soldier rushing forward

419、Begin Evacuation

A radio station sits in the corner.This is not You Ziwu's radio station.Theirs was broken long ago on the way, and it couldn't be repaired after several repairs. This is why Wu Jianglong has been unable to contact them.The current one was forcibly left by You Ziwu when Peng Shaohui led people into the church.

Both are 861 radio stations, with the same model and the same components.After putting together these two radio stations, Peng Shaohui's radio station finally played a role.

House Xu turned on the radio, set the frequency and started calling.

On the top of a densely forested hillside, Wu Jianglong was looking anxiously at the too small church with a binoculars.

There, gunshots continued and explosions continued.

He wanted to rush over with people too much.But the situation is unknown, so I dare not act rashly.It's okay if he is alone, there are eight fighters following him.If he went in and was surrounded by the enemy, how could he feel sorry for them, these were eight young lives.However, if you don't go in, how can You Ziwu and the others inside get out.

Wu Jianglong is in a dilemma.The only way is to contact You Ziwu and the others as soon as possible, find out the situation and then think of a solution.

Radio soldiers kept calling.When one battery is exhausted, replace it with another and continue to shout.

However, continuous and uninterrupted monitoring, calling and other means are used.There was no response from You Ziwu's side.

Wu Jianglong secretly persuaded himself that their radio station was broken, so they couldn't be contacted.He didn't dare to think about the result of martyrdom for all nine soldiers in a squad.

Every once in a while, a soldier ran over to him and said, "I can't get in touch."

At the beginning, Wu Jianglong could echo loudly and continue to call.As time passed, he lost even the energy to speak.Sometimes I nodded, sometimes I shook my hand. Later, I didn't speak or move. I just took a look, turned my head, and continued to look into the distance.

He really wanted to see You Ziwu and the others in the binoculars, even if they were bruised, at least they were still alive.

Another warrior came running towards him.

Wu Jianglong turned his head and glanced at it, ignored it, and continued to observe.He thinks there is no need to ask, it is still a few bad words such as "I can't get in touch, I can't get through" and so on.

Before the soldier reached Wu Jianglong, he shouted happily from afar: "Captain, we're in touch."

Wu Jianglong turned his head in shock: "What, let's talk about it later."

That soldier: "We got in touch with Squad Leader You and the others."

Wu Jianglong jumped off the mountain beam recklessly, and ran towards the radio station quickly.

When the radio station soldier saw Wu Jianglong coming, he also excitedly said, "Captain, we're in touch."

Wu Jianglong asked: "How are they doing?"

Radio Soldier: "It's Fang Zixu who answered the call. They are going to break out and ask where we are."

Wu Jianglong: "Ask them from which direction to break through, and we will meet them."

Radio soldier: "He said it doesn't matter, as long as we know where we are."

Wu Jianglong suddenly became suspicious, and thought to himself: "Why do you want to ask the direction of the large army?" He didn't dare to think about it, grabbed the microphone, and shouted into it: "Call me You Ziwu."

House Xu's voice came from the microphone: "He can't take care of it now, the enemy has blasted us, and we can't stand it anymore."

"Go, replace him with me." Wu Jianglong was afraid that something might go wrong, so he wanted to call You Ziwu to confirm.If one person makes a mistake, it won't happen to everyone!He believed in You Ziwu, so he wanted to talk to You Ziwu in person.

The enemies outside the church continued to approach the church, and the soldiers inside resisted desperately. They shot bullets at any bushes that made noise.The two sides were fighting fiercely, bullets were flying, you come and live with me, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

You Ziwu guarded a window, shooting out for a while, and hiding his body for a while. In short, he couldn't let the enemy hit him, and he couldn't let the enemy take a step forward.

At this time, the house Xu ran over from the stairs.Loudly: "Squad Leader You, you go, the team leader wants to talk to you."

"Didn't you tell him I was busy! Just tell the captain no."

"No, no, it seems that you are suspicious of me, you should go!"

You Ziwu handed the gun to the house Xu: "You stay here."

You Ziwu ran downstairs.

You Ziwu grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly: "I am a mole, I am a mole, please answer if you hear it.

Wu Jianglong: "Mole, tell me about your situation."

In Li Zhiming's field command post, the same 861 radio station was placed in front of Li Zhiming, and a Vietnamese soldier was controlling it.You Ziwu's clear voice came from the radio.

Suddenly, You Ziwu's accent changed into a voice that no one could understand.

The officer of the Vietnamese army standing by the radio looked helplessly at Li Zhiming who was standing aside.

Li Zhiming asked anxiously, "What are they talking about?"

Radio soldier: "They don't speak Chinese, they use a local dialect, which I don't understand."

"Damn it, bastard," Li Zhiming said angrily, "Bai asked you to go to China to study for four years, and you can't even understand Chinese."

Vietnamese military officer: "I only understand Chinese. They are a big country, and they have dialects everywhere. I can learn them no matter what."

"Get out" Li Zhiming roared, drove the officer away, and then picked up the microphone to monitor himself.

Even an officer of the Vietnamese army who had studied in China for four years couldn't understand it, let alone an old soldier who knew how to fight and didn't have much culture.

The voice coming out of the phone is a Shanghai accent, not to mention Li Zhiming, even people from most parts of China can't understand it.

However, Wu Jianglong understood You Ziwu's words, otherwise why would he call him here.

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Wu Jianglong could hear it, but he couldn't say a few words, so he had to use this sentence to affirm You Ziwu's opinion.

Just this sentence was understood by the Vietnamese officer, and he said to Li Zhiming, "Regimental Commander, the Beikou seem to be taking action.

"Take action?" Li Zhiming hesitated for a moment, "Notify all the troops to guard all the important intersections to prevent the northern bandits from escaping. If anyone lets go, they will exchange their heads."


An officer of the Vietnam Army agreed and hurried to issue the notice.

In the mountains and jungles, Wu Jianglong led the team of less than ten people and started to cross.

From the general direction You Ziwu said, Wu Jianglong judged that the exit he mentioned should be due west, not north.But Wu Jianglong and the others are just to the north of the church.In this way, the place where Wu Jianglong and You Ziwu meet is still far away.

Although You Ziwu has repeatedly stated that Wu Jianglong does not need to pick them up, after they come out, they will take the initiative to move in this direction.But how could Wu Jianglong sit and wait!He won't ignore the brothers who finally got in touch, even if there are few people, he has to do something for them.Maybe, a gun can save lives at a critical moment.

Wu Jianglong was very happy to be able to talk to You Ziwu, and then informed Li Sen of the news.

Knowing that You Ziwu's squad was still alive and fighting the enemy, everyone in the brigade was excited, and the soldiers clamored to rescue them.

Especially that Li Wei, when he heard that You Ziwu and the others were still alive, he insisted on bringing his own people to save them.

After thinking about it, Li Sen decided to take all the people back and follow up at the location provided by Wu Jianglong.

Originally, I planned to send someone to explore the deep acupuncture point in the canyon. If it can reach the north, it is best to go to the other side of the border.In that case, the reconnaissance brigade will be able to cross the border smoothly and return to China.

But now the situation has changed. Not only did you lose You Ziwu's class, but Wu Jianglong took a dozen people to rescue him, and the total of the two times was enough for 20 people.One-third of the entire brigade is here, even if these people under the gully can go back, it will be regarded as a defeat.

"No, if you want to go back, you have to get out of your body." Li Sen thought.

To retreat completely is to bring back all the soldiers who have been brought out one by one.

After Li Sen had this idea, he immediately sent a report to the country, briefly explaining the situation here.Afterwards, they led everyone out of the ravine, re-entered the dense jungle, and began to move in the direction Wu Jianglong said.

From now on, these three forces will join forces and fight against one family.

Besides, after You Ziwu got in touch with Wu Jianglong, he felt a lot more at ease.

From the first floor to the second floor, he walked all the way up and told everyone the news of contacting the brigade.Finally, he came to the house Xu and said to the house Xu.

"Old Fang, I've made an agreement with the captain, we're going to withdraw."

Fang Zixu: "Get out! But look outside, the Vietnamese army let us go?"

You Ziwu peeped out. From what he saw, the grass was full of Vietnamese troops, and it seemed that the Vietnamese troops were ready to prevent them from breaking out.

You Ziwu smiled: "Let them guard against it! Let's not go here."

Fang Zixu also smiled heartily, "Are you sure that there will be no problem with your channel?"

"Probably not. When I went in, I measured the distance. I guess it must be at least 1000 meters. With such a long distance, although we can't get out of the encirclement of the Vietnamese army, we are also at the key point of the Vietnamese army's defense." You Ziwu was confident, "If they find out, we'll beat him up."

"Okay, that's it."

While the two were talking, the Vietnamese army launched another attack.

"The son of a turtle is coming up again, and he probably won't be able to leave for a while."

"Stop entangled with them, you go to inform other people, move to the basement, I will cover." You Ziwu said.

"Okay!" House Xu left to greet the soldiers.

At the gap guarded by Li Xiaohua, a large number of Vietnamese troops rushed towards it.

Li Xiaohua desperately blocked the enemy with a submachine gun.At this time, the house Xu came running.

House Xu shouted, "Li Xiaohua, take someone to the basement, and I'll cover."

The soldiers who had withdrawn from upstairs one after another also arrived here.

While shooting, Li Xiaohua said, "You take them there, I can do it."

"You know the entrance of the cave, go quickly." The house was a little on fire.

He knew that as soon as the people upstairs came down, the enemy would soon reach the base of other walls.If it was slower, there would be more holes in the four walls of the church as soon as they exploded everywhere.At that time, they will have no danger to defend.With just a few of them, it is very difficult to guard the four directions of east, west, north, south.What's more, there are not many bullets, and if they run out, there will be no chance of saving lives when retreating.

"Okay." Li Xiaohua put away his guns and ran towards the basement with the soldiers.

Afterwards, You Ziwu withdrew from the second floor to the first floor, and said to the house Xu, "Retreat."

Since the north wall base was blown away, Li Zhiming saw the hope of victory.

After eavesdropping on the conversation between Wu Jianglong and You Ziwu, he roughly guessed that they were going to run away.Then the order was given to attack the church one last time. ,

The order to each company is, "At all costs, blow up the wall and enter the church."

The Vietnamese troops stopped charging and began to block several windows guarded by the Chinese army with firepower.

All of a sudden, intense gunshots rang out in the grass, like hundreds of firecrackers exploding at the same time.

Looking outside the church, bunches of sparks exploded on the wall.

While the Vietnamese army swept across the windows of the church, several groups of Vietnamese troops took the opportunity to move towards the church.

The Vietnamese army moving forward was not threatened at all. They really thought that the covering firepower of the Vietnamese army had played a role.

In the church, most of the people had already entered the basement, only You Ziwu and Fang Xu who were acting as cover did not come in.

Fang Zixu thought of Xiaodong's body: "Squad leader, what should Xiaodong do?"

You Ziwu said: "The tunnel is very narrow, and the journey back is also very long. We still have to fight, so we can't bring him back."

"Alas!" House Xu sighed in pain.

"I covered him with bricks, and we'll take him home when we get a chance."

While the two were talking, a large number of Vietnamese troops were seen moving here from the gap.

You Ziwu: "Let's withdraw! The Vietnamese army is going to blow up the wall."

You Ziwu and Xu Fei got into the basement, and then You Ziwu put the lid on.

The moment the basement cover fell, a series of explosions were heard around the church.

"Boom, boom, boom"

With a few loud bangs, the church suddenly became a beggar in ragged clothes, and it no longer had the original prestige that stood out from the crowd.Li Zhiming has also become a bad element who destroys cultural relics.

I think, if Li Zhiming had the awareness of environmental protection at that time, he probably would not have done so.With only such a church and such a beautiful grassland, if it is developed today, I don’t know how many international figures will be attracted to go sightseeing.Maybe it will be as valuable as those caves in Cambodia, and it will be named a world historical and cultural heritage.

This is over, an ancient church was destroyed in the hands of Li Zhiming, a prodigal son.

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