soldier rushing forward

494.505、Is he wronged?

Niu San ran up from the hillside and saw Liu's father shouting, "Uncle, the People's Liberation Army's car has been repaired."

Father Liu waved to Niu San, meaning don't make noise, so as not to disturb Wu Jianglong.However, Wu Jianglong had already heard Niu San's shout, the memory image stopped, and he returned to reality again.

Wu Jianglong stood up from the ground and spilled all the remaining wine in front of the grave.

"Liu Yue, we haven't settled the accounts with the little Vietnamese devils yet. As long as they don't beg for mercy or admit their mistakes for a day, I'll kill his son of a bitch. Killing one more will be regarded as revenge for you." Suddenly , Wu Jianglong thought of something, sighed and said, "Oh, it's a pity, I don't have these for a while." He paused, and continued, "There is something, I have to tell you, this is not what I want Being a deserter is arranged by the organization, and there is nothing we can do. In a few days, I will report to the Marine Corps. I really don’t know if I will be able to return to the Vietnam battlefield. But don’t worry, as long as the Vietnamese turtle dares to stab , we will have the day to settle accounts with him."

After finishing speaking, Wu Jianglong straightened his military cap, saluted the grave, and turned to leave.

Wu Jianglong drove the repaired jeep on the road, and declined the repeated attempts of the villagers to stay.Before leaving, he almost gave all the cash on his body to Liu Yue's parents. That's not all. He also promised the two elders that if he didn't go abroad and was still in the country, he would definitely come to accompany the two elders every Spring Festival.

Wu Jianglong's actions completely moved Liu Yue's mother. He really regarded Wu Jianglong as his own son. In a half-mad and half-awake state, he kept calling Liu Yue's nickname for a long time.If it wasn't for Liu's father coaxing and deceiving, Wu Jianglong really wouldn't be able to get out of Liu's house.

When Wu Jianglong came out of Liujia Village, the sun was already much westward, and it was no longer as hot as before.Holding the steering wheel with one hand, Wu Jianglong lifted the watch on his wrist to look at it, feeling anxious again.When the time came to this point, if he didn't speed up, he would never be able to reach the fifth prison before dark.So, step on the gas pedal to speed up the car.

The car bumped up and down on the dirt road, swayed from side to side, and went straight ahead like a drunk.After running for more than 20 miles, I finally got on the national highway.

Before dark, Wu Jianglong really rushed to the gate of the prison, but unfortunately, the gate was closed tightly, and there was no one to be seen except the sentinel on the high wall.

Wu Jianglong parked the car outside the door and knocked on the door.After a while, a small window on the iron door opened, revealing a human head.The man opened his mouth and asked Wu Jianglong, "I'm off work. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Wu Jianglong said, "I came to see a comrade-in-arms of mine, and I have to go back later."

The man said, "No, there is a system here, and no meetings are allowed during off-duty hours."

"My car broke down halfway, otherwise it wouldn't be here."

"It doesn't matter what your reasons are, if you say you can't do it, you can't do it." As he spoke, the man slammed the small window shut.

Wu Jianglong had no choice but to look around.

The sentinels on the high wall had patrolled over his head at some point, which meant that if Wu Jianglong was found to be acting improperly, he would take measures.

Wu Jianglong looked at the sentry for a while, and said to the sentry, "Brother, we are all soldiers, so you can help us make the call."

The sentinel remained silent, staring at Wu Jianglong like a wooden man, holding the gun in his arms, as if he was facing an enemy.

Wu Jianglong looked at the closed iron gate, and at the sentinel standing above it.Facing two objects and people who didn't speak back, he really had nothing to do.

Wu Jianglong still didn't leave, and wandered outside the door.

At this time, the sentinel said, "This is an important place, you can't stay here for long, please leave."

Wu Jianglong cursed secretly in his heart, "Damn, they are all soldiers, why don't they take care of them at all."

Wu Jianglong didn't understand the situation, because he spent a lot of time on the battlefield and in the barracks, so he didn't know some common knowledge in society, let alone this is a prison.Not to mention his comrades-in-arms, even his own parents, grandparents, and grandparents came, and the sentry didn't dare to let him in.The door is guarded by the police from the Public Security Bureau. There is a system for interviews. It is not a visiting time, and they will not let you in.If something happens, it's not a trivial matter, not to mention jailbreak or something, even running away with one person may have a very bad impact on the whole country.So, who would open the door for a soldier who doesn't know his name and origin?

This is looking at the problem from a different angle.For Wu Jianglong, he is likely to leave the unit tomorrow and go to a distant seaside for training. Who knows if he will be able to come back after leaving, so he stubbornly harbors a pair of feelings for his comrades, saying what? I also want to see Hong Zhi before leaving.Unexpectedly, God is not beautiful, so he didn't give him this chance.But Wu Jianglong is a stubborn person, and he can often do some unbelievable things. He knows that he can't do it, but he insists on doing it.

So I kept nagging in my heart, "I am not afraid of the Vietnam battlefield, but I am afraid of such a high wall as you."

In the army, there are quite a few people with this mentality.Due to the difference in management between the army and the local government, it often leads to the officer's uncompromising thinking, "There is nothing impossible to do, only unexpected." Therefore, they do not have a thorough understanding of some local affairs. I know, "Oh, it turns out that society is so complicated." Especially among the cadres who have been transferred from the army, why does it take a long time to adapt? Be an upright person.Otherwise, the leaders of the unit will definitely not take a fancy to you, and if you don't do it well, you will become a prickly person, or someone who will not do anything.This is the end of a lifetime of ambition.

Wu Jianglong glanced at the sentinel on the wall unconvinced, and he understood a reason, oh, it turns out that this is the reason why people have to bow their heads under the eaves.He didn't dare to do anything to the sentinel. He had a gun and the barrel was in his hand. He was a guard, so he was nothing.If it really caused a conflict, if he didn't make it right, he would have to be considered a criminal.

Wu Jianglong figured it out, walked to the jeep, got in, and drove away from the prison gate.

Wu Jianglong was still not reconciled to running such a long distance without seeing anyone, and just came here for nothing.If someone asks about it when I go back, it would be so embarrassing.What's more, I drove out privately, so I'm not sure how Niu Chunlai will sue him in front of the leader.Even if you are punished, it is worth it.But, without seeing Hong Zhi, without saying a word, what is it worth!

Wu Jianglong still didn't want to leave, he drove the jeep around the street for a while, and he saw a small hotel, and he wanted to stay there.But when he thought of Dong Yan, he hesitated again. When he left, he had already agreed with him, and he must go back before dark.It's almost midnight now, no one has gone back, and there is no sound, so Dong Yan is not in a hurry!

"Let's call Dong Yan!"

Wu Jianglong thought, looking for a telephone booth on the street.Sure enough, he saw one not far away.Wu Jianglong drove the car over, got into the phone booth and called Dong Yan.If he didn't fight, he would feel more at ease, but once the fight was over, he would be very anxious.

Dong Yan told him that not long after he left, a notice came from his superiors asking him to report to a certain department of the military department.Wu Jianglong asked what he was doing, and Dong Yan said that he would not tell, and the time requirement was very strict, so he had to report tomorrow.

"Damn it, what kind of thing is this? It was agreed to go to the Marine Corps, why did it change again?"

Wu Jianglong was very unhappy in his heart. He knew that as long as he was mixed into this department, he would be far away from the war. He didn't want to do any civil work, let alone any political work. The reason why he wanted to stay in the army was If there is a war, even if there is no war, then we still have to play with guns and cannons.

Wu Jianglong was not reconciled, and hung up another call to the team leader.As soon as the call was connected, before he could say a word, the group leader was furious at him, saying that the director of logistics had come to him to file a complaint, saying that this Wu Jianglong not only drove out without permission, but also hit people with his car.When it was over, the head of the regiment issued a death order, so that Wu Jianglong had to rush back to the regiment headquarters before 12 o'clock at night.

Wu Jianglong looked at his watch. It was still three hours before 12 o'clock, and it was very difficult to go back on time.He explained to the leader again.The head of the regiment refused, so in the end he had no choice but to tell him that he had to go back immediately because he had an important task.As for the task, they used a local phone number, of course they couldn't explain it, Wu Jianglong understood this.

Since the head of the regiment said that there was an important task, it was an important task, and it must not be a matter of being transferred from the team to the Marine Corps.What is the mission!Why didn't there be any news beforehand.

Wu Jianglong didn't understand.If you don't understand, you don't understand, but you have to do what the leader said.Subsequently, Wu Jianglong drove the jeep on a rampage all the way.Fortunately, this city is not developed and there are not many vehicles, let alone at night, there are fewer pedestrians and cars on the road.He was the only car running on the empty street, as if this road was reserved for him alone.

After 10 minutes, Wu Jianglong got off the national highway.But once you get off the national highway, the road is not so easy to walk.The simple road surface that has not been maintained for many years has long been washed out by the rain.Now, Wu Jianglong doesn't care about all of this, he doesn't care whether he is upside down or not, as long as he can pass.

The headlights of the cars flashed left and right on the road like a broom sweeping the street. Sometimes the dirt bumps above the ground covered the deep potholes in front, and the jeep almost fell off the roadbed several times.Fortunately, Wu Jianglong's driving skills are specially designed to deal with the wild, so this difficulty is nothing to him.In this way, he traveled a long way and finally arrived at the regiment headquarters before 12 o'clock.

As soon as I entered the regiment headquarters compound, I saw that the lights in the regimental head's office were still on.Wu Jianglong knew that the leader was waiting for him.

Wu Jianglong drove the jeep to a row of houses, jumped out of the car, and went straight to the head's office.

As soon as Wu Jianglong entered the room, he saw the head of the regiment with a sullen face.Wu Jianglong quickly became solemn and stood at attention to salute the leader.

"Forget it! Don't give me such a trick, and drive out without permission. This is not a small matter." The head of the group said seriously.

"I, I was a little anxious, and I was confused for a while, so I drove away."

"Hmph," the head of the group took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and threw the case to Wu Jianglong again, "You think, anyway, I'm leaving soon, and you can't control me anymore, so no one is on the list." eyes, right?"

Wu Jianglong took the cigarette, took out one from it, and then took out a lighter to light for the head of the group.

"Head, you said it was serious. I, Wu Jianglong, am such a person! It's all because I was so hot-headed at that time that I didn't expect to ask you for leave."

"Forget it! You still ask me for leave, you didn't kill Niu Chunlai, it's not bad!"

"No, how dare I. It must be that Niu Chunlai who made a small report with you."

"Has he arrived? I don't believe it when he comes. The director is looking for me."

"Hey, this guy, it's not interesting, a little situation makes a lot of ups and downs."

"It's a small situation, and there are ups and downs. This is a trivial matter!" The head of the group paused, "The director also went to the political commissar, saying that you own a car and want to bump into people. This is a big problem. It is proposed to convene a party committee. You will be dealt with severely."

Wu Jianglong was speechless.

"Why, are you afraid?" the head asked.

"I'm so scared that I'm not afraid, but I didn't see Hong Zhi, so I felt wronged and panicked." Wu Jianglong said with his head down.

"Have you gone to see Hong Zhi?"

"Yes, I want to see him before I leave."

"Why didn't I see it?"

"The car broke down on the way, and I was delayed for some time. When I got there, I got off work early, so I won't let you see me."

"This is a problem with his logistics department. I have told them a long time ago that the vehicle must be well maintained so that it can be pulled and played loudly during wartime. This is great. I haven't been on the battlefield yet, and I have just run for a few days. Lilu is lying down. If there is a task, it must be missed." The head of the group said angrily.

"If he hadn't made trouble, I would definitely be able to see Hong Zhi."

"You, if you want to see Hong Zhi, why didn't you tell me earlier that I will give you my car." The head of the regiment was silent for a long time, and then continued to say, "Hong Zhi and I are first-year soldiers. If he doesn't make mistakes, he might as well." If he can reach my position, he may be higher than me. I can be his subordinate. Hong Zhi is an old soldier. There are many superhuman qualities in all aspects."

"Head, I always feel that Instructor Hong has been wronged." Wu Jianglong interjected.

"Don't talk nonsense," the head of the group changed his attitude, "This is a matter set by the organization, and we can't discuss it casually."

"I didn't discuss it either, I just mentioned it to you."

"In the future, don't mention your thoughts to anyone." The leader warned Wu Jianglong.

"Yes" Wu Jianglong asked again, "Commander, what is the important task of finding me back in such a hurry? Can you let me know."

"This, I can't say clearly, the higher ups only revealed to me a little bit," the head of the group smoked, and said unhurriedly, "I asked you to go to Cambodia with some kind of team to perform tasks. Specifically, when you get there, They talk to you."

"Great," Wu Jianglong said happily.

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