soldier rushing forward

52. Strange dark castle

"The dark moon kills the night, the wind is high and the sky is set on fire. 【 】"

The enemy made full use of this invisible barrier and began to kill Chinese people wantonly.The Japanese who were blocked on the highway were shot from time to time, and some people died constantly.

Shi Zhuguo ordered a platoon to attack the enemy on the top of the mountain and regain the commanding heights.

After a platoon left, he then ordered all the firepower on the road to return fire on the enemy.

"Call me up the mountain."

After Shi Zhuguo gave an order, all kinds of firearms exploded and fired fiercely at the enemy's firepower point on the mountain.

The fourth company is used as a reinforced company, equipped with offensive firepower such as [-] mortars, recoilless guns, and flamethrowers.

The artillerymen kept filling the shells, "booming" and bombing non-stop.

The flamethrower has a short range and cannot reach the enemy on the road.So the two soldiers climbed up the mountain meanderingly.After climbing to a certain distance, he pulled the hammer and spit out the tongue of fire inside.

"Hoo, hoo!" After the two flames burst out, the wormwood immediately ignited.

As soon as the fire appeared, several enemies hidden in the grass couldn't stay still, and hurriedly jumped out of the fire field with the flames, and fled to the mountain desperately.

The back figure and the firelight matched each other, it was like four or five human torches.These Vietnamese soldiers jumped up and down.While running, he beat the flames on his body.

The soldiers couldn't help saying, and dozens of guns aimed at the enemy together.

"Da da da, pa pa pa pa"

Can't tell if it's a machine gun or a rifle.Under a burst of violent shooting, these enemies fell to the ground within three meters.

At this time, the mortars and [-] recoilless guns also played a powerful role in the enemy's positions.Expressed its power to the extreme, leading a row to charge upwards.The distance between the cannonball and the people was too close. As soon as the cannonball moved, the soldiers followed, almost to the point of fighting with bayonets.

In the crater where the shells were blown, the soldiers jumped into it before the smoke cleared.The best cooperation between man and gun does not give the enemy a chance to backfill the shooting gap.

The enemy who was about to go down the mountain was beaten and shrank back.

A row of soldiers rushed up inch by inch, and the enemy on the mountain retreated step by step.

If this enemy hadn't been nose-to-nose, the nosebleeds would splatter.Head to head, forced to be helpless.They will never give up half of the hillside to the Chinese in the blink of an eye.

The Chinese soldiers rushing forward were shot and fell to the ground from time to time.However, the front fell, and the rear immediately made up.

On the hillside there was only the sound of gunfire, cannon, and exploding grenades, but no panicked shouts.

Seeing that the enemy's position is close in front of them, with a dozen meters to go, they can take down the hillside in one fell swoop.

The platoon leader Jin Guoqiang was happy, and in order to cheer up his comrades, he made a final fight and shouted: "Comrades, go! Take down the mountain and win the final victory."

After the soldiers heard the platoon leader's shout, they stopped being silent and shouted, "Come on! Kill!"

Suddenly, a thunderous roar suddenly covered the hillside.

At this time, the hillside is no longer dull, depressing, or sad, and the dawn is ahead.As long as they break through the darkness in front of them, the brothers of Quanlian can bid farewell to death, and the light of life will return to their hands.

Seeing this situation, if that person is still not excited, then he either lost his blood, or he was too calm.

Even Shi Zhuguo shouted excitedly from the foot of the mountain, "Good job, work harder and take down the position for me."

Roaring like a storm, moving forward with the violent bullets.

Suddenly, from a row of impact routes, the three graves that were close at hand changed their shape.The upper layer of soil was lifted off, revealing three machine guns and several individual firearms of the Vietnamese army.

Three machine guns were mixed with submachine guns, and they fired at the Chinese gunmen rushing over.

"Da da da"

A burst of shooting caused the first few Chinese soldiers to fall to the ground almost at the same time.

The sudden, unexpected fire attack stunned the soldiers in an instant.It was obviously just a few soil bags, but why did they suddenly become a firepower point.The soldiers couldn't figure it out, and they didn't have time to think about it.This is not because of their carelessness, but because the enemy is too cunning and hides inconceivably.

Jin Guoqiang, the leader in the front row, was pierced by several bullets in the chest and fell to the ground immediately.After falling down, he was still clutching the grenade he was about to throw towards the top of the mountain.

Jin Guoqiang was panting with difficulty, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his throat made a weak voice, "You son of a bitch, you are so cunning, why didn't you notice it!" He regretted it, and he regretted it so much when he closed his eyes.If you can find an enemy here, you only need to flick the grenade in your hand, and the enemy in front of you will be reimbursed, how can there be such a thing.

Not only did Jin Guoqiang fall, but the two soldiers beside him also fell with him.One's neck was pierced and one's right leg was broken.

The enemy appeared so suddenly that the soldiers were not prepared for it.After being caught off guard, the attack power of the first row was weakened.The gunshots were weak, the sound was gone, and even the initiative on the battlefield was returned to the enemy.

As a result, the enemy on the mountain used firepower even more arrogantly, exerting the greatest lethal power.

The Vietnamese army is really too cunning. It is worthy of being a veteran of mountain warfare, and has made tricks that are unimaginable in conventional battles.

In response to our army's previous battles, which only focused on trenches, bunkers, and bunkers, were not strong in adaptability, and lacked experience in mountain combat, they used various imaginations in a timely manner.Let our army suffer a great loss under this dogmatic, step-by-step, single-attack combat principle.

The enemy besieging the fourth company, in addition to building trenches and deploying troops on hilltops and ditches, also set up such simple and unexpected bunkers in areas where our army may attack.

This kind of dark fort is not hidden in the ground, nor is it hidden behind rocks, but it is placed on the offensive route by Da Ming.It fully demonstrates the suddenness of "surprise and surprise".

The three bunkers hidden in the darkness, like three tombs, are quietly piled up on the hillside, motionless.Even though it was very hot up and down the mountain, he didn't hear it, and just waited for the people who passed by it.

When the soldiers were eager to win and desperately fighting for the victory in front of them, they never thought that there was a bigger murderous opportunity in front of them.

When the soldiers shouted and rushed here, the enemy did not make a sound.

The enemy hidden in the dark castle, when he saw his first guests coming, he didn't neglect at all.They quickly tore off the floating raincoats, revealed their grim faces, and shot at the soldiers.While ejaculating, my mouth was still screaming non-stop.It seems that the meaning is the same as what our soldiers shouted, it is nothing more than a swearing language.

After Jin Guoqiang fell, someone shouted to Ji Zhongyi, the squad leader, "Squad leader, the platoon leader died."

Ji Zhongyi looked back at the dozens of people following him, and took the microphone from a radio soldier: "Report to the company commander, the platoon leader died."

The walkie-talkie in Shi Zhuguo's hand trembled, and he tried his best to hide his emotions, and quickly turned his gaze to the instructor aside, "The platoon leader has sacrificed, so let Ji Zhongyi take over the duties of the platoon leader, what do you think?"

"Agreed" is indicated by the instructor.

Shi Zhuguo said loudly into the microphone: "Now you will act as the platoon leader. Take this mountain for me within 10 minutes."

"Yes" Ji Zhongyi replied without hesitation.

Don't think that being promoted from squad leader to platoon leader is an official.Don't think that becoming a cadre will turn you into a non-farmer.Don't think that you will have a future if you put on four pockets.

If you think so, you are wrong, and you are very wrong.

As a rural youth, being a soldier is not only a dream, but also an excellent springboard.At that time, more than 90.00% of an infantry company were soldiers enlisted in the countryside.It is not easy to be a squad leader, and it is even more difficult to be directly promoted from a soldier to a platoon leader.Work hard, perform hard, and do your due diligence. Even so, 90.00% of rural soldiers at [-]% will return to their hometowns after three or four years of service.It's not that the countryside is bad, but that there was a big difference between the countryside and the "citizens" at that time.So, of course it's good to dry it out.

These are in peacetime, but it is another matter on the battlefield.

According to the fine traditions of our army, cadres and role models can play a leading role on all fronts, especially on the battlefield.Often the ones who charge forward are cadres, either at the first level or platoon leaders, and the decision is generally made by the highest-ranking head of the grassroots unit.

Ji Zhongyi took the place of Jin Guoqiang acting as the leader of the platoon.At this time, he didn't have time to think about asking dry questions, non-farm questions.Instead, he was thinking desperately, thinking about how to take down the mountain as soon as possible, realize the company commander's 10-minute wish, and let the entire company get out of the enemy's encirclement.

Therefore, when he just became an acting platoon leader, what he thought about at this time was charging, fighting, and sacrifice.Although he is an acting platoon leader, he must also rush to the forefront like platoon leader Jin Guoqiang, leading the entire platoon to severely attack the enemy.

After Ji Zhongyi acted as the platoon leader, Huang Xiaoqiang, the deputy of the first squad, also acted as the first squad leader.

"Huang Xiaoqiang, lead the squad to go around. Remember, use grenades." Ji Zhongyi was the first to give the order to the squad.

Huang Xiaoqiang led his men around the front and returned to the right side of the enemy.

Ji Zhongyi then ordered the other two squads to carry out fire suppression.

On the hillside, in front of a row of positions, there was a sudden burst of gunfire, and several machine guns fired at the enemy machine guns that suddenly appeared.

After the raincoat was removed, the enemy machine gun caught the first row by surprise, but because it had no better shelter, it was quickly exposed to the firepower of the first row.This is the winning rule on the battlefield that if you can't kill me, I will definitely destroy you.

The soldiers shot upwards desperately, and the three machine guns of the enemy were weakened immediately.Then there were several explosions, probably Huang Xiaoqiang and the others succeeded.

All of a sudden, the machine gun bunker that suddenly appeared on the hillside was reimbursed.

Before the gunpowder smoke cleared, Ji Zhongyi shouted: "Come on," the first one jumped up from the ground and rushed up the mountain.

Huang Xiaoqiang, who came back from the right side, was also unambiguous. After throwing a few grenades at the enemy's machine guns, he led the whole squad towards the top of the hill at an angle.

A platoon was divided into two squads and attacked from both sides at the same time, which immediately produced great results.

Facing the rapid offensive of our army on the mountain, the enemy had to divide their firepower and suppress them separately.

The weakened firepower couldn't suppress the soldiers who were fighting the wind at all.They were like a full-throttle machine, they couldn't stop, they kept shouting and rushing forward.

The soldiers at this time can only be described as extremely brave.Only those who have been on the battlefield and have really experienced this kind of scene know what it is not to be afraid of death.At this time, the soldiers only knew how to fight hard, to fight smoothly, to fight with great joy, and to lose their helmets and armor when they beat the enemy, and they didn't care about anything else.As for the meritorious service awards and other issues, no one really thinks about it.If there is such a person, then he is not a good fighter, nor can he become a hero.

When approaching the enemy's position, the mortars on the road stopped.If you bomb again, you will blow up your own people.

As soon as the gunfire was heard, the suppressed enemies raised their heads again, and they all showed their strength and fired fiercely at the attacking crowd.

Ji Zhongyi quickly ordered to lie down, and then shouted to the soldiers, "Grenade, grenade."

As soon as the soldiers heard it, they understood that throwing grenades is our army's specialty.There is no need to wait for when.At this time, the soldiers at the front stretched out grenades and threw them at the enemy's position in a prone position.

The distance was too close, and the grenades were accurately thrown into the enemy's trenches.

After the continuous explosions, the enemy's position was completely silent, not even a humming sound.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Zhongyi shouted again, "Chong", jumped up, and was the first to rush into the trench.

At this time, there was not even a single person alive in the enemy trenches.Enemy corpses are strewn about everywhere, and fragments of bombed weapons are everywhere.

On the edge of the trench, a Vietnamese soldier was lying on an anti-aircraft machine gun, still clasping a board in his hand.See what that means, before he died, he was shooting at our army.

Beside him are two female corpses.The two dead people were staring at the sky with their eyes open in despair.

It seems that they are not reconciled, why their superiors speak unrealistically.The Chinese are not as easy to fight as they say.Moreover, the line of defense is completely laid out, and it can be broken in one attack.After preparing for an ambush for two days, the most important mountain was taken down in only 10 minutes.How will the next battle be fought?

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