let's see who is tougher than who.

Not only do these Vietnamese soldiers take death as home, but all of them have excellent fighting skills.

When Wu Jianglong and the others fought against the Vietnamese army, these people never appeared.Because of their different tasks, they have been waiting for work at leisure.

It was such a situation, facing Wu Jianglong and these tired people.Once you get started, of course it's no problem.

So, why did these Vietnamese soldiers dare to be blatant here!Because in this territory, it is still their territory.Usually, in the activities of infiltrating China's borders, they have crossed countless times. It can even be said that they know exactly where every plant and tree grows here.

Wu Jianglong is different.The map in his hand was smashed and thrown away.Now it's just groping in the direction of home with a compass.Therefore, geographically, the Vietnamese army has the upper hand.

Since the Vietnamese army knew so well about this place, why didn't they find Wu Jianglong and the others.

This just corresponds to an idiom --- turn a blind eye.The Vietnamese soldiers were naturally not familiar with this place, so after seeing that it was quiet here, they didn't bother to investigate. After a careless pause, they headed towards China.

The commander knew very well the consequences of their going, and it was [-]% certain that they would never return.So when other Vietnamese troops were playing with water here, he didn't stop them.Thinking in my heart, I will say goodbye to my family soon, so it is not too much to indulge.Once they set foot on Chinese soil, they will never be so relaxed again.

Sure enough, as soon as the six Vietnamese soldiers entered the jungle, they all became serious, and the expressions on their faces couldn't be more solemn.Maybe this is the result of the long-term training of the Vietnamese army in the jungle. The sunken face is darker than the shadows in the forest.

After Wu Jianglong saw the brisk movements of these Vietnamese soldiers, he was really shocked. If they had attacked recklessly just now, the fate of the four of them would be very difficult to grasp now.Even if he could fight off one or two Vietnamese troops, but in the final impact, he might be the one who failed.Because in the fight, there will definitely be two Vietnamese soldiers shooting them with guns.

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't need to speak at all.Wu Jianglong didn't dare to speak either, as long as there was any slight movement, it might be spotted by a few Vietnamese troops in the distance.

Due to lack of physical strength, the four of Wu Jianglong and the others were pulled further and further away by the Vietnamese army.

Wu Jianglong is so anxious!He was really afraid that these Vietnamese soldiers would disappear before his eyes.Once they lose their target, they really don't know what bad things they will do next.Now this regret, regret for not leaving a station in the retreat, regret for not leaving a bullet at the last moment.When we got here, it was already the border of China. As long as we fired a gun, I believe Chinese soldiers would come.

However, none of this could be done, and the Vietnamese army gradually blurred in front of his eyes.

"Quick, quick." Wu Jianglong almost tried his best, but the distance between him and the Vietnamese army was still widening.

When these Vietnamese soldiers walked out of the woods, they were no longer shabby Vietnamese soldiers, but Chinese People's Liberation Army in clean clothes.

Now, even if Wu Jianglong came to recognize them in front of his eyes, it would be difficult for him to see whether these six people were the Vietnamese soldiers he had seen by the river.

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