soldier rushing forward

469. Step by step pressing

This Vietnamese army rushed out of the command post and went straight to Tao Chuan's department.

It must be the guards around Li Zhiming, whose quality is obviously different from other troops.These people kept silent and ran along with Peng Shaohui.They know how to save soldiers is like fighting fire, so they can walk through the difficult bushes as fast as lightning.

The gunshots in front were fierce, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this was a battlefield where both the enemy and us were fighting.

Just when Tao Chuan led his men to rush towards the Vietnamese army's position, and was about to break through the Vietnamese army's position, it happened that Peng Shaohui arrived with Li Zhiming's guard platoon.

As soon as these people joined, the Vietnamese army's firepower quickly gained the upper hand, and Tao Chuan's strength was blocked.Subsequently, Tao Chuan and his comrades were stopped at a corner of the Vietnamese army's position that had just been captured. Suddenly, the two sides formed a confrontation.

In order to conquer the Vietnamese army on the ground as soon as possible, Tao Chuan decided to make propaganda to the enemy first and engage in persuasion on the battlefield.So, at the Taochuan side, a soldier shouted in Vietnamese, "Hand up your guns and don't kill, you are surrounded."

This soldier repeated a few words, not to mention that the Vietnamese army was annoying, even Tao Chuan felt that it was not useful.

"Oh, I said you can't change another word." A soldier said dissatisfied.

The soldier who shouted blushed, "I just learned these few sentences before I set off."

"Turtle sons, surrender quickly, otherwise, I will beat you to your hometown." The soldier who asked the question couldn't wait, stood up, exposed half of his head and shouted in Chinese.

As soon as he finished speaking, a string of bullets was shot from the opposite side, almost hitting him in the head.

"Xiao Niu, squat down, don't die." Tao Chuan reprimanded the soldier.

Maverick squatted down and stretched out his thumb to others, "How about it, Guizi can understand."

Another fighter said, "Pull it down, my head was almost sold off."

The soldier refused to accept it and said, "The enemy fired because they were afraid."

"Don't talk," Tao Chuan stopped, and turned to call out to the soldier in Vietnamese, "Keep shouting."

"Give up your guns and don't kill, surrender quickly." The soldier continued to shout.

Tao Chuan's real purpose in asking the soldier to speak out was not to expect the Vietnamese army to surrender.How could the Vietnamese army surrender when the enemy is strong and we are weak?He just wanted to confuse the Vietnamese army and make them confused about their origin.

Peng Shaohui, who was on the opposite side, was really confused. While listening, he thought, "Where did this squadron come from? It's obviously in the south! Why did you come here all of a sudden? Could it be that there are other Chinese troops here?" support."

Analyzing before and after, this is impossible!If it came from the north, why didn't the superiors give a report.What's more, there are a large number of Vietnamese troops stationed on the front line of the border.But after thinking about it, it doesn't work if you don't believe it.

If it wasn't true, these people wouldn't come out of the ground!If it was really the reinforcements from China, his team would be under attack from both sides. Under such circumstances, if he tried to block the squadron in the south, it would be hopeless.

The more Peng Shaohui thought about it, the more hesitant he became. After thinking about it carefully, he still couldn't figure it out. It was obvious that his own people blocked the squadron. In the end, how could he be the one who let them surround him.

In order to find out the truth, Peng Shaohui took the initiative to ask later, "Which part do you belong to?"

His yelling was a waste of yelling.The other party didn't answer, and then Peng Shaohui asked again, he wanted to use the other party to answer the number of the army that Fan came from, so as to judge whether the other party's army really came from the north.

Unexpectedly, after he finished asking, there was still silence.Ask again, still silent, no one answered him.

The other party is you calling yours, I calling mine, each takes care of himself.Therefore, when Peng Shaohui stopped, what he heard were still words such as "hand in your gun and don't kill, give preferential treatment to prisoners".

Peng Shaohui was so angry, he thought the other party was belittling him, and to him, this was an insult.Then he said to the Vietnamese army who followed, "Don't pay attention to them, just beat me hard."

Tao Chuan and the others didn't want to answer what Peng Shaohui called, but because they didn't understand, they didn't talk.Since no one understands what the other is saying, there is no dialogue at all, it can only be compared to see whose voice is brighter.

In this way, Peng Shaohun was really pissed off, so he asked the Vietnamese army to open fire again.

Fierce gunfire erupted again on the battlefield that had just calmed down.

The Vietnamese army fired fiercely at Tao Chuan's department, and the firepower was obviously stronger than before.

Tao Chuan was furious and cursed, "You son of a bitch, it seems that you want to fight to the death." Seeing that the enemy refused to surrender, and even counterattacked with powerful firepower, it shows that they will not accept you.What else to say, let's fight!

"Fight" Tao Chuan said, and the soldiers fought back.

Since no one knows anyone's bottom line, we have no choice but to fight in confusion.

The most urgent thing now is Tao Chuan.It doesn't matter how many enemies are on the opposite side and which part they belong to. The most important thing is how he can break through the enemy's position and open a gap from the back of the enemy's position so that the frontal Wujiang Dragon Department can rush over.

Seeing that the situation was about to become a stalemate again, Tao Chuan became anxious and shouted, "Comrades, destroy the enemy and open the way."

The sound of gunfire drowned out the words, and the soldiers unleashed bullets on the enemy's positions.

However, fighting like this is not the way to go. If you are stuck by the Vietnamese army, you will not be able to break the frontal siege, and you will be intercepted by the enemy. When the Vietnamese army reinforcements arrive, you will be the passive one.

Tao Chuan threw his clothes to the ground and shouted loudly, "Class Six, follow me."

After finishing speaking, Tao Chuan threw a grenade at the Vietnamese army's position, took advantage of the gap between the explosions, stood up and jumped onto the edge of the ditch, and rushed towards the Vietnamese army.

Several other soldiers imitated Tao Chuan's movements, threw grenades in the same way, and followed suit.

"Boom, boom boom"

A few explosions suddenly occurred to the Vietnamese army's position.The continuous explosions disturbed Peng Shaohui's ears. He didn't know whether these were grenades flying over or shells running here. No matter what it was, it had the same effect on the Vietnamese army's position.The Vietnamese army was bombed and killed many people.

Originally, both sides were in the same trench. Although the enemy and the enemy were divided, the positions were evenly divided.At such a short distance, throwing a few grenades in the past will of course have a much greater effect than the bullets fired.

When the bullet comes, people may be fine as soon as they lower their heads.But the grenade is different, it will scurry around in the ditch until it finds a suitable position and then explodes, and the shrapnel it breaks out is no less powerful than a bullet.

Therefore, as soon as a few grenades fell, someone howled immediately on the Vietnamese army's position.Followed by chaos on the ground.

In the face of continuous explosions, it is impossible for the Vietnamese army not to hide. If they persist, they will be in danger of being killed.So they have to run and hide.

Just as they were evading one after another, unexpectedly, several figures appeared in the gunpowder smoke.Immediately afterwards, a string of flames burst out of the gunpowder smoke.This is not someone playing with the lights, there are bullets sprayed out in front of the fire.

"Puff puff"

As soon as the bullets arrived, several more Vietnamese soldiers were knocked to the ground.

In this way, the situation where you were coming and going was immediately broken, and the Vietnamese army had no choice but to retreat as the Chinese rushed into the Vietnamese army's position.

Even if he retreated, Tao Chuan was still relentless, and he was ready to wipe out the Vietnamese army.

With Tao Chuan's submachine gun in his hand, he shot wildly at the running figure.The other soldiers were not relentless, and aimed their guns at the Vietnamese troops one by one.

As soon as these people came up, all the soldiers behind followed.

At this time, this small trench was immediately controlled by the squadron, and the Vietnamese army was driven out of the trench.

Without the support of trenches, the Vietnamese army could only run around in the nearby grass.

The grass is not very dense, but it is very close to the bushes in front.As long as this Vietnamese army passes through this grass, it will still form an obstacle in the woods ahead.

The purpose of Tao Chuan's trip was not to eliminate how many Vietnamese troops, but to attack the command post of the Vietnamese army. Therefore, it doesn't matter how many Vietnamese troops are wiped out, the important thing is to disrupt their command and deployment.This is what he came here for.

After the two sides played against each other, Tao Chuan had a slight victory.

Looking at the Vietnamese army rushing out of the trench and retreating into the grass, Tao Chuan had no intention of stopping the attack, and continued to charge and fight, not giving the enemy a chance to breathe, and led the soldiers to cover up and kill them from behind.

Peng Shaohui fled into the woods with the rest of the Vietnamese army in a panic, shooting at the back as he ran.

However, Tao Chuan and the others showed a posture of chasing after them, quickly penetrated into the grass, and fought back repeatedly at the enemy.

The Vietnamese army was chased more and more hastily.Some simply didn't fire a single shot and plunged into the woods.

Later, Peng Shaohui also ran in.After entering the woods, he still wanted to organize a strong counterattack, using the cover of tree trunks to block the attack.

However, some Vietnamese soldiers seemed to be afraid of being beaten. Even though they yelled loudly, they just didn't listen to him and continued to run deep into the woods.

Peng Shaohui was extremely angry, and shouted, "Come back, you fucking come back, let me hold back."

There were not many remaining Vietnamese soldiers, and they were kicked and beaten from behind.In a panic, of course, he thought of running away.Therefore, it is not easy for Peng Shaohui to reorganize

Fortunately, the security platoon he brought was quite obedient.Seeing that Peng Shaohui couldn't move, they waited beside him and shot at Tao Chuan and the soldiers who were chasing him.

Tao Chuan and the soldiers were blocked outside the woods.

The wild grass outside the woods was desolate, and the bullets could not bear the bite, and soon two soldiers were shot.

This time Tao Chuan was in a hurry. If he didn't break into the woods in a short time, the grass would lose its barrier effect soon. At that time, there would be even greater danger waiting for them.

"smoke bomb."

Tao Chuan knew that even if they threw grenades in and shot the bullets over, there would be no greater threat to the enemy with so many big trees blocking them.The smoke bomb is different, he can create a smoke barrier around him, making the enemy invisible.In this way, they can also enter the woods as quickly as possible and receive equal treatment from the enemy.Therefore, Tao Chuan asked people to throw smoke bombs.

A smoke bomb was thrown not far away.Immediately, yellow smoke billowed across the ground, and a larger fog barrier gradually formed.

Peng Shaohui on the opposite side panicked, because the fog made him unable to see the target clearly, and the bullets could only fire wildly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tao Chuan shouted to the people around him, "Rush in."

Tao Chuan still used the old method, regardless of whether there were bullets coming from the opposite side or not, he rushed over against the rain of bullets.Shooting forward while rushing.

After Peng Shaohui entered the woods, in order to better allow the remaining Vietnamese troops to play a role, he did not go deep into the woods, but hid behind a slightly larger tree, commanding and shooting outside.

When he saw the fog barrier approaching, he was worried that someone would rush into the woods, so his body also left the cover of the bushes and shot towards the opposite side.

When Peng Shaohui finished firing a round of bullets and was about to change the magazine, Tao Chuan suddenly appeared from the smoke.

Tao Chuan saw Peng Shaohui at a glance, regardless of whether he was an officer or a soldier, he adjusted his gun and fired at Peng Shaohui.

At this time, Peng Shaohui also saw Tao Chuan rushing towards him, but the chamber of his gun was empty, and the magazine to be replaced had not been loaded yet.Therefore, even if he wanted to shoot, he couldn't use it.

Turn around and run, of course it's too late.The distance between the two cannot be described as close at hand.

Just like that, three or four bullets from Tao Chuan penetrated into Peng Shaohui's chest.

Peng Shaohui held his body upright, using the shots in the movie to show that he was standing firm and didn't want to fall down.But there is no way, the bullets fired over are too powerful, it would be good if he didn't tear him apart, and he doesn't want to fall down, how is that possible.In an instant, Peng Shaohui fell back on the ground, vomited blood profusely, and thus ended his life.

After Tao Chuan defeated Peng Shaohui, he ignored his identity and continued to shoot at the next target.

The soldiers behind quickly came in, and everyone shouted and shot at the Vietnamese army.

The Vietnamese army lost its command and immediately fell into disarray.I don't know whether it's better to stop it in place, or to retreat to the next place to continue fighting.

The Vietnamese army was in chaos, and some people began to retreat and escape.It doesn't matter if it runs away, it will soon spread like an infectious disease. Afterwards, the Vietnamese army turned around and ran back one by one.

During the chaos of the Vietnamese army, every body hidden behind the tree was exposed.Immediately, the initiative on the battlefield was handed over to Tao Chuan and the others.

Soldiers fired heavily at the fleeing Vietnamese troops.

The battle has reached this point, and the soldiers are all red-eyed.We all know the truth that the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road. If we don't wipe out this group of Vietnamese troops today, they may be our nemesis tomorrow.

Therefore, the soldiers no longer begrudge the bullets in their hands, but work hard, as long as there are Vietnamese troops, they will keep pulling the trigger.

Dozens of guns fired at once, and it was as if a pair of machetes were encountered in the woods, being cut back and forth horizontally.Every tree was pierced.Some thin trees fell to the ground after being cut by a row of bullets.

Although these trees suffered misfortune, they still acted as a shield for the fleeing Vietnamese army.

The Vietnamese soldiers who survived and were not killed completely lost their will to resist, and fled to the depths of the woods one after another.

Tao Chuan and the soldiers did not dare to stop at all, and chased after them in one go.

Passing through the woods, there is an open field with a bamboo shed on a not too big soil bag.

After Tao Chuan saw it at a glance, he said to the soldiers without thinking,

"Comrades, that is the enemy command post, go!"

He yelled and galloped in that direction.

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