soldier rushing forward

49. Force the enemy out of the hole

Big Brother's benevolence, righteousness and kindness are really indescribable. 【】If you don't believe me, look through the growth history of Big Brother. It seems that there are many good people and good deeds. If you look for the big bullying the small, it's really nothing!

Since Qinhuang and Hanwu, the eldest brother usually practiced martial arts at home to strengthen his body, guarded the altars and pots in the house, and reclaimed a few pieces of wasteland to live a self-sufficient life.Although he is the boss, he never goes out to shout "I am the boss". With his thick arms and strength, he beats anyone who doesn't like him.In order to educate future generations to be able to regulate the country and govern the family, they are urged to study "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Doctrine of the Mean".

The only one that is a bit out of line is the family of Genghis Khan.

Their horses ran so fast that they ran all over Central Asia, West Asia, and even went around Europe, making people afraid when they mentioned the Tatars, and even those ignorant children didn't dare to cry.What are you afraid of!It's not that these Tatars love to play with dogs, so they brought hundreds of Tibetan mastiffs, known as "Snow Mountain Lions", with them. The "lion" legion is running around, so there is no reason for people not to be afraid.The only thing that has some merit is to improve the breed of dogs.It is said that the excellent breeds such as German Heibei and Aishashe are all descendants of Tibetan mastiffs, which can be regarded as a bit of animal heritage!There is no way, Genghis Khan's family doesn't like to study, they don't have much culture, they are a bit reckless.Fortunately, it was changed later, and the whole family was restricted to practice stereotyped essays.This restraint doesn't matter, Big Brother's muscles and bones are softening.

It doesn't matter that Big Brother's physique is so weak, anyone dares to come to the house to challenge him.They are small, right? Let's stack them up, and there are actually eight little guys together, and they ran to the big brother's house to compare their size.At that time, Big Brother only knew how to live his own life and had never seen the world.When these eight little guys came, they really bluffed the big brother.No way, give what you want, there are countless gold and silver treasures.These brothers have seen the way, and it still works hard.Then he yelled loudly, "No, I want you too if you know how to be beautiful." At this time, the big brother was terrified and hid and refused to give.Don't give it!Then we will do it ourselves.So, the eight little guys took what they saw in the big brother's flower circle, and used iron buckles to buckle what they couldn't get off the wall.All gold, jade, and magnetic agate are all received in the bag.The Qiankun bag is full, so I just go home, why can't I put it at home!Then take it to the market for auction.The big brother who got it is still sending people outside to collect things.

A little brother living in an island country saw the way.Anyway, Big Brother, if you can’t be your home, then I’ll be yours!The arms and legs were all stretched out, and it took up most of the kang, so he just lingered.

Big brother is on fire, don't look at me being sick now, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!As long as I have a little strength, I can knock you down.The big brother supported his body, and forced his seriously ill body to stand up.Although it is very difficult, but after all, it is not a loss of physical strength and a solid foundation.He kicked the little brother several times, although his strength was a little weak, but the big brother had big feet and heavy legs.The continuous kicking and beating really made the little brother overwhelmed, so he had to obediently slip down from the kang and go back to his home.Although this brother surnamed Ri has done a lot of harm to the eldest brother's family, it stands to reason that he should compensate for it!But the eldest brother saw that the family of the brother surnamed Ri was also poor.forget it!Who can not make mistakes!You can get it if you change it, don't pay for it.

The eldest brother's illness is getting better day by day, and he can finally walk with his crutches.

Big Brother has a good heart.Don't look at yourself as poor, there are ups and downs.But when he saw that the poor were pitiful, he rummaged through boxes and boxes and sent things out.Even in places as far away as Africa, whenever there is a famine, the big brother has to spend his family's money to send it there, not to mention the brothers at the door.

Don't look at Big Brother's kindness and kindness, but he also loses his temper sometimes.

Now the little brother is making a fuss, and the big brother is really angry.

who are you!Do you also want to learn from the surname Ri?Today is not that day.The eldest brother was seriously ill that day and couldn't get up from the bed, so he couldn't do anything to bully him.Right now, Big Brother has recovered from his illness, so why are you messing around.It's impossible to learn anything, but to learn from those bad behaviors that destroy the house.This is not good, it's too much, if you don't teach you, you really can't change it.So, the eldest brother smacked the little brother's ass hard twice.

In fact, these two strokes are not very heavy, they are nothing more than lessons learned, and you don't want to die.What are you shouting!Be obedient and obedient!

But this little brother no, even though he was lying on the ground, he still insisted on stretching out his hands blindly.There is no way, Big Brother can only increase the strength of his hand.With two palms down, two heavy five-finger red marks were left on the little brother's buttocks.Presumably he will never forget it in his life.

These two palms were clapped separately, the strike was fast, and the lift was also fast, bowing left and right on the two buttocks.

One palm is from Guangxi, and the other palm is from Yunnan.

东边这掌是从广西方向拍的,用了4个野战军、3个地面炮兵师和1个高射炮兵师、铁道兵3个团、1个通信团、一个防化团,突进纵深 至40公里,点死了高平、谅山、河广、茶灵、广和、河安、通龙、石安、同登等穴位。

The palm on the west side was taken from the direction of Yunnan. It entered the country from the Honghe River. It took 3 armies and the frontier defense force of Yunnan Province to break through the enemy's defense to a depth of 40 kilometers.Acupoints such as Laojie, Gantang Ershi, Hebajiu, Baosheng, Mengkang, Fengtu, and Sabah were killed.

With two palms down, a total of 9 infantry divisions and two anti-aircraft artillery divisions were mobilized, including nearly 56 soldiers in railway, engineering, and signal arms.It took only 17 days to break through the 100-kilometer front line defended by the enemy with 000 million troops, forming a threatening heart-Hanoi situation.

After these two palms were clapped, enough was enough, and there was no stamina.As soon as he heard that the little brother had an abnormal heart, the big brother stopped.The problem of being soft-hearted and soft-hearted by Big Brother will not get rid of it any time soon.If it had been ruthless, it would have been overturned long ago, so let him adjust it.

well!There is really no way.

The big brother tried his best to make the little brother better, but he just didn't understand.Since I forgive you once and don’t commit the crime next time, it’s okay to change it!He hasn't yet.As soon as Big Brother raised his hand, he jumped up, not only ungrateful, but also chasing and chasing after him, making endless noise.This leads to the battle between the two mountains, which is a later story.

It's hard to be a good person....

Let's pick up the topic last time.

It was said last time that Wu Jianglong knocked down four Vietnamese troops with quick bursts.

He was typing on one side, but watching on the other.Seeing Wu Jianglong killing four companions in one go, the two agents hiding in the direction of Jin Jun really panicked.The two of them knew that the woman in front of them was not easy to deal with, even if they came out to fight for face, there would be no good results, so they just ran away!

After the two agents made an agreement, they hid themselves in the wormwood bushes and could not come out.

Wu Jianglong and Jin Jun waited for a while, but there was no movement in the grass.

You don't come out, do you?Then I'll grab it.

Wu Jianglong gestured to Jin Jun, meaning that the enemy will not come out in the grass, let's go in and catch it!

Jin Jun responded with a wait and see gesture.Let Wu Jianglong wait a little longer.The two waited for a while, but the two agents still did not come out.Wu Jianglong was a little anxious, if he waited like this, the two agents would have to run away.

Wu Jianglong doesn't care about 21 anymore. Anyway, Jin Jun is not the leader of our unit (the current official is not as good as the current management), even if he disobeys orders, it is not a big problem to be reckless once.

Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong stopped asking for instructions, and suddenly stood up and rushed towards the grass.

When Jin Jun saw that Wu Jianglong had gotten up, something must have happened if he went in alone.There was no way, so he stood up and approached the grass from the other side to cover Wu Jianglong.

The two of them didn't dare to go directly into the grass, but moved forward cautiously step by step.Even so, the degree of danger is very high.The enemy is in the dark, Wu Jianglong and Jin Jun are in the light.If the enemy took aim and shot suddenly, and the distance was not too far, it was hard to say whether their lives could be saved.

Wu Jianglong quickly reached the edge of the grass and shouted loudly to the grass: "Nopsong Kongmu Yige! (Give up the gun and don't kill)" There was no response after shouting twice, fearing that the enemy would not understand, and then shouted, "" Ri Alei! (Come out), Zongdui is generous and run away! (We treat the prisoners leniently)" After shouting, there was still no movement inside.

Wu Jianglong was in a hurry now, if he let the two enemies escape from under his nose, he would be a bit useless.So, he didn't care about anything, jumped into the grass, straightened up, and searched directly in the direction where the agent had appeared.

In the grass, a large piece of wormwood fell to the ground.Along this piece of fallen grass, there is another stretch of wormwood that separates to the two sides, as if being stepped on by someone.

Wu Jianglong understood, and the two agents ran away under the cover of wormwood.

"The whole mountain is ours, where else can you go?" Wu Jianglong thought of this, without saying hello, and chased along the grass marks alone.This time, he no longer walked slowly, but let go of his big strides and moved forward fiercely.Because he knew that they waited too long in front of the soil bag, and it is estimated that these two enemies also ran for a long time.If you slow down again, the enemy will really go down the mountain.

Wu Jianglong followed the fallen grass tracks and chased out of the grass.

As soon as he got out of the bushes, he saw several soldiers coming out of the bushes.They are also cleaning the battlefield, looking for the remaining enemies.

"Hey, do you see the two Vietnamese!" Wu Jianglong asked the two soldiers who came over.

"No." One of the fighters replied.

"This is weird, the mountain is full of Chinese people, where can these two guys go!" Wu Jianglong walked forward while thinking.When he looked up, the bushes in front of him looked very familiar.His eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood, "It seems that these two agents have drilled a hole."

"Follow me." Wu Jianglong called to the two soldiers.

At this time, Jin Jun also rushed over and asked Wu Jianglong, "Did you find it?"

Wu Jianglong chuckled: "Not yet, but I know where they are!"

"Where is it?" Jin Jun asked.

Wu Jianglong raised his hand and pointed to the cave not far away, "It must have been drilled."

"Hey, I'm pretty good at finding places." Jin Jun also smiled.

When the four came to the entrance of the cave, Wu Jianglong shouted: "Ri Alei! (come out),)

As soon as the words fell, a grenade was thrown from inside, and Wu Jianglong hurriedly shouted: "Get down." Others got down, but he ran towards the grenade, and kicked the grenade away with a flying kick.

If the agents inside saw Wu Jianglong's action, they would regret it to death.If the grenade with the ring was thrown out after a while, even if it slowed down by two seconds, this daredevil would be finished.

After Wu Jianglong kicked the grenade away, he immediately lay down on the ground, and the grenade exploded six or seven meters away.

When Jin Jun saw Wu Jianglong fell to the ground, he was anxious, ran over, pulled Wu Jianglong up to check his injuries: "Are you hurt?"

Wu Jianglong touched the injured ear, "It's okay, just scratch the skin." After speaking, he approached the hole again.

A soldier became angry, "It's all over here, why don't you talk to him and reimburse Guizi." As he spoke, he took a grenade from his body and was about to throw it into it.

"Don't, don't, seeing the hand, it's better to live." Wu Jianglong hastily stretched out his hand to stop the soldier.

Jin Jun and the two soldiers were puzzled, and looked at Wu Jianglong suspiciously, saying, "As long as you can, don't blow them up, let's see how you get the two stubborn guys out."

Wu Jianglong didn't explain, and said to the two soldiers, "You two come with me."

The two soldiers were quite obedient.Because there was no military rank in the army at that time, there were only four pockets and two pockets.Although he didn't know Wu Jianglong, but judging by his awesome appearance, even if he wasn't a cadre, he must be at least a squad leader, or at least a veteran.

Wu Jianglong took the two soldiers away, and said to Jin Jun before leaving, "Staff Jin, you are watching here, but the others ran out."

After a while, Wu Jianglong took two soldiers back to bring back several large arms of wormwood.Wu Jianglong piled all the grass at the entrance of the cave and asked, "Who has fire?"

Jin Jun took out his lighter.Wu Jianglong took it and lit the grass at the entrance of the cave.

Since the hole does not return to the flue, the flame cannot go in, and the smoke cannot enter.

Wu Jianglong took off his clothes, his arms were bare, he swung up his jacket, and started to fan the wind at the entrance of the cave.After passing his fan, billows of smoke began to drill into the hole.

After a while, there was a choked coughing sound from inside.

Seeing that the people outside were using smoke to smoke them, the two agents kept shooting outside the cave.

You hit yours, I slap mine.Anyway, bullets don't bend, so I'm afraid you will do something.

Wu Jianglong hid aside and fanned vigorously.

The smoke was getting bigger and bigger, and under the agitation of the wind, it kept running into the cave.

The two agents in the hole also ran out of bullets and threw away the grenades. They couldn't bear it any longer, so they obediently raised their hands and got out of the hole.

The two agents who got out of the hole had gray and black faces and no human appearance at all.Only two eyes are still glowing.

When the outsiders saw it, they were all amused.

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