soldier rushing forward

472、Where is the Reconnaissance Brigade?

After Li Zhiming was rescued, he fled in the direction of his third battalion in a panic.

Where is the third battalion?According to Li Zhiming's arrangement in Yingji Village, it should be on the west side of Yingji Village, which is where Bu Chong passed them by.

Li Zhiming passed through a jungle and then through a swamp, and finally came to the third camp.As soon as he arrived at the third battalion, he was busy gathering strength, preparing to return to his frontal enemy in Yingji Village.

The commander of the third battalion asked him, "There is no defense here?"

"What's the defense? People have passed through it." Li Zhiming said very unhappy.

Since the head of the group asked to do this, then do so.So, the commander of the third battalion took all his people and followed Li Zhiming towards the frontal Vietnamese army position.When they arrived in this area, it was already empty.Neither the Vietnamese army nor the Chinese Communists have ever seen anything alive, only a large number of corpses.

Li Zhiming looked at the lost position and grieved for the first time, and then led his men to chase north.

Now that he has lost the battle and still can't think of a way to clean up the mess, why should he chase after him!

Li Zhiming is such a person, he will not die until the Yellow River.He really wanted to catch Wu Jianglong and the others so that he could go back and pay for his crimes.Now, because of his desperation, he neither cooperates with his friendly forces nor allows his superiors to support him.Fighting alone, not only did he fail to reap the benefits, but in the end he lost his troops. Of course, he would have no face to go back with such a result.

So, is it possible to find Wu Jianglong and the others by chasing him from behind?It's hard to say.

At present, both his troops and Wu Jianglong's troops have fallen into the mountains of North Vietnam.There are rainy areas and primeval forests everywhere. If it is not for war, who would want to set foot here.

Wu Jianglong and the others came here to survive, while Li Zhiming wanted to regain the last bit of face.

Anyone who came to this area, not to mention a team of hundreds of people, even if thousands or eight hundred people came in, it was like sprinkling pepper noodles, leaving no traces.Otherwise, Wu Jianglong would not run here.

After Wu Jianglong led the team into this area, he thought of the Bu Chong team that hadn't arrived yet.

So he sent people to look around.The soldiers came back one after another and said that no one was found.Immediately afterwards, he asked someone to use the radio to contact him again, but there was still no new discovery.That's why Wu Jianglong scolded anxiously.However, scolding is scolding, but you can't leave them alone.

What to do, Wu Jianglong was caught in a dilemma.Go back and look for it, and you may encounter the Vietnamese army again.If you don't go back and look for them, these people may be left in Vietnam, and they will never return to China.Wu Jianglong gritted his teeth and spit out a word, "Look for it."

What he thought in his heart was that even if everyone was wiped out, he had to get them back.

However, I don't know where they are now. If I want to find them, I have to find them.If you go back the same way, you are likely to encounter the Vietnamese army chasing them, so what's the point of them running out.

Wu Jianglong is very clear.Even though I won a battle, the Vietnamese army was not disabled. They still had a large number of remaining personnel, but they could not be concentrated for a while due to the scattered deployment along the road. Otherwise, these people would still be able to overwhelm Wu Jianglong These teams of less than a hundred people were eaten.Therefore, Wu Jianglong can't take that risk.

The cadres above the Wujiang Long Collection Platoon immediately convened a meeting. This is the democratic centralism practice of our army.As the saying goes, "Three cobblers catch up with Zhuge Liang", soon after the meeting, everyone unanimously decided to start looking for Bu Chong from a certain direction.

Wu Jianglong looked at the map without saying a word.After coming up with an idea, he discussed it with Li Sen.After two discussions, they decided to start from the source.

After swipe on the map for a while, Wu Jianglong realized that Bu Chong might have lost his way in this area.

What to do, sending a small number of people to go is useless, and if it is not done well, it will get three shares, and some of them may have to be lost.In the end, it was decided that we should live together and die together. Despite all the difficulties and dangers ahead, let's share weal and woe!Another thought is that since we are already close to the border of China, we can cross the river from any point, so why do we have to guard one place?

In order to rescue Bu Chong and prevent them from falling into the encirclement of the Vietnamese army, Wu Jianglong decided to find them first, and then everyone re-selected the crossing point together.

In this way, Wu Jianglong led the soldiers to set off again, heading towards the place where Bu Chong might reach.

Not long after Wu Jianglong led his people away, Li Zhiming arrived with a large number of people.Seeing that the regiment commander was coming, those Vietnamese troops who had been dispersed came out of their hiding place in twos and threes, and quickly joined their own team.In this way, Li Zhiming's team is getting bigger and bigger, and his confidence is also multiplying.

After checking the map, Li Zhiming mistakenly believed that not far ahead must be the place where the squadron crossed the river, so he ordered everyone to chase forward quickly, and drove them out more than ten miles away, but still did not see the squadron team shadow.Not only that, but there was no trace along the way.Finally, Li Zhiming stood on a river bank and looked up to the opposite side.

On the other side of the river are the green mountains, and under the fog of the river, it is gray and foggy, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Looking at the river again, the river is so fast that there is not even a shadow of a boat.Seeing this, Li Zhiming was overjoyed, and blurted out:

"Okay! It seems that the sky has not failed me."

In Li Zhiming's view, as long as Wu Jianglong and the others did not cross the river, they would not have returned to China.Then he has a chance for revenge.

"Order, each battalion rests in place for 10 minutes."

In order to find Wu Jianglong as soon as possible, Li Zhiming urged the Vietnamese soldiers like a ghost.

There is no way to go here, everyone has to go through thorns and thorns, and the journey is very difficult, no wonder they are not tired.If it weren't for the fear of being charged with disobedience, these Vietnamese troops would have stopped long ago.Now with Li Zhiming's order, a large number of people from the Vietnam Army immediately lay down.

Everyone else rested, but Li Zhiming didn't dare to rest. He still had to think about how to find Wu Jianglong and the others.

Li Zhiming thought and thought, and finally thought of a clue.That is, when he led people across his position and rushed into the primeval jungle, he didn't see anyone's footprints.Li Zhiming regretted this, and secretly scolded why he was so careless, why did he come here since there was no trace.

At the time, it was no wonder he was there.For a vengeful person, as long as one way is estimated, he will not adopt the others.Not even if someone suggests it.What's more, the Chinese border is so close at hand, there is no reason for the squadron not to take a shortcut and go around the long distance.It was precisely because of these two reasons that Li Zhiming didn't choose any path first, and just rushed forward. He didn't realize how fallacious his original thinking was until he arrived at the destination.

In order not to affect the morale of the army, he didn't dare to tell others about his own mistakes, so he could only knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

Look at the rest of the Vietnamese army.This is his personal opinion. It is said that the Vietnamese army had just rested, and it would take an hour to recover.Even if you don’t eat, get some water to replenish it!

However, Li Zhiming didn't think about it.As soon as he thought about it personally, he felt that the time was not waiting for him.Every minute of delay is more painful to him than chewing on his flesh.Therefore, he believes that 1 minutes is not short.

Li Zhiming stood up from the ground, "Okay, move on."

"Ah, let's go now!" Someone whispered.

"You have to take a rest!" Some Vietnamese soldiers took off their heavy leather shoes and were digging out those grass, mud, stones and other stepping things.

"Stop talking nonsense, get up for me." Li Zhiming was furious.

These Vietnamese troops were really tired, not to mention that the soldiers didn't support him, even the battalion commander didn't stand on the same line with him.

Seeing that the battalion commander didn't move, Li Zhiming immediately understood why the Vietnamese troops didn't respond.Li Zhiming walked towards the battalion commander quickly, "Cui Dezhi, if we can wipe out this group of northern bandits, I will let you be the deputy commander when we go back."

Li Zhiming was still smart at this time, he didn't use the big name of the head of the group to overwhelm people, but gave the temptation of the deputy head of the group.

As soon as Cui Dezhi heard it, he thought to himself, "I have been asking for it for so many years, but today Li Zhiming can take the initiative to send it to my door, I don't want it for nothing." Although he knew very well that this wish was dishonest, but It's better to have than nothing.

"Get up, get up, do you hear me?" Cui Dezhi looked very active, stood up and helped Li Zhiming call out to the Vietnamese soldiers.For those who move slowly, go up and kick.

What Li Zhiming said was not heard by Cui Dezhi alone, but by other people, so everyone's reaction was not so strong. Some people also thought: "Oh, the battalion commander didn't fight the battle alone, why should he be promoted?" , none of our business."

Therefore, the Vietnamese army who was bombarded was still lazy.

Li Zhiming once again saw the performance of these Vietnamese troops, and immediately turned into a coaxing smile:

"I know that comrades have worked very hard, and the battle is also very difficult. Our army has a large number of members. If our regiment is still there, I will tell my superiors that each of you will be promoted to a higher level."

After what he said, the officers were no longer frowning, but suddenly regained their spirits and shouted, "We listen to the commander."

The officers were happy, but these Vietnamese soldiers had no hope and were still listless.However, it doesn't matter, with the help of these grassroots guards, the soldiers can't make any big monsters, and they have to do it if they don't.In order to improve their enthusiasm, Li Zhiming also gave them hope:

"After this battle is over, those who want to take a vacation will go home to take a vacation, and those who want to marry a wife will go home and marry a wife, all travel expenses will be reimbursed in the group. Then, each person will be given [-] catties of rice."

The others were all lies, and the soldiers didn't care, but what they cared most about was the twenty catties of rice.You know, how poor Vietnam was in those days.The whole country is at war, young people go to war, only old people and women give birth at home.About 90.00% of the grain they produced was handed over to the public grain.The common people can only eat some miscellaneous grains on the edge of the field.That's it, they can't get enough.

As a soldier, everyone has a family, and who doesn't want to feed the family.Therefore, Li Zhiming's wish can be regarded as really speaking from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as this wish was made, the Vietnamese soldiers couldn't help shouting, "Long live the regiment commander, long live the regiment commander."

Li Zhiming had a smile on his face.Don't look at the smile on his face, but he is cursing secretly in his heart. What he scolded, of course, is that these people are not enlightened, have no national righteousness, and don't know how to fight selflessly for the honor of the motherland.

This is the difference between an officer and a soldier.

This is true of any army.When a unit has won a battle and achieved great results, whoever benefits the most is of course their senior leader.Those who are promoted are promoted, those who are lucky are lucky, and what about these soldiers!They only deserve a few spiritual rewards, but soldiers are still soldiers, even if you change into a few troops, you are still a soldier.From this point of view, it is not petty for the soldiers of the Vietnamese army to want to get the twenty catties of rice.It's finally a bargain!

Several empty promises made by Li Zhiming immediately caused great repercussions in the army.The Vietnamese soldiers were no longer lazy, they packed their bags and got ready to go.

Li Zhiming put away his smile and said with a serious face, "Comrades, the northern bandits have not yet crossed the river and continue to do evil in our country. As the Vietnamese People's Army, we have the responsibility and obligation to eliminate them, not only for the honor of the motherland , and for our comrades-in-arms who died. We want revenge and destroy them."

"Revenge, revenge."

Li Zhiming's sensationalism finally aroused the fighting spirit of the Vietnamese army.Any thoughtful soldier, as long as he thinks about the period of time they have been in contact with the Chinese Communists, everyone will have lingering fears, thoughts, and thoughts of those soldiers who once fought with them.Now, they are not afraid of death, they only think about revenge.

"Now, they are not far from us, just along the river. As long as we search carefully, we will definitely find them." Li Zhiming continued to mobilize and deploy.

Li Zhiming said it well.In order to get rid of the Vietnamese army, Wu Jianglong did not go back to the starting point.

Although it is easier to walk there, there are heavy soldiers from the Vietnamese army.If it passes there, it will be another bloody battle.He still remembered that when he returned to Vietnam in [-], he and several comrades in arms found a place on the river to cross the river and were imprisoned there.Although it is more difficult, it is safer than a hail of bullets, so he chose this area.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to bring people closer to the river, he found that the third team hadn't come.In order not to leave a comrade-in-arms behind, he had no choice but to take people back to search.After this search, he had to step into the secret forest again.

No way, who lost his comrades! "Don't abandon everyone, don't give up every hope of survival, don't leave a trace of regret for failure," this is their oath before departure.

Now is the time to make it happen.After Wu Jianglong asked the soldiers to renew their oath, he led them back into the dangerous place to find Bu Chong.

Where Bu Chong is, Wu Jianglong doesn't know, no one knows, not even Bu Chong himself.

Bu Chong only knew that there were jungles everywhere within a radius of dozens of kilometers, and he could return to the main battlefield of Wu Jianglong's deployment mission after crossing this jungle.From there further north, you can approach the Chinese border, which is Bu Chong's only idea.

In order not to get the direction wrong again, Bu Chong set a few points on the map.After walking a certain distance, use the sun in the sky to locate.

Fortunately, the sun in the afternoon was also considered bright, and the clouds did not come to make trouble, which really brought great convenience to Bu Chong to determine the direction.

Soon, Bu Chong found the place where they strayed. After some corrections, Bu Chong boarded the Vietnamese army position where Wu Jianglong asked him to stand and lead.

When Bu Chong entered this position, there was nothing in front of him.Not to mention gunshots, there was not even half a person.

Bu Chong was in a hurry when he saw it.He thought of two points. First, Wu Jianglong was wiped out by the Vietnamese army, and the Vietnamese army withdrew after cleaning the battlefield.Second, Wu Jianglong was blocked by the Vietnamese army, and they did not find another way.If these two ideas are true, what can Bu Chong and the others do here.

Bu Chong looked around eagerly. If he wasn't worried about enemies nearby, he really wanted to shout, "Captain, where are you?"

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