soldier rushing forward

358 , Battle of Trapped Enemies

In an instant, hailstones produced by several machine guns penetrated the dense fog and approached the Vietnamese army's body.This kind of approach definitely does not mean intimacy, but with cold murderous intent and uninvited domineering, forcibly breaking into the **.

Immediately, more than 120 degrees of calling mother and father came from the dense fog.The painful cries of Vietnamese soldiers resounded through the valley.

Wu Jianglong was very pleased to hear it, and he could guess the wonderful effect after the bullets were fired without looking at it.So, he continued to issue orders to each unit through the microphone, "Attention all units, hit hard, and no one can escape." At this time, Wu Jianglong had the idea of ​​​​annihilating this invading enemy in one fell swoop.

After the shells were fired at full power, another burst of machine guns became stronger.

The most powerful firepower of the two infantry types freely and freely in the dense fog.As for how it works, it is still unclear.However, a general idea can also be heard from the painful cries of the Vietnamese army.

After these two weapons have passed the foot, it should be the turn of the submachine gun to play.However, Wu Jianglong just refused to issue this order.

Not giving orders doesn't mean not letting them fight.

A few soldiers were impatient, and with submachine guns in hand, they also swept into the dense fog.

Wu Jianglong heard it from the voice and shouted into the microphone, "Stop light weapons, don't fire without my order."

Why didn't Wu Jianglong let the soldiers fight at this time?With the enemy in front of you, if you don't fight, isn't it just letting the enemy go back to the mountain?The soldiers were puzzled.

Wu Jianglong refused to allow the fight, and he had his own reasons for not allowing the fight.

At this time, the Vietnamese army was trapped in the thick fog, shooting with weak bullets, and the effect received was conceivable.If the valley basin is so big, can't it absorb your thousands of bullets?Although there are many Vietnamese troops, they are still insignificant in a large area.Sweeping without seeing the target clearly is a waste of bullets.

Wu Jianglong's troops went deep into the cross-border without backup and logistics, and they had to rely entirely on saving and dieting.If you just think about hiding, what should you do after the bullet is finished.Who knows if there are other Vietnamese troops coming in after the demise of this army.In case, encounter a few more units of the Vietnamese army, what will they use to fight.

It was with this thought that Wu Jianglong strictly controlled the situation on the battlefield.It is necessary to kill the enemy and preserve strength.

With the continuous bombardment of artillery shells and the continuous explosion of landmines, the dense fog in the basin became weaker and weaker. The only few fog barriers, after being bitten by machine gun bullets, became strands of broken cloth.In an instant, the huge curtain covering the basin gradually opened.The first to withdraw is to connect to the corner of Beishan.

As soon as the dense fog weakened, Wu Jianglong saw the Vietnamese army still running around on the battlefield in front of him.

Wu Jianglong saw the Vietnamese army, and the Vietnamese army also saw the slightly clear hillside jungle.However, this jungle is not connected to the bottom of the mountain, but is disconnected at a certain cliff.

Li Jiping hid under a bunker, and when he saw the PLA soldiers on the mountain, he was shocked again, "No wonder the firepower is so fierce, so there are so many northern bandits hidden here." If you want to rush out, even if you can get close to the mountain, it is difficult to get past the resistance of the People's Liberation Army.So, he issued new orders to his subordinates again, and turned to attack the other side where the thick fog had not yet dissipated.

The one in charge of guarding this side is a squad from the first unit, and Li Wei is among them.

As for how the Vietnamese army organized this attack, Li Wei couldn't see, but with the strong shouts of killing, he felt that the Vietnamese army was desperate.

At this moment, Li Jiping no longer hated the thick fog, he felt the luck brought by the thick fog.If there was no such thick fog as a barrier, perhaps his troops would have been shot by others long ago.Now, he can't wait to call these fogs his own parents, "Come more, make it thicker, as long as it is not seen by the squadron."

Taking advantage of the dense fog, Li Jiping gathered the remaining troops in one place, and after a brief arrangement, he launched another strongest attack.

Since it is a secret service force, his equipment is of course superior to that of the regular army.Therefore, in his unit, at this time, it has been equipped with the most commonly used grenade in the Soviet special forces.

The killing power of rifle grenades is by no means less than that of mortar shells.Moreover, he is easy to carry, easy to aim, and can kill enemies at close range and in direct sight.

If you want to open a gap in the way forward, you must use this weapon at present.

Someone wants to ask, didn't Li Jiping have artillery, why didn't he come?

There were artillery, but Li Jiping underestimated the Chinese team they were chasing.There are dozens of agents following, why do you need small cannons?So, on the way, he left the cannon on the other side of the ditch, and kept them from coming.After he was bombarded by Wu Jianglong, Li Jiping realized the serious consequences of his wrong decision.Fortunately, however, there is still a firepower in hand.

After Li Jiping gave the order to attack, the several Vietnamese soldiers who controlled the bullets left in the guns put the shells on the muzzles of the guns without hesitation, aiming at the place where the first squad was hiding, they fired fiercely.

The accuracy of rifle grenades is much better than that of mortar shells, and its curved shooting distance does not exceed 50 meters.Therefore, when these grenades flew over, they instantly formed a huge blasting force on the first team's position.

The continuous explosion finally blasted a gap in our army's position.Several soldiers were caught off guard and were killed by shells on the edge of the jungle.

As soon as the firepower was reduced, the Vietnamese army rushed towards the area with shouts.

Guarding here is a squad from the reconnaissance brigade.Since it ranks first, usually its combat effectiveness can also rank among the top spears in the entire brigade, let alone head-to-head kung fu.At this time, Li Wei was also in this class.He saw the enemy howling and rushing upwards, how could he let the enemy pass by lightly.

"Squad leader, plug the gap."

From the subdued gunshots, Li Wei realized that there was something wrong here, so he gave orders to the first squad leader without hesitation, not worrying whether the Vietnamese army would hear them.

Although the Vietnamese army was still bombing here, a few soldiers of our army came to reinforce quickly, and after blocking the gap, they continued to shoot down the mountain despite the enemy's artillery fire.

As soon as several Vietnamese soldiers emerged from the fog, they were shot down by flying bullets.

At this time, both the enemy and us are in extreme excitement.

One party desperately wanted to rush out, looking for a way out of life.The other party blocked it at all costs, and it was likely to force the enemy to death here.

The scene of the two sides fighting became more and more intense.The sound of gunfire and explosions mingled together, completely covering the sound of people shouting and killing.

As soon as the Vietnamese army's attack momentum in Wujianglong decreased, he realized that the enemy might have changed the direction of attack.But because of the heavy fog, he could only hold the binoculars and worry.

After hearing the fierce gunshots from the east hillside, Wu Jianglong guessed that the enemy might have turned to that side.So I asked urgently through the radio.

Li Wei replied directly on the radio, "Don't worry, captain, even an enemy can't escape from here."

When Wu Jianglong heard that Li Wei was there, he was greatly comforted.A sub-team leader is there. If one squad is not working, then another squad is being transferred.There are three squads of strength that can't stop these Vietnamese troops.

I thought so, but I was still very anxious. "What the fuck is breaking the fog, hurry up and get the hell out of me."

At this time, Wu Jianglong wanted to extend the artillery firepower to relieve the pressure on the first team.So he couldn't figure out the distance between the two sides, and was afraid that if a derailed shell flew to his own side.Wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss in that case.

However, Wu Jianglong still did not give up the power of artillery.When he saw that the fog in the basin gradually faded after the bombing, he had a new idea.

"August [-], blast towards the center of the basin."

Wu Jianglong thought of the method of bombarding the clouds with anti-aircraft artillery to urge the rain, and he also wanted to use this method to disperse the thick fog in the basin.

After the artillerymen received the new order, they adjusted the barrels and blasted again towards the thickest fog in the center of the basin.

"Boom boom boom", the explosive heat wave formed by the shells continuously sprayed towards the surroundings.It didn't take long, and the fog that was finally condensed in the basin was really driven away.

As soon as the fog barrier was reduced, Wu Jianglong could vaguely see the Vietnamese soldiers hiding around the basin.He was happy in his heart, "You son of a bitch, I still want to hide." Wu Jianglong raised his right thumb, and once again showed his housekeeping skills, "As a mark, 120 meters directly in front, shoot two rapid shots."

At this time, the artillery soldiers did not use any gun mounts at all.

A soldier hugged the gun barrel with both hands, and grasped the flying distance of the shell by virtue of the angle.The moment another soldier took a good posture, he put the shell into the barrel, and after a "dang", the [-] mortar shell flew out.

What goes out now is not one shot, but six shots.As soon as the six shells landed, the second wave of shells followed.

The difference between the twelve shells was only a few seconds, and they all fell within a radius of forty to fifty square meters.At this time, the Vietnamese army hiding here just wanted to run away, and I'm afraid there was no rush, so they could only hide in the pit or under the ridge.The ones that are more active may have a chance to escape and survive, while the ones that move slowly can only swim slowly in the sky with the shrapnel.

The counterattack force that Li Jiping had just organized was disintegrated again.

At this moment, Li Jiping couldn't care about anything else, and hid in the bunker pit by himself, with his butt up and his head pressed against the bottom of the pit, desperately protecting his head, the central command mechanism.

Based on his posture, Li Jiping is definitely not a hero in the Vietnamese army, at best he is just a second-generation official.The various titles bestowed on him in the Vietnam Army are just empty names.

After the Vietnamese army was bombed, the impact on Li Wei's squad was suddenly reduced.For a while, the howling of the Vietnamese army and the firing of guns all weakened at once.

Seeing that there was no commander to supervise the battle, the Vietnamese soldiers armed with grenades hurriedly got into the pit with their guns.

Faced with this kind of scene, according to our army's traditional tactics, some commanders would shout, "Comrades, charge!"

This method of warfare has almost been eliminated in modern warfare.At that time, this kind of desperate charge and battle method was limited by the shortage of ammunition, and it was an act of impatience for life.

Today, if a certain commander still leads the soldiers to rush forward like this, then he is definitely the second generation of fools.This tactic can be used to conquer the enemy's defensive positions, but it is impossible.If you don't go up, you can't defeat the enemy.And it is absolutely unnecessary for it to be used to attack the defeated enemy.

At this time, Wu Jianglong, the supreme commander on the battlefield, is already superior to the excellent commanders of the past and the present. How could he adopt this method and exchange the lives of the soldiers for a small battle!

So, he definitely won't do it.He must do his best to destroy the enemy on the basis of preserving his strength.Do your best to bring all the soldiers who cross the border home in triumph.

(Due to tight time, I have to go out again tomorrow. In a hurry, I had to post more than 3000 words. I hope the book friends will forgive me.)

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