Usually, there are more than 30 people from the police station stationed in this village.On the surface, it seemed that they were stationed and nothing happened.But judging from the materials stored in this cave, they still have the duty of warehouse keepers.Serving the people in peacetime and serving as soldiers in wartime, this is the nature of Gongantun.

The mountain village is very quiet, and there has been no war for a long time.Those with wives go home to live, while those without wives have to stand guard for others.

Originally these people stayed well, but in the morning a message was sent saying that Chinese troops had infiltrated this area and asked them to step up their precautions. It would be better if they could stop them.

Therefore, the platoon leader of the police station is called the captain to be precise.Because of his eagerness for meritorious service, he took people to patrol the mountains.But after patrolling for a long time, there was no sign of a Chinese gunman.

Just as everyone was bored, there was a gunshot in the village.

Although the sound of muskets is not very loud, this is a forest area, so it is very quiet, and you can hear even the slightest noise.What's more, when the gunshot rang out, a large number of forest birds were startled.These terrified birds sang so chaotically in the woods, and then flew up, like an alarm, and spread the news far away-tell them that there is a situation here.

The people in Gong'antun are the spirits of the forest, and they can't be more refined, so they can feel all the movements here, even the slightest changes.

In this way, they quickly judged that the accident occurred in the village.

Thinking of this, the leader of the team was quite surprised, because there were important materials they wanted to protect, if something went wrong in this regard.His head had to move.

At that time, the Vietnamese army dealt with dereliction of duty very severely.It is suspected that someone has committed crimes against the country, and some do not even have a trial, relying on the leader's words, "pull out and shoot."Personnel who caused heavy losses were not handed over to any court-martial office for trial, and they were also directly pulled out and shot.It seems that such a disposition seems to be very sloppy, but it is also impossible.

Many of Vietnam's large troops are scattered in the mountains, and it is very difficult to find a decent place to station.What's more, it's too troublesome to give it to the superior if it's running around all day long.Therefore, as soon as the telegram is sent, it is not bad to make a brief report to the superior.Some don't even report it, and simply solve it on the spot.Therefore, their unit leaders, regardless of whether they are big leaders or small leaders, have great power.There is basically a consensus on the execution personnel.This is also called serious discipline, with one heart and one mind.

With such a serious approach, the head of the police station is of course afraid.So as soon as he found out that there was a situation in the village, he ran back with his men impatiently.

Who fired this shot? Of course, it was the Vietnamese woman who exposed this place when she shot the lock.At that time, they didn't realize anything, and they didn't expect that the police station in Vietnam would return aid so quickly, and they could do whatever they wanted in the cave.But that's not the case after a long time.

You are not moving, the enemy is moving.

When the leader of the police station arrived at the outpost and saw the two Vietnamese soldiers who had been killed, he understood better what was happening right now.No need to ask, I know it was done by the Chinese Communists who infiltrated.

Now that there is a situation in the village, and we know what they are doing, there is no need to search from house to house.It's more important to defend the cave first.

So, the head of Gong'an Village came straight to the cave with more than 20 people under his command.

Shaoli and the others were lucky, and they deserved to die.The soldiers from the police station arrived after they came out, which created conditions for them to escape.If you slow down for a few minutes, you may be blocked in the hole by others.Once you get stuck in it, it will be miserable, and you will have no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go.

It's all right now, since it's easy to do everything outside, after all, there is a lot of space.

Don't look at the big place outside, but you can't go everywhere.

We introduced the situation of this village earlier.There is a pool in front of him, and a cliff behind him.There is only one small road extending from the village to the outside, but this small road was occupied by the returning Vietnamese army.The other path leads to the water pool, and passing it at this time is of course a dead end.

At this time, Shaoke and the others didn't care about any roads, as long as they could pass, they were in a panic.

That's not to say they're timid.In the originally quiet village, more than 20 Vietnamese soldiers in black clothes with guns suddenly appeared.Compared with the three of them, the difference in the number of people is too big.With so many people around, can they not be afraid?

What's more, they didn't even have a heavy firepower in their hands, only three submachine guns.It is hard to say whether three guns can deal with so many Vietnamese troops.

Now it is not a problem of bullets, because the few Vietnamese at the outpost have already been replenished.The problem is still the way out, where they run, where there is a way.

Facing the enemy, it is definitely not enough to charge hard.The firepower of the three guns can't reach more than 20 people.Friends who watch a lot of TV series may think so, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road.The theory is such a theory, but the actual combat does not work like this.The Vietnamese army did not eat dry food.If you rush, people won't shoot?It's done like this on TV just to look good.

At present, there is nothing else to do, but to run in the opposite direction, or to run to a place where no one is suitable.So, after they encountered this enemy, they quickly returned.

It wasn't until the three of Shaoke and the Vietnamese woman ran back for a while that they realized that they had gone the wrong way.

How did you go the wrong way?For they were soon under the cliff.

Now I understand that I can't climb over the cliff by escaping from the back, and the path in front of me is blocked by the Vietnamese army, so there is no way out.Then you can't wait to die, you have to choose a path.It seems that after looking around, I have to choose the left and right sides.

No one of them has been to the situation on both sides, and of course they don't know what the situation is.In desperation, I couldn't care less.

Shaoke shouted, "Go left."

The Vietnamese woman suddenly said, "No, there are landmines there."

Well, once the woman said that, Shaoke lost his mind again.There are mines on the left and you can't go, so you can only go to the right.

"Go to the right."

This time the woman did not speak.Shaoke thought that since she didn't speak, she must have chosen the right direction.Because this woman is a local, of course she knows the situation here.Afterwards, the four quickly ran to the right.

After they ran over to have a look, they realized what it means to travel on a difficult road.

You can see the jungle without looking at it, but the jungle is more than 50 meters away from here.At first glance, this area is very wide.When I got closer and stepped in, I realized that this place was not allowed to go, because it was full of dense bushes and thorns.There is no place to stand at all.

What to do, things have come to this point, if you don't go, you have to go.

At this time, as long as they have a moment of delay, they may be caught up by the Vietnamese police station behind.

Shaoke gritted his teeth, rushed to the thorns first, and lunged forward with his body.

"Follow me." Shaoke used the most common sentence among party members.

Usually, it seems that everyone doesn't think it, it seems ridiculous.But at a critical moment, this shout reflects a kind of spirit.

What spirit?Of course it is the Chinese spirit.

Shaoke plunged into the bushes to open the way ahead, waving the knife in his hand and fiddling with both hands.Even so, he couldn't drive much.The most effective way is to use the body forward hard arch.

Shaoke walked less than four or five meters forward, and all his clothes were hung up.Let it rot, anyway, it's better than letting the enemy whip him to death.At this time, Shaoke only wanted to open the way, so he didn't care about it.

Shao Ke opened the way in front, and the people behind followed closely.The four of them formed a straight line and moved forward slowly.

After walking a certain distance, Du Hai felt that this was not the way to go. If he followed this way, he would be overtaken by the Vietnamese army in a short time.But, otherwise, there is no other way.Du Hai guarded behind him nervously.

Sure enough, not long after the four of them walked through the bushes, the police found them in the back.

Some Vietnamese soldiers shouted, "There, there."

Du Hai saw the soldiers from the Public Security Station who were shouting, and cursed, "You son of a bitch, you can see it! Shout whatever you want." The end of the submachine gun fired at the soldiers from the Public Security Station who were shouting.

At this time, it is no longer enough not to shoot. If you don't shoot, the enemy will know where you are.Just come to him one by one and do nothing, and kill one by one.Kill one more enemy now, maybe one less opponent in the future.After thinking about it, Du Hai did not hesitate to act.

As soon as he shoots here, all the soldiers in the police station know where the enemy is, so.Run all the way here.

The Vietnamese army at the back could not see what was going on ahead, because the jungle blocked them and the field of vision was very limited.Those in front knew what was going on, but those behind didn't know, and all of a sudden, they were all blocked in front of the bushes.

However, the enemies in front were knocked down before they had time to say anything, and it was inconvenient for the later ones to retreat when they knew there was danger here, so they were shot down by Du Hai one after another.

Seeing more and more Vietnamese troops coming, Du Hai didn't dare to be negligent, and shot at the enemy vigorously with a submachine gun in his arms.

Not to mention, these soldiers in the Vietnamese police station really show the spirit of going forward.The ones in front were knocked down, the ones behind continued to make up, and then they were knocked down again.

Just when Du Hai was triumphant, he heard a click, and his gun stopped firing.

Du Hai knew it was out of bullets and needed to change the clips.But the Vietnamese soldiers didn't give him time to change magazines, even if he paused slightly, he would turn from active to passive.Enemies will rain bullets on him.

Now, they have not yet entered the jungle, and are still within the range of enemy fire.If the Viet Minh started shooting at them, none of the four of them would be alive by then.

Du Hai was anxious: "Wang Mingjun, shoot!"

Since the four of them walked in a straight line, Wang Mingjun just wanted to shoot the enemy, but because Du Hai was blocking him, he couldn't.Even if he had the heart to support Du Hai, he couldn't shoot through such a person.If he missed the enemy, he would injure Du Hai, so he didn't dare to shoot.

At this time, Wang Mingjun was extremely anxious.With so many enemies, how could Du Hai deal with them with his own firepower?Simply, why not jump aside to help Du Hai.

At this moment, he heard Du Hai's shout. Wang Mingjun knew that his gun was out of bullets, and if he didn't shoot himself, it would be too dangerous.

Wang Mingjun turned around and shouted, "Squat down."

yes!By squatting down by himself, wouldn't Wang Mingjun be able to hit the enemy?After Wang Mingjun's reminder, Du Haixun lowered his head.As soon as he lowered his head, Wang Mingjun fired a few bursts at the Vietnamese army rushing towards him.

The Vietnamese army rushing over was knocked down again.

By this time, the two men finally suppressed the Vietnamese army in front of them with their firepower, and failed to let the Vietnamese army shoot at them.

Is the Vietnamese army that stupid?Completely passive and beaten, do not know how to fight back.In fact, the Vietnamese army is so stupid, but the geographical conditions do not allow it. Moreover, the time of the battle is very fast, and there is no time to think about it.

After Wang Mingjun's magazine was finished, the Vietnamese army began to rearrange.

Some Vietnamese soldiers missed the path, dodged the big trees, jumped into the bushes and shot at Shaoke and the others.

The bullet passed overhead and struck in the bushes.

Shaoke shouted in front: "Low your head, go quickly."

I usually feel that shrubs are useless and full of thorns, which not many people like.But this time it was different. It was the existence of these bushes that blocked the bullet for Shaoke and the others.

The dense bushes are like a wall, while blocking Shaoke's way forward, it also blocks enemy bullets for them.

Shaoke realized the danger behind him, and for the safety of his comrades in arms, he had to rush forward desperately.

After the clothes on his body were torn, strands began to fly on his body, and then hung on the bushes one by one.Soon, Shaoke became a barebacked man.

The one who can see his pain most clearly is this Vietnamese woman.Gradually, the Vietnamese woman turned from dazed and frightened to mad.He rushed forward suddenly, hugged Shaoke, and shouted: "Stop, I'll come."

How could Shaoke let a woman open the way for him? Of course he wouldn't allow it, let alone a foreign woman.

Shaoke shook the woman away vigorously, "Stay behind me." After finishing speaking, he felt that something was wrong, and turned back to the woman and said, "Protect those foods, that is our life."

This sentence reminded the woman, reminding her of the satchel that Shaoke gave him before entering the bush.The woman hugged the satchel to her chest to protect it tightly.She arched her body through the bushes as she advanced.It seemed that the shrub branches stretching over were strange hands that came to grab the satchel with her.

In this way, with Shaoke bravely opening the way, the four of them quickly entered the depths of the bush.As the inward-facing length deepens, the shrub grows in height.This blocked the view of the Vietnamese army behind.

According to common sense, the Vietnamese army would naturally stop shooting if they could not see the people in front.However, the Vietnamese army didn't think so. What they thought was that even if they couldn't catch them alive, they would die.

So they kept shooting forward while they were chasing.

However, due to the obstruction of bushes, the accuracy of the bullets of the Vietnamese army was greatly reduced.

Seeing that the Vietnamese army was getting closer and closer, Du Hai, who was following at the back, became a little anxious, and shouted: "Shao Ke, how far is it?"

"Hurry up." Shaoke waved the triangular knife in his hand, chopping down the bushes vigorously, and the narrow road ahead became longer and longer.

With such a passage, Du Hai and Wang Mingjun are naturally much more convenient.Du Hai walked smoothly, so he felt that Shaoke walked slowly.What's more, there are soldiers from the police station of the Vietnamese army behind to persecute me.If the speed is not fast enough, the Vietnamese army will soon follow this road to catch up.

Sure enough, the Vietnamese army showed up on the bush passage.

Du Hai felt that he could no longer follow Shaoke and the others. If he left, the enemy would soon come to him.At present, only by stopping to block the enemy, Shaoke and the others have the hope of surviving.

Thinking of this, Du Hai didn't leave, lay down on the ground, and shot at the exposed Vietnamese army.

The Vietnamese army who had just walked smoothly thought that they were going to catch these Chinese soldiers, but unexpectedly, they could not advance half a step on this long and narrow passage.As long as someone showed his head, Du Hai would shoot, and no one could get through. This shot made the Vietnamese army panic.

The head of the Vietnamese army panicked, "Quick, quick, throw a grenade."

With an order, "嗖嗖" two grenades fell towards Du Hai.

The thrown grenade smoked beside Du Hai.

If it is in an open area, as long as Du Hai rolls, he can avoid it.However, now he can't do it, he can only move forward or back.

In the current situation, he is lying on the ground, and it is basically impossible to do this.Moreover, the Vietnamese army had already processed the time when it dropped the bomb.That is to say, the grenade landed only an hour or two away from exploding.It looked okay, but if I wanted to run, there was no door.

"Boom, boom" sounded twice, and the grenade exploded beside Du Hai.

After the explosion, Du Hai's shouts disappeared, and the gunshots never appeared.

Wang Mingjun, who had already run far away, heard the explosion behind him and knew that the situation was not good, so he turned around and shouted, "Du Hai." He turned around and ran back, ready to rescue him.

Wang Mingjun who ran over saw Du Hai.

Suddenly, Du Hai sat up from the ground and yelled angrily at Wang Mingjun who ran over: "Go back and leave with Shaoke."

Unmoved, Wang Mingjun continued forward, "I want to save you."

Du Hai pointed to his legs, "Did you save it? Let's go."

Wang Mingjun looked at the ground along what he was pointing at. Du Hai's one leg was gone, and the other foot was turned in the opposite direction.That is to say, Du Hai's lower limbs were disabled.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mingjun became more anxious, and then ran forward again.

Du Hai pointed the gun at Wang Mingjun, "If you dare to take a step forward, I will shoot." Du Hai said intermittently.

Wang Mingjun stared at the muzzle of the gun in astonishment, but he had no intention of leaving.

Du Hai howled suddenly, "I beg you to go quickly, let me be the hero go and help Shaoke, the brothers are still waiting for you to go back."

This time, Du Hai completely shocked Wang Mingjun.

Wang Mingjun couldn't help but think about it.At this time, Du Hai couldn't save him at all, but he could snatch him from the gunpoint of the Vietnamese army, but how could he let him go.Even if he leaves, how long can such an injury last.What's more, the Vietnamese army in the distance showed up again, that is to say, if Wang Mingjun passed by, neither of them would want to leave.

Du Hai also saw the Yue army rushing over, turned his head and shouted at Wang Mingjun, "Go, I beg you."

There was no way, Wang Mingjun had no choice but to retreat. He couldn't watch the disabled Du Hai block the enemy by himself, and then be wiped out by the enemy.

Wang Mingjun wiped away his tears, and quickly chased in the direction of Shaoke.

Just as Wang Mingjun left, Du Hai's gun went off.Immediately afterwards, the two Vietnamese troops rushing over were knocked down.

Seeing that Du Hai was still alive, the head of the Vietnamese army yelled again, "Fry him, fry him, fry him into meat sauce!"

Later, three more grenades fell from the top of the bush.

After the explosion, the bushes were filled with gunpowder smoke, and Du Hai could no longer be seen.

Du Hai's gunfire completely subsided.

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