soldier rushing forward

489.499, It's All Fist

Wu Jianglong didn't say such a thing on a whim, nor was it that kind of recklessness, it was because he didn't get angry after listening to Minister Liu's words about Xu Xin's indifference.As soon as he heard that this person was the Minister of Armed Forces, he suddenly laughed.

What happened to the Minister of Armed Forces, 'If you are an official and don't let the people make decisions, it is better to go home and grow sweet potatoes'.As the Minister of Armed Forces and a member of the County Standing Committee, speaking so lightly on Xu Xin's issue is completely a set of irresponsible bureaucrats who reject him.Xu Xin is afraid of you, but I, Wu Jianglong, am not afraid of you.I am a soldier, what can you do to me, even if one day I return to the local area, I will not be able to return to your county, so why not be afraid of you.

Wu Jianglong only cared about what he said, he didn't care about other people's feelings, and he didn't expect that it was Minister Liu who he annoyed.

"Say it again, who is serving as a soldier these days?" Minister Liu was very angry.

Although Minister Liu is quite big and tall, he is not very good at expressing language.It just fits some officials on the official career at the moment.Don't look at the long speeches on the rostrum, which can last for several hours. They are all manuscripts written in advance by the secretary, and they are only asked to act as senior announcers.If they are allowed to get rid of the manuscript and give full play to their strengths, there will be a few people who will be able to chatter and vent in an orderly manner.

From this point of view, not all those who become officials are talented, and not all those who are in high positions are promoted based on ability.Who dares to say that they did not get this "title" with the help of their three relatives, six aunts, and seven aunts and eight aunts!

Someone did a survey before.More than 80.00% of the middle-level leaders in a certain area are secretaries.Important positions, or good geographical conditions and superior positions in the unit, are generally assigned by the first and second personal secretaries.Then it can be said that it is not in vain to run for the leader. After a long time, he can also become a decent official.By analogy, the upper and lower levels take care of each other and promote each other layer by layer. Such successors are almost certain.Over time, how can China's bureaucratic team not grow.

Fortunately, in recent years, the implementation of civil servants and professional examinations has alleviated this phenomenon.However, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and the use of cadres on the basis of people and relatives has not yet been fundamentally resolved.

Seeing that Minister Liu held back for a long time, and only came up with such a sentence, Wu Jianglong was very happy. From the bottom of his heart, he completely looked down on such officials. (The Minister of Armed Forces at that time was not an active soldier.) said something,

"This is not what I thought, it was made up for you by you common people. It is nothing more than that they dare not tell you in person, so I just use it to say it."

"You demoted our Armed Forces like this, didn't you come out from here?" Director Liu wanted to use these words to block Wu Jianglong.

"That's right, I was recruited by your armed forces, so what?"

"If you leave from the Armed Forces Department, you should say that we are good. How can you say such a thing?" Minister Liu said with a slow attitude.Obviously, he saw that the soldier in front of him was not easy to mess with, and he was afraid that things would become serious, so he would embarrass himself at the gate.

"According to what you said, you send us soldiers out, and when we come back, you have the responsibility to protect us former soldiers, right?"

"That's right," Minister Liu was happy, "The Armed Forces Department will be your home all the time."

"Since that's what you said," Wu Jianglong changed the subject, "How did you solve Xu Xin's problem?"

"Xu Xin," Minister Liu was taken aback, "He's different from others, he's a political issue."

"Political issues," Wu Jianglong said angrily, "you only looked at one side, why don't you say the other side, how many comrades he saved on the Vietnam battlefield, who did he do that for, and not for the army not to suffer greater losses .”

"It was with this in mind that we sentenced him to one year. Otherwise, he would have to be imprisoned for three years." Minister Liu said sternly.

This time it was Wu Jianglong's turn to get angry, and shouted loudly, "You guys, you are disregarding human life."

Onlookers gradually gathered around.

Dong Yan was worried that things would become more and more troublesome, and that the impact would be bad if it went on like this.Anyway, Wu Jianglong was still wearing a military uniform.How can a soldier quarrel with people on the street, no matter whether it is justified or not, it will have a bad influence if he speaks out.Therefore, Dong Yan came up to dissuade Wu Jianglong, "Let's go! They don't care, we will find another unit."

Xu Xin also came up to persuade him, "Jiang Long, let's not look for it anymore, let's go back!"

Wu Jianglong was pushed out of the crowd by Dong Yan and Xu Xin.

At this time, they heard Minister Liu say in the crowd, "A prisoner wants to be treated as a soldier, but there is no way."

Hearing this, Xu Xin's face changed color, leaving Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan behind, turned and walked back.

Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan were also stunned, they didn't know what Xu Xin meant by this, what was he going to do when he went back?

Xu Xin squeezed into the crowd and came to Minister Liu.

At this moment, Minister Liu was telling the story of Xu Xin to the surrounding crowd.When he saw Xu Xin walking towards him, he was immediately discouraged. He figured out what Xu Xin wanted to do.I knew in my heart what these people who had been on the battlefield would do in a fit of anger.If you give him a gun, it is not impossible to kill the person he hates.Therefore, Minister Liu wanted to run away.However, the surrounding area has been blocked by onlookers.If you want to run, you can only jump over people's heads.

Just as Minister Liu was squeezing into the crowd, Xu Xin strode forward, grabbed the back of Minister Liu's neck, and turned his face over.

Xu Xin didn't answer, and raised his right fist, hitting Minister Liu's fat pig-like face.

Just this one, it shows that Xu Xin's soldier was not in vain, and his kung fu was not in vain.Minister Liu seemed to fly out and landed on the onlookers.

When the spectators saw Minister Liu flying over, they swarmed back to hide, leaving an open space immediately, and Minister Liu fell heavily to the ground.

Xu Xin resentfully walked up to Minister Liu one step at a time, raised his fist, and wanted to smash it down.

At this time, Xu Xin had hallucinations in front of his eyes. It seemed that it was not Minister Liu who hit him, but another person. Who was it?

There were intermittent screams from a room in the prisoner camp, mixed with the shouts of Vietnamese soldiers from time to time.

The floor of the house was raised with bamboo boards, and a hole a meter wide was exposed in the middle.Under the cave is a large pool, and the sound of water being splashed can be heard.

Sun Erzhu was pushed into the hole by two Vietnamese soldiers standing upside down, and his head plunged into the water.After Sun Erzhutou entered the water, he was almost suffocated, and his legs resisted with all his strength.

Two Vietnamese soldiers grabbed his legs hard, and even if the Vietnamese soldiers let go, Sun Erzhu would not escape.There are ropes tied to his two feet.Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that he was hung upside down.

When Sun Erzhu was about to suffocate to death, two Vietnamese soldiers raised his head, and his head left the water hole and rose back to the ground.

After Sun Erzhu was hoisted up, he collapsed on the ground, spitting sewage out of his mouth.

Xu Xin was sitting behind a table, with two tall Vietnamese soldiers standing behind him.

Ruan Zhiyong sat opposite Xu Xin.

Ruan Zhiyong looked at Sun Erzhu, then at Xu Xin, and said, "Well, if you cooperate with us, this procedure will be saved."

Xu Xin said angrily, "You are inhumane, and you are violating the Geneva Convention."

"What fucking shit convention, it's useless to me." Ruan Zhiyong said with a sneer, "I only believe in this," raising his hand to signal the bamboo board in his hand. "

"Let him go," Xu Xin yelled, "Let me do it."

"Hmph," Ruan Zhiyong glared, "No, you love your soldiers! Today, I want you to watch them die slowly in front of you."

Ruan Zhiyong had used these criminal laws on Xu Xin before, but it didn't work.Now, he wants to fight Xu Xin, let Xu Xin watch others get punished, but he can't help.It is to let him watch others being tortured and compromise when he can't bear it physically and mentally.

"Asshole." Xu Xin cursed, and she also stood up, wanting to rush over to protect Sun Erzhu.However, Xu Xin's body that had just stood up was quickly subdued by two Vietnamese soldiers behind him, and his hands were held behind his back, and he lost the ability to resist again.

Ruan Zhiyong laughed and stared at Xu Xin, "I think it's not exciting enough for you." He turned to the two Vietnamese soldiers who hanged Sun Erzhu and said, "Let him dive again."

The hanging rope was raised again, and Sun Erzhu, who had just regained his breath, stood upside down and rose into the air again.

Ruan Zhiyong said to Xu Xin, "Well, there is still time for cooperation. Otherwise, if he goes down this time, he will never survive again."

Xu Xin stared at Sun Erzhu, thinking.

Sun Erzhu, who was as soft as a rope, saw Xu Xin's plan and said in a weak voice, "Instructor Xu, you said that we are Chinese soldiers. Even if we die, we can't lose our integrity. I will die when I die. Yes One day, if you can really go back to China, tell my family that I didn't embarrass them."

After the translator translated these words to Ruan Zhiyong, he yelled angrily, "What are you still doing, put him in the water."

As soon as Ruan Zhiyong had an attack, the Vietnamese soldiers in the room got busy nervously.Unknowingly, the two Vietnamese soldiers holding Xu Xin relaxed.

Suddenly, Xu Xin broke free from the Vietnamese soldiers behind him with all his strength, and rushed towards Ruan Zhiyong.

Ruan Zhiyong put all his attention on Sun Erzhu, and never thought that Xu Xin would have such a blow.

After breaking free from the Vietnamese soldiers, Xu Xin jumped onto the table.Immediately afterwards, he jumped down with a big step and knocked Ruan Zhiyong down.Xu Xin got up from the ground, turned over and pressed on Ruan Zhiyong, punching him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other Vietnamese soldiers left Sun Erzhu behind and rushed forward.Grabbing and lifting, he insisted on carrying Xu Xin away and away from Ruan Zhiyong.

"Hit me, hit me." Ruan Zhiyong shouted, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

In the hallucination, Xu Xin felt that there was a big hand behind him grabbing his iron fist.Looking back, it was none other than Wu Jianglong.

Xu Xin was stunned.

Wu Jianglong grabbed Xu Xin's fist and shook his head at him, which meant he couldn't hit him.The person under you is not a Vietnamese soldier, he is the local Minister of Armed Forces.

Xu Xin was pulled away from Minister Liu's body by Wu Jianglong.

Minister Liu got up from the ground, looked at the onlookers, Xu Xin and Wu Jianglong.

Only then did he remember that the two people in front of him had both participated in the war, fought in Vietnam, and killed countless Vietnamese soldiers.If you really want to fight with them here, if both of you show the vigor on the battlefield and regard yourself as an enemy, that would be fine.Therefore, it is still the best policy, and other things will be discussed later.

Minister Liu pointed at Xu Xin, "Okay, Xu Xin, if you dare to hit me, I'll see if I don't deal with you."

Xu Xin seemed to have come to his senses in a daze. When he thought of the reality, his heroic spirit disappeared immediately, and he looked at Minister Liu with dull eyes, without saying a word.

On the contrary, Wu Jianglong was aroused into anger, let go of Xu Xin, and forced him towards Minister Liu, "What did you say, you say it again."

Judging by that attitude, if Minister Liu persists in the stalemate, he won't need to be beaten.

Minister Liu backed away, and the onlookers also stepped aside.

Minister Liu stepped back and said, "Okay, okay, you guys have the guts, just wait."

After speaking, he hurriedly got out of the crowd and ran away.

This time, Wu Jianglong was really in a hurry.Originally, he was dissatisfied with Xu Xin's situation, but when he heard Minister Liu say such words, he immediately became angry.As a leading cadre, not only does he not think about the people, but he only thinks about revenge. He is not like the people's parents.Such a person, if you don't hit you, who will you hit!

Seeing Minister Liu running away, Wu Jianglong couldn't stop, and wanted to chase after him.At this time, Dong Yan shouted from behind, "Wu Jianglong, stop for me."

As the saying goes, those involved are confused, but the bystanders are clear.Xu Xin and Wu Jianglong were so angry that they forgot everything.They didn't think deeply, this is not a Vietnamese jungle, and what they are dealing with is not a Vietnamese agent.If this entanglement continues, it is difficult to save lives.Therefore, she hastily shouted to stop Wu Jianglong.

Then, Wu Jianglong and Xu Xin were forced by Dong Yan to leave the gate of the government compound.

Although this happened in an instant, at such a juncture, even if a needle falls on the ground, some people will add salt and vinegar and say that it is not a needle, but a golden stick of Monkey King falling from the sky.

It wasn't until the three of them left this place and came to a secluded place that Wu Jianglong realized the seriousness of the problem.

"What should I do?" He had to think about this question.If Xu Xin goes back, Minister Liu may not let him go.But if you don’t go back, where are you going!

Just as the three of them were discussing, Minister Liu had brought a team of troops and started chasing after these two daring people

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