soldier rushing forward

496.507 Preparations for entering Cambodia

Our group is going to enter Cambodia soon. Before entering the country, we'd better understand what kind of country Cambodia is.A friend wants to talk about it. I don’t need to introduce this. When I see this, I will naturally go to Baidu to check it.

Although Baidu has everything, maybe you will know a lot of knowledge, but what he says may not be nice or have a story.Furthermore, I also want to save some trouble for those friends who don’t have to run around, so whether you think it’s troublesome or not, you still have to talk about this country, so as to avoid different versions and produce multiple tendencies.

For example, the Khmer Rouge organization in Cambodia, because of its different class standpoints, has many opinions about it. Westerners say that it is horrible and terrifying. Is that really the case!

Now that we haven't arrived in Cambodia, we can't believe what anyone says, it's better to see it with our own eyes.From this point, it is necessary for me to give a general introduction to this country.

First of all, let's explain the geographical location of this country, so that our group can find a suitable entrance to Cambodia when traveling.

Cambodia is located in the southern part of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia.The land area is about 18 square kilometers.It borders Vietnam to the east and southeast, Laos to the north, Thailand to the west and northwest, and the Gulf of Siam to the southwest.The coastline is about 1 kilometers long.

The central and southern parts are plains, while the eastern, northern and western parts are surrounded by mountains and plateaus, most of which are covered by forests.Mount Aura in the eastern section of the Cardamom Mountains is 1813 meters above sea level, the highest peak in the territory.The Mekong River is about 500 kilometers long in the territory and flows through the east.

Tonle Sap Lake is the largest lake in Indochina Peninsula, with an area of ​​more than 2500 square kilometers at low water level and 1 square kilometers in rainy season.There are many islands along the coast, mainly Koh Kong Island and Long Island.

Speaking of which, here comes our story.

After the Vietnam-US War ended, Vietnam wanted to be a big brother in Southeast Asia. Looking around, the younger brothers were all young and weak, and they were inferior to them in military, manpower and other aspects. The idea of ​​the Federation.

Unexpectedly, after discussing with others, no one agreed.

No one is stupid, they live their own lives, whether they are small or poor, it is their own country after all.If it is in an alliance with Vietnam, what if someone bullies them, there is no reason for it.Therefore, after discussing in Vietnam, no one agreed.

It’s not enough to be soft, so come hard. Anyway, I just drove away from the United States, and those families are still there. It doesn’t matter if they are cheated or cheated. They don’t need to be in vain. .Therefore, Vietnam first attacked Laos.Send troops in, seize other people's military power, and control the country's economy and politics.As a result, Vietnam reaped the sweetness and knew what power comes from the barrel of a gun.Since getting rid of Laos is effortless, the Cambodian guy won't be able to go anywhere. It's the same for beating one, and it's the same for beating two.Ever since, they put the focus of aggression on Cambodia.

At this time, the world can see that if Cambodia is also finished, the rest of Thailand will not be too easy. At that time, Vietnam will concentrate the power of the three parties to attack Thailand together. It is really hard to say whether Thailand can live.

In this way, the anti-Vietnamese struggle of the Southeast Asian people is particularly important to the Cambodian people.If defeated, it is likely to mark the formation of hegemony in a large region.As for how he ruled at that time, after we enter Cambodia and see how the people live there, we can predict how dangerous this Southeast Asian federation is under the control of Vietnam.

In short, this period of history did not appear, that is the luck of history, God opened his eyes.

Before Vietnam invaded Cambodia, it took this issue very simply, thinking that if a Han Samrin puppet regime was cultivated, the Cambodian people would agree that he would overthrow the Khmer Rouge rule, so as to achieve what Vietnam wanted.Now that the Cambodian government is gone, don’t you listen to Han Sanglin? Listening to Han means listening to me.Because Han's order was given by me, and the policy was also set by me.At that time, this pro-Vietnamese government was formed, which is equivalent to a district under the jurisdiction of the Vietnamese government.

However, Cambodia is different from Laos. It has a long history and a glorious past, so it is indeed difficult to deal with Cambodia.

Cambodia used to be called Khmer. The Khmer is the main ethnic group, accounting for 80% of the total population of Cambodia. The ethnic minorities include the Cham, the Punong, the Lao, the Thai, and the Stin.That's why in Cambodia, there was the Khmer Rouge.

Buddhism is the state religion in Cambodia, and more than 95% of the residents believe in Buddhism.In Southeast Asia, Buddhism is divided into upper and lower forms.Vietnam believes in the upper class, while Cambodia believes in the lower class.

Regardless of the close proximity of the two countries, the Buddhism they believe in is obviously different, and consequently, there are great differences in their culture, customs, and so on.

Therefore, for Cambodia, Vietnam is also a foreign gang.It is not easy for a nation to be ruled by a foreign race, not to mention that Cambodia has a very long history.

Cambodia was founded in the second half of the 1st century AD.At first it was called the Kingdom of Funan, and later it was married to Hundu. After hundreds of years, it was called the Kingdom of Chenla, and the king was called Babavarman I.

Soon, civil strife broke out in the country, and it was divided into Water Chenla and Lu Chenla.

In 802 A.D., the Angkor Dynasty was established by Jayavarman II, and reached its peak in 1181 by Jayavarman VII. The territory includes the entire Cambodia, part of Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. It can be said that it was invincible for a while. Extreme, extremely majestic.

But in 1432, it was invaded by the Sukhothai Dynasty of Siam, and the nobles of the Angkor Kingdom abandoned the city and fled to the forest.Lost this prosperous kingdom to the Siamese.

As the saying goes, its prosperity is also vigorous, and its death is also rapid.

During the Angkor Dynasty, all the dynasties established Angkor as their capital, and built more than 600 royal cities and large and small temples, scattered on a land of 40 square kilometers, and the scene was extremely spectacular.In particular, the most magnificent Angkor village was built in the 12th century, fully demonstrating the artistic achievements of the Angkor nation.Until today, Angkor Wat is also an important symbol of Cambodia's global civilization.

We have already introduced Vietnam in the previous article. Vietnam was transformed from Annan. He was always a vassal state of China. How can his history be on the same level as Cambodia.What's more, the Angkor Dynasty was in its heyday from the 9th century to the 14th century, with a strong national power and a developed culture. It once created the world-famous Angkor civilization.

Angkor Thom is in the big forest, which is always uncomfortable for the Siamese who are used to living on the plains and beside the river. Therefore, in 1303, Siam, who ruled the Angkor Dynasty, moved the royal city to Phnom Penh and established the Phnom Penh Dynasty.

Cambodia's mineral deposits mainly include gold, phosphate, precious stones and oil, as well as a small amount of iron and coal.Forestry, fishery and fruit tree resources are abundant.It is rich in tropical forest trees such as teak, ironwood, red sandalwood, black sandalwood, and white Mao, as well as many kinds of bamboo.The forest coverage rate is 61%, mainly distributed in the east, north and west mountainous areas.Timber reserves are about 4 billion cubic meters.

Tonle Sap Lake is the largest natural freshwater fishing ground in Southeast Asia, known as the "fish lake".It is these rich products that have been invaded by other countries.I am really not afraid of thieves stealing, but I am afraid of thieves remembering.

Regarding this point, we have to start from the beginning, otherwise, we will have to leave another thread with nowhere to go.

In the mid-nineteenth century, there were two powerful states on the Indochinese peninsula—Vietnam and Siam.The two countries have been battling for suzerainty over their neighbours.It is clear that the relationship between the two countries is good and bad, and when it is good, economic exchanges, such as a royal marriage or something, once they turn their faces, they will be in a daze, without showing any sympathy.

But they fought back and forth, and no one was stronger than the other, and no one recognized the other's suzerainty, and they also made the country poor.

Over the years, humans in the West have developed, but they are still in the midst of years of war. Not only has the country been impoverished, but the population has also become smaller and smaller. The two countries have not made any progress, and are still in a very backward farming era.

Who made you poor!If you are poor, you will be beaten.

At this time, after the Bonaparte coup, France, which had just become rich, extended its tentacles to Southeast Asia.

Ever since, France took advantage of the fighting between Vietnam and Siam to occupy Vietnam at once.This is not enough, Jier and the others set their sights on Cambodia.Not long after the French colonists established a foothold in Vietnam, they extended their tentacles of aggression to the deeper hinterland of the peninsula, and the first one was Cambodia.

Why is it Cambodia, not other countries? It is precisely because of Cambodia's special strategic position and economic value that it attracts the French colonists to the east.

This time is 1863.Such a rule lasted for more than a hundred years.

When World War II broke out, Japan invaded Southeast Asia. Of course, Cambodia could not escape its aggression and was occupied by Japan in 1940.You all know this.

After Japan surrendered in 1945, the French took the opportunity to make a comeback and reoccupied Southeast Asian countries.This time, the countries in Southeast Asia quit. After the baptism of World War II, they have developed a lot of capabilities. Therefore, several countries united to resist the French.

France does not show weakness, if you refuse to accept it, I will suppress it.During this period, Southeast Asian countries have always fought wars of independence around the resistance against France.

On November 1953, 11, the Kingdom of Cambodia declared independence.

Fighting back and forth, France could not take advantage of it, and had no choice but to be forced to agree to withdraw its troops from Southeast Asian countries in July 1954.This is the same as the subsequent withdrawal of Americans from Southeast Asia.Now the people of Southeast Asia do not recognize the rule of plantation, you still want to come to the same old way, no way.If you don't leave, then start fighting.Anyway, I was born and raised here, so I can't beat you, a foreign ghost.

In 1955, Norodom Suramarit succeeded to the throne and established the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Ordinarily, after so many years of fighting, we have finally established a complete country. Let's take a break and live a good life, can't we!

Too bad, the war is not over yet.Just as it is, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

The French are gone, the Japanese are gone, and the Americans are coming.

The United States, which made great contributions in World War II, somehow has the idea of ​​​​dominating the world again.After taking a lot of the convenience of World War II, it then set its sights on Southeast Asia.He is no different from the French and Japanese invaders.

At the beginning, he didn't dare to do it openly and boldly, so he first found a substitute to make a fuss.Just like today they are motivating the opposition in Libya and Syria.Let them rebel first, the reactionary government.If the rebellion succeeds, the United States will come in with a big face. If it doesn't succeed, then it will do it yourself, no matter what the reason is, it will hit you without discussion.

The tricks they used to deal with Syria today were used many years ago.The experience may come from Cambodia.

After a lot of trouble, the United States actually found one in Cambodia. This man was named Lon Nol, and he was a general of the kingdom.

It seems that you can't trust anyone, you have to be on guard, even your dear buddies, the closest subordinates, for the sake of self-interest, maybe one day, he may stab you in the back.

On March 1970, 3, Lon Nol launched a coup d'etat instigated by the United States.A pro-American coalition government was established.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell what's going on with this paper signboard.

The first one to quit was of course the Sihanouk family. This person was called Norodun Sihanouk.He is the 96th king of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

On March 3, Prince Sihanouk announced the establishment of the Cambodian National United Front.

On May 5, the Cambodian National Unity Government was established with Prince Binnu as the prime minister.

A protracted civil war began again.This is the struggle of the Cambodian people against the United States.It lasted several years until April 1975, 4, when the whole country of Cambodia was liberated.

Just three years after Cambodia's Independence Day, disaster struck again.

This time, it was still Xiao Qiang who caused the disaster.

A man named Han Sanglin established a regime with the support of Vietnam. Through this, Vietnam sent 10 troops to invade Cambodia.

Since then, the Cambodian people have started another 10 years of arduous war against Vietnam.

Next, our filming team entered Cambodia, which revolved around this war.

The Anti-Vietnam War in Cambodia was not isolated, and it had a certain relationship with China's self-defense counterattack.

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