soldier rushing forward

43. Captive Incident

Although Hong Lei was shot, he did not die. 【 】One bullet hit the left shoulder, and another bullet grazed the edge of the heart, missing his life by only two centimeters.After the war, he was sent back to China as a seriously wounded ship.

Although Hong Lei returned home, the captive incident did not end.The behavior of the prisoner killing the sentinel and escaping attracted great attention from the superiors.Questions arose from top to bottom as to how the female prisoner escaped under strict surveillance.Not long after joining the army, the Military Security Division, Division Security Division, and Regiment Political Division formed a task force on the captive incident to conduct a special investigation.

Hong Lei was also questioned while in the hospital.But Hong Lei never dared to tell the truth.If the truth is told, it doesn't matter that his military life is over, and his life will be spent as a political prisoner.Hong Lei knew this very well, so even if a gun was pointed at his head, he would not tell the truth.Anyway, the prisoner had already been beaten to death by himself, and from all aspects, he had made up for his mistakes.

The case had to be shelved because there was no conclusive evidence.But Hong Lei's doubts were never ruled out, and they were stored in the file.Not long after the war ended, Hong Lei was arranged to transfer to a local foreign trade department.Due to the doubts in the file, no matter how strong Hong Lei's working ability is, he has never been reused.Hong Lei felt that he would never have a bright future in China, so he took advantage of his contacts with foreign countries to go abroad and become an overseas Chinese.

This is a postscript, because some friends are worried about Hong Lei's later life, so I will explain it here first, otherwise some friends will doubt the authenticity of this chapter.

Let's continue our story.

Although the 400 highland was occupied by our army, there is still a 384 highland on his left that has not been conquered and is still in the enemy's hands.

The 400 highland is connected with the 384 highland, and the elevation is almost equal.If you don't look for it from the map, it's hard to tell which is 400 and which is 384 just by looking at the appearance.In the mountains covered by dense vegetation, walking on the simple road winding mountains, you will miss the target if you don't pay attention.It was this carelessness that cost our army more than [-] lives.

"Reporting to the leader, I won the 400 heights in a row." Shi Zhuguo reported to the leader Chi Yongjie.

"Okay, you must stand firm and wait for orders." Then, the regiment training department notified the division of the news.The division command post issued an order to the artillery group assigned to the division, "In order to accurately strike the enemy, order the artillery group command post to move forward to the 400 height.

Before departure, the commander of the artillery regiment gave two instructions to the chief of staff of the regiment leading the team, "First, get out of the car and walk up the mountain before approaching the 400 heights. Second, carefully observe the terrain along the road, and don't stray into the enemy's area by mistake.

The Chief of Staff of the Artillery Regiment began to move towards Height 400 with six cars.

Six cars are moving forward on the simple road.Chief of Staff Liu Changjun took out the map, glanced casually at the area circled by the red pen, and looked up to compare it with the mountains in front of him. He felt that there was nothing suspicious.The car moves on.

When approaching the 400 highland, Liu Changjun ignored the two suggestions made by the head of the team before departure, that is, he did not stop, nor did he issue any instructions to the convoy, but let the car continue to move forward.

At this time, Liu Changjun believed that since our army had captured the 400 heights, there was no need for the soldiers to walk up the mountain carrying command equipment. He wanted to drive the car all the way to the bottom of the mountain.

The fourth company occupying the 400 Heights had already received an order from the command post of the Artillery Regiment.They had already located the command post, disguised it, and waited for their arrival.

When the soldiers saw six cars passing by on the 400-high mountain road, they were all stunned.They can't figure out why.Because the front is no longer under the control of the squadron, there is strong enemy firepower there, and what are these cars doing there?

The soldiers are still hesitating.

Suddenly, from the junction of Heights 400 and 384, there were strong machine gun fire and mine explosions.

At the beginning, Liu Changjun didn't care about the enemy's machine gun fire, thinking that it was just the remnants of the enemy. As long as the troops occupying the high ground came up to fight, the enemy would be scared away.

Liu Changjun made a mistake, not just an ordinary mistake, but a big taboo of military strategists who underestimated the enemy.

The first car was first attacked by two rocket launchers from the enemy.The moving car was shot on the spot, and immediately burst into flames and fell into the ditch. All five soldiers on the car died.

When the second car saw the first car was shot, it took emergency measures and stopped the car on the edge of the cliff.As soon as the people in the car jumped out of the car, they were violently fired by more than a dozen machine guns from the enemy, and thirteen commanders were killed on the spot.

When the cars behind saw the car in front being attacked, they retreated to a depression at the junction.The last car was the first to go off the road and detonated two landmines as soon as it reached the depression, killing three people on the spot.

After Liu Changjun retreated into the depression with the rest of the vehicles, more than 30 people were trapped on the high ground and could not get out.

Liu Changjun lay down on the ground and asked a person beside him: "What's the matter, didn't the 400 heights be taken! Why are they still in the hands of the enemy?"

A staff officer spread out the map, and after comparing it with the field, he was shocked: "Chief, this is not 400 Heights, but 384 Heights."

"Ah!" Liu Changjun was stunned for a moment.

"Chief, let's break out!" the staff officer reminded.

"Okay, break out." Liu Changjun agreed.

Breaking out of the encirclement is easier said than done. There are enemy bunkers everywhere up and down the mountain. Although they can't come out or go down the mountain, they can use machine gun bullets instead of arms to drive the prey down the mountain at will.

There are more cadres and fewer soldiers this time, and most of these soldiers are reconnaissance, measurement, and command personnel who use equipment all year round. Can't make any strong response.After the men with guns fired a few shots into the mountain indiscriminately, they could only lie down in the depression and wait for rescue.

"Boom, boom"

After the enemy's machine guns failed to hit our soldiers, they began to bombard them.

A few shells fell, and the three or forty people hiding in the depression immediately fell into chaos.Started running around here and there, one by one.Some ran in the direction of the road regardless of the enemy's machine gun fire, and some got into the grass nearby.

Liu Changjun knew something was wrong, and realized that if this chaos continued, the entire army might be wiped out.So he stood up, waved his arms, and shouted to the panicked crowd.

As soon as he shouted twice, he was targeted by an enemy machine gun.The enemy's machine gun fired at him in a row,

"Puff, puff, puff" Several bullets hit Liu Changjun.Liu Changjun shook twice, insisting not to fall down immediately.

The staff officer next to him found that the machine gun was shooting at Liu Changjun, so he rushed over, trying to block Liu Changjun with his body.

It's a pity that everything is too late, after all, the speed of people cannot keep up with the speed of bullets.When he came to him, Liu Changjun slowly fell down.

The staff officer who rushed over was not spared either, and was also shot by the machine gun. One fell back and fell on Liu Changjun, and the two died one after another.

When Liu Changjun died, the soldiers in the depression completely lost their command and became even more chaotic.They didn't care about counterattack or concealment, they just ran around vigorously.As long as you can avoid the enemy's pursuit and escape from the enemy's firepower, there is hope for survival.

Speaking of which, we really can't blame the military.Because the arms are different, and they are the commanders of the artillery.All day was spent using sight glasses, measuring instruments, and scribbling on maps with pencils.It's a bit of a stretch to say they can't shoot a gun, but it's true to say they can't fight hand-to-hand combat.What's more, it is still in the case of sudden encounter with the enemy.In terms of weapons and equipment, combat experience, battlefield environment, etc., they cannot compare with the enemies on the mountain.

Some of the soldiers who were blasted out of the depression by the shells ran desperately against the bullets, and some got into the bushes nearby to avoid the enemy's sight.But no matter where he ran, the enemy's machine gun bullets were still chasing him, and a dozen more soldiers were shot and fell to the ground.

The enemy on the mountain, so far it is not known what these Chinese soldiers are doing.

At the beginning, they guessed that it might be our army's interspersed troops.Because the enemy was scared by our army's interspersed tactics, they tried their best to block it.After fighting for a while, I saw that these soldiers had no strength to fight back. They didn't know what resistance was, and they didn't have heavy weapons in their hands.

The enemies on the mountain were puzzled, and they didn't know what this army was doing!Because they were afraid of being ambushed by our army, they finally did not dare to send troops down the mountain.They just kept bombarding with machine guns and mortars, thinking about killing all these Japanese.

The secret officer Sun Wangcai who went down to the mountain valley, after the troops were attacked by the enemy, his first thought was not to escape, but how to deal with the code book on his body.He looked at these panicked people and knew that he could not get out alive.So he squatted down, blocked the enemy's sight with his body, and lit the code book.He understands the importance of passwords too well, even if he doesn't want his life, he must not let the passwords fall into the hands of the enemy.After the code book was destroyed, Sun Wangcai followed the crowd to break out.

In Shi Zhuguo, who was still at Heights 400, after discovering that the car had been attacked by the enemy, he reported to his superiors while organizing fire suppression.

All of a sudden, all the heavy machine guns on the 400 Heights rang out, shooting towards the enemy's position on the 384 Heights.

But the enemy is hidden in a protected fortress, and machine gun bullets can't do much at all.

Shi Zhuguo asked his superiors for artillery support, but was refused.The reason given by the superior was that before the attack on Height 384, the use of artillery fire would expose the artillery position.Let the frontline troops think of every possible way to rescue the besieged.

Shi Zhuguo looked at the Chinese Communists who were about to be wiped out by the enemy, and at this moment he didn't care about anything, "Even if I go to a military court, I have to rescue them." So Shi Zhuguo no longer asked his superiors for instructions. What, order the three mortars assigned to the fourth company to fire.

"Boom, boom, boom" Under the continuous bombardment of mortar shells, more than a dozen commanders and fighters finally jumped onto the road and escaped from the enemy's firepower.

Shi Zhuguo knew that there were more than 20 people trapped in the enemy-occupied area.So he asked the regiment again for instructions and asked to lead troops to attack.

"You can attack, but you can't go." Chi Yongjie agreed with Shi Zhuguo's suggestion, but also prevented him from leaving the command post.

Shi Zhuguo ordered Li Sen, "Li Sen, I order you to lead the second row to rescue those people for me. Remember, as long as there are survivors, bring them back to me."

"Yes." Li Sen rushed down the hill with the second row.

As soon as the soldiers approached the junction, they were blocked by enemy fire.

After Shi Zhuguo saw that Li Sen was leading his men down the mountain, he ordered the heavy machine gunner, "Keep an eye on me. As long as any enemy comes down the mountain, hit me hard, and don't miss any of them."

At this time, Shi Zhuguo was most worried that these people would be captured by the enemy.Once a prisoner, no matter in the enemy's country or back in the country, even a hero will spend his gray life.So he thought that death was better than being a prisoner.With a sigh of relief, I also want to regain the face of the soldiers, and I am very bold and unrestrained.This is the special feature that any army in the world cannot compare with the Republicans.

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