soldier rushing forward

428, the top 2 finally played against each other

The movement trajectory of Wu Jianglong alone is much faster than when all the staff are together.So with a few turns, he left Qu Congwu who was still immersed behind the big tree.When Qu Congwu reacted, Wu Jianglong had disappeared without a trace.

Now, except for Wu Jianglong and Qu Congwu who are fighting wits and courage in the battle in the entire forest, everyone else seems to have withdrawn from the battlefield.

actually not.Just after dawn, Li Zhiming woke up the people around him.Then, there was an emergency assembly whistle for the troops.The Vietnamese army is ready to move.

Next, the entire Vietnamese army entered the jungle.Their purpose is still to find the lost Youziwu team.

Soon, the Vietnamese troops advanced along the road blazed by the Chinese Communists.Since Qu Cong destroyed most of the hidden mines and hidden weapons set by Wu Jianglong, this greatly saved time and reduced casualties.So these Vietnamese troops soon arrived at the confrontation site between Wu Jianglong and Qu Congwu.

However, what they saw here was still emptiness, without a single figure.

Li Zhiming will never give up if he can't find the middleman.But the further he went, the more confused he became.Because their current location is not getting closer to the Sino-Vietnamese border, but farther and farther away.

"Could it be that this is a trick of the Chinese Communists to divert the tiger away from the mountain." Li Zhiming no longer believed in the footprints in front of him, and began to have doubts about the road he had traveled.

"Bring me a map."

A staff officer put the map in front of him. Li Zhiming squatted on the ground and looked it over carefully, and then asked Peng Shaohui who was following him, "Shaohui, what do you think of the current direction of the Beikou?"

Peng Shaohui didn't understand Li Zhiming's meaning for a while, nor did he understand his real thoughts, but he couldn't do without answering, so he thought about it and said, "I think we didn't follow the wrong way or lose it. way forward."

"Why?" Li Zhiming questioned.

"First, the Beikou fled in the dark. They had no choice but to go where it was convenient. Second, the jungle was dense, and they left a lot of traces here. Apart from these, we found no other There are signs of Beikou walking in the direction. Therefore, I think Beikou is running away in the direction we want to chase."

"But, that's our depth!" Li Zhiming said looking at the map.

"That's right." Peng Shaohui said, "I believe that when they realize this mistake, they will turn around and break out to the north."

"Well, there is a possibility." Li Zhiming looked at the map exhaustedly, "Which way will they go when they return!"

Peng Shaohui pointed to a point on the map and said, "It should be here, Yingji Village."


Peng Shaohui: "I feel that the people led by Beikou probably traveled to Vietnam before. They are not only familiar with our terrain here, but also know a lot about us. From this point, he may take this road. Because , this is exactly the road they used to retreat in [-], and it is also the only road from Gaoping to the Sino-Vietnamese border."

Li Zhiming: "It seems that they are repeating their old ways."

"What do you mean?" Peng Shaohui didn't know why.

Li Zhiming said proudly, "I think back then, we wiped out their two battalions here." After pondering for a while, he continued, "That battle was too bad!"

Peng Shaohui became interested: "I heard about it when I was in Cambodia. It was a very good battle of annihilation."

"Yes!" Li Zhiming sighed, "We surrounded more than 100 of them and shouted for nearly a day. Finally, they came out of the jungle and surrendered to us."

"You mean, you also want that squadron to surrender?" Peng Shaohui asked.

"That's the best way, it saves us a lot of trouble." Li Zhiming paused, "After all, we have a small population, and we can't afford it if we keep fighting like this!"

"Then let's lay him in an ambush." ​​Peng Shaohui was in high spirits.

"Tell me, how to play." Li Zhiming was very interested.

Peng Shaohui was confident, "Since the northern invaders have entered our hinterland, they will be exposed in a short time. No matter which village they appear in, someone will report to us. At that time, we can wait for work and lay an ambush for our troops." In Yingji Village, waiting for them."

"What if they don't go this way!" interrupted an officer.

"That's impossible." Peng Shaohui was very confident. "From the current position of the Beikou, if they want to return to China, they can only take this shortest route."

"Okay, then go to Yingji Village." Li Zhiming resolutely made up his mind.

Afterwards, a large number of Vietnamese troops stopped chasing along You Ziwu's retreat route, but chose another road and went straight to Yingji Village.Because there is the only way for Wu Jianglong and the others to go when they return to China.

The Vietnamese army wants to wait here, can this goal be achieved?This is something for later, let’s not mention it here, let’s talk about Qu Congwu!

Li Zhiming's decision really hurt Qu Congwu.

Qu Congwu didn't hunt and kill the Chinese Communists, the purpose of keeping a close eye on them was to wait for Li Zhiming's brigade to arrive, so that they could be wiped out at that time.

Along the way, although he only stared at Wu Jianglong.But he understands that staring at this one is tantamount to staring at all.While watching closely, he kept making marks on the road. As long as Li Zhiming brings people over, he can see these marks. With these marks, it is not difficult to bring people over.

However, things have backfired.So far he hasn't seen a Vietnamese army approaching him, let alone Li Zhiming bringing someone over.If Qu Congwu didn't get the support of the brigade, even if he had his eye on Wu Jianglong and the others, he wouldn't be able to eat them by then.You can only change from strong to weak, and even become a lonely fighter.

Qu Congwu was not afraid of this point, what he was worried about was letting these people run away.Although a cold shot can kill a few, there is no way to wipe them all out!

Before the situation was completely clear, Qu Congwu continued to act in his own way.Follow Wu Jianglong step by step.

It didn't take long for Wu Jianglong to discover Qu Congwu who was chasing after him.Several times I tried to find a place to hide.But when he thought of You Ziwu and the others, he quickened his pace again.Who would have thought that no matter how I walked, I would not be able to get rid of this jerk, Qu Congwu was like a paralyzed piece of shit, he didn't want to get off it when it stuck to his body.

Wu Jianglong also wanted to find time to kill him.But after the fight just now, he knew that it was very difficult for him to win, this is a very powerful role.For the current plan, we should first lay out empty plans and play hide-and-seek.As for whether he can be killed in the future, it depends on the actual situation.

In this way, Wu Jianglong set up a formation in the forest along the way, walking east and west, but he didn't go in the agreed direction.He also guessed that there would be a large number of Vietnamese troops catching up soon, and he couldn't get involved in this danger.

There are thousands of paths in the woods.But that is not ready-made, except for the tall forest, there are thorns and wormwood everywhere, you can go in any direction, no one cares about you.You can walk however you want.As long as you can get out, that's your way.

Since Wu Jianglong knew where the No. 2 location was, there was no need for him to follow the route that You Ziwu and the others took.Otherwise, he will lure the enemy over.

As soon as he entered the depths of the jungle, Wu Jianglong found another way, forming a 30-degree angle with the route that You Ziwu and the others walked.He knew that this would run counter to You Ziwu and the others, but there was no way he could do it. He would chase after the enemy after he got rid of them.With this idea in mind, Wu Jianglong rushed all the way.

The moment Qu Congwu was chasing Wu Jianglong, he also saw the traces of You Ziwu and others.But Wu Jianglong didn't go there, but in another direction.He was worried that Wu Jianglong was playing tricks, but he couldn't give up.He had no choice but to follow along, after all, he could see the person in front of him, and it was better to have a shadow than none.

Thinking about the many goals he has lost, he can no longer lose Wu Jianglong.As long as you follow Wu Jianglong closely to prevent him from escaping, even this one person is enough.With him, there is no need to worry about finding other people.

Therefore, Qu Congwu followed the route that Wu Jianglong had walked all the way.At first I could still see his shadow, but then even the shadow disappeared.But Qu Congwu was not worried at all. Based on his experience in the jungle, he knew this was normal.

The shadow of Wu Jianglong appeared and disappeared in the forest ahead.

Qu Congwu followed closely along the trail.

Both of them know who exists, and they both know that it is difficult to defeat the other.So the two played a game of cat and mouse in the woods.

Finding prey in the jungle may be difficult for people outside, and the target is fleeting.But for a good hunter, this is really nothing, as long as he is allowed to aim at the shadow of the prey, he will chase it all the way down according to the habits and characteristics of the prey, and finally hunt it down at a certain place - the place where the prey thought it was safe. get.

Seeing Qu Congwu's unhurried appearance, he thought he was such a hunter, and Wu Jianglong was the prey he was looking for.

Wu Jianglong is a big living person. When walking in the jungle, he would either step on the wormwood or break the branches.In addition, the footprints of the thick dead branches and fallen leaves are deeply sunken.Therefore, as long as Wu Jianglong can't fly, it is impossible not to leave his traces on the ground.

Furthermore, Qu Congwu's nickname is Lone Wolf, which shows his rich forest knowledge and high shooting and hunting skills.With these experiences and clues, it is extremely easy to find Wu Jianglong.

At this time, Qu Congwu was in a great mood.As long as there are footprints of Wu Jianglong on the ground, it will not be difficult to find this target.

So he walked unhurriedly and unhurriedly.If Wu Jianglong is fast, he is also fast, and if Wu Jianglong is slow, he is also slow.He no longer worried about losing his target, but was afraid that Wu Jianglong would stop walking suddenly and hide somewhere to meet him head-on.In this way, his goal of total annihilation will be difficult to achieve.

Once he couldn't see Wu Jianglong, Qu Congwu was extra careful, he had to look both sides while walking, and walked cautiously.Even if there is a slight sound on both sides, he will respond.Even the melody of an insect would startle him, causing one or two thousand of his mental cells to die.

Why?He knew that what he was facing was a Chinese sniper, and he had seen this man's shooting ability before.If Wu Jianglong was aiming and shooting at him in a certain place at this time, I am afraid that he would not even have the reaction to dodge, let alone counterattack.Therefore, Qu Congwu was extra cautious when chasing him all the way.

There is only one situation where he is not in a hurry, and that is when he cannot see Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong is not too far away from Qu Congwu.Although he played some tricks at the beginning, he suddenly escaped from the muzzle of others.But it is impossible to completely get rid of an experienced sniper tracking with this little time alone.Therefore, he is also ready to fight.Maybe at some point, the two will fight again.

Wu Jianglong also thought of running fast, but he couldn't do it.

No matter how fast Liu Xiang ran, it still took more than ten seconds to jump the [-]-meter hurdle.And it was on flat ground, and there were many spectators cheering.What Wu Jianglong walked was the soft soil layer like dead branches and leaves. There were shrubs in front of him, and there were dense forests to go around.

In this way, his speed of action cannot be fast.What's more, the distance between him and Qu Congwu is within one or two minutes.In such a short time, it was impossible to get rid of him.

Since it is impossible, bear with it and wait for the opportunity to talk.Wu Jianglong walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

There are tall shrubs on both sides, and there are deep pits under the feet.Looking up at the sky again, you can't see the sun at all, you can only see a few blue lines flashing between the leaves.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of rushing water in front of him.You can guess that there is a creek in front of you without looking.

Wu Jianglong needed water so much that his body was as dry as a clay figurine dried up in the dog days.Put him in the water, and it will suck up a large basin of water in no time.

Wu Jianglong couldn't wait to run forward.How could he lift his legs even though he was running wildly?It's just turning around and speeding up.

Soon, Wu Jianglong walked out of the jungle, and there was really a small stream in front of him.However, the creek was not as long as he imagined, it was just a clear spring flowing out from under a big rock wall slightly higher opposite in the open space of the ground.

No matter how big or how long he is, water is enough.Wu Jianglong ran out of the woods desperately.After arriving at the stream, I lay down beside the stream and drank wildly.

Suddenly, a spark burst out one meter above his head.

Wu Jianglong didn't move, and with just a glance, he knew that someone shot him with a gun. "I cursed in my heart, damn it, I didn't even give me a chance to drink water."

Wu Jianglong knew that the danger was coming. No matter what escape he made at this time, he would become the target of the opponent. The only chance was to fight hard.

From the point where the bullet fell, Wu Jianglong already knew the general direction of the enemy.He also estimates when the enemy will fire the next shot.That's when the one-pull gun is loaded.

Wu Jianglong didn't dare to be negligent at all, and he didn't care whether the other party missed him or did it on purpose, anyway, he was going to do his best.I saw him leaning forward, and picked up the sniper rifle that was placed on the side.Flying up in the air, the moment he landed again, he turned sideways and shot at the place where Qu Congwu was hiding.

Just as Wu Jianglong jumped away, he was hit by another bullet at the place where he was hiding earlier.If he didn't jump out, it is estimated that the shot was aimed at his thigh.

But at the same time, Qu Congwu was also facing the gun shot by Wu Jianglong.Can he escape?

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