soldier rushing forward

391. Fire Commando

After the group of Vietnamese soldiers walked out of the jungle, they finally escaped from the cover of the trees, so they left most of their figures on the tip of the grass.

At this time, since Peng Shaohui hadn't found Tao Chuan and the others, he thought they were the only ones in the empty world, so they walked leisurely.

Holding submachine guns and holding their chests straight, all the Vietnamese soldiers walked in the waist-deep grass, heading towards Tao Chuan's ambush site.

The tranquility of the grass beach was finally broken by the sound of "squeaking" touching the grass, and black dots appeared on the horizon. As the distance got closer, the target gradually became bigger.

"be prepared"

Tao Chuan kept his eyes on the binoculars and carefully searched the surrounding area of ​​the Vietnamese army.When he found that there were no other Vietnamese troops after this group, he gave the order.

More than a dozen soldiers quickly occupied the favorable terrain, some were ready to shoot according to the tree, and some lay down on the ground, using the inclination of the slope to stare at the enemy vigorously.

Through the scale of the scope, Tao Chuan calculated the enemy's distance bit by bit, "500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters..."

Peng Shaohui, who was walking in the front, hadn't expected the danger yet. He felt that the Vietnamese soldiers behind him were walking too slowly, so he stopped, waved at these Vietnamese soldiers, and urged them to speed up.After he yelled, these Vietnamese troops quickly surpassed the front again, and Peng Shaohui became the position of supervisor in a blink of an eye.

When approaching 100 meters, Peng Shaohui still did not find anyone ambushing here, so the Vietnamese army continued to move forward as usual.It was about to approach the woods, and as long as we passed through, we could reach the battlefield where the Chinese and Vietnamese armies were still engaged in gun battles.The Vietnamese soldiers began to be happy. Although they didn't cheer, judging from the speed of their march, it was enough to see that these Vietnamese soldiers had a strong desire to participate in the battle.

Suddenly, the word "beat" exploded in the air.

All the Vietnamese soldiers were stunned. Before they could understand what they were shouting and where the voice was coming from, they found a string of bullets shot out from the grass nest and behind the trees in the forest.

The sudden blow immediately cut down the Vietnamese army in front like cutting wheat.

"No, there are northern bandits here." Some Vietnamese army shouted, and the other Vietnamese soldiers immediately fell down on the spot.

As soon as the Vietnamese army fell down, the wooden stakes on the top of the grass disappeared instantly.

Unable to see how to hit the target, the soldiers were really anxious.

Some comrades thought of bombing with grenades.But the grass is so thick, and the Vietnamese army is more scattered, the power of the grenade can be seen on the fingers.What's more, our soldiers don't have many grenades in their hands, so how can they withstand blind throwing.

Seeing that the Vietnamese army was gone, Tao Chuan immediately issued an order to stop shooting.

Now, bullets are the protector of a soldier's life. If they are exhausted, they will not take their own life seriously.Therefore, the soldiers all stopped the gunfire, put the burst safety on the single-shot control, and prepared to kill these enemies with one shot.

After Peng Shaohui was hit by this, he immediately understood that this place was not empty, the squadron had been set up long before them.In other words, their ideas of plagiarizing and sneak attacking from behind have basically failed.

"What to do, go back," Peng Shaohui had this thought, but it was impossible.It's hard to come here after going around a big circle, how can I go back so easily.However, biting the bullet, the Chinese squadron in front was blocked there again.Thinking of this, Peng Shaohui was really anxious. If he couldn't arrive at the place on time, how much would his own people lose?The head of the group, Li Zhiming, did not kill him.

"No, I have to rush to death." After some analysis, Peng Shaohui finally made this decision.

So, he ordered the Vietnamese army to widen the distance, and under the cover of grass, climbed in front of the Chinese army.

As soon as the order was issued, the Vietnamese army began to move again.However, this time the action was not as swaggering as before, but like a snake, it was entrusted to the ground and moved forward slowly.

Tao Chuan stared at the grass, but he saw that the place where the Vietnamese army lay down was still hidden, neither were they advancing or retreating.

"You son of a bitch, what kind of tricks are you playing?" Tao Chuan once again raised his binoculars to look in Peng Shaohui's direction.

The grass is so thick that once a person lies down, it is like a needle falling into the sea, and there is no trace in an instant.Don't look at the soldiers staring at the place where the enemy disappeared before shooting, but they can move.Within 2 minutes, it will definitely move to a certain direction.As long as people moved, it would be difficult to find their position from the grass.Unless the enemy takes the initiative to stand up and let us aim.How is this possible?

Tao Chuan looked hard for a while, but he couldn't find a hiding place for the Vietnamese army. However, he always felt that the grass in the grass had changed compared with before.

What changes?Although there is a lot of grass being knocked down by bullets, this does not reduce the density of the grass.

This is not the change Tao Chuan saw. He found that the fluctuation of the grass was different.There are a few bushes, and the shaking of the grass tip is obviously different from other places. Instead of falling to one side with the wind, it separates to both sides.

Tao Chuan immediately understood that this was the Vietnamese army moving forward!After Tao Chuan saw the clue, he thought, "You son of a bitch, you can hide it."

However, Tao Chuan realized another problem, even if we knew where the enemy was, we would not be able to fight unless we used machine guns to sweep the enemy out of the grass.

He really dared to do this when it was time to change.But it's not working right now, he doesn't have so many bullets to shoot indiscriminately, even if he shoots one by one, he still feels distressed.

"What should I do? You can't just watch the enemy climb over the grass and attack them!"

Tao Chuan looked down at the nearby grass for a while, and felt that the soldiers were still too close to the grass beach.If the Vietnamese army were allowed to crawl out of the bushes, at such a short distance, it would be easy to surprise them.

Suddenly, the scene of Qiu Shaoyun being burned by the fire in the grass appeared in Tao Chuan's mind, and he was excited, "Yes, even Li Chengwan's puppet army knows how to use fire, how can I not use it."

Tao Chuan tested the direction of the wind with his hands, and felt that the wind coming out of the woods was just heading towards the grass, and the wind was not too weak, enough to push the flames forward.

"Who is on fire?" Tao Chuan began to scatter his clothes on his body.Because Tao Chuan doesn't smoke, there is no fire on his body.

Hearing the squad leader wanted to fire, a bearded soldier came over, "Squad leader, I have it."

"Okay, give it to me." Tao Chuan reached out to take the match, wiped the ground and lit it, and then lit the torn cloth.

After Tao Chuan lit the fire, he quickly ran close to the edge of the grass, quickly picked up a few handfuls of rotten grass, and lit the small grass pile again.

The soldier with the match knew it at a glance, and followed Tao Chuan's example, and lit the grass in several other places,

Several grasses were on fire, and the soldiers stretched out their hands and threw the burning grass into the grass.

Although this is a rainy mountainous area, the grass is also flammable. As long as there is no heavy rain pouring down, it is still easy to set a fire.What's more, the rotten grass accumulated over the years is easy to ignite.

When the flames came together, there was a crackling sound in the grass immediately.Driven by the wind, several fire dragons jumped out of Laogao, and swept towards the depths of the grassland with smoke.

At this time, someone worried about the dozen or so fighters from the other end of the grass.

Tao Chuan said, "Don't worry, there is a river blocking the fire over there, the fire can't get through, and it can't burn them.

Peng Shaohui crawled for a while, seeing the Vietnamese army in front of him about to emerge from the grass, he felt joyful again, "If you block them with guns, I won't be able to get out. I have plenty of ways to deal with you, just wait and see! "

While secretly complacent, he crawled forward with the Vietnamese army in front.

Suddenly, Peng Shaohui heard a powerful crackling sound in the grass, and then felt a ball of fire rushing towards them.

Peng Shaohui looked up and saw thick smoke billowing in front of him, as if a train spewing thick smoke was approaching them.

Some Vietnamese soldiers were dumbfounded by the sudden situation, and thought it was some new weapon thrown by our army, such as smoke bombs or something.

But Peng Shaohui saw it, and knew that this was not a smoke bomb, but a big fire.So, he ignored everything, stood up and shouted at the Vietnamese soldiers, "Run, the fire is coming."

The Vietnamese soldiers who had just had some fun thinking jumped up from the ground one by one, turned around and ran back.

At this time, there was a running figure in the middle of the flat grass, in front of it, and flames sweeping in behind.Because there is no gust of wind here, although the tongue of fire also caused a certain whirlwind, but it was not very fast, and it could not achieve the effect of sweeping clouds.Watching helplessly, the Vietnamese army dropped the fire more than ten meters.If such a distance is maintained, even if the fire burns out the pasture, the lives of these Vietnamese soldiers will not be dealt with.

"No, you can't let these living turtle sons go back." Tao Chuan saw the threat of potential enemies, and only by eliminating them completely can the safety of the large army be guaranteed when it retreats. "Comrades, destroy these enemies."

At this time, in order to avoid the fire, the Vietnamese army didn't care about anything. They didn't care whether they were exposed or not. They only hated their parents for missing two legs.If it had four legs, it would definitely run like lightning when running now.

What they are most afraid of now is not bullets, but fire.

Although there was a lot of smoke on the grass beach, it did not affect the soldiers' shooting. The difficulty was that there was no target to find.It's all right now, these Vietnamese soldiers are not covered by the grass, and they all expose most of their bodies, obviously becoming targets for our soldiers.

The fire was very fierce, and its scorching heat could be felt more than ten meters away. Even if you wanted to chase the enemy, you couldn't go deep into the grass, and you could only look for the target in the forest.

I saw a dozen soldiers of our army, led by Tao Chuan, galloping through the woods while looking for the fleeing enemy.

Following, snap, snap, snap, there was a crisp sound of gunshots, and people from the Vietnamese army fell to the ground one after another.

The running Vietnamese army had reached the point of panic. They knew that someone was shooting at them, but they didn't dare to have the slightest plan to fight back.Because there is a fire dragon chasing behind them.This fire dragon is much more powerful than a bullet, and if it slows down a bit, it may be turned into ashes. Even if it does not die, it will still have to burn [-]% of its area. With that kind of smell, life is better than death.Fighting back is not as good as a running bento, as long as you escape the bullets, the survival rate is [-]%.

The Vietnamese army is really desperate. Whether you shoot or not, I will run away. As long as you run out, there is still a chance to make money.

In this way, the Vietnamese army ran in front, Tao Chuan and the others shot at one side, chasing them all the way, and more than half of the Vietnamese army was wiped out.

In the fierce moment, I don't know whether the Vietnamese soldiers who fell into the grass are dead or alive, and now no one cares about them.Knowing that their chances of surviving are very high, even if they are not shot to death by bullets, their chances of surviving are equal to zero.

Because behind them, there was a fire dragon galloping towards them, waiting to devour their lives.

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