The call was made by Wu Jianglong. In order not to let Heiying hear anything and to make Bian Yuxin take precautions, he made the call.However, after the fight, he felt that something was wrong. What if Yuxin saw someone in the room and the exposed shadow wanted to kill someone?

Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong realized that he had made a big mistake, letting a woman deal with the Vietnamese agents was not cat and mouse.

Even though Wu Jianglong heard Bian Yuxin yelling on the phone, it didn't prove that she was safe.

So, he put down the phone to discuss countermeasures with Hong Zhi: "No, we have to go there."

"But when we go over, the Vietnamese agents will find out that we are on guard. How can ordinary people have this awareness."

"Don't worry about that, if something goes wrong on the small side, it will be a big trouble."

"It's fine in the past, but we're better off like this," Hong Zhi said, "Go there first and listen to the movement. If there is any situation there, we will break into the house. If there is no situation, we will make noise and drive that guy away first."

"Okay, let's do it!" Wu Jianglong agreed.

Afterwards, the two left the room with a pistol each, and quietly approached Bian Yuxin's room.

After the two stayed outside Bian Yuxin's room for a while, they didn't notice any movement in the room, and they had a premonition that Bian Yuxin was not in any danger.So, the two of them retreated and walked back according to the second plan designed by Hong Zhi.

The two walked that way, talking loudly on purpose.

The voices coming from the corridor are getting closer.

The black shadow in the room came to the door and prepared to rush out. As long as people outside dared to come in, he was ready to shoot and break through forcefully when it was absolutely impossible.If the outsiders don't come in, then he will wait and continue to attack when it is convenient.

Hong Zhi and Wu Jianglong stopped at the door, and suddenly there was no sound, which was completely unexpected by the shadow in the room.

"What do people outside want to do? Could it be that his purpose is the same as his own?" Heiying was confused for a moment, and he began to guess that these two people, like himself, also came to search for information from Chinese personnel.

The black shadow held the gun and stared at the handle of the door, motionless, watching what happened.

Why is he staring at this, because he still has another worry, worrying that someone outside will suddenly open the door with a key or something, and he will be caught off guard.

However, he stared at it for a long time, but there was no attempt to break in or open the door, and the outside continued to remain silent.

The two sides have entered into a stalemate, and it seems that whoever takes the initiative will be beaten passively.

After a while, the black shadow inside finally couldn't hold on anymore.He quietly opened the door from the inside, wanting to see what was going on outside.After he opened the door, there was no one outside.

He was startled, and wanted to close the door again, and go back to the room to continue investigating.At this moment, the phone in the house suddenly rang again.

"Dinglingling, dinglingling."

Hei Ying was startled, and thought to himself, "Well, it's impossible for a woman who can sleep not to wake up."

Just as he was about to shrink back, the lights in the room came on.

As soon as the light is on, he will never hide again, and it is impossible not to be seen by the people in the house.There was no other way, Soi Ying had no choice but to quietly close the door.

He didn't leave, still thinking about this opportunity, when Bian Yuxin in the room started to speak loudly.

"Who are you and what are you doing!"

Heiying heard this, "Isn't this talking about myself! Someone has already been discovered, so hurry up and leave, if you start yelling, it will be difficult to run away."

Afterwards, the black shadow left in a hurry.

When he left, Hong Zhi was watching him through the crack of the door!Seeing him walking away, he said to Wu Jianglong, "Okay, that man is walking away."

Only then did Wu Jianglong dare to speak loudly into the microphone, "It's me."

"Is there something wrong?" Bian Yuxin asked,

"Someone has entered your room," Wu Jianglong said.

The two inexplicable phone calls had already annoyed Bian Yuxin.Besides, she felt that Wu Jianglong was messing with her, so she shouted angrily,

"What, what are you talking about?"

Wu Jianglong already knew that the unknown person was leaving, so he prepared to go there, so he said to Bian Yuxin, "We'll talk about it when I go over."

As soon as Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi came in, Bian Yuxin became angry.It was Wu Jianglong who made the two phone calls, but he didn't say anything about the situation. Isn't it obvious that he made fun of her?So he lost his temper at Wu Jianglong.

"What do you want to do, you are still a soldier, how can you make such a joke."

Wu Jianglong wanted to ask a question with concern, but he didn't expect Bian Yuxin to say that. He suppressed the anger in his heart and just snorted coldly, "Do you think I would do that kind of thing?"

"Then why do you keep calling and what do you mean?"

Wu Jianglong ignored him, started to check every corner of the house, and said to Hong Zhi,

"Instructor, you tell her."

"No, I want to listen to your explanation." Bian Yuxin acted unforgivingly.

The door was pushed open again, and Tong Yongnan and Liu Hanlin entered the room.When they saw Hong Zhi and Wu Jianglong in the house, they were all baffled.

"You guys, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you arguing about here?" Tong Yongnan asked.

"Ask them both?" Bian Yuxin was still angry.

"You guys, what are you doing?" Liu Hanlin made an accusation.

It's not surprising to have this kind of thinking. In the middle of the night, two elders broke into the girl's house without a clear reason, so it's strange that it didn't arouse suspicion.

If we say what kind of person Wu Jianglong is, everyone [-]% believes that he is a good person.An active-duty soldier and a combat hero would never do anything wrong, but for this ambition!Tong Yongnan has question marks in his heart.Because he knew something about Hong Zhi's situation, but he didn't tell Liu Hanlin.

This seven-member team was just established, and they don't know each other very well, especially the people in the TV team don't know Wu Jianglong and the three of them.

They had just arrived together and hadn't gone through a break-in process, so it was normal for them to have misunderstandings, so Liu Hanlin was very dissatisfied when he saw this situation.

"You, what are you two doing here?" Liu Hanlin asked again without waiting for an explanation.

Originally, Hong Zhi wanted to give Bian Yuxin an explanation, but when he was about to speak, Tong Yongnan and Liu Hanlin came in.

As soon as the two came in, they didn't say anything pleasant, they were completely angry.Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that they misunderstood themselves and Wu Jianglong.

Hong Zhi explained, "Someone entered Bian Yuxin's room, we came here to drive him away."

"Man, where did he come from, whether he is a bad guy or a good guy, why don't you catch him." Liu Hanlin looked like a poor gangster chasing him fiercely.

Bian Yuxin intervened and said, "Impossible, they woke me up by calling twice, I read them all, and there was no one in the room."

Wu Jianglong came out of the bathroom, "Don't insist on it, think about it carefully, is there anyone in the room?"

Bian Yuxin turned her head and saw the bag on the bed, "Hey, I put him on the ground, how did it get on the bed?"

"How did it get on the bed, think about it carefully." Wu Jianglong urged.

Bian Yuxin thought hard, "It's you, it was you who woke me up by calling. I answered the phone, but you didn't make a sound. I saw the bag on the ground, and I was worried, so I put him on the bed."

"Why are you worried?" Wu Jianglong asked immediately.

"I, I don't know why," Bian Yuxin said thoughtfully, "Really, it really seems that there are people in the room."

"Humph," Wu Jianglong snorted dissatisfiedly, "To tell you the truth, Lao Hong and I didn't sleep that night, we kept watching. When we found someone entered Bian Yuxin's room, we deliberately called her. .”

"Whatever the phone call, you just come over and catch him directly." Liu Hanlin said,

Wu Jianglong shook his head, "That can't be done."

Bian Yuxin said unhappily, "Why not? Do you doubt me? Save face for me."

Hong Zhi smiled, "No, we suspect that person is a Vietnamese agent."

"Then we must catch him even more." Liu Hanlin said hastily.

"You don't understand this." Wu Jianglong said.

"Then what do you mean? You didn't get caught, and you made up such a reason. I think you have bad intentions." Liu Hanlin continued to press.

Tong Yongnan also felt that what Liu Hanlin said was a bit too much, so he stopped him and said, "Xiao Liu, you can't say that."

What Liu Hanlin said made it hard for Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi to argue, yes, what are they talking about!As the saying goes, catching thieves and catching stolen goods, catching rape and catching doubles.They kept saying that someone had entered the house, but Bian Yuxin, the person involved, didn't see it.Later, people came in, but it was none other than Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi.

Seeing such accusations, Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi couldn't explain it clearly. Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi were speechless.

Xu Xin and Dong Xiaopeng came in from the outside.

"I've been listening to your noise in the room, what happened?" Xu Xin said as soon as she came in.

Hong Zhi pulled Xu Xin aside, and told him what happened just now in a low voice.

Xu Xin walked over and said to Bian Yuxin, Tong Yongnan, and Liu Hanlin, "I think you have misunderstood. I guarantee my personality, my comrade-in-arms is not such a person."

"But they, they entered Bian Yuxin's room." Liu Hanlin chased after him.

"What's wrong with coming in, they also came in by knocking on the door." Xu Xin said, turning to Bian Yuxin, "Little Bian, tell me, is this the case?"

Bian Yuxin, "Yes."

Xu Xin slowed down, "I believe Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi's words," paused, "We have just arrived in Thailand and have not yet entered Cambodia. We may encounter any situation in the future. Don't doubt your comrades whenever you have any problems. Since The country allows people like us to come to Cambodia after careful consideration and strict examination. Everyone is qualified in all aspects. From now on, no one should be suspicious. Slowly, we will all understand. Good Now, everyone go back to sleep, there is still a task tomorrow."

Bian Yuxin casually took the bag on the bed, her expression changed drastically, "When did someone open my bag?"

Everyone's attention turned.

Wu Jianglong was anxious, "Look quickly, is there anything missing?"

Bian Yuxin dumped the things on the bed and flipped through them one by one.

Wu Jianglong saw a thick notebook and reached out to take it. Unexpectedly, Bian Yuxin snatched it, "That's my notebook, you can't read it."

Embarrassed, Wu Jianglong adjusted his mood in an instant, and said patiently, "I am the security director of this group. I am not only responsible for everyone's safety, but also responsible for our mission this time. So, I remind everyone, Do not record any words related to this operation on paper, especially the purpose and direction of our operation. Once it falls into the hands of the Vietnamese army, we will tell the enemy in advance where we are going, where, and where. At that time, it is like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth."

Bian Yuxin looked very uncomfortable.

Wu Jianglong also said, "Some people may have the habit of keeping a diary. Let me remind you that before we enter Cambodia and have no security, the writing about this aspect should be eliminated as soon as possible, not only for yourself, but also for all of us."

Wu Jianglong meant something, but it was not easy to explain.Ming said, he was worried that Bian Yuxin would quarrel with him again.

"Okay." Seeing that Wu Jianglong didn't say anything, Xu Xin added, "You all go back and check the equipment carefully again, especially our equipment, don't let others see it."

Everyone left Bian Yuxin's room one after another and returned to their own room.

When Hong Zhi and Wu Jianglong entered the room, they were shocked.

The case in which they had loaded the gun was missing.

Without saying a word, Wu Jianglong ran out of the house with a gun in hand.He thought that someone might have attacked Bian Yuxin when he and Hong Zhi entered Bian Yuxin's room, so he wanted to chase him out to have a look, maybe the perpetrator would not run too far.

When Wu Jianglong chased out of the corridor, ran across the hall, and came outside the gate, he saw that the street was empty without a single person.

Even though this is the capital of Thailand, this is a time of war. Maybe at some point, Vietnam and Thailand will fight. Therefore, from time to time, the Thai police will impose a curfew. Even if there is no curfew, people will not stay After 12 o'clock at night, I come to the street to wander, and I can't fall asleep, so I have to stay indoors.

Hong Zhi also chased after him, the two of them divided up the work, and chased for a few miles in two directions, but still no suspicious person was found.

The two had no choice but to return to the room angrily.

This is not China, but a foreign country. You cannot call the police. If you report, the police will definitely question you endlessly.When the time comes, tell the truth!Telling the truth is tantamount to exposing the action. If you don't tell me, how can someone help you find out, and besides, the lost gun can't be revealed at all.

Now, Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi had no choice but to suffer from being dumb.

Wu Jianglong and Mr. Hong Zhi couldn't fall asleep either, they lay on the bed and kept analyzing.

While the two of them were thinking wildly here, there were people guessing about their origins in another place.

In a not-so-bright room, five or six people dressed in Thai clothes were chirping about something.They speak neither Thai nor Chinese, but Vietnamese.

On a table stood Wu Jianglong's lost gun box.

The box had been opened, revealing a Type [-] sniper rifle inside.

One person said, "Since these Chinese come in with guns, they are not ordinary people, ordinary people don't have this."

Another said, "There's no war in Thailand, what are they doing with guns?"

"What else can I do, kill me!"

"Are they Chinese agents?"

A few Vietnamese chatted non-stop.

The silent middle-aged man spoke with his back to the light.

"We don't care if he is an agent or something. This is our guess. Tomorrow, you guys will continue to monitor and must find out the origins of these seven Chinese."

This voice is so familiar, it seems that we have seen it before.If you think about the Vietnam battlefield, maybe you will think of a person who once fought against Wu Jianglong and pursued him relentlessly.


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