soldier rushing forward

449、Preparing to Climb the Tree

In the jungle, a huge tree with lush branches and leaves.Under the breeze, the treetops swayed gently.Due to the taller stems, sunlight easily penetrates the leaves.A bright light flashed across like a tiny lightning.It was just this short moment, but Wu Jianglong saw the clue.

"Stop." Wu Jianglong turned around and said softly to the three soldiers following him.

A soldier ran back and notified the follow-up personnel who followed up.These people hide far away in the jungle and bushes.

Sure enough, there were actually sentries of the Vietnamese army hidden in the tree poles.This flash was caused by the telescope in the sentry's hand.The sentry is not only observing the inside of the forest, but also outside the forest.But he didn't expect that a small negligence of his own would not only fail to find the enemy, but expose himself to the other party.

This is also thanks to Wu Jianglong's ability to see all directions and listen to all directions.Otherwise, the Vietnamese army hiding in the branches will find these Chinese soldiers who came over.

The northern part of Vietnam is basically in the tropical rainforest.The people who grew up here are very familiar with the jungle.Coupled with the baptism of many years of war, a very mature set of jungle combat experience has long been formed.Just this small secret sentry place can explain a lot of problems.

The secret post of the Vietnamese army was set up on a big tree with a rope ladder under the tree.The rope ladder is camouflaged, so it is difficult to find it if you don't get close.Go up the rope ladder and climb to the most luxuriant tree trunk, where there is a nest-like hut also wrapped in leaves.There are small windows on all sides of the hut.

At this time, a Vietnamese soldier was constantly watching in four directions through the small window.

There is also a wired telephone in the hut. As long as he finds a situation in a certain direction, he will notify the ground as soon as possible. After that, the Vietnamese army will rush over or strengthen the defense in this area.Think about it, if Wu Jianglong and the others were discovered by the sentries, what would happen next!Of course it will be a fight.

Once they fight the Vietnamese army, can they still get the ammunition depot!Not only is this impossible, but they also have the possibility of running out of ammunition and food, being encircled, and wiped out.

Fortunately, Wu Jianglong discovered it before the enemy. This was due to the telescope in the enemy sentinel. Otherwise, no matter how sharp Wu Jianglong's eyes were, he would not just stare at that one among thousands of bushes. tree to see.If you don't look at the big tree, how can you find that there is an enemy secret whistle here!

Now that you know there are enemies here, you should be more careful.

Wu Jianglong lay motionless on the ground.Also hold up the binoculars and look into the distance.This time, he not only observed the enemy on this tree, but also to see if there were other Vietnamese troops in other places under the tree.Or on the second tree, is there a second secret whistle for the enemy.

After some reconnaissance, Wu Jianglong did not see the second Vietnamese army other than the enemy's secret sentry on this tree.

Well, since there is only this one, let's solve it first.

I think so, but it is really difficult to implement it.Because the Vietnamese army is condescending and occupies a very favorable position.As long as there is a slight abnormality under the tree, he can see it.

How to do it!That is to prevent the enemy from discovering, but also to approach this secret sentry skillfully.Otherwise, they would not be able to pass through this area at all.If you don't pass through this area, how can you know the situation ahead? If you don't know the situation ahead, where can you go to find the enemy's ammunition depot?

Finding enemy ammunition depots is now the top priority.

Wu Jianglong thought about one after another, and then rejected several proposals.

I wanted to wait until night, but now it was morning, and I couldn't afford to wait for this day.If you dig a tunnel to sneak past, how long will you have to dig, and it won't work either.It is even more impossible to rush straight over, and within ten steps, the target must be exposed.

Wu Jianglong retreated from his hiding place, under a ridge, where the big tree could not see.

Then he said to the three soldiers, "You guys try to get as much grass as possible, it will grow.

"Okay" Although the three fighters didn't know what Wu Jianglong wanted to do, they knew that the purpose he wanted grass must have a purpose, so the three of them silently carried out it without asking anything.Soon, the three soldiers came back with a big bag of wormwood each, and put them in front of Wu Jianglong.

Without saying anything, Wu Jianglong grabbed a handful of grass and started weaving.Others watch.Not long after, Wu Jianglong weaved a straw mat that was one meter wide and 1.7 meters eight centimeters long.

Oh, it turned out to be for this, and the three soldiers immediately understood the purpose of the straw mat.

"Xiao Shen, you go over there to learn how birds sing, and try to distract the attention of the secret sentry of the Vietnamese army." Wu Jianglong pointed to the east and said.

"Yes" Xiaoshen sneaked past.

"Both of you take cover. Once the secret sentry makes a move, kill him with a gun." Wu Jianglong said to the two soldiers.

According to common sense, if you install a silencer on the gun, it will be solved with one shot. Why bother?

It's a pity that we didn't have any at that time, only pistols, not rifle silencers.If you get it now, friends who have watched a lot of American blockbusters will know that it would be better to install a silencer on a sniper rifle and kill it with one shot.

We said in the previous chapters that if we hadn’t seized the sniper rifle of the Vietnamese army in the self-defense counterattack, I am afraid that we would not even have this thing, and we would know nothing about sniping.

Looking at these situations now, young people may really not understand, is such a big country so backward?

Yes, we were that far behind.After severing diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union in the past six years or so, and being fully restricted by Western capitalist countries, there are endless internal struggles in China, and the military is also involved.Who knows what army building is.They are all engaged in this faction and that gang. From top to bottom, they believe that wars are fought by people. As long as there are people in China, there will be no unwinnable battles. Therefore, they are all developing the population.Otherwise, there would be no more than [-] billion people now.

There is a pistol silencer, but it is too far away to reach.

Besides, Wu Jianglong has another worry, what if there are two sentries on the top instead of one?You kill this one, and the other one is bound to yell, or shoot the police.Until then, the purpose of sneaking into the village still cannot be achieved.That's why he thought about it.

Wu Jianglong gave an order, and the two soldiers disagreed.How can such a dangerous operation be carried out by the captain alone? It has to be done by our soldiers.

You said, how tired Wu Jianglong is!When it comes to danger, we must do it ourselves, and never let the soldiers take this risk.Today, this is impossible.Moreover, people will come up with another reason to refute, the commander should be in the position of the commander, and take risks in everything. In case of sacrifice, who will command the troops to fight?

What a reasonable reason!Let the current leader find a good excuse, leadership!Be a leader at all times.

But Wu Jianglong didn't think so: now it's not a large-scale battle, and his leadership power doesn't need to be that great.The second is that he has more experience than the soldiers, and it will be safer to go up by himself.The third was his sincere thoughts. From now on, he didn't want any of the soldiers to be injured, and he wanted to bring them all back safely.Based on the above thoughts, he decided to do it himself.

What a contrast between his behavior and the leaders of today!It doesn't matter whether the employees have money or not, as long as the leaders have what they have, they can spend it. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

With a wave of Wu Jianglong's hand, he persuaded the two soldiers to stop talking and obey the order.

The two soldiers did not dare to make a sound, so they had to hide their bodies and stared at the secret whistle of the Vietnamese army on the treetops.

Wu Jianglong covered his body with the straw mat, and slowly got into the wormwood bushes, lying on his stomach or squatting, trying every means to get close to the secret post of the Vietnamese army.

At this time, the sentinel of the Vietnamese army was still looking around.

While he was watching in the direction of Wu Jianglong.If we follow the eyes of the Vietnamese army, we will see something strange in a bush among the trees.

What's strange is that the grass area is too large, and the grass is also very thin.

The Vietnamese sentinel narrowed his eyes and fixed his gaze here.

But Wu Jianglong, who was hiding under the grass, didn't dare to show his head, and he didn't dare to look around, so he could only stop and go.Coincidentally, when the Vietnamese army watched, Wu Jianglong happened to not move, otherwise, if he moved, he would be discovered by the Vietnamese army.

Although Wu Jianglong can't see the situation outside, but he can analyze it, and after analyzing it, the Vietnamese army will definitely turn their attention here, so he is waiting.Wu Jianglong was waiting for Xiaoshen, he had to wait for Xiaoshen to absorb the attention of the Vietnamese army before moving.

Sure enough, Xiao Shen uttered a bird call on the other side.

The Vietnamese soldier who was observing turned his head involuntarily when he heard the birdsong.

Isn't it normal for birds to sing in the jungle?Why did it attract attention when I heard this sound!Because Xiao Shen's barking is irregular, neither like a cuckoo nor like a magpie, no one has ever heard of it.Therefore, the Vietnamese army, who was used to hearing the beautiful birdsong, was very uncomfortable, so he looked back.

Wu Jianglong under the straw mat also heard the birdsong, and thought to himself, what kind of bird song is this?

Regardless of what it looks like, Xiaoshen's goal has been achieved.The Vietnamese army turned their heads and let Wu Jianglong go.

Therefore, his call created an opportunity for Wu Jianglong to move forward.

Wu Jianglong didn't care about anything else, and took advantage of this opportunity to move forward quickly.

The Vietnamese army stared at the direction of the bird's call and looked carefully for a long time, but they didn't see anything. They just roughly estimated the direction of the bird's existence.

"What kind of broken bird is this? I'm so noisy that I can't rest in peace." The Yue army cursed secretly.

When he turned his head, he wanted to look at the grass, but saw the wormwood swaying in the breeze, which was no different from before.

The sentinel was puzzled, but when he looked around again, everything was normal.So, he rubbed his eyes, complaining whether it was caused by his vertigo.

Seeing that the surroundings are very quiet, there is nothing unusual, why should you be tense, it is time to relax.So, the Vietnamese army took down the binoculars and remembered the strange bird song again.I thought to myself, after the whistle is off, I must go over and see what it is.

At this time, Wu Jianglong had already moved under the big tree, took off the straw mat, and began to climb up the tree with a saber in hand.

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