soldier rushing forward

361 , The Battle Between Humans And Snakes


As soon as Wu Jianglong issued the order, the soldiers of each unit hid in the tall grass and jungle nearby, and the area where there were some noises just now became silent in an instant.

It is true that the Vietnamese army came over, but judging from their hurried appearance, no Chinese Communists have been found here yet.They were support troops who rushed over from the mountain after receiving the order.

Wu Jianglong secretly counted in the grass. There are about 30 people in this Vietnamese army team.

In the dense forest and grass, the soldiers had opened the safety and loaded the bullets, just waiting for Wu Jianglong's order.At this time, as long as Wu Jianglong made a slight move to shoot, under the pressure of hundreds of guns surrounding the mountain road, he would surely be able to kill all the thirty Vietnamese troops.

However, Wu Jianglong doesn't want to do that yet.If we do that, even though these thirty or so Vietnamese troops are eliminated, the direction of action of the reconnaissance brigade will be completely exposed.At this time, they don't have to run anymore, it is equivalent to telling the enemy their location on their own initiative.

As a result, there must be a large number of enemies pouring in.

That kind of ending, if you have seen ants eating elephants, you will think of the strong shock of more and less.No matter how strong you are, once you are entangled to death by an opponent several times your own, there is only one ending, and you can only use your own body to join the corpse of the opponent who died in battle.

Wu Jianglong had fully thought of the ending, even if he killed thousands of enemies, he would lose eight hundred in the end. Such a settlement method was definitely not what he wanted.Therefore, Wu Jianglong fixed his eyes on the Vietnamese army passing by in front of him, and held on firmly.Although the surging heart was not peaceful, he was still not involved in the huge temptation in front of him.

How many soldiers are in such a hurry!Seeing that the Vietnamese army was about to leave, the captain just didn't fire a single shot.He murmured in his heart, "What's wrong with the captain? Why didn't the enemy make a move when they got under their noses? You won't be frightened by the battle just now!"

These fighters have ideas, but they can only do it in their hearts and never dare to reveal it.One is because he is afraid of being exposed, and the other is because he is afraid that the captain will get angry.After enduring it, I understood.As a commander, of course he has his own plans for how to fight.

But the enemy in front of him is too tempting.As long as the soldiers move their fingers, within half a minute, the enemies in front of them will definitely be wiped out.But under such good conditions, the captain Leng didn't say a word.He didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't dare to go forward and ask.

Soon, this Vietnamese army passed under the eyes of the reconnaissance brigade.

The fighters with exposed personalities pounded their fists on the ground regretfully, "Oh! What a pity."

They only knew how to enjoy the fight, but they didn't think deeply about the result after the fight.They don't want to, some people want to!Wu Jianglong and Li Sen never stayed in this thought for a moment.

The enemy passed, the alarm was lifted, and the fighters returned to the trail again.

A soldier asked the squad leader beside him, "Squad leader, the enemy has passed under our noses, why don't we fight?"

"Why don't you fight, you ask me, who am I to ask!" The squad leader said angrily, "If you are told to fight, you will fight, if you are not allowed to fight, you will hide. Everything follows the command, and the team leader has his own way."

The words of this squad leader represent the hearts of more than 90.00% of the soldiers

"Accelerate forward." Wu Jianglong asked Xiao Wei to inform him.

Seeing these Vietnamese troops coming, Wu Jianglong was shocked again.Since the enemy is found here, it may not be that the enemy is not seen somewhere in front.If you encounter the enemy, the next situation may be difficult to bear.

Tao Chuan led people to separate from the brigade again.When walking, they deliberately bumped into wormwood, making the ground very messy, and then spread all the way towards the branch.Regarding this point, no one needs to doubt whether this approach is correct or not.

This is their intention to leave clues to the enemy.

Leaving such clues was a decision made by Wu Jianglong after careful consideration.

The Vietnamese army is not stupid. Before they discover the movement of this Chinese army, they will send out a large number of scouts to capture and search in all directions.In their own country, although they have not reached the point of being clear about any place, they have grasped the general direction to a considerable extent.Therefore, if the Vietnamese army wants to find a reconnaissance team in this area, as long as they put in more effort and send more people, no matter how concealed Wu Jianglong and his team are, they will still be able to find them sooner or later.What's more, it's still a team of hundreds of people. If you don't believe me, it will disappear in a short time.Unless this team turns into clouds, turns into smoke, and disappears into the sky.Otherwise, it will be discovered sooner or later in Vietnam.It's just a matter of time.

Wu Jianglong was deeply convinced of this truth.Even though they haven't been noticed by the Vietnamese army in front of them, after a while, there will definitely be a troop following them.Instead of being discovered, it is better to take the initiative to lead them elsewhere.As long as the brigade is repaired, it is the right way to fight the enemy again.

Wu Jianglong watched Tao Chuan and others walk away, feeling a pang of sadness in his heart.It's good that these people came back safely.How could he feel at ease if something went wrong.

Afterwards, Wu Jianglong asked people to clean up all the traces of his army's actions without leaving any clues.The remaining nearly one hundred people did not step into the grass for half a step, but all of them fell into the ditches washed by the rain.After the people in front passed by, another class was left at the end, dedicated to the work of eradicating traces.

In this way, Wu Jianglong's team meandered all the way, heading towards the direction designated by Song Lihu.Two hours later, they approached a mountain stream.

This mountain stream is caught in the jungle of Wanshan Mountain.There are dense forests on the two mountains, trees like primeval forests, with lush branches and leaves, towering towering.The ground is covered with thick dead branches and fallen leaves. When people walk on it, it is like walking on thick plastic foam. Although it feels like flying into the clouds, there is no sign of falling.

As soon as the soldiers walked out of such a forest, they saw this mountain stream.Everyone was very excited. If they were not afraid of the sound coming out of the mountain, they would have exclaimed at such a wonderful sight.

Seeing is seeing, but how to go on has become a problem.

The soldiers searched for a long time, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find a way down to the mountain stream.

Song Lihu smiled.If there is a way, this place is not considered a mysterious place, and there must be hunters or mountain people descending into it.

Song Lihu walked to a big rock without saying a word, Mao Yao dug under it for a while, and pulled out a thick rope from it.Although the rope is strong, it is not the hemp rope sold in the market.

Song Lihu dragged the rope away from the boulder, found a thick and strong tree, and hit a dead button. He said to Wu Jianglong, "Captain, if you want to go down, you have to use it."

"Okay," Wu Jianglong turned to Liu Qunbo, "Liu Qunbo, you go first."


Liu Qunbo put the gun on his back, grabbed the rope and was about to fall.

Song Lihu stepped forward and stopped, "Captain, you can't go down first. I should go down first."

"Old Song, let's go!" Wu Jianglong persuaded, "We will talk about it after we find out the situation."

Song Lihu shook his head, "You don't understand the situation here, so I'll go first."

Wu Jianglong sees that this kind of dispute can only delay time.What's more, the location was chosen by Song Lihu, so he can figure out the situation as soon as possible by going down first.

Just like that, Song Lihu grabbed the rope and went down to the bottom of the ditch.

After Song Lihu went down to the bottom of the ditch, he didn't send out a signal for the soldiers to follow him down. Instead, he pulled a wooden pole from the side and stabbed it randomly among the cluttered bushes.

What did Song Lihu intend to do, why didn't Song Lihu let the soldiers go down first?

There is his reason here.

Ever since Song Lihu discovered this place, he didn't come here often, but visited it occasionally.His purpose is to make this place his third home.Be prepared, once the Vietnamese government finds out that he is hiding in the basin, he will bring his wife here to settle down.

Song Lihu poked around in the grass with a wooden stick for a while, and then slowly approached a cave.

The mountain stream was already sunken under the mountain, and this cave is at the bottom of the mountain stream, which shows that its depth is already below the ground level.However, this mountain stream is not completely strange with jagged rocks and vast water.A clear spring flows down the river, forming a beautiful curve at the bottom of the narrow ditch.The river stones on both sides of the small river are smooth, and the moss is faint.It has been going deep into the short grass on both sides.

When Song Lihu came last time, he found a boa constrictor crawling at the entrance of the cave.With this worry in mind, the soldiers were not allowed to go down first.In order to avoid accidents.

Soon, Song Lihu stood outside the cave entrance.

Looking at the gloomy dark cave, Song Lihu didn't dare to enter it rashly.

Although carnivores such as tigers and wolves will not appear here, reptiles such as snakes and pythons are hard to say.In case of entering and meeting inside, it is really difficult to determine whether it is good or bad.

Song Lihu picked up a stone and threw it into the cave, then separated his palms and closed them to his mouth, shouting into the cave.

"Oh -------------" The long roar went straight to the bottom of the cave.

Song Lihu's method of throwing stones to ask for directions is really effective.A boa constrictor with a thick mouth was awakened by it.

The python's eyes were shining faintly, its head rested on the ground, and its curly body remained motionless.However, it has already started to stare at the hole with full vigilance.As the saying goes, if the enemy does not move, I will not move.The boa constrictor stared at the hole.

After Song Lihu yelled a few times, he saw that there was no movement inside.He was relieved, it was no different from the last time he came in.So, boldly, stepped into the cave.

Although the opening of this cave is not big, it can only accommodate a car to enter.In the same cave, the cave wall is more than three or four meters high.The width of the cave is also six or seven meters. How deep it is, I can't say for a while.

Song Lihu entered the cave, looked around for a few times, and felt that nothing had changed here.So he turned around and went out of the hole.

But how did he know that the python was already moving slowly only five meters away from him.

The snake's head jumped over the snake's body, raised it up more than half a foot silently, and moved forward slowly.

Song Lihu walked forward, and the snake head followed.The two sides continued to maintain a distance of four or five meters.At this time, if the python leaped forward, Song Lihu's body would probably be swallowed.However, this boa constrictor didn't do that, it followed silently like a spy on the trail.Because he was silent, Song Lihu didn't notice it at all.

Song Lihu took a few more steps forward, and walked out of the cave after another meter.At this moment, he felt a cold air coming towards him from behind.

Song Lihu subconsciously turned around and looked back.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you can see that the boa constrictor has already opened its mouth wide, and the one-foot-long snake core is about to approach his head.If you don't do it, you don't stop. Since it has been exposed, there is no point in hiding it.This is what the python thinks.

Now, as long as Song Lihu stands still for half a second, it is believed that Song Lihu's head will be swallowed by this python.

After all, Song Lihu was a soldier, and his reflexes were fast enough. He jumped up and wanted to get out of the cave as soon as possible.However, his attempt was seen through by the boa constrictor.

The moment he stood up, his feet were caught by the snake.

Song Lihu couldn't get away, let out a scream, and then struggled desperately.

After Song Lihu went down the mountain stream, Wu Jianglong was worried and followed with a few soldiers.As soon as they reached the mountain stream, they lost track of Song Lihu.Wu Jianglong's heart tightened for a while.At this time, he also had doubts about Song Lihu.If it's one of your own, the whole team will have no worries.If it was a trap, so many people went down to this deadly place.Once the various points are guarded by the Vietnamese army, it is more difficult to get out than to go to the sky.Therefore, Wu Jianglong didn't let the whole brigade come down, but just brought a few top talents here to do some reconnaissance.

He clearly saw Song Lihu go down the mountain stream, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye.Except intentionally, that is to encounter danger.Wu Jianglong thought so in his heart.

After searching in the grass, he finally found the footprints left by Song Lihu.Then, several people followed all the way to the outside of the cave.

When Wu Jianglong and others chased to the entrance of the cave, Song Lihu had already entered the cave.Wu Jianglong still didn't see Song Lihu's figure.

As soon as the entrance of the cave appeared, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to be careless at all. He told the soldiers to prepare for the battle and moved towards here by himself.

The gloomy cave entrance is very much like a magic cave.However, Wu Jianglong didn't feel scared at all, but was sincerely happy.If this is really the cave that Song Lihu mentioned, then even if all the Vietnamese troops were dispatched to hide here, it would be difficult to find such a treacherous place after searching for days and nights.

Wu Jianglong probed into the cave, and suddenly found Song Lihu walking out of the cave.

After seeing him, Wu Jianglong's hanging heart was completely let go.From this point of view, Song Lihu had good intentions when he went down to the cave alone.Therefore, Wu Jianglong secretly apologized for his doubts, "Old Song, I, Wu Jianglong, underestimated you. I will apologize to you when I return home."

Wu Jianglong thought about it, and got up to meet Song Lihu.

As soon as Song Lihu stepped out of the shadows, Wu Jianglong spotted the boa constrictor following him.He was about to shout, "Old Song, it's dangerous."

Before Wu Jianglong could exit, the look just now appeared in front of his eyes.

After the boa constrictor bit Song Lihu's legs, it crawled backwards into the hole.

At this time, the snake head appeared under the sky.

The boa constrictor is an animal that likes coolness rather than heat, and prefers yin to yang.At this time, the snake's head was exposed to the bright sunlight, and the boss felt uncomfortable. Therefore, if he wanted to eat the food on his mouth, he had to retreat into the cave to enjoy it slowly.

Song Lihu was suddenly attacked by a boa constrictor, and he was terrified and at a loss for a moment.When he realized that his legs had been bitten by the snake, he grabbed the ground hard and struggled desperately, trying to get out of the snake's mouth.

The boa constrictor pulled into the hole, Song Lihu desperately crawled outside.There was a stalemate for a while.This bought time for Wu Jianglong to rush forward.

Wu Jianglong climbed up from the sill outside the cave and shouted loudly, "Old Song, hold on, I'm coming."

Wu Jianglong reached the entrance of the cave with one leg.

At this time, Wu Jianglong was still holding the submachine gun in his hand.If he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the snake's body and shot it out, the python, no matter how brave it was, would die on the spot.But Wu Jianglong didn't dare to do that.If you shoot, the sound of the gun will be heard.In that case, what a secret.

When Wu Jianglong grabbed the submachine gun and rushed to the python, Song Lihu still reminded Wu Jianglong, "Captain Wu, don't shoot."

What a good comrade, he is still concerned about the safety of his comrades when his life is at stake.

"Old Song, hold on." With a click, Wu Jianglong took the bayonet from the gun, jumped to the side of the boa constrictor, swung it up, and stabbed at the snake's head.

It seemed that this boa constrictor was really hungry, even after being stabbed twice in a row, he would not let go of his mouth.It resisted the pain, biting Song Lihu's snake mouth without loosening, but slowly turned its body, trying to wrap Wu Jianglong with its tail.Use the power of a snake to deal with two people.

A moment of urgency, a moment of urgency.If Wu Jianglong couldn't kill the boa constrictor under three or two stabs, it would be difficult for Wu Jianglong to save himself, let alone Song Lihu, when his lower body rolled over.

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't care about anything, he only cared about cutting off the snake's head.

As the saying goes, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.If Wu Jianglong only cared about running for his life at this time, leave Song Lihu alone.Then Song Lihu's ending was to be dragged into the cave by the snake.If there was a hole in the hole, and the snake got into a smaller hole, even pulling the whole team up would not solve the problem. At that time, Song Lihu might have already entered the snake's belly.

For the sake of class brothers, no matter how dangerous he is, he will not let go.At this moment, Wu Jianglong had only one thought, "If you don't let go, I will cut off your snake's head."

Wujiang was like a dragon, and he didn't care whether the coiled snake's body entangled him or not, he still swung his arms and slashed like a big tree.

The boa constrictor seemed to be just like a human being, having a stubborn temper, and he didn't care about Wu Jianglong's slashing, as if what he chopped off was not his own head, but a tree stump.

The snake's rolled tail finally entangled Wu Jianglong, and it became tighter and tighter.

Wu Jianglong only felt tightness in his chest, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.But he also seems to have dealt with this python.

"Even if you have the guts, I don't believe that your head is made of iron." Under extremely difficult circumstances, Wu Jianglong desperately aimed at the snake's seven inches, and gave another ruthless blow.

After one blow, Wu Jianglong finally couldn't grasp the bayonet, let go of his hand, and the knife fell.

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