soldier rushing forward

372、Shooting Down the Lynx

Wu Jianglong led Tao Chuan and the others quickly escaped from this land of right and wrong under the cover of fog.Although it was covered by fog, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to be careless.After all, these enemies in front of them have not been completely wiped out.Through years of experience, he knows the nature of these Vietnamese troops very well.These people are very much like greedy cats who want something to eat. Before they are satisfied, they will not resolutely leave for the sake of face.They will both annoy you and make you unable to do anything about it, just like the snot on your hands, you can't shake it off unless you find a clean water source and wash him off.

With such mental preparation, Wu Jianglong asked Tao Chuan to lead the people away first, and he led the five soldiers to break the rear.

As the height of the mountain increases, the trees gradually become sparse, and there is a sudden hill that appears and disappears in the mist.After Wu Jianglong saw it, he said to the soldiers, "Hurry up, rush up."

The five fighters ran forward with all their might, even though they were going upwards, but under such circumstances, they could run at a certain speed even if they ran upwards with all their strength.The purpose of this speed is to keep a distance from the Vietnamese army behind.

Someone asked, but I didn't see the Vietnamese army, why bother to fool myself.Hurry up and go your way.If we were ordinary people, we would definitely do this. As long as we walk fast, we can shake off the enemies behind us.But Wu Jianglong didn't think so. He believed that if these followers were not dealt with, the danger would still exist.If you recklessly go to scout the hiding place of the brigade, then the whole team will be in danger.Therefore, before reaching the mountain stream, these Vietnamese troops must disappear forever no matter what.In other words, drive them back to their own people, and don't follow them endlessly.

In the blink of an eye, six people climbed up the hill.After reaching the hill, Wu Jianglong didn't let the soldiers go down the hill quickly to chase after Tao Chuan and the others, but all lay in ambush.

Wu Jianglong wanted to use the space here to count the enemies behind him, and in the next killing operation, he would never leave a single victim alive.

A gust of wind swept by, and the thick fog on the hills lifted a corner as if someone had rolled a curtain.As soon as the limelight subsided, the covered fog covered the exposed parts again.

"Okay, it's windy." Wu Jianglong said softly.

According to common sense, we all know that no matter how big a cloud is in the sky, it cannot hold back the strong wind.As long as there are a few speeds, the clouds will continue to move forward under the force of the wind.Therefore, Wu Jianglong sees hope when he sees the wind.

At this time, why did Wu Jianglong have such an idea?Isn't fog better able to cover the retreat of one's own people?Make the enemy invisible and they will never be found.

The situation is not like that, because the enemies in front of them are too close, and they are old spies who are used to drilling in the mountains. This fog can't stop them at all.The only thing that stopped him was Wu Jianglong's observation of the enemy's line of sight.

Sure enough, after the breeze passed, there was a rustling sound from the tree whistle.

A soldier asked, "Big team, the enemy is coming up."

"No, it's the leaves." Wu Jianglong and the others had just crouched here, and it was impossible for the enemy to hang their bodies so high to chase them.Therefore, he concluded that it was not the enemy.

"Hua Hua Hua" was another burst of sound.Wu Jianglong said softly, paying attention to the enemies down the mountain.

Although the wind was not very strong, just these few forces began to loosen the crowded mist.As soon as the mist moved, the area close to the valley was pushed aside by the air current.In just half a minute of light and shadow, the lower body of the bush was exposed under the fog.

Wu Jianglong kept his body as close to the ground as possible, looking sideways along the mountain.

Shanmao and his people have been following Wu Jianglong and the others.Because he thought of his lack of manpower, he didn't have the momentum to launch another strong attack.Now, Shan Mao has become better, without the arrogance of the past, and no longer has the urgency to perform meritorious service.I thought to myself, no matter how hard the ** among you are, you won’t be able to get out of Vietnam.If you can't get out of Vietnam, you will always be in the palm of the Tathagata Buddha, and you are afraid that you will not be able to escape.

Some comrades want to say, why, the Vietnamese still know the Tathagata?

Of course.When we talked about the whole story of Vietnam, we once said that his ancestors were all people from our Central Plains, and the predecessor of Vietnam has always been a subordinate country of China.How can such a country not be influenced by the culture of the central and central powers? Therefore, many of their customs and habits are consistent with ours.We have feudal superstition, and they are no exception.Some of our people believe in Buddhism, and it is the same in Vietnam.It has been going on like this for thousands of years.What's more, our four great classics are also their prophets. People with a little education can ignore the others. For them, "Journey to the West" and "Three Kingdoms" are textbooks.In view of this, Shanmao had already developed in his heart the story of Monkey King not being able to jump out of the Tathagata's palm. When he saw it, he would of course think of Wu Jianglong and the others.

The sky gradually brightened, and as the mist rose, the forest gradually became clearer.

"Captain, there seems to be someone there." A soldier whispered.

"Be prepared, as long as the turtle sons come over, they will eat them all here," Wu Jianglong said.

The lynx's sense of smell is particularly sensitive, and it seems to smell a stranger here.So, when he brought people close to the area where Wu Jianglong was hiding, he asked people to stop.

After hearing the order, the Vietnamese army of less than one squad eagerly found a place to rest.

At this time, Bobcat hid behind a big tree and looked up the mountain through the scope.

Isn't he eager to find Wu Jianglong and the others?Why don't you leave now? Could it be that you are not afraid of Wu Jianglong and others running away.

Bobcat also rolled out of the battlefield, he doesn't understand anything.After the mist dissipated, he came across the hill by chance.In terms of position, the enemy is above and he is below.If there were people ambushing on the hill, then if they approached, wouldn't they be caught straight.It was precisely because of this consideration that he asked people to stop, and waited to find out before speaking.

The lynx hid behind a tree and searched up the mountain little by little.After the first round, he really didn't find anything.Shanmao didn't believe it, and didn't believe that the Chinese people would run forward so confidently.So, he turned the gun around a second time.This turn, he really found his target.

Behind a stone, the light of a star blinked for a moment.Just at this moment, Bobcat realized that there was someone here.

Shan Mao was secretly proud of himself, proud of his accurate judgment, "Hmph, if you want to play this game with me, I will ask you to pay a price first."

The Lynx cocked the gun lightly, loaded the cartridge, raised the barrel, and began aiming where he saw the target.When he gathered his gaze again, trying to capture and shoot, the target was gone.

Shan Mao was a little surprised, "Could it be that his own people were exposed." Then he thought about it, "These people didn't come out of the woods, and their movements were very slight. How could they be seen by the people on the mountain."

However, it doesn't matter, as long as the target on the mountain appears, he can shoot.Now, Bobcats' thinking is absolutely opposite to that of Wu Jianglong and the others.Shanmao is not in a hurry to pursue, as long as Beikou is in front, he wants to stay away.

Bobcat thought so, and continued to search for the hills in the forest.

At this time, Wu Jianglong was also searching for Bobcats in the scope.The two cameras slowly move closer together on the gradually clear hillside.Although the light was still very dark, the bright lines flashing in the mirror still set a target for the opponent.Wu Jianglong is the first lynx to hide on the hills, so it stops quietly.

But the Bobcats were blundering around without fully determining the target.In this way, even if he shoots, Bobcat's movements are half a beat slower than Wu Jianglong's.

I don't know how many people who read books are playing the "Cross Fire" game.If you have played it, then when you are in the battle of "Battle of the Guard", you can experience the feeling of fast and slow sniper rifles.Anyway, in the process of playing, I often regretted being killed by my opponent because of the slower speed of one tenth of a second.If you have such an experience, and now understand the situation of Wu Jianglong and Bobcats, then you don't bother at all.

Therefore, in this kind of battle, it is not that one inch is long and one inch is strong, but that the enemy is killed first in microseconds.Otherwise, the result of failure can only be a latecomer.

Wu Jianglong shot quickly when he felt the light.

But Bobcat is not a novice either. The moment he realized the bright light, the first reaction in his brain was that he was being watched.If you are greedy for this goal, then you only have one dead word.

The moment Shan Mao saw the bright light, he cried out inwardly.He didn't continue to aim or pull the blade, but quickly lowered his head, trying to use the lowest posture to escape the disaster.Even so, his movements were still slow, and his head was dodged, but the helmet on his head was worn straight.

With a sound of "Dang", the helmet flew up from the bobcat's head, and jumped towards a big tree next to it.

Shanmao secretly groaned in his heart, and today he was going to recite words.Originally, that group of people were not easy to provoke, but now they have a more powerful role.In this way, not to mention arresting that group of people, it will be a problem with them.

Shan Mao didn't dare to raise his head after lying on the ground, but shouted to several other Vietnamese soldiers, "Hit, hit me."

The hidden Vietnamese troops, because they heard the order from the Bobcats not to move around, did not act without authorization, and hid in various concealed places, squinting their eyes towards the mountain.They are very obedient, and they also want to save themselves and destroy the enemy, and find out the opponent's weaknesses in such a war theory.

Hearing the sound of "Dang", before the Vietnamese soldiers understood what was going on, they heard the bobcat shouting, "Dang"

Ever since, these Vietnamese troops didn't know where the Chinese soldiers in Yamate were, and they didn't care whether they hit or not, anyway, there must be people hidden in the deep grass.What if the people behind the boulder can't be hit?Then there is only blockage.Only by blocking it can there be hope of catching it.

The submachine guns in the hands of the Vietnamese army sounded at the same time, and the dense bullets quickly pressed towards Wu Jianglong.Wu Jianglong originally wanted to fire a second shot. If the enemy with the sniper rifle just now was not hit, he could continue to make up.

However, Shan Mao was not showing his head, but let his subordinates pour bullets over, trying to drive out the hidden snipers with firepower.

Logically speaking, Wujiang Longzhun would order the soldiers to fire at the enemy, and to shoot at each other. If they fought well, they could suppress the enemy's firepower. At least they would have to compete with the Shanmao team in terms of firepower.

But Wu Jianglong was not so stupid. If he did this, it would be exactly what Shanmao hoped for.

Wu Jianglong was so crushed by the enemy's bullets that he couldn't lift his head up. He saw that there was almost no possibility of firing a second shot.

At this time, as a senior sniper, he knew very well that his best time to snipe had passed, if he persisted in this stalemate, then the one who would lose next would be the sniper.

Wu Jianglong himself did not shoot again, nor did he let the soldiers shoot.He saw the purpose of the Bobcats. If he shot at the enemy and hit their arms, he would lose the most powerful opportunity to leave quickly. If a large number of enemies arrived, then it would be an unspeakable life-and-death battle .

With this plan in mind, Wu Jianglong put his body as close to the ground as possible, and then stepped back a little bit.While retreating, he shouted to other fighters, "Retreat."

Now is not the time to be heroic. Preserving strength and getting rid of the enemy is the fundamental purpose.

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