soldier rushing forward

505.516. Breaking the neck

The bamboo building is empty, and you can see the distant scenery through the air.

Wu Jianglong panicked. He knew that if the captives escaped, who would lead the way to the home of the Vietnam Army agents?Now he kind of regrets it.

During the day, the reason why Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi didn't kill the agent was for this reason.

Hong Zhi also proposed the idea of ​​taking this agent away, but it was daytime, and two Chinese escorted a Thai man into the street in broad daylight. I don't know how many eyes they would attract, not to mention that they were neither Thai nor international. Interpol, why arrest people.What's more, if the Vietnamese agent started yelling, the two of them would be even more unreasonable, so after the two of them discussed, put him here first, and then pick it up when it is needed.

But who knew, somehow the agent ran away.

In a hurry, Wu Jianglong climbed into the bamboo building desperately.

Someone is going to ask, and everyone has run away, so what's the use of you crawling in.Since Wu Jianglong is willing to climb in, there is a reason for him to climb in.

Wu Jianglong crawled to the place where the captives had been, and reached out to touch the ground. After a while, he had a happy expression on his face.So, he hurriedly climbed out again, and said to Hong Zhi, "This kid can't run far."

"How do you know?" Hong Zhi was a little puzzled.

"The soil on the ground is still hot." Wu Jianglong said.

"Then hurry up and chase."

What Wu Jianglong said is not unreasonable.Regardless of the hot weather, the heat is also on the ground exposed to the sun. Under the bamboo building, there is no sunlight all year round, only humidity, and there are few dry places.Now, the reason this is clearly different from other locations is because someone has been lying here for a long time.

After making this judgment, the two quickly left the bamboo building.

"Instructor, you go over there, I'll go over here." In order not to waste manpower, Wu Jianglong simply divided the tasks.

Although the night is not very deep, but here is a remote place, there are no pedestrians.Furthermore, it was a Vietnamese agent who escaped. He knew that arresting others was illegal, but he was also illegal.According to the current state of embarrassment, if you really run into the police, you may be questioned and miss the truth. If you enter the Thai police station, you will have a bad life.Therefore, after he escaped, he didn't dare to walk on the main road, and only went to remote places with few people.In this way, the problem of his unfamiliarity with the place of life was quickly revealed.

In addition, there is a wound on the thigh, which was kicked by Wu Jianglong.

Any Huijiazi who has practiced kung fu has extraordinary leg and foot skills. A pole as thick as the mouth of a bowl may be broken, let alone a human thigh.The agent was able to make do when he was lying in place, but it was really difficult to wait for this run.

It is precisely because of these two difficulties that the Vietnamese agent has, so he runs very, very slowly.After a while, Wu Jianglong took aim at the shadow.

Wu Jianglong saw the black shadow in front of him from a distance.At the beginning, he didn't dare to conclude that the shadow was the agent, maybe it was someone else!Such a serious question, it is impossible to miss it.Therefore, he didn't dare to bluff loudly, and carefully touched him from behind.

When he got closer, he realized that the person in front of him was the Vietnamese agent he was looking for.

Originally, Wu Jianglong should have rushed forward and caught him on the spot.All of a sudden, he became more thoughtful, what if he couldn't come up with a confession under pressure.Kill or let go.Think about it carefully, in a crisis, neither of these two roads will work, so it is better to follow behind.

The Vietnamese agents are outsiders, and there is no home for them here. Therefore, if he can gain a foothold in Bangkok, he must have a nest. What is this nest? Of course, it is the nest of Vietnamese military agents he is looking for.

The more Wu Jianglong thought about it, the happier he became, and he almost laughed out loud.

"My son, aren't you stalking me? This time I'm also going to counter-stalk you, let's see where you can go!"

Just like that, Wu Jianglong followed quietly behind.

The Vietnamese agents dodged while walking, mainly avoiding the people who came in front, whether they were civilians or the police, he would hide, so that his advanced speed would not be fast.

Wu Jianglong, who was following behind, watched from a distance. The Vietnamese agent was fast, so he was fast, and the Vietnamese agent was slow, so was he.Therefore, the two walked around in the Hutong in the residential area one after the other.

After a while, Wu Jianglong became worried again.What was he worried about? He was worried about Hong Zhi. The captives were found, but if he lost Hong Zhi, he would be in the nest of Vietnamese agents. With his own strength, it would be difficult for him to attack Zhongnan agents.

Before he knew it, he turned his head and looked back, and he really saw something wrong with this look.

I saw another black shadow appearing more than ten meters behind him.

"Damn it, it's really the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, why is there another one coming up." He didn't expect that it was Hong Sheng who came up, and he thought it was a secret agent!

The black figure behind him was also evasive, as if he was hiding from him or the agent in front.

After the three of them walked for a while, Wu Jianglong thought that this would not work, what if this person is a Vietnamese agent.There is such a tail at the back. When the Vietnamese agent den is reached, before he can do anything, as long as the person behind shouts, he will be surrounded by the enemy.

"No, I have to kill this turtle first." Wu Jianglong thought of this, glanced at the fleeing agent in front, and then hid behind a wall, waiting for the people behind to come up.

He knew that there was a straight road in front of him now, even if he let the agent let go and run, he would not be able to run very far, and it would not be too late to chase after the one behind him was killed.

Just as Wu Jianglong covered his body, the black shadow came up from behind him. When he got close to the place where Wu Jianglong was hiding, Wu Jianglong suddenly jumped out and grabbed the man's neck at once, cursing in his mouth, and was about to use his strength At that time, I heard Sombra say:

"Let go, it's me."

After Hong Zhi got stuck, he was about to fight back.As soon as Wu Jianglong cursed, he recognized that it was Wu Jianglong's voice, so he withdrew his outstretched hand and let Wu Jianglong manipulate him.With his kung fu, it was impossible for Wu Jianglong to defeat the enemy with one move. The two of them would have to fight several times. After that, it was hard to predict who would win.Now that he knew it was Wu Jianglong who was stuck on his neck, Hong Zhi couldn't do anything.

Lian Jiazi's hands are hard, and if he strikes, he will hurt someone.So he took Wu Jianglong's card and quickly contacted him by phone.

As soon as Hong Zhi spoke, Wu Jianglong also recognized who was holding his neck:

"Instructor, how could it be you!" Wu Jianglong felt a little sorry.

"Don't ask, we'll talk about it later," Hong Zhi said eagerly, "Where are the secret agents!"

"in front of."

As he spoke, Wu Jianglong tilted his head to look.

The figure of the agent in the distance became smaller and smaller, and disappeared behind a private house in an instant.

"There, hurry up and chase."

Wu Jianglong said, and rushed forward like flying.Hong Zhi didn't dare to neglect, and followed closely behind.

In order not to let the people in front find out, the two of them dared not walk in the middle of the road, so they could only stick to the base of the wall.

What kind of wall is that?It's not today's asphalt road. Both sides of the road are bare, and there are no obstacles even at the bottom of the wall.It was Southeast Asia, and the subtropical climate made those weeds grow wildly. As long as there were gaps and no one cleaned them up often, they would grow violently.It is even more difficult to leave after someone cleans up.If you step on it, it will pierce your feet like stubble.

At this time, the two of Wu Jianglong were walking on such a ground. The most frightening thing was that neither of them was wearing hard-soled shoes, but rubber-soled yellow rubber shoes.

I don't know if young people today have seen it.In those days, this shoe was very versatile.He is the most important military shoes in the army.It is soft to wear and flexible to move.But there is one thing, his bottom is very rough.If you run on a mountain road and step on stubble, you will be punctured [-]% of the time.

Today, Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi are wearing such shoes and running on such a ground, how can they not be punctured!Of course it will be punctured.However, this is nothing to Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi.The two of them have been wearing shoes like this since they entered Vietnam in the self-defense counterattack.For so many years, Wu Jianglong still wears the same shoes whenever he has a mission, and the soles of his feet have long been hardened.

At the beginning, both of them felt pain, but they ignored it and continued to run on it. After running for a while, they didn't feel anything, maybe the grass stubble that entered the sole of the shoe was pressed back by the sole of the foot.

It was no problem for two healthy people to chase the agent with the injured leg, and soon they arrived at the place where the Vietnamese agent disappeared.

This is the entrance of an alley surrounded by dilapidated houses.I don't know if it's because there's no electricity here, or for some other reason, anyway, the alley is dark and there's not even a street light.

At this time, Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi had to be more careful.

The two men loaded the bullets of the short guns, held them flat, and searched forward carefully.

The front was pitch black, and it was unknown whether it was a trap or a high wall. The two of them could only touch the obstacles next to them and move forward step by step.

Wu Jianglong couldn't figure it out, "Could it be that the residents are so poor that they can't bear to light a lamp."

Wu Jianglong has only been here for a short time, so he doesn't know the local regulations yet.As soon as Vietnam hit the Thai border, Thailand imposed curfews in many areas, which was also a special tactic to prevent Vietnam.

Who would have imagined that Vieter got under his nose, and it was in the warning zone where the Thai side did not allow this and that, and strictly guarded against it.

The two of them separated a few steps, one in front of the other, and touched the depths of the alley.

Suddenly, Hong Zhi, who was walking behind, suddenly felt a wind in the back of his head.In desperation, he lowered his head. He didn't know what was flashing past, but he realized that someone was sneaking up.

It was too late, but soon, Hong Zhi's shining leg also kicked over.With a bang, something like a sack hit the wall heavily.

Wu Jianglong stopped and had to ask aloud, "What's the noise?"

"Someone laid an ambush." ​​As he spoke, Hong Zhi estimated where the voice fell, and rushed towards that place.

It was the agent who fell to the ground.

Not long after he entered the alley, when he turned around, he found Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi following from behind.But at this moment, he didn't know who was following behind. If he had to know that they were two genuine soldiers from China, he would definitely not do this, either running away or shouting.

He underestimated the people behind him, thinking in his heart, no matter who you are, you can't follow me. If you let the boss know that someone is coming, your life will be in danger.So, he crouched down, hid himself under a wall foundation and waited.

It was dark when he came in at first, but after staying for a long time, he could see the things in front of him clearly, which is why he has better eyesight than Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi.

He wanted to sneak ahead.But think about it, there are two people on the other side, if you hit the one in front, it will alarm the ones behind, so why not strike at the back, kill this one first, and wait for the people in front to find out, and then hit the second sap, with a double click, it will definitely solve it These two followers.

This Vietnamese agent thinks so, and does so.

Under the sudden attack, it should be a sure hit.Unexpectedly, the person he wanted to hit would be difficult to deal with. Not only did he not succeed, he was also kicked away by them.

The moment he flew up, he also wanted to shout, but before he could say it, his body hit the wall, and his neck crumpled all of a sudden, and he couldn't shout.

The reason why he couldn't shout out wasn't that his head was smashed and his mouth was smashed, but that Hong Zhi's foot kicked right on the pit of his heart.At this moment, he didn't even have the strength to breathe, so he couldn't even shout.

Since he was still alive, the agent wanted to get up from the ground.But before his body could move much, he was suppressed by Hong Zhi who rushed over.

The Vietnamese agent was in a hurry, and he was not afraid now, because he knew that this place was very close to his old den, and as long as he yelled, someone would definitely come out of the house.At that time, it will not be the world of these two people in front of me.

The Vietnamese agent opened his mouth to yell, but the yelling was not so loud, but very, very boring.The sound stopped before it had traveled far.But this tiny voice frightened Hong Zhi enough.If you let him shout out, it is impossible not to be heard in such a quiet night and such a quiet street.

Hong Zhi didn't care whether he was grabbing the body or the head of the Vietnamese agent, since the voice came from there, it meant it wasn't the stomach.

Hong Zhi's strike was really accurate, and he grabbed the Vietnamese agent's neck in one fell swoop.

"Oh, it's the neck!"

Hong Zhi had the bottom line in his mind, and then quickly moved the other hand up, and made two strokes to force it.With a click, the Vietnamese agent's neck was broken.

Your neck is broken, let's see if you can still shout!

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