Shanmao yelled, startling the Vietnamese soldier who stretched out his hand. He thought he had done something wrong, which caused the leader to lose his temper.

Just when the Vietnamese soldier was stunned, Shanmao quickly approached.He pulled the Yuejun away, then squatted down, and gently fiddled with the floating grass above.With his hand, the floating grass was pushed aside.After pulling it aside, a grenade buried underneath was revealed.

Shanmao smiled contemptuously, "Chinese soldiers, you are too tender, you still play with me."

As he said that, he took a knife from his body and continued to expand the range of floating grass.After he walked around the grenade, he discovered that the grenade had no string.For a while, Shanmao couldn't figure it out. If it was a hidden mine deliberately set up, it should be pulled out with a thread, otherwise, if someone else hit it, how could it blow up!However, there is no line around this hidden thunder.He took a closer look, and found that the grenade had its tab clearly exposed on it, but it remained intact.Even if someone goes up and kicks it and rolls 20 meters, he will not explode.Because, there is no lead wire passing through the pull ring originally.

Shanmao sneered again, thinking to himself, who did this, and at this level, what kind of booby trap is set up.Therefore, he guessed that when the opponent planted the mine, except for the haste of the mine planter, he didn't bother to hang up the string.That is, I was very scared and nervous.

What are you afraid of? Of course, they are afraid of their group of Vietnamese soldiers.Thinking of this, Shanmao became more and more proud, "Aren't they just a group of Chinese soldiers! Crossed the border, killed people, let's see what you can do!"

"Go." Bobcat stood up and kicked the grenade away.

The lynx is also really brave. If someone continues to set a booby trap below, with this kick alone, if others don't fly into the sky, one leg will be scrapped.

This is the reason, but Shan Mao is not an idle person. The reason why he dared to kick this kick shows that he has already judged clearly that this grenade will not explode unless it is pulled by a wire except for a lump of iron.

Shan Mao gave an order, and the sixteen Vietnamese soldiers did not dare to neglect at all, and continued to form a search formation, advancing along the route Tao Chuan had walked.

When Tao Chuan set up the mine, he didn't really want it to explode.If it blows up, there will be a shocking sound, which will definitely attract a large number of enemies, and at the same time, it also means that they are here.

The reason why he set up such a mine was to lure the enemies who came over to follow him, and on the other hand, he didn't want more enemies to know about it.

Before Tao Chuan went abroad, he had long understood the combat disposition of the Vietnamese army during his training.In the Vietnamese army, most of the officers of the Vietnamese army with some status and ability have a lot of arrogance.Look down on brother troops, like to fight alone.If there is no higher-level officer to organize a company to fight, they will never take the initiative to contact others.According to our words, we just like to eat alone.

Tao Chuan just liked the characteristic of the Vietnamese army, so he did this.The purpose is to let the Vietnamese army take the initiative to follow after discovering that there are Chinese Communists here.In any case, don't call people too much. In that case, it's not easy for everyone to share such a small profit.

According to the usual practice of the Vietnamese army, in this case, they will not stir up everyone in large numbers to act together.Instead, it is necessary to disperse the forces and search in multiple directions and at multiple points.After one party is found, the others can quickly gather here to wipe out the Chinese army in one fell swoop.

But this is just wishful thinking of their superiors.

But in the minds of the respective officers they did not think so.Because this army hasn't fought for a while, they all want to make a fuss.How could he give up the opportunity to make meritorious service to others.It's almost like saying that they strive for and grab credit, and they don't have the slightest sense of the overall situation.

"Aren't they just some Chinese soldiers! Whoever can find them and kill them is a great credit. If you want to be promoted faster, why! It depends on who has the most credit."

This is a very common psychological phenomenon in the Vietnamese army.

Now, seeing that a piece of fat is about to reach his mouth, who can take the initiative to give it up to others.

It is because of this mentality that no one will take the initiative to report to their superiors when they find a target, unless they can't eat it.If the dead Comrade Ruan Jiping had this awareness, he would not have ended up like this.

Just kidding, even if he has the heart to repent now, it is already too late, and it is impossible to tell this lesson to other brothers.

And the other Vietnamese troops!He still maintains his character, and continues to dream of Yelang's self-important dream.

Therefore, Tao Chuan's method of luring wolves into traps is still useful.

What's more, it is the Shanmao army that is chasing after it, and it is the strongest army in the Vietnamese army, and he doesn't pay attention to other troops.

Shan Mao is the best of the best in the Vietnamese army, so his greed for monopolizing credit is stronger than others.

Now, Shan Mao has already seen the panic of the Chinese troops in front of him from this grenade.Facing the imminent victory, he will not take the initiative to report to his superiors, nor will he ask his superiors to transfer someone over.If he did that, he wouldn't be called a bobcat.

At this time, Bobcats was not ignorant of the number of squadrons entering the country, at least it would analyze that the number was at least dozens of people.Otherwise, Ruan Jiping's team would not be eaten up in an instant.

Ordinarily, if the companion suffers, it is time for him to make up his own mind.But Shanmao didn't agree, and thought to himself, "Isn't there only a few dozen people? No matter how many there are, I'm not afraid."

The Bobcats are full of confidence in their team.

At this point, the Bobcats are not deluding themselves.He once tested this unit with a company of the Vietnamese Army.In the mountains and jungles, a regular army company of the Vietnamese army was no match for the seventeen of them (the seventeen included Shan Mao himself.)

After cleaning up a company of nearly a hundred people, he reduced the staff by three.

If he didn't have this ability, the Bobcats would not be transferred to the deputy team position at a young age.

Seeing the entry of Chinese troops, he didn't want to do any experiments on the Vietnamese army.He wants to take the squadron to have a knife.I also want to create a glorious battle example of killing dozens of people with 17 people in the battle with the Chinese entry force.By that time, he might not be a deputy, and there might be a higher position waiting for him.

Shan Mao secretly rejoiced, but on the surface he didn't show it at all, and still had a very serious attitude.The opponent said, "speed up, the Beikou is not far away from us."

At this time, Tao Chuan didn't realize that the pursuers came so quickly, because the dozen or so people brought by Shan Mao had small targets, fast speed, and surreptitious actions, so Tao Chuan hadn't found them so far.

Even though the two soldiers serving as the guard kept staring high up, they didn't notice it.

Tao Chuan deliberately left clues to the enemy, which saved Shan Mao a lot of effort.They don't need to search everywhere, just follow the footsteps.

The two teams were separated by less than half a mile, and they were both struggling to move forward without meeting each other.Now, no one can figure out who's strength is.When there is no fight, the estimation of the opponent is always unknown.

Rushing out of the woods, a small stream lay in front of us.

The few soldiers at the front ran forward cheering.

The clear stream is sandwiched between the two mountains, and it is a gentle slope going down from here. Although the jungle is very dense, it cannot stop the speed of the downward impact.

Seeing that there was water to drink, the soldiers behind also struggled to wade through the tall grass under the hillside and ran in that direction.

Tao Chuan wanted to stop him, but after thinking for a while, he still closed his mouth.The soldier has been tired all day and night, and has not eaten any hot food.I'm hungry, I just fill my mouth with quick biscuits and I'm done.

Going all the way up the mountain, there is no water source at all.And they ran all the way, and they didn't care about looking for it somewhere, so the big guy was always so thirsty.Now, seeing water, of course the soldiers should be happy.

Tao Chuan didn't rush over immediately, he wanted to wait for the two guard soldiers.

After a while, the two soldiers followed.Just in case, Tao Chuan didn't let the two soldiers go over immediately, but stayed in the woods to monitor to prevent the enemy from rushing over suddenly.

After arranging the two soldiers, Tao Chuan also walked towards the creek through the grass.At this time, Tao Chuan had already made a plan. As long as they crossed this creek and reached the opposite hillside, their plan to lure the enemy into a deep place would be over.Next, it is necessary to retreat in concealment and make a big circle to meet the captain.

When Tao Chuan arrived at the stream, like the other soldiers, he washed his face and shook his spirits, and then took a few big gulps.

"Oh, it really quenches my thirst."

After Tao Chuan drank the water, he stood up straight and looked towards the opposite mountain forest.

Ten meters away from the creek is a steep cliff.Although the cliff is not high, its cross-section is as neat as a knife cut, and it is impossible to go up from the front.If you really want to climb, you have to find a fighter with quite mature skills to climb up, then throw down a rope and pull others up.Otherwise, one by one insists on climbing up, not to mention the danger, I really don't know how long it will take to go up.

Tao Chuan avoided the cliff, and continued to search for a new way up the mountain.After some observation, he really found it.Four to fifty meters away from the cliff, a crevice washed out by water is faintly exposed.Tao Chuan thought to himself, if this crack can lead to the top of the mountain, it would be a perfect path.

"He Xiaowei," Tao Chuan shouted.

"Yes," replied a warrior.

"Go and see where that mountain crevice leads!" After He Xiaowei ran over, Tao Chuan gave him the task.

Afterwards, He Xiaowei put on his shoes, took his belongings, and ran towards the crack in a hurry.After a while, He Xiaowei's figure disappeared into the cracks.

Tao Chuan and the others did not move, and continued to stay by the stream, waiting for the best news from He Xiaowei.

If there is a way to go, Tao Chuan will take people up the mountain quickly.If this road is blocked, he will continue to walk down with people.Tao Chuan didn't believe that there was no way for people to reach the mountain.If there is really no way here and it is impossible to go back, then there is only hard climbing.

Tao Chuan was thinking about it, and He Xiaowei's figure appeared on the top of the cliff.Tao Chuan became happy when he saw it, and said to several others, "Don't wash it, and prepare to go up the mountain."

Although the soldiers were still reluctant to part with the stream, no one dared to stay here after the order was issued.So these soldiers hurriedly put on their clothes and ran along He Xiaowei's way up the mountain.

After He Xiaowei arrived at Dayatou, he immediately had the idea of ​​glaring at Gao Xiaotianxia.So, he was not afraid of the thorns and thorns, and walked towards the top of the cliff.He didn't stop until he saw Tao Chuan and the others.He stretched out his arm, wanting to shout to this person under the cliff.

When he looked down, Tao Zhong had already led people up the mountain along the route he had waded out.

Now that Tao Chuan and the others knew the way up the mountain, He Xiaowei had completed the task.Immediately afterwards, he wanted to look again, but where were the two fighters serving as guards.

Along the way, the soldiers of this squad took turns to cover.Therefore, according to the shift order, it is my turn to be on the next shift.

When He Xiaowei came into contact with the hidden positions of the two fighters behind, his eyes froze in shock.

At this time, He Xiaowei saw several beige military uniforms of Vietnamese soldiers in the opposite jungle.There is no need to ask, the Vietnamese army must have come after them.

"But where are our two soldiers!" He Xiaowei didn't see them where his eyes fell, and he was very anxious, "Where are you two hiding? The enemy is coming, why don't you run away?"

While thinking, he used his eyes to search the jungle and grass.

At this time, there is no need to look at the jungle, because the presence of Vietnamese soldiers has already been shown there.If these two fighters are still there.Then they will definitely not come out.Then he went to inspect the grass.Seeing this, he was happy.Because where his eyes touched, he saw two wormwoods shaking non-stop.

"That's right, it must be Chi Hu and Tang Litong."

He Xiaowei didn't dare to leave now, worried that the Vietnamese army would catch up and cause harm to the two of them.So, aiming the gun at this place, he made a decision in his mind that as long as the Vietnamese army approached the two of them, he would shoot immediately.

After Tao Chuan led people up the mountain, He Xiaowei was nowhere to be seen. He asked whoever said he didn't see him.

Tao Chuan was so angry! "Good boy, run around and see how I deal with you."

Not only Tao Chuan, but also the soldiers were anxious not to see He Xiaowei.So a soldier called He Xiaowei's name softly.

He Xiaowei heard someone calling him, but he didn't dare to answer, fearing that if he answered, the Vietnamese army on the opposite side would see him.You can't move, because this place is very high.If you move a little, you may be spotted by the enemy.

At this time, He Xiaowei was really embarrassed.If he left, there would be no one to cover Chi Hu and Tang Litong.Don't look at the two people who are still in the grass, but whether they saw the enemy coming, and whether they were prepared in their hearts.

For this point, it is not yet possible to judge.

It would be better if they knew that the enemy was right in front of them. In that case, the two of them could resist. If they didn't know, the result would probably be touched by the Vietnamese army.Therefore, He Xiaowei wanted to use his special status of being tall and seeing far to give them support.

In the end, He Xiaowei decided to ignore the person calling him.

Suddenly, the soldiers calling He Xiaowei's name stopped.

Why didn't they shout, because when they approached He Xiaowei's place, they also saw the silhouette of the Vietnamese army flashing in the opposite forest.

"What should we do? Chi Hu and Tang Litong haven't come yet." When Tao Chuan saw the enemy on the opposite side, his first reaction was An Wei of the two soldiers.

At this time, three Vietnamese soldiers came out from the opposite jungle.They moved very quickly. Judging from the evasion and dodge, these three people must be scouts sent by a certain unit of the Vietnamese army.

As soon as the three Vietnamese soldiers came out of the jungle, they immediately lowered their bodies to the lowest level, almost as high as the wormwood.In this way, even if there are people on the opposite hillside, it is difficult to find them out of the grass.In doing so, unnecessary casualties will also be reduced.

At this time, Tao Chuan still couldn't figure out whether Chi Hu and Tang Litong knew that there were pursuers behind them.If they knew that, if they were still dawdling like this, the enemy might crawl to both of them in a few minutes.

In fact, Chi Hu and Tang Li discovered the Vietnamese army when they were in the woods. Otherwise, they would not have hidden their bodies in the grass, and they would not even dare to straighten their waists.The two of them were not afraid of the Vietnamese army, but they were afraid of exposing their targets.

In this case, it has not yet reached the point of fighting with the Vietnamese army.If the two shot, they would definitely tell the enemy about their squad's whereabouts.Although the few Vietnamese troops in front of us were killed, what about the ones behind!What to do next!Once all the enemies rushed over, their squad would definitely be in danger.So, the two of them exchanged glances, got rid of the enemy and got into the grass.

Because they entered the grass very early, the three Vietnamese soldiers did not see it.If they saw it, the Vietnamese army would not enter the grass like this, and would definitely sweep it with a gun.

Chi Hu and Tang Li came out of the grass together and saw the stream.

At this time, the creek was empty.No need to ask, the team leader and the others must have crossed the creek and entered the opposite mountain.

The two of them exchanged glances again, then suddenly stood up and ran towards the creek.

The grass by the creek is very short, and it can't cover the human body no matter what.If you continue to climb forward at this time, you will be like a tortoise climbing on a boulder.Not only does it lack speed, but it also throws the entire back to the enemy.

Isn't it too stupid to do this knowing that there are enemies behind?Therefore, Chi Hu and Tang Litong had to be decisive and quick.

The two stood up suddenly from the grass, and ran wildly across the creek towards the opposite cliff.

Tao Chuan was in a hurry on the cliff, because the two of them didn't run towards the crevice, but went directly to the bottom of the cliff.

No way, Tao Chuan had to order the soldiers to throw the rope down the cliff.

Now, time is life, and it is easy to go up the mountain before the enemy finds them both.

However, this is no longer possible.

Because more figures appeared in the opposite jungle, and the three Vietnamese soldiers in the tall wormwood had already spotted Chi Hu and Tang Litong who were rushing towards them.

The enemy's shooting is already imminent.

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