soldier rushing forward

333 , the method of hitting the dog with a stick

In his haste, Qiu Hongbo ignored a problem.If you want to throw a flower to death, it is impossible to use mosquitoes at night to bite.Since Ah Huaji heard someone coming from the bushes, and Ahuaji might be rescued, why did he wait for the mosquito to get on his body.In desperation, running away is the best policy, so he really can't care about these things.Without even thinking about it, Qiu Hongbo led the people into the grass.

The sky was approaching dusk, and with the cover of dense trees, the light became even dimmer.Therefore, as soon as Qiu Hongbo and the others got into the grass, they disappeared without a trace.

Ah Hua looked at the five agents going away, and screamed anxiously.Because his mouth was gagged, his yelling was in vain, and no one could hear him.

At this moment, someone appeared in the grass on the other side.

Ah Hua looked familiar to the visitor, and recognized Tawang at a glance.

The mouth is "Daddy" to keep calling.But her mouth was gagged, and no matter how hard she tried, the volume could not be heard. What people could see was staring at them in vain.

As the grass kept shaking, people appeared one after another.

Ah Hua was indescribably happy to see more than a dozen People's Liberation Army soldiers behind Tawang.However, she could see him, but he didn't notice her.Ah Hua was in a hurry, so she pushed her tongue out to push the grass.

The grass in the mouth is stuffed in hard, and its fullness can be imagined, so you can't easily push it out.However, Ah Hua still has a way, she is worthy of being a child who grew up in the mountains.A'hua raised her foot and kicked the tree pole behind her hard.

A'hua's kicks were really strong, the tree pole she kicked was shaking.

The sound of rustling leaves finally attracted the attention of Dawang and others.

Dawang turned his head and finally saw Ah Hua.

"Ah Hua" Dawang screamed and ran over quickly.

Seeing the injured Ah Hua, Dawang felt distressed.With the help of two soldiers, Dawang rescued Ahua and hugged him in his arms.

As soon as Ah Hua took out the grass from her mouth, she impatiently pointed to the bushes where the Vietnamese army had fled, "Hurry up, the spies have entered there."

"Master, you are here to watch the girl," Wu Jianglong said, turning to the soldiers again, "Comrades, chase after."

Wu Jianglong led a dozen soldiers into the grass.

The thick grass is dense and dense, not only long and strong, but also very hard, and it is difficult to tear apart without using force.

"Machete!" Wu Jianglong yelled at a soldier.

The soldier ran to the front, swung his machete and cut the thick grass.Soon, a passageway that only accommodated one person was opened, and everyone moved forward little by little.

Wu Jianglong's journey here is difficult, but Qiu Hongbo's journey is not easy at all.They didn't bring machetes, so they could only poke the grass with their hands, so they walked very slowly.When Wu Jianglong and the others entered the grass, the distance between the two teams was only about 50 meters.If Wu Jianglong moved another four or five meters to the right, he would probably be able to find the grass stalk that Qiu Hongbo and the others stepped on.But in the dim sky, even if it is only a meter away, it is difficult to find.In this way, new channels are being opened up between the two teams.

The sky gradually darkened, there was no moon, no lights, and there was an abyss of terror everywhere.The startled birds fluttered around.Crowds of mosquitoes start attacking everyone here.Everyone waved away the mosquitoes while moving forward.

"Captain, where are we going!" A Vietnamese army agent couldn't help asking.

"Go in the direction of the gunfire." Qiu Hongbo said in the dark.

The sound of the rumbling guns has become sparse, and the sporadic fires are still shining in the night sky.The occasional flares illuminated the area for several miles.The dazzling light dyed a piece of silvery white on the mountains and treetops.As soon as Yinbai disappeared, there was a crash, and the whole world fell into darkness again.

"There, just go there." Qiu Hongbo pointed at the bright light.

At this time, Qiu Hongbo didn't know where he was, but it didn't matter where he was, as long as he saw the artillery positions.

People's faces could not be seen clearly in the darkness, only dozens of black shadows walked through the woods at intervals.The few figures in front had just passed by, and a dozen figures in the back appeared again.The two teams, one in front and one behind, kept emerging among the mountains that were jungles and grasses for a while.

"Captain, it's too difficult to go. Do you want to turn on the flashlight?" A soldier asked Wu Jianglong.

"No," Wu Jianglong said, "The notification will continue, and it is strictly forbidden to emit light."

According to the situation introduced by A Hua, Wu Jianglong guessed that Qiu Hongbo and his group were ahead, maybe a few meters or tens of meters ahead.If there is no target, the enemy will not know where the pursuers are.With light, it is tantamount to warning the enemy.Therefore, at this time, they must be absolutely careful not to be exposed a little.

Even so, the rustling of the grass still reached Qiu Hongbo's ears.

"Captain, the chaser is approaching again." A Vietnamese army agent said.

"Leave him alone and keep going." Qiu Hongbo fiddled with the grass vigorously.

Qiu Hongbo looked at the moonless and starless sky, and felt very calm in his heart.In the darkness that couldn't be seen for a few meters, even if they were in front of them, they couldn't help them.Not only that, but also to make you look good.

"Don't be afraid, even if they get to us, they won't be able to do anything to us." Qiu Hongbo encouraged the people around him as he walked forward.

After leaving the grass, a slightly larger open field was revealed.

In the darkness, a small river glowed like a silver ribbon.Based on his experience in many wars, Qiu Hongbo judged that this generation must be an open land.So I was overjoyed and said to boost morale.

"Comrades, hurry up. After passing this small river, we will ambush the Beikou."

Five figures quickly jumped out of the grass and ran towards the small river.

In an instant, the sound of splashing water came not far away.Just as the sound of wading disappeared, Wu Jianglong and his men also appeared at the edge of the grass.A soldier was about to go out rashly, but was stopped by Wu Jianglong.

"Hold on."

After finishing speaking, Wu Jianglong picked up a stone and threw it towards the crystal clear river.

After a sound of rolling stones, someone on the opposite side shot at the point where the stones fell.

Bullets hit the surface of the river, and there was an endless popping sound.

"See, the enemy is just across the way."

Wu Jianglong asked, "Are there flares?"

"Yes" replied a soldier behind him.

"Go, hit one, and see where the enemy is hiding?"

From the light from the enemy's gun barrel just now, Wu Jianglong had already discovered where the enemy was, but in order to be more on the safe side, he didn't let the soldiers fight back blindly.

Night battles are different from daytime.Don't watch you catapult yourself towards the enemy.Enemies will also follow the bright spots to find you.In this way, it is likely to be a lose-lose situation.

The soldier ran deep into the grass and fired a flare into the sky.

With a line of fire rising into the sky, the flare exploded in midair, creating a dazzling flower, and then released a huge light.

Taking advantage of the bright light, Wu Jianglong stared at the direction of the gunshot just now.

Only then did he realize that his opponent was hidden behind Gao Kan.Even if they rushed over now, it would be difficult for them to rush forward for a while.It's hard to go up that high ridge alone.If delayed there, the enemy will likely blast them a few times with a grenade.In this way, not only would he not be able to destroy the enemy, but he would also suffer losses, so he did not dare to act rashly.It's all right now, with the flash of the flare, the situation on the other side is roughly the same.

Wu Jianglong arranged for two soldiers to shoot in the direction of the enemy's gunfire, and then moved forward with the rest of them.

The two fighters fired a burst at the enemy and quickly rolled away.

Qiu Hongbo is indeed a veteran of night battles.He first used one person's firepower to attract the opponent, and then multiple people countered.When he saw someone shooting from the opposite side, he asked the others to fire together.

I am ashamed that the two soldiers followed Wu Jianglong's instructions and avoided the bullets fired by the enemy.

"Puff..." The sound of the bullet hitting the ground pierced the ears.

"Damn it, these bastards are much more difficult to deal with than those." A soldier scolded, referring to the Vietnamese troops that stormed Height 167, of course.

Of course, they are now facing Vietnamese military agents.These agents sleep during the day and come out specifically at night.Maybe the combat power is weaker during the day, but at night, its ability is far from being able to be dealt with by a few people.

As the saying goes, tall people are bold.As soon as Qiu Hongbo opened fire, all his fire positions were exposed in front of Wu Jianglong.

On the other side, Wu Jianglong also unceremoniously gave the order to fire, "Hit."

The remaining nearly ten guns all shot towards Qiu Hongbo.

The dense bullets concentrated at one point, like passing through a sieve, and immediately sifted through Qiu Hongbo's people.After two puffs, Qiu Hongbo's two subordinates were all shot.

The Vietnamese agent who was shot shouted in a low voice.

Qiu Hongbo suddenly felt bad, and quickly issued an order to retreat, "Retreat."

Fortunately, the two Vietnamese agents were not fatally injured, one was injured on the arm and the other was injured on the leg.

So, the five people hurriedly withdrew from the grass and continued along the hillside.

After fighting for a while, the opponent's Vietnamese army fought back.Wu Jianglong issued an order to stop shooting.

A soldier shouted to the hiding place of the Vietnamese army on the opposite side, "Listen up, the Vietnamese army on the opposite side, you are surrounded, quickly disarm and surrender."

After shouting a few times, there was still no response from the other party.Wu Jianglong suddenly felt that the situation had changed, "It is likely that the enemy has escaped again."

"Grenade." Wu Jianglong didn't want any prisoners, the most important thing was to prevent the enemy from escaping.If you let these people run away from your own hands, no matter where the damage is done, it will be your dereliction of duty.Therefore, he chose the policy of destroying without surrender.

As soon as Wu Jianglong's words came out, several soldiers threw grenades over them.

Grenades exploded again and again in places where Vietnamese agents had stayed.

After several explosions of "boom boom boom", neither the enemy's cries for father or mother were heard, nor was there a gun to fight back.

"You son of a bitch, I want to run away." Wu Jianglong analyzed that the reason why there was no response there might be that they ran away.So he ordered a chase.

The soldiers got out of the grass, swarmed across the river, and went straight to the Vietnamese agents on the other side.

When they got close, there was no one in sight, only grass nests pierced by bullets and blown up by grenades.


Wu Jianglong found blood stains on the ground, guessing that these Vietnamese soldiers would not run away with wounded soldiers.

Two people were injured, and two people must be supported.In this way, only Qiu Jiangbo can complete the final task.

Qiu Hongbo stopped and walked, stopped and walked, sometimes urging the Vietnamese army to move quickly, and then had to stop to prepare for cover.

There was a bright light in the hole, and Qiu Hongbo judged that it was the artillery position of our army.Therefore, he also judged that he could walk out of the jungle in a short distance.

Qiu Hongbo was overjoyed, "Comrades, hold on, our mission is ahead."

After Qiu Hongbo was excited, he estimated the strength of the troops at hand again.Except for one death and two injuries, there are only three people left in his hands.However, for Vietnamese military agents, they have never regarded the number of people as the primary condition for winning or losing a battle.It mainly depends on whether you have the courage to fight to the death.

In the previous battles of guarding the top of the mountain, it was very common for one or two people to guard the top of a mountain.What's more, there are still three well-trained special forces members.

Qiu Hongbo turned to the two injured people, "The situation is urgent now, and you are unable to move around. The task of blowing up the enemy's artillery position will be completed by me, Li Chengpu and Ruan Zhong. You two will stop the pursuers here."

"Yes" the two wounded soldiers readily agreed.They knew that although it was a task to stop the pursuers, it would cost their lives in exchange.But it doesn't matter, anyway, when I came here, I was prepared to die, and it's the same wherever I die, as long as I complete the task.

"Remove all the explosives from your bodies," Qiu Hongbo said again.

After the two wounded soldiers handed over the explosives on their bodies to Qiu Hongbo, they prostrated themselves on the ground and hid in the grass, ready to block the Japanese.

Qiu Hongbo and two other Vietnamese army agents picked up the explosives, tied them to their bodies, saluted them, and ran down the mountain.

They hadn't gone far when gunshots rang out behind them.

This is the signal for the two wounded soldiers to fight with Wu Jianglong and the others.

Now, Qiu Hongbo not only knew that the two wounded soldiers were close to death, but also knew that his own future was also close to death.In this regard, he did not regret it at all, nor did he mean to be afraid of death.As a special soldier, the price is to do what other people can't do. Of course, the probability of death is higher than that of any army.

Qiu Hongbo rushed down the hillside with two Vietnamese agents without looking back.

Qiu Hongbo was delayed just now, but was quickly chased by Wu Jianglong and the others.

Just as Wu Jianglong led the soldiers out of the woods, they were attacked by two Vietnamese agents who were ambushing here.Although the sky was very dark, the shadows of people could still be distinguished under the faintly visible twilight.

The two agents waiting here listened to the voice to identify the direction, and there was a vague figure to guide them.The two of them did not hesitate to shoot at the place where Wu Jianglong and the others came.

As soon as the bullet was fired, two soldiers were knocked down immediately.

To be hit so suddenly was really beyond Wu Jianglong's expectation.He didn't expect that at the end of the forest, the Vietnamese army was not in a hurry to run, waiting to beat them here.

It’s impossible to think about it, the facts are in front of you.

"Fight," Wu Jianglong lost his temper.With an order, more than a dozen guns shot at the two Vietnamese army agents at the same time.

Suddenly, countless lines of fire appeared on the edge of the forest.

The fire and gunfire disturbed the peaceful night.

On an open field at the foot of the mountain, the artillerymen stopped their shelling and were all nervously looking in this direction.

Because I received a notification from my superiors in advance that there was a wave of Vietnamese troops rushing into the country, it was probably coming towards our artillery.Therefore, the artillery soldiers are all guns in hand, waiting for the arrival of the Vietnamese army agents.

In this way, even if Qiu Hongbo really found our army's artillery position, I'm afraid he would be unable to do anything.

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