soldier rushing forward

487 , Visiting Comrades

This tunnel battle ended soon after a blowout by Wu Jianglong and others.There were more than a dozen Vietnamese soldiers who were wiped out, and none of them were alive. Every corner was full of dead Vietnamese soldiers.

After Wu Jianglong and others searched the cave, they found that there were few other daily necessities in the cave except for ammunition or ammunition.So he thought, Vietnam really wants to be a war machine, and only wants to win the conditions on the battlefield, and doesn't take into account the living conditions of the Vietnamese army here.Still treat these soldiers as human beings!It means that people need to live, they need to eat, drink, relax and sleep, and they need a world where people live.But you can't see it here, all you see are mouse-like nests.It's really hard to imagine what kind of belief these Vietnamese troops are holding on to here.

Regardless of these, kindness to the enemy is tantamount to crime against oneself.If the living conditions of the Vietnamese army are improved, and every one of them has a fat waist and a fat body, they will do more evil things! ,

Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong no longer considered the situation of the Vietnamese army, but cared about where he was going.

At this time, You Ziwu ran out of the cave, saw Wu Jianglong and asked, "Captain, Captain Tao asked you, what should we do with these ammunition, should we move them back or destroy them on the spot?"

Wu Jianglong said without thinking, "Our family's life is not the same as before, we can take a fancy to this crap! It's all blown up."

"Yes" You Ziwu happily agreed and went to the cave.

Of course, Wu Jianglong's decision made the soldiers happy. If these things were moved back, it would be another hardship to face the difficult mountain road.Furthermore, the soldiers have already overdrawn to the end one by one, so they still have this energy.Wu Jianglong's decision can save the soldiers from the fatigue and suffering, and can also hear the explosion and pass the final gun hidden.

In this way, when Wu Jianglong exited the entrance of the tunnel, Tao Chuan had disposed of all the ammunition in the cave, piled them together, fixed the fuse, and pulled a long fuse out of the tunnel, waiting for Wu Jianglong's order The ignition is on.

"Captain, can I order?" You Ziwu asked.

"Okay." Wu Jianglong, who had walked a long way, waved his hand.

At this time, the soldiers lined up in a long line and began to descend from Wu 907 Heights.

You Ziwu watched the crowd walk away, so he and Xiao Shen lit the fire.Then, he quickly chased after the troops.

This team came down from the mountain, walking very calmly and calmly, completely showing the pride of the victors after a big battle.

Just when they were halfway up the mountain, there was a loud noise in the mountain, and then there was a strong vibration, no less than a magnitude [-] or [-] earthquake.Since everyone knew what was going on, no one panicked, you bombed yours, and I walked mine, all the way down the mountain.

When Wu Jianglong and others crossed the low valley and set foot on another hill, what awaited them was another scene.

Li Sen led the reconnaissance brigade to come first, and some unfamiliar faces were already waiting here.

As soon as Wu Jianglong, Tao Chuan and others stepped into our army's position, the soldiers waiting here swarmed forward, and there was a great encounter on the battlefield.

Needless to say, this kind of hilarious scene was very violent and emotional. Almost all the scouts shed tears, some shouted and some cried bitterly.

Wu Jianglong looked down at his watch, and the hands were exactly pointing at two o'clock in the afternoon.Wu Jianglong didn't say a word, walked to the highest point of the fortification silently, looked up to the opposite side, tears filled his eyes.Outsiders couldn't tell what he was thinking, but they could guess that he was thinking about those soldiers who died!

Li Sen leaned towards Wu Jianglong without saying a word, and recited in a deep voice:

"The frontiers of the motherland,

I can't remember the day,

You start so scarred.

It's not someone else who cut you,

It is your brother who takes good care of you - Vietnam.

From generation to generation,

You have sent countless lives and considerations for him,

However, what they waved at you was a bloody sword.

When he was in poverty, he waved his hand to you and begged for mercy.

When I grow up, I really want to share the country with you.

Is it because you don't love enough?

No, when he needs it,

You once tightened your belt and endured hunger so that he had food and clothing.

Are you not kind enough?

No, in order to resist foreign humiliation,

You send your sons and daughters to the mouth of the jackal, and help him grow up.

But all of this is not a smiling face,

But he is as greedy as a wolf.

He wants to gnaw your skin and eat your heart.

If there are no soldiers to defend the country, maybe they will stand on your body and shout,

'I don't want to be grateful, I just want to be the third in the world.

Whoever wants to block my way, my mother and I have to stand aside. '

Motherland!Today you finally understand,

Don't be soft-hearted when dealing with such a guy,

If you make a move, you will smash him, smash him flat.

This expedition is a lesson,

Tomorrow if he dares to provoke, he will overthrow his lair,

Learn from those victors and build a harmonious new Vietnam. "

Wu Jianglong looked at Li Sen silently.At some point, a large group of people gathered under the fortification, all looking up at Li Sen.As soon as Li Sen shut up, someone in the crowd took the lead in applauding, followed by applause.

Only then did Li Sen recover from his emotion.Although this is not a serious poem, it is a soldier's personal perception from the beginning of the war to the present.

Who doesn't love peace!Who doesn't want to spend time with their lovers!Who doesn't want to get along with their loved ones day and night.However, when the enemy put a knife on your neck and the shells exploded at your door, are you still so calm?of course not.This ending is the resumption of war.

Therefore, Li Sen's recitation touched the hearts of every soldier.

The Chinese never take the initiative to provoke a war, and we will never back down once a war is added.All bloody Chinese will take the initiative to take up swords and guns and fight the enemy to the end.For the sake of our children and grandchildren, we would like to shed our blood.

It was in the past, it is in the present, and it will be in the future.

The value of this war in the 70s was fought happily. It not only stopped the country until now, but also gave a wake-up call to China's modernization of the army.

After the reconnaissance brigade stayed on the border for a while, it was transferred to the rear for repairs.

Ordinarily, there was no fighting, and the sound of guns stopped, Wu Jianglong should calm down and think about his own affairs!Among other things, Dong Yan is still waiting eagerly for him to go back and get married!

However, after only a few days in Kunming, Wu Jianglong slipped back to the border alone.

This made Li Sen very anxious. .After asking several people, they didn't know his whereabouts. Finally, after asking the logistics staff, they found out that Wu Jianglong borrowed a jeep to go to the border in the morning.

"What was he doing at the border?"

Li Sen was puzzled.After briefly explaining the situation to his superiors, he borrowed a car from the logistics team and followed Li Wei and Tao Chuan all the way.

Li Sen traveled all the way, inquiring all the way, and finally found out the whereabouts of Wu Jianglong outside Malipo County.

On the mountain road, a long slope leads to a steep slope, and a military jeep is rushing on the mountain road.

The driver was none other than Wu Jianglong.

Along the way, he didn't ask anyone for directions, and drove directly to the Malipo Cemetery.

There was silence inside and outside the cemetery, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. It may be that the people who came here had dispersed, so it looked depressed and deserted.

Wu Jianglong parked the car aside, took food and drinks from the car, and walked along the passage.

A middle-aged man in a faded military uniform just walked out of the garden, saw Wu Jianglong, and stepped forward to meet him, "Comrade, the gate is about to close."

Wu Jianglong gave him a sideways look, "I'm here to see someone, so close the door."

"Hey, you comrade, why are you talking like that." The middle-aged man felt displeased.

Just as the middle-aged man froze, Wu Jianglong flashed past him.The middle-aged man wanted to reach out to stop him, but seeing his bloodshot eyes, he retracted his hand in fear, so he could only watch Wu Jianglong go away with his eyes.

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, "Hey, I took the wrong medicine, I won't come sooner or later, I will come later, do you want to spend the night with the dead?"

The middle-aged man walked down the slope talking to himself, "If you don't go, then you can spend the night here! Anyway, I'm going to close the door."

The cemetery was built at the foot of a mountain, and as far as the eye could see, there were grave mounds made of cement. It was impossible to count them. If he had a company, he could have as many people as a battalion.

Seeing this scene, who has the mood to count how many soldiers are buried here.When a healthy person sees this, there will be bodies that lie down in their hearts immediately.If you stand them up, they will be as fresh as a jungle. . . . . .

There is a stone tablet in front of each grave, with red five stars painted on it, and the name of the victim engraved on it.The tombstones lined up one by one, like a large group of soldiers ready to go.I believe that they will fight for the honor of the motherland in the kingdom of heaven, and will keep fighting with those turtles until the day they are honest enough to stop making trouble.

Wu Jianglong stopped at one place and began to look around, as if he was looking for a well-known name.

The cemetery is surrounded by high mountains, so it didn't take long for the cemetery to become dark.

Wu Jianglong didn't care about these things, he just looked for them on his own.Suddenly, he walked towards a tombstone.

Just like that, the tombstone quietly stood in front of Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong reached out and touched the red five stars on it, and then followed it to the text below.

Liu Yue.Next to it is a line of small characters, a second-level combat hero, a soldier from the seventh company of a certain battalion of a certain regiment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Wu Jianglong read these words lightly, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

In an instant, the scene of the battle in [-] was displayed in front of Wu Jianglong again.In the intense flames of battle, Liu Yue rolled in the grass, and then saw him rushing towards the Vietnamese army with fire. . . . . . . .

Wu Jianglong placed the wine and meat he had brought in front of the grave, stretched out a bottle of wine towards the grave, and held the other bottle in his hand. Every time he took a sip, he babbled:

"Liu Yue, my buddy sees that you are here, how have you been doing these years......"

Speaking of this, Wu Jianglong burst into tears.

"My brothers from Qilian, do you often contact them? Where are they? If you can tell us, we will visit them too...

During the self-defense counterattack in [-], Wu Jianglong was only a recruit who had just joined the army for half a year.Before getting acquainted with the veterans, the troops marched into Vietnam to participate in the war.

After the war started, the battle was extremely difficult, and the number of personnel was continuously increased after the loss, and then replaced after replenishment.Therefore, Wu Jianglong is not familiar with all the comrades who died in the company.Because he and Liu Yue were both recruits and in the same class, he was the only one who knew Liu Yue.

As soon as Wu Jianglong finished speaking, he felt a breeze blowing on his face, and it seemed that someone was whispering.After Wu Jianglong was stunned, he also calmed down a bit.Then, turn around and look.

There are graves and graves around, and no one can be seen walking around.But in Wu Jianglong's hallucination, it seemed that many comrades in arms were coming towards him.

"If it's Qilian's brothers, come over for a drink. I, Wu Jianglong, have come to visit you." Wu Jianglong Gu Yi shouted.

After shouting, no one answered, but subconsciously, Wu Jianglong thought that his comrades surrounded him, so he continued to shout,

"Squad leaders, veterans, new recruit Wu Jianglong is here to see you." Picking up the wine bottle, "Drink more if you can drink, and show what you can't drink." Afterwards, Wu Jianglong drank heavily.

"Old squad leaders, one day I, Wu Jianglong, have this ability, and I will send you all back to your hometown one by one."

Wu Jianglong was drinking and talking drunk, and unconsciously he lay down on the ground.

It was a moonlit night, and the moonlight was cold, and the lonely eyes shone from the sky to the ground, making the cemetery even more desolate and desolate.

At this time, we saw a soldier lying down in the cemetery among the large tombs.

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