soldier rushing forward

47. Blood Sacrifice

The attack on the 384 Heights was more ferocious than any previous battle. 【 】

There used to be such a thing.In a remote mountain village, three little boys went up to the mountain to pick and found a litter of little wolves in a cave.Since none of these children had seen what a real wolf looked like, they took this litter of wolf cubs as puppies.Looking at the chubby, very cute puppy, the three little boys discussed and planned to take one back to raise.In the era when the economic conditions were very difficult, the people of the motherland could not even feed themselves enough, so there was nothing left to raise dogs.The three of them are also very aware of this, and adults will definitely not let them know.However, looking at these cute little guys, it's a pity not to keep them, and I can't put them down no matter how I look at them.In the end, the three little boys reached an agreement, and only took one from the den and took it home, and the three of them secretly raised it.

Before dark, they brought a little wolf back to the village.Fearing that the adults would find out, he put the little wolf into the cellar.

At night, the villagers gradually fell asleep.When I fell asleep in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard wild wolves howling outside the village.Almost at the same time, all the villagers woke up with a start, feeling very abnormal about this situation.For a while, people in the village panicked, as if something that had been legendary since ancient times happened.The villagers only panicked, and no one thought about the little wolf.

For three days in a row, the wild wolves howled outside the village.On the fourth day, the she-wolf rushed into the village and jumped into the cellar where the cubs were kept.Jin came in, but the she-wolf couldn't get out of the narrow cellar door no matter what.

In the morning, when the villagers found a wolf in the cellar, they flocked to beat the female wolf and beat the female wolf and the cub to death together in the cellar for no apparent reason.

Wolves are extremely retaliatory, and their unity and fighting spirit are incomparable to other animals.After the male wolf loses the female wolf and the cubs, it becomes extremely violent.In one night, almost all the livestock in the village were killed.Not only that, it also summoned its companions in the mountains to attack those who went out alone.

For a time, the small mountain village of these dozens of families was full of terror, and the bloody killing forced the people here to relocate.

Perhaps, the story is inappropriately compared with the characters in the novel.But the instincts of being spiritual animals all have the hope of revenge, especially the kind of tragedy that witnessed the tragic death of the same kind after the enemy, not angry, not passionate, not desperate, except for the bleating lamb who has no strength to fight back, the others The only ones are those dumb, stupid, and idiotic species.

The Chinese Communists in the 400 Heights witnessed the tragedy of the Vietnamese army killing their compatriots.If they were not subject to strict discipline, these soldiers would not have the patience to let the enemy on the 384 Heights survive until now.

The cannon rang, and the opportunity for revenge finally came.

The soldiers on the 400th highland sharpened their knives, ready to give the enemy on the mountain a decisive blow.

The commanders and fighters of the artillery group were even more outraged.Hundreds of shells were fired, but it still felt like a small number, and the speed of moving the shells felt slow no matter how fast they were.A soldier drove the car directly to the artillery position, regardless of whether the shells were dangerous or not, he kicked and kicked the ground to unload the shell box.

As long as the shells were fired accurately and fiercely, and could hit the enemy hard, they believed that this was the best explanation for the more than 20 dead comrades in arms.

The sky gradually lit up from the top of the mountain, looking at everything that happened here with its sharp eyes that looked down upon the sky.

The 15-minute artillery fire was ready to cut off a large part of the 384 highland.

Green smoke billowed from the bare hilltop.The bright blockhouses and dark forts hidden on the ground were almost destroyed.Enemy corpses are everywhere, fragments of bombed weapons are everywhere, and reinforced concrete residues are everywhere.

As soon as the artillery stopped, shouts of killing rang out from the north, east, and south sides of Height 384 at the same time.

"Okay, okay, hit you son of a bitch." Wu Jianglong shouted excitedly, and then turned to Jin Jun, "Staff Jin, let's go too!"

"Wait a minute."

At this time, the positions of Jin Jun and Wu Jianglong are due west, that is to say, there is no attacking force of our army in this direction. If the enemy flees, it is likely to be in this direction.

"Wu Jianglong, do you see that hill in front?" Jin Jun pointed to the hill in front and said.


"We are waiting for the enemy there."

"What are you waiting for, I won't let people clean up for a while." Wu Jianglong said disapprovingly.

"No. Those agents are not stupid, they won't fight desperately."

As soon as Jin Jun mentioned the secret agent, Wu Jianglong remembered the enemy chasing him in the dark, and asked incredulously, "What you said is true?"


"Okay, listen to you."

Jin Jun and Wu Jianglong climbed up the hill.

The two picked up a few guns discarded by the enemy, and lay in ambush behind the mountain bag, waiting for the enemy to flee.

In the capture of Heights 384 this time, because Jin Jun found out the location of the enemy's bunker in time, the artillery almost carried out point-and-point shelling during the fire attack, with a very high accuracy rate. 15 minutes of artillery preparation cleared more than 80.00% of the obstacles for the infantry assault.The remaining enemies hidden in the trenches also have very little resistance.

It took less than an hour for the offensive battle, and the fourth company attacked the main peak of the 384 highland.

The 384 Heights is composed of a regular platoon of the enemy, a special agent squad and two platoons of Gongantun.The regular platoon and the police station are responsible for the defense of the position.The special agent class is both a reserve team and a mobile force.

Under the powerful firepower of our army's artillery, the enemies in the regular platoon and Gong'an village were killed and injured, and basically lost their ability to resist.When the special agent squad rushed up from the reserve position, what they saw were corpses everywhere and the defense line broken by the Chinese infantry.

After a short period of resistance, the special agent team looked at the swarming Chinese soldiers and realized that it was impossible to defend Height 384, so they used their special agent skills to avoid the sight of the attacking troops and followed the unclosed gap of our army to attack. Flee to the west.

Wu Jianglong and Jin Jun behind the hill were staring at the half-human tall grass.

"Here we come, we come." Wu Jianglong looked at the dangling human head in the wormwood and said excitedly, "Staff Jin, you are right."

"Don't be too happy too early. If there are many enemies, I'm afraid you will not only be overwhelmed, but you may even be eaten by them." Jin Jun feared that Wu Jianglong would underestimate the enemy, so he added some cold water to him first.

"No, no, I will eat as much as I have." Wu Jianglong said while counting the heads in the grass, "One, two, three..." Counting to eight, he smacked his mouth , "Oh, there are quite a few."

"See it! It's four to one." Jin Jun said.

"That's okay. When we get here, we don't even want to run away." Wu Jianglong said, "Staff Jin, we are not as good as you as an artillery soldier. You can just look at me when you shoot these bastards with guns!"

As he spoke, Wu Jianglong aimed his gun at the first enemy.Seeing that most of the enemy's body was exposed, he was not in a hurry to shoot, and joked with Jin Jun, "Staff Jin, you said hit that."

"Of course it's the chest." Jin Jun's chest area is large, and Jin Jun is for the hit rate.

"No, it's still a problem if you can't kill it with a single shot."

"Then where are you going to fight?" Jin Jun estimated that the enemy was still at least 100 meters away.

"I head."

"Stupid." Jin Jun said incredulously.

Wu Jianglong no longer waited for Jin Jun to speak before pulling the hammer,


As soon as the gunshot rang out, the enemy fell to the ground after a bloody flower sprang from his head.

"Well, it hit. You didn't blow it." Jin Jun praised.

"Let's see the next one." Wu Jianglong raised his gun and wanted to fight.

"It's my turn." Jin Jun stopped Wu Jianglong and raised his rifle.

Wu Jianglong turned his head and glanced at Jin Jun, thinking, "All right! Just your artilleryman! It's almost the same as playing cannon wheels. Compare this with me." He said, "Okay, I'll give you the next one."

Several agents who were about to rush out of the grass were suddenly attacked and stopped to look around.They looked around for a while but didn't find the target. They didn't know where the gunshots came from.They wanted to wait until they found out the target here before leaving, but they didn't dare.After a while, the attacking troops came up, and it was even more difficult for them to run.Therefore, they adopted special agent attack tactics, formed a triangular formation, and moved forward tentatively.

"I'll hit the front one." After Jin Jun finished speaking, the rifle in his hand rang out.The enemy who fell was almost the same as the one Wu Jianglong hit.

Wu Jianglong knew at a glance that Jin Jun also hit the enemy's head, and he was killed with one blow.

Wu Jianglong gave Jin Jun a thumbs up, "Staff Jin, yes! Everything is fine."

Two gunshots made the enemy agents fully understand that our army was ambushing ahead.The agents panicked immediately, and hurried back to the grass, not daring to come out for a long time.

"Hey! They are scared of being beaten." Wu Jianglong yelled.

"Keep your voice down, the enemy is changing tactics." Jin Jun stopped Wu Jianglong, and then said, "Let's separate, you stay here, I'll go somewhere else, don't let others copy it."

As expected by Jin Jun, the agents stopped rushing out of the grass after discovering that there was a Chinese gunman in front of them.Instead, they spread out and formed groups of two, outflanking the mountain from two directions.Because they judged from the gunshots that there would not be too many opponents here, and there were no heavy weapons.If you come to take advantage of the situation during the defeat, you can also save some face.So they didn't rush to escape, but wanted to solve the obstacles in front of them first.

Wu Jianglong stared at the front with staring eyes.I saw the wormwood kept shaking, but no one came out.

The agents knew that the shooter in front of him was accurate with his marksmanship, and no one dared to show his face again.One by one, they crawled on the ground and slowly crawled forward.

Agents appeared in Jin Jun's ambush direction.Jin Jun began to shoot at the enemy.

Wu Jianglong turned his head and glanced over there, thinking to himself, "Staff Jin, you have to live up to it! Don't be beaten like last time and run around. I won't be able to take care of you this time."

Wu Jianglong really didn't dare to move.Because he knew that there were enemies in the grass in front of him, if he moved his position, the enemy would occupy this commanding height.Not only can't stop the enemy, both he and Jin Jun have to be killed by the enemy.

Wu Jianglong lay motionless on the ground, worrying about Jin Jun while staring at the grass.

Wu Jianglong's judgment was right.Although there was a gunshot from Jin Jun's direction, it was the enemy's plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao.If there is no defense in that direction, they will burst in from there.If someone is defending, it means that the firepower in front of the bag is limited.

When the agents attacking Jin Jun were blocked, they lay down on the ground and kept shooting, trying to use the gunshots to lure Wu Jianglong from Shanbao.

Hearing the continuous gunshots, the agents in the grass estimated that the fight over there was almost done.Four enemies stood up from the grass almost at the same time.Everyone has a Type 54 submachine gun in their hands, and they shoot while advancing.

“Da da da da”

The dense bullets suppressed Wu Jianglong.

In contrast, the semi-automatic rifle in Wu Jianglong's hand had no right to speak, and he could only watch helplessly as the opponent approached.

Wu Jianglong judged the sound and waited patiently. He waited for the enemy to change the bullets.

Four enemies made a big mistake.He miscalculated Wu Jianglong's combat ability, so he didn't think about alternate shooting and how to change bullets.

The four of them got up at the same time and fired at the same time, so the bullets in the clips were all fired at the same time.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, Wu Jianglong knew the time had come.Also use the sudden movement of getting up, raise the rifle, and "snap, slap, slap, slap" fire a single shot at the four enemies.

If you have friends who haven't seen this style of play, you might as well watch an American blockbuster.Fight scenes in movies have this quasi-play from time to time.If you can play the "Counter-Strike" gun game, the ak47 rifle can fully illustrate this point.However, the marksmanship must be accurate and the reaction ability must be fast.

Wu Jianglong's single-shot burst can be said to have reached the point of perfection.

As soon as the gunshots rang out from the hillside, the gunfire from Jin Jun's side stopped.

When the four agents shot at Wu Jianglong together, Jin Jun really sweated for him.When Wu Jianglong made a beautiful burst, he saw four enemies fall to the ground one after another.

Jin Jun admired it from the bottom of his heart, "This kid, where did he learn this skill?"

Only Wu Jianglong knew that his master was Hong Lei.

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