soldier rushing forward

335、A secret agent escaped

After the flares cast a bright light on the sky, the scene suddenly fell from day to darkness.When the light was on, the commander under the mountain saw nothing, but at the last moment when the light disappeared, he found someone on the top of the mountain again.The commander was startled, "Why, there are Vietnamese agents, but think about it carefully, no, at such a long distance, the agents would not throw grenades on the edge of the trench. Thinking of this, he looked carefully with the binoculars. Look, he was happy, and the ones who got down were his own people.

How can it be seen, because from the number of people, there are definitely more than ten people.And there are not so many agents at all.

"Understood, they are scouts chasing the Vietnamese army."

After the commander had this understanding, he gave an order to the troops, "Comrades, pay attention, there are still our people on the top of the mountain, be careful not to accidentally injure them."

Since the leader said that there are people of his own on the mountain, bullets don't have eyes, but people do!So, next, the soldiers didn't dare to shoot in confusion.Because the target could not be seen, the gunfire had to be stopped.

After Wu Jianglong led his people to eliminate the two agents, he didn't dare to neglect at all, and rushed over the mountain quickly.He was worried that the artillerymen were unprepared, and Qiu Hongbo had black hands.Even if they were prepared, they were afraid that they would not be able to deal with Qiu Hongbo and would suffer a great loss.So he hurried over.As soon as the head came out, there was a bright light here, and the mountain was very hot.Seeing this situation, Wu Jianglong was relieved.This also shows that the Vietnamese agents were blocked in this area before they went down the mountain.In order not to accidentally injure, he told the people down the mountain to stop shooting through the radio.

This time, the gunfire under the mountain completely stopped.

Wu Jianglong gave orders in a low voice, and a dozen fighters dispersed and began to press towards Qiu Hongbo's hiding place.

Qiu Hongbo stopped when he heard the gunshots, and felt that the time had come, so he said to the agent, "Okay, let's go down the mountain."

Now that his identity has been exposed, it is impossible to rush down the mountain like before. He can only bend down and touch down the mountain little by little.

For Qiu Hongbo, the appearance of Wu Jianglong and others definitely brought them great convenience.At least he doesn't have to worry about the soldiers shooting at random.

If you shoot indiscriminately at a distance, you may not be able to hit the target, but at a close distance, you are absolutely sure to hit the target.Let alone not alone.When everyone fires at the same time, there will be no gaps.If you come here at this time, you will be injured even if you don't die.

Qiu Hongbo also spotted Wu Jianglong the moment the gunshots stopped, so he rushed down the mountain.If you don't rush at this time, there will be no chance to rush again.

At this time, the soldiers ambushing at the bottom of the mountain were extremely nervous. They knew that there was an enemy in front of them, but they dared not shoot for fear of hurting the comrades on the mountain.But if you don't shoot, you don't know when the enemy will rush to you.

Warrior Xiaoding stared blankly at the darkness.Although he couldn't see anyone in front of him in the dark, his vigilant ears still allowed him to catch the target.

"Squad leader, there seems to be movement ahead."

"Pay attention to observation." Under his prompt, the squad leader also pricked up his ears to listen carefully.

"That's right, there is the sound of grass."

The squad leader whispered to the people around him, telling the battalion commander that someone is coming.

Qiu Hongbo continued to move forward. He wanted to throw a grenade when the distance was the closest, so as to catch the people in ambush down the mountain by surprise.

Suddenly, another flare rose in the sky.

After the flares rose into the sky, they immediately emitted a dazzling light.Because it came so suddenly this time, Qiu Hongbo focused all his energy on the front and didn't notice the air.When the light flashed, he realized that his body had been exposed.But what's the point of realizing it.He and the agent were found by people down the mountain.

Xiao Ding was the first to discover Qiu Hongbo and shouted, "There, there."

Before the squad leader gave an order, Xiao Ding shot at Qiu Hongbo.It's a pity that Xiaoding has little experience in shooting at night.Originally, the muzzle of the gun was very accurate, basically there was no error, but after the bullet flew out, it still went astray.A few bullets flew past Qiu Hongbo's ears.

Qiu Hongbo was so frightened that he quickly lay down on the ground.

As soon as Xiaoding's gun rang, other soldiers also shot here.

Suddenly, I don't know how many guns shot towards Qiu Hongbo.The dense bullets pressed Qiu Hongbo and the agent to the ground again and could not move.

"Captain, it seems that the bombing will fail." The agent felt the terror of the bullet.

"If it can't be bombed, it will be bombed." Qiu Hongbo put on a desperate posture.

"Captain, I can't see it," the agent said hoarsely. "If the green hills are left, I don't worry if there is no firewood. The brothers are gone, so I have to go back and report the news alone."

Qiu Hongbo heard that his companion was persuading him.Even without him saying it, Qiu Hongbo felt that the general trend was over.It is impossible to rush through this line of defense now.Even though the people down the mountain didn't come up, they were all waiting for him in the dark.As long as he moved, Yamashita would definitely shoot.

Qiu Hongbo lost his mind for a moment.

"Captain, this failure cannot be blamed on your improper command. It can only be blamed on the enemy being too fierce." The agent said, "I will cover you. You must return to the country and organize another group of brothers to avenge us."

"No." Qiu Hongbo said firmly.

"You can't die in vain like this. There is still a chance to avenge the Beikou." Before Qiu Hongbo could speak, the Vietnamese army agent suddenly stood up from the ground, "Captain, remember, avenge us."

As soon as the words came out, the agent threw two grenades down the mountain.

The booming explosion caused two groups of flames to explode down the mountain.

The commander realized that the enemy might charge hard, so he asked a soldier to keep firing flares in the direction where Qiu Hongbo was invisible.

With the light, he had already seen that Wu Jianglong and the others began to press down from the top of the mountain.In order not to hurt his own people and block Qiu Hongbo and the agent, he had no choice but to keep turning on the lights.These two points can only be achieved if the target is clearly seen.

The flares one after another made Qiu Hongbo miserable.

He looked back up the hill, where a People's Liberation Army unit was pressing down on him.Looking down the mountain, countless guns hidden in the grass were facing him.As long as he reveals the thicket of invisibility, it probably won't take even a second, and he will be dealt with by others.Up to now, Qiu Hongbo's mind of bombing is completely dead.Not to mention bombing, even if you want to move it, it is impossible.

"Captain, go quickly." The Vietnamese army agent began to throw explosives down the mountain.His purpose was to create a large amount of smoke to cover Qiu Hongbo.

When Qiu Hongbo thought about it, his companion was right.If two people are here, one more person will die.Running away with one also reduces the loss for the Vietnamese army.So, he gritted his teeth, fell on the ground, bent his body and arched to the other side.

The Vietnamese army agent saw that Qiu Hongbo was gone.So, he threw explosives down the mountain more boldly.

Seeing that the soldiers pressed down on the mountain were getting closer.The soldiers down the mountain stopped their guns and stared at the place where Qiu Hongbo and the agent were hiding.

Wu Jianglong used the radio to strictly order no shooting at the foot of the mountain.

So, after the gunfire stopped, he ran towards the agent with people.

After the Vietnamese agents discovered that someone had come down from the mountain, they threw a pack of explosives and disappeared into the grass.Not seen is not seen, but the direction of the agent's escape was exactly the opposite of that of Qiu Hongbo.He was deliberately leading Wu Jianglong and the others to chase in another direction.

The Vietnamese soldier fired two shots, then retreated for a while, retreating while fighting.

Wu Jianglong led his men in hot pursuit from behind, and the enemy and us formed a chase and escape.Wu Jianglong felt that if the fight continued like this, the Vietnamese army might run away.So five soldiers were asked to insert obliquely from the half waist, blocking the way forward of the Vietnamese army.

Soon, five soldiers blocked the Vietnamese soldier in front.

By this time, the Vietnamese soldier was completely desperate.

Facing the Chinese soldiers who surrounded him, the Vietnamese army agent dropped his gun and held a grenade, ready to make a final fight. Just when he raised his hand to throw, Wu Jianglong's gun rang.

The Vietnamese army dropped the grenade that hadn't had time to pull the string, and fell to the ground.

After inspecting the site, some soldiers reported to Wu Jianglong that there was only one Vietnamese army here.

Wu Jianglong was startled, "Not good, one escaped."

After the notification was sent out, the troops from all walks of life searched again on the mountain.

Then, after searching day and night for two days, there was no sign of Qiu Hongbo.Later, the search area was expanded, and the security was strengthened within a radius of ten miles, but Qiu Hongbo was still not found.

Could it be that Qiu Hongbo evaporated on the mountain?

It's not evaporating, it's running away.

While everyone was focusing on the shooting agent, Qiu Hongbo crawled on the ground, twisted his body like a snake, and quickly moved out of the grass.Although the flares flickered one after another, the light could only shine on the parts above the tip of the grass, and they couldn't see clearly what was going on in the grass.Qiu Hongbo moved into the grass and then into the woods.

At this time, the mountain was still in a fighting state, and he hadn't had time to block his left and right sides.This created the best time for Qiu Hongbo to escape.Qiu Hongbo knew that as long as his companion died, his traces would definitely be exposed, so he crawled forward desperately.Both hands were drenched in blood from scratches by grass stalks, and the cloth on the paint cover was quickly torn, exposing worn-out rotten flesh.But Qiu Hongbo didn't care about these things, his only thought was to climb forward until he was [-] meters away, where no one in the middle could see.

As soon as Qiu Hongbo entered the jungle, he gave full play to his wolf instinct, galloping through the gaps in the jungle.

After Wu Jianglong found that a corpse was missing, he led people to search for it along the route of the Vietnamese army agents, but they still couldn't find it.Only then did Wu Jianglong realize that the Vietnamese agents had escaped.So, he took people back to the place where the last exchange of fire with the Vietnamese army agents took a closer look.

After tossing all night, the sky was twilight.The grass on the hillside has long been muddled by trampling, bullets and fire, so where can we find any clues.But Wu Jianglong was not reconciled. He was worried that the agent was hiding somewhere, and he would sabotage it when our army was relaxed.

Wu Jianglong circled around the grass, and finally let him see a clear trace.

The grass that was crushed by the human body showed a gully shape, extending deep into the jungle.

Wu Jianglong thought to himself, it seems that this is the escape route of the Vietnamese soldier.So, Wu Jianglong led people to chase after him.

Entering the jungle, there are still footprints that have been stepped on.

The soldiers followed their footprints and chased inward for a while.However, after chasing for a long time, there was not even a shadow.Wu Jianglong estimated the direction and judged that the Vietnamese soldier might have fled towards Vietnam.

The time has passed most of the night, and now it is impossible to catch up with the Vietnamese army from behind.No way, Wu Jianglong had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

Soon, news came from the brother army that a sentry found that a person wearing the uniform of the People's Liberation Army forcibly crossed the border into Vietnam.

When Wu Jianglong got the news, his heart sank.Although not all the Vietnamese troops entering the country were wiped out, at least the danger of man-made sabotage in the artillery positions was completely removed.But Wu Jianglong never thought that the escaped Vietnamese army agent would form a tough opponent with him in the Vietnam War a few months later.

This assault, which focused on the 167 Heights, lasted a day and two nights.From a macro analysis, the results are brilliant.It not only destroyed the enemy's three highland infrastructures, but also blew up the enemy's two combat readiness depots, which also created conditions for future border work.At the very least, the Vietnamese army will not organize large-scale offensive operations in a relatively short period of time, nor will there be a large number of artillery attacks on our army's logistical supplies.

After a few days, the Laoshang area became extremely calm.There was no fighting between China and Vietnam.The Vietnamese army is accumulating strength and restoring functions.On our side, we are stepping up construction work.

After the demonstration by superior military experts, our army decided to carry out the defensive construction of permanent fortifications on the front line of Laoshan.It is a good thing to repair fortifications, but there is no road on the old mountain that can directly lead to the top of the mountain.If the car can't get on, the task of transporting materials has to be carried by people and horses.

At that time, there was an unwritten rule that everyone who went up and down the mountain must not empty-handed, and must carry supplies.In this way, bags of cement were brought up the mountain by the soldiers, and steel rods were also transported up the mountain.

The trenches began to change from loess to steel and concrete structures, and the cat's ear holes were also expanding, with bunker-shaped windows facing the Vietnamese army directly.Since then, the Laoshan position's ability to resist artillery fire has been greatly enhanced.

In this battle, the reconnaissance brigade had 11 casualties.But compared to the number of Vietnamese troops eliminated, this number of casualties is simply a small house.Even so, Wu Jianglong was still heartbroken.This is a soldier he personally trained, and should be an elite soldier in the barracks.Even if they are not elites or ordinary soldiers, whoever is not grieving is not sad because of the feelings of fellow countrymen.

Wu Jianglong shut the door and stayed in the house alone, and didn't leave the house for a whole day.He is not sleeping.Instead, his eyes were red, and he stared blankly at the roster on the table.The superior asked to report the list of casualties, and Wu Jianglong was looking for them one by one.

Originally, this work could be done by the clerical staff, but Wu Jianglong decided to do it himself.

Wu Jianglong looked at the names on the roster, and whenever the tip of the pen touched the names of the sacrificed soldiers, he felt a heartache.The figures of sacrificed soldiers flashed before his eyes from time to time.Think about those vigorous fighters who will disappear from the roster from now on, how can he not feel sad, and how can he not be sad.

In this way, every time Wu Jianglong saw the name of a victim, he would be stunned for a long time.

Time passed little by little.Wu Jianglong didn't come out to eat for a whole day.Even Li Sen was in a hurry, and Wu Jianglong didn't respond when he came to ask several times.

After the correspondent reported Wu Jianglong's situation to Li Sen, Li Sen understood and knew that Wu Jianglong was still in pain.Then he said to the correspondent, "It will be fine, let him stay alone!"

After night fell, Wu Jianglong finally opened the door and came out from the house.

Guarding the door, the correspondent who had been waiting for a day just wanted to step forward to ask questions, but Wu Jiang asked first, "Has the superior notified you?"


"Bring it." Wu Jianglong turned and entered the room.

The correspondent quickly came back with several bulletins to show Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong looked carefully at each one, his expressionless face gradually showed joy, and said to the correspondent who was standing by, "Go, get the trainer."

The correspondent leaves the house.Wu Jianglong said to himself, "Son of a turtle, you dare to come, it seems that it will not work if you don't teach me a lesson."

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